
248 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2021-02-28 12:05:45 +01:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
# @ingroup util
# A script for converting a 1-bit bitmap to HEX for use in an Arduino sketch.
# The BMP format is well publicized. The byte order of the actual bitmap is a
# little unusual. The image is stored bottom to top, left to right. In addition,
# The pixel rows are rounded to DWORDS which are 4 bytes long. SO, to convert this
# to left to right, top to bottom, no byte padding. We have to do some calculations
# as we loop through the rows and bytes of the image. See below for more
# Usage:
# >>> [-i] [-r] [-n] [-d] [-x] [-w <bytes>] [-b <size-bytes>] <infile> <tablename>
# @param infile The file to convert.
# @param tablename The name of the table to create
# @param raw "-r", bitmap written as raw table [optional]
# @param invert "-i", to invert image pixel colors [optional]
# @param tablewidth "-w <bytes>, The number of characters for each row of the output table [optional]
# @param sizebytes "-b <bytes>, Bytes = 0, 1, or 2. 0 = auto. 1 = 1-byte for sizes. 2 = 2-byte sizes (big endian) [optional]
# @param named "-n", use a names structure [optional]
## @param double "-d", use double bytes rather than single ones [optional]
# @param xbm "-x", use XBM format (bits reversed in byte) [optional]
# @param version "-v", returns version number
# @author Robert Gallup 2016-02
# Author: Robert Gallup (
# License: MIT Opensource License
# Copyright 2016-2018 Robert Gallup
import sys, array, os, textwrap, math, random, argparse
class DEFAULTS(object):
VERSION = '2.3.4'
def main ():
# Default parameters
infile = ""
tablename = ""
tablewidth = 16
sizebytes = 0
invert = False
raw = False
named = False
double = False
xbm = False
version = False
# Set up parser and handle arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
# parser.add_argument ("infile", help="The BMP file(s) to convert", type=argparse.FileType('r'), nargs='+', default=['-'])
parser.add_argument ("infile", help="The BMP file(s) to convert", type=argparse.FileType('r'), nargs='*', default=['-'])
parser.add_argument ("-r", "--raw", help="Outputs all data in raw table format", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument ("-i", "--invert", help="Inverts bitmap pixels", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument ("-w", "--width", help="Output table width in hex bytes [default: 16]", type=int)
parser.add_argument ("-b", "--bytes", help="Byte width of BMP sizes: 0=auto, 1, or 2 (big endian) [default: 0]", type=int)
parser.add_argument ("-n", "--named", help="Uses named structure (" + DEFAULTS.STRUCTURE_NAME + ") for data", action="store_true")
# parser.add_argument ("-d", "--double", help="Defines data in 'words' rather than bytes", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument ("-x", "--xbm", help="Uses XBM bit order (low order bit is first pixel of byte)", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument ("-v", "--version", help="Returns the current bmp2hex version", action="store_true")
args = parser.parse_args()
# Required arguments
infile = args.infile
# Options
if args.raw:
raw = args.raw
if args.invert:
invert = args.invert
if args.width:
tablewidth = args.width
if args.bytes:
sizebytes = args.bytes % 3
if args.named:
named = args.named
# if args.double:
# double = args.double
double = False
if args.xbm:
xbm = args.xbm
if args.version:
print ('// bmp2hex version ' + DEFAULTS.VERSION)
# Output named structure, if requested
if (named):
print ('struct ' + DEFAULTS.STRUCTURE_NAME + ' {')
print (' unsigned int width;')
print (' unsigned int height;')
print (' unsigned int bitDepth;')
print (' int baseline;')
print (' ' + getDoubleType(double)[0] + 'pixel_data;')
print ('};')
print ('')
# Do the work
for f in args.infile:
if f == '-':
bmp2hex(, tablewidth, sizebytes, invert, raw, named, double, xbm)
# Utility function. Return a long int from array (little endian)
def getLONG(a, n):
return (a[n+3] * (2**24)) + (a[n+2] * (2**16)) + (a[n+1] * (2**8)) + (a[n])
# Utility function. Return an int from array (little endian)
def getINT(a, n):
return ((a[n+1] * (2**8)) + (a[n]))
# Reverses pixels in byte
def reflect(a):
r = 0
for i in range(8):
r <<= 1
r |= (a & 0x01)
a >>= 1
return (r)
# Returns as a tuple, the data type and length for double versus short data types
def getDoubleType (d):
if d:
dType = 'uint16_t' + ' *'
dLen = 2
dType = 'uint8_t' + ' *'
dLen = 1
return (dType, dLen)
# Main conversion function
def bmp2hex(infile, tablewidth, sizebytes, invert, raw, named, double, xbm):
# Set up some variables to handle the "-d" option
(pixelDataType, dataByteLength) = getDoubleType(double)
# Set the table name to the uppercase root of the file name
tablename = os.path.splitext(infile)[0].upper()
# Convert tablewidth to characters from hex bytes
tablewidth = int(tablewidth) * 6
2021-10-16 16:00:43 +02:00
# Initialize output buffer
2021-02-28 12:05:45 +01:00
outstring = ''
# Open File
fin = open(os.path.expanduser(infile), "rb")
uint8_tstoread = os.path.getsize(os.path.expanduser(infile))
valuesfromfile = array.array('B')
valuesfromfile.fromfile(fin, uint8_tstoread)
# Get bytes from file
# Exit if it's not a Windows BMP
if ((values[0] != 0x42) or (values[1] != 0x4D)):
sys.exit ("Error: Unsupported BMP format. Make sure your file is a Windows BMP.")
2021-10-16 16:00:43 +02:00
# Calculate width, height
2021-02-28 12:05:45 +01:00
dataOffset = getLONG(values, 10) # Offset to image data
pixelWidth = getLONG(values, 18) # Width of image
pixelHeight = getLONG(values, 22) # Height of image
bitDepth = getINT (values, 28) # Bits per pixel
dataSize = getLONG(values, 34) # Size of raw data
# Calculate line width in bytes and padded byte width (each row is padded to 4-byte multiples)
byteWidth = int(math.ceil(float(pixelWidth * bitDepth)/8.0))
paddedWidth = int(math.ceil(float(byteWidth)/4.0)*4.0)
# For auto (sizebytes = 0), set sizebytes to 1 or 2, depending on size of the bitmap
if (sizebytes==0):
if (pixelWidth>255) or (pixelHeight>255):
sizebytes = 2
sizebytes = 1
# The invert byte is set based on the invert command line flag (but, the logic is reversed for 1-bit files)
invertbyte = 0xFF if invert else 0x00
if (bitDepth == 1):
invertbyte = invertbyte ^ 0xFF
# Output the hex table declaration
# With "raw" output, output just an array of chars
if (raw):
# Output the data declaration
print ('PROGMEM unsigned char const ' + tablename + ' [] = {')
# Output the size of the BMP
if (not (sizebytes%2)):
print ("{0:#04X}".format((pixelWidth>>8) & 0xFF) + ", " + "{0:#04X}".format(pixelWidth & 0xFF) + ", " + \
"{0:#04X}".format((pixelHeight>>8) & 0xFF) + ", " + "{0:#04X}".format(pixelHeight & 0xFF) + ",")
print ("{0:#04X}".format(pixelWidth & 0xFF) + ", " + "{0:#04X}".format(pixelHeight & 0xFF) + ",")
elif (named):
print ('PROGMEM ' + getDoubleType(double)[0] + ' const ' + tablename + '_PIXELS[] = {')
elif (xbm):
print ('#define ' + tablename + '_width ' + str(pixelWidth))
print ('#define ' + tablename + '_height ' + str(pixelHeight))
print ('PROGMEM ' + getDoubleType(double)[0] + ' const ' + tablename + '_bits[] = {')
print ('PROGMEM const struct {')
print (' unsigned int width;')
print (' unsigned int height;')
print (' unsigned int bitDepth;')
print (' ' + pixelDataType + 'pixel_data[{0}];'.format(byteWidth * pixelHeight / dataByteLength))
print ('} ' + tablename + ' = {')
print ('{0}, {1}, {2}, {{'.format(pixelWidth, pixelHeight, bitDepth))
# Generate HEX bytes for pixel data in output buffer
for i in range(pixelHeight):
for j in range (byteWidth):
ndx = dataOffset + ((pixelHeight-1-i) * paddedWidth) + j
v = values[ndx] ^ invertbyte
if (xbm):
v = reflect(v)
# print ("{0:#04x}".format(v))
outstring += "{0:#04x}".format(v) + ", "
# Wrap the output buffer. Print. Then, finish.
outstring = textwrap.fill(outstring[:-2], tablewidth)
print (outstring)
if (named):
print ('};')
print (DEFAULTS.STRUCTURE_NAME + ' const ' + tablename + ' = {{{0}, {1}, {2}, 0, '.format(pixelWidth, pixelHeight, bitDepth) + \
pixelDataType + tablename + "_PIXELS};\n\n")
if (not (raw or xbm)):
print ("}")
print ("};")
# Only run if launched from commandline
if __name__ == '__main__': main()