/* _ _ _ ____ ___ ____ _ / \ | | | | _ \ / _ \| _ \ / \ / _ \ | | | | |_) | | | | |_) | / _ \ / ___ \| |_| | _ <| |_| | _ < / ___ \ /_/ \_\\___/|_| \_\\___/|_| \_\/_/ \_\ ____ _____ __ __ ___ | _ \| ____| \/ |/ _ \ | | | | _| | |\/| | | | | | |_| | |___| | | | |_| | |____/|_____|_| |_|\___/ Description: * This demonstrates a combination of the following libraries two: - "ESP32-HUB75-MatrixPanel-DMA" to send pixel data to the physical panels in combination with its in-built "VirtualMatrix" class which used to create a virtual display of chained panels, so the graphical effects of the Aurora demonstration can be shown on a 'bigger' grid of physical panels acting as one big display. - "GFX_Lite" to provide a simple graphics library for drawing on the virtual display. GFX_Lite is a fork of AdaFruitGFX and FastLED library combined together, with a focus on simplicity and ease of use. */ #define USE_GFX_LITE 1 #include /***************************************************************************************************************************/ // Step 1) Provide the size of each individual physical panel LED Matrix panel that is chained (or not) together #define PANEL_RES_X 64 // Number of pixels wide of each INDIVIDUAL panel module. #define PANEL_RES_Y 32 // Number of pixels tall of each INDIVIDUAL panel module. // Step 2) Provide details of the physical panel chaining that is in place. #define NUM_ROWS 2 // Number of rows of chained INDIVIDUAL PANELS #define NUM_COLS 1 // Number of INDIVIDUAL PANELS per ROW #define PANEL_CHAIN NUM_ROWS*NUM_COLS // total number of panels chained one to another // Step 3) How are the panels chained together? #define PANEL_CHAIN_TYPE CHAIN_TOP_RIGHT_DOWN // Refer to: https://github.com/mrcodetastic/ESP32-HUB75-MatrixPanel-DMA/tree/master/examples/VirtualMatrixPanel // and: https://github.com/mrcodetastic/ESP32-HUB75-MatrixPanel-DMA/blob/master/doc/VirtualMatrixPanel.pdf // Virtual Panel dimensions - our combined panel would be a square 4x4 modules with a combined resolution of 128x128 pixels #define VPANEL_W PANEL_RES_X*NUM_COLS // Kosso: All Pattern files have had the MATRIX_WIDTH and MATRIX_HEIGHT replaced by these. #define VPANEL_H PANEL_RES_Y*NUM_ROWS // /***************************************************************************************************************************/ // The palettes are set to change every 60 seconds. int lastPattern = 0; // placeholder for the matrix object MatrixPanel_I2S_DMA *matrix = nullptr; // placeholder for the virtual display object VirtualMatrixPanel *virtualDisp = nullptr; // Aurora related #include "Effects.h" Effects effects; #include "Drawable.h" #include "Playlist.h" #include "Geometry.h" #include "Patterns.h" Patterns patterns; /* -------------------------- Some variables -------------------------- */ unsigned long ms_current = 0; unsigned long ms_previous = 0; unsigned long ms_animation_max_duration = 20000; // 10 seconds unsigned long next_frame = 0; void listPatterns(); void setup() { // Setup serial interface Serial.begin(115200); delay(250); // Configure your matrix setup here HUB75_I2S_CFG mxconfig(PANEL_RES_X, PANEL_RES_Y, PANEL_CHAIN); // custom pin mapping (if required) //HUB75_I2S_CFG::i2s_pins _pins={R1, G1, BL1, R2, G2, BL2, CH_A, CH_B, CH_C, CH_D, CH_E, LAT, OE, CLK}; //mxconfig.gpio = _pins; // in case that we use panels based on FM6126A chip, we can change that //mxconfig.driver = HUB75_I2S_CFG::FM6126A; // FM6126A panels could be cloked at 20MHz with no visual artefacts // mxconfig.i2sspeed = HUB75_I2S_CFG::HZ_20M; // OK, now we can create our matrix object matrix = new MatrixPanel_I2S_DMA(mxconfig); // Allocate memory and start DMA display if( not matrix->begin() ) Serial.println("****** !KABOOM! I2S memory allocation failed ***********"); // let's adjust default brightness to about 75% matrix->setBrightness8(192); // range is 0-255, 0 - 0%, 255 - 100% // create VirtualDisplay object based on our newly created dma_display object virtualDisp = new VirtualMatrixPanel((*matrix), NUM_ROWS, NUM_COLS, PANEL_RES_X, PANEL_RES_Y, PANEL_CHAIN_TYPE); Serial.println("**************** Starting Aurora Effects Demo ****************"); Serial.print("MATRIX_WIDTH: "); Serial.println(PANEL_RES_X*PANEL_CHAIN); Serial.print("MATRIX_HEIGHT: "); Serial.println(PANEL_RES_Y); #ifdef VPANEL_W Serial.println("VIRTUAL PANEL WIDTH " + String(VPANEL_W)); Serial.println("VIRTUAL PANEL HEIGHT " + String(VPANEL_H)); #endif // setup the effects generator effects.Setup(); delay(500); Serial.println("Effects being loaded: "); listPatterns(); Serial.println("LastPattern index: " + String(lastPattern)); patterns.setPattern(lastPattern); // // simple noise patterns.start(); Serial.print("Starting with pattern: "); Serial.println(patterns.getCurrentPatternName()); } void patternAdvance(){ // Go to next pattern in the list (se Patterns.h) patterns.stop(); patterns.moveRandom(1); //patterns.move(1); patterns.start(); // Select a random palette as well effects.RandomPalette(); Serial.print("Changing pattern to: "); Serial.println(patterns.getCurrentPatternName()); } void loop() { ms_current = millis(); if ( (ms_current - ms_previous) > ms_animation_max_duration ) { patternAdvance(); // just auto-change the palette effects.RandomPalette(); ms_previous = ms_current; } if ( next_frame < ms_current) next_frame = patterns.drawFrame() + ms_current; } void listPatterns() { patterns.listPatterns(); }