mrfaptastic 0749fa4193 Update to 2.0.0
Also known as the @vortigont release! Hooray!
2021-02-10 15:49:19 +00:00

157 lines
4.7 KiB

* An example that writes to a CRGB FastLED pixel buffer before being ultimately sent
* to the DMA Display.
* Faptastic 2020
* Note:
* * Layers use lots of RAM (3*WIDTH*HEIGHT bytes per layer to be precise), so use at your own risk.
* * Make sure LAYER_WIDTH and LAYER_HEIGHT are correctly configured in Layer.h !!!
//#define USE_CUSTOM_PINS // uncomment to use custom pins, then provide below
#define A_PIN 26
#define B_PIN 4
#define C_PIN 27
#define D_PIN 2
#define E_PIN 21
#define R1_PIN 5
#define R2_PIN 19
#define G1_PIN 17
#define G2_PIN 16
#define B1_PIN 18
#define B2_PIN 25
#define CLK_PIN 14
#define LAT_PIN 15
#define OE_PIN 13
#include <FastLED.h> // FastLED needs to be installed.
#include "Layer.h" // Layer Library
#include "Fonts/FreeSansBold9pt7b.h" // include adafruit font
* Below is an is the 'legacy' way of initialising the MatrixPanel_I2S_DMA class.
* i.e. MATRIX_WIDTH and MATRIX_HEIGHT are modified by compile-time directives.
* By default the library assumes a single 64x32 pixel panel is connected.
* Refer to the example '2_PatternPlasma' on the new / correct way to setup this library
* for different resolutions / panel chain lengths within the sketch 'setup()'.
MatrixPanel_I2S_DMA dma_display; // Create HUB75 DMA object
// Create FastLED based graphic 'layers'
Layer bgLayer(dma_display); // Create background Layer
Layer textLayer(dma_display); // Create foreground Layer
int time_counter = 0;
int cycles = 0;
CRGBPalette16 currentPalette;
CRGB currentColor;
CRGB ColorFromCurrentPalette(uint8_t index = 0, uint8_t brightness = 255, TBlendType blendType = LINEARBLEND) {
return ColorFromPalette(currentPalette, index, brightness, blendType);
void setup() {
Serial.println(" HELLO !");
dma_display.begin(R1_PIN, G1_PIN, B1_PIN, R2_PIN, G2_PIN, B2_PIN, A_PIN, B_PIN, C_PIN, D_PIN, E_PIN, LAT_PIN, OE_PIN, CLK_PIN ); // setup the LED matrix
// fill the screen with 'black'
dma_display.fillScreen(dma_display.color444(0, 0, 0));
// Set current FastLED palette
currentPalette = RainbowColors_p;
// Allocate Background Layer
// Allocate Canvas Layer
/* Step 1: Write some pixels to foreground Layer (use custom layer function)
* Only need to do this once as we're not changing it ever again in this example.
textLayer.drawCentreText("COOL!", MIDDLE, &FreeSansBold9pt7b, CRGB(255,255,255));
textLayer.autoCenterX(); // because I don't trust AdaFruit to perfectly place the contents in the middle
int LayerCompositor_mode = 0;
void loop() {
for (int x = 0; x < dma_display.width(); x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < dma_display.height(); y++) {
int16_t v = 0;
uint8_t wibble = sin8(time_counter);
v += sin16(x * wibble * 3 + time_counter);
v += cos16(y * (128 - wibble) + time_counter);
v += sin16(y * x * cos8(-time_counter) / 8);
currentColor = ColorFromPalette(currentPalette, (v >> 8) + 127); //, brightness, currentBlendType);
* Step 2: Write to Background layer! Don't show it on the screen just yet.
* Note: Layer class is designed for FastLED 'CRGB' data type.
bgLayer.drawPixel(x, y, currentColor);
time_counter += 1;
if (cycles >= 2048) {
time_counter = 0;
cycles = 0;
* Step 3: Merge foreground and background layers and send to the matrix panel!
* Use our special sauce LayerCompositor functions
switch (LayerCompositor_mode)
case 0:
LayerCompositor::Siloette(dma_display, bgLayer, textLayer);
case 1:
LayerCompositor::Stack(dma_display, bgLayer, textLayer);
case 2:
LayerCompositor::Blend(dma_display, bgLayer, textLayer);
EVERY_N_SECONDS(5) { // FastLED Macro
if (LayerCompositor_mode > 2) LayerCompositor_mode = 0;
// LayerCompositor::Blend(dma_display, bgLayer, textLayer, 127);
} // end loop