2018-10-25 23:49:41 +01:00

148 lines
4.4 KiB

#ifndef _GIFDECODER_H_
#define _GIFDECODER_H_
#include <stdint.h>
#include <Arduino.h>
typedef void (*callback)(void);
typedef void (*pixel_callback)(int16_t x, int16_t y, uint8_t red, uint8_t green, uint8_t blue);
typedef void* (*get_buffer_callback)(void);
typedef bool (*file_seek_callback)(unsigned long position);
typedef unsigned long (*file_position_callback)(void);
typedef int (*file_read_callback)(void);
typedef int (*file_read_block_callback)(void * buffer, int numberOfBytes);
// LZW constants
// NOTE: LZW_MAXBITS should be set to 10 or 11 for small displays, 12 for large displays
// all 32x32-pixel GIFs tested work with 11, most work with 10
// LZW_MAXBITS = 12 will support all GIFs, but takes 16kB RAM
#define LZW_SIZTABLE (1 << lzwMaxBits)
template <int maxGifWidth, int maxGifHeight, int lzwMaxBits>
class GifDecoder {
int startDecoding(void);
int decodeFrame(void);
void setScreenClearCallback(callback f);
void setUpdateScreenCallback(callback f);
void setDrawPixelCallback(pixel_callback f);
void setStartDrawingCallback(callback f);
void setFileSeekCallback(file_seek_callback f);
void setFilePositionCallback(file_position_callback f);
void setFileReadCallback(file_read_callback f);
void setFileReadBlockCallback(file_read_block_callback f);
void parseTableBasedImage(void);
void decompressAndDisplayFrame(unsigned long filePositionAfter);
int parseData(void);
int parseGIFFileTerminator(void);
void parseCommentExtension(void);
void parseApplicationExtension(void);
void parseGraphicControlExtension(void);
void parsePlainTextExtension(void);
void parseGlobalColorTable(void);
void parseLogicalScreenDescriptor(void);
bool parseGifHeader(void);
void copyImageDataRect(uint8_t *dst, uint8_t *src, int x, int y, int width, int height);
void fillImageData(uint8_t colorIndex);
void fillImageDataRect(uint8_t colorIndex, int x, int y, int width, int height);
int readIntoBuffer(void *buffer, int numberOfBytes);
int readWord(void);
void backUpStream(int n);
int readByte(void);
void lzw_decode_init(int csize);
int lzw_decode(uint8_t *buf, int len, uint8_t *bufend);
void lzw_setTempBuffer(uint8_t * tempBuffer);
int lzw_get_code(void);
// Logical screen descriptor attributes
int lsdWidth;
int lsdHeight;
int lsdPackedField;
int lsdAspectRatio;
int lsdBackgroundIndex;
// Table based image attributes
int tbiImageX;
int tbiImageY;
int tbiWidth;
int tbiHeight;
int tbiPackedBits;
bool tbiInterlaced;
int frameDelay;
int transparentColorIndex;
int prevBackgroundIndex;
int prevDisposalMethod;
int disposalMethod;
int lzwCodeSize;
bool keyFrame;
int rectX;
int rectY;
int rectWidth;
int rectHeight;
unsigned long nextFrameTime_ms;
int colorCount;
rgb_24 palette[256];
char tempBuffer[260];
// Buffer image data is decoded into
uint8_t imageData[maxGifWidth * maxGifHeight];
// Backup image data buffer for saving portions of image disposal method == 3
uint8_t imageDataBU[maxGifWidth * maxGifHeight];
callback screenClearCallback;
callback updateScreenCallback;
pixel_callback drawPixelCallback;
callback startDrawingCallback;
file_seek_callback fileSeekCallback;
file_position_callback filePositionCallback;
file_read_callback fileReadCallback;
file_read_block_callback fileReadBlockCallback;
// LZW variables
int bbits;
int bbuf;
int cursize; // The current code size
int curmask;
int codesize;
int clear_code;
int end_code;
int newcodes; // First available code
int top_slot; // Highest code for current size
int extra_slot;
int slot; // Last read code
int fc, oc;
int bs; // Current buffer size for GIF
int bcnt;
uint8_t *sp;
uint8_t * temp_buffer;
uint8_t stack [LZW_SIZTABLE];
uint8_t suffix [LZW_SIZTABLE];
uint16_t prefix [LZW_SIZTABLE];
// Masks for 0 .. 16 bits
unsigned int mask[17] = {
0x0000, 0x0001, 0x0003, 0x0007,
0x000F, 0x001F, 0x003F, 0x007F,
0x00FF, 0x01FF, 0x03FF, 0x07FF,
0x0FFF, 0x1FFF, 0x3FFF, 0x7FFF,
#include "GifDecoder_Impl.h"
#include "LzwDecoder_Impl.h"