2023-02-09 22:52:31 +08:00

1028 lines
42 KiB

#include "ESP32-HUB75-MatrixPanel-I2S-DMA.h"
#if defined(SPIRAM_DMA_BUFFER)
// Sprite_TM saves the day again...
#include "rom/cache.h"
/* This replicates same function in rowBitStruct, but due to induced inlining it might be MUCH faster
* when used in tight loops while method from struct could be flushed out of instruction cache between
* loop cycles do NOT forget about buff_id param if using this.
#define getRowDataPtr(row, _dpth, buff_id) &(dma_buff.rowBits[row]->data[_dpth * dma_buff.rowBits[row]->width + buff_id*(dma_buff.rowBits[row]->width * dma_buff.rowBits[row]->colour_depth)])
/* We need to update the correct uint16_t in the rowBitStruct array, that gets sent out in parallel
* 16 bit parallel mode - Save the calculated value to the bitplane memory in reverse order to account for I2S Tx FIFO mode1 ordering
* Irrelevant for ESP32-S2 the way the FIFO ordering works is different - refer to page 679 of S2 technical reference manual
#if defined (ESP32_THE_ORIG)
#define ESP32_TX_FIFO_POSITION_ADJUST(x_coord) (((x_coord) & 1U) ? (x_coord-1):(x_coord+1))
#define ESP32_TX_FIFO_POSITION_ADJUST(x_coord) x_coord
/* This library is designed to take an 8 bit / 1 byte value (0-255) for each R G B colour sub-pixel.
* The PIXEL_COLOR_DEPTH_BITS should always be '8' as a result.
* However, if the library is to be used with lower colour depth (i.e. 6 bit colour), then we need to ensure the 8-bit value passed to the colour masking
* is adjusted accordingly to ensure the LSB's are shifted left to MSB, by the difference. Otherwise the colours will be all screwed up.
#error "Color depth bits cannot be greater than 12."
#error "Color depth bits cannot be less than 2."
#define PIXEL_COLOR_MASK_BIT(color_depth_index) (1 << (color_depth_index + MASK_OFFSET))
//static constexpr uint8_t const MASK_OFFSET = 8-PIXEL_COLOUR_DEPTH_BITS;
uint8_t mask = (1 << (colour_depth_idx+MASK_OFFSET)); // expect 24 bit colour (8 bits per RGB subpixel)
uint8_t mask = (1 << (colour_depth_idx)); // expect 24 bit colour (8 bits per RGB subpixel)
bool MatrixPanel_I2S_DMA::allocateDMAmemory()
ESP_LOGI("I2S-DMA", "Free heap: %d", heap_caps_get_free_size(MALLOC_CAP_INTERNAL));
ESP_LOGI("I2S-DMA", "Free SPIRAM: %d", heap_caps_get_free_size(MALLOC_CAP_SPIRAM));
// Alright, theoretically we should be OK, so let us do this, so
// lets allocate a chunk of memory for each row (a row could span multiple panels if chaining is in place)
// iterate through number of rows, allocate memory for each
size_t allocated_fb_memory = 0;
for (int malloc_num =0; malloc_num < ROWS_PER_FRAME; ++malloc_num)
auto ptr = std::make_shared<rowBitStruct>(PIXELS_PER_ROW, PIXEL_COLOR_DEPTH_BITS, m_cfg.double_buff);
if (ptr->data == nullptr)
ESP_LOGE("I2S-DMA", "CRITICAL ERROR: Not enough memory for requested colour depth! Please reduce PIXEL_COLOR_DEPTH_BITS value.\r\n");
ESP_LOGE("I2S-DMA", "Could not allocate rowBitStruct %d!.\r\n", malloc_num);
return false;
// TODO: should we release all previous rowBitStructs here???
allocated_fb_memory += ptr->size();
dma_buff.rowBits.emplace_back(ptr); // save new rowBitStruct into rows vector
ESP_LOGI("I2S-DMA", "Allocating %d bytes memory for DMA BCM framebuffer(s).", allocated_fb_memory);
// calculate the lowest LSBMSB_TRANSITION_BIT value that will fit in memory that will meet or exceed the configured refresh rate
#if !defined(FORCE_COLOR_DEPTH)
ESP_LOGI("I2S-DMA", "Minimum visual refresh rate (scan rate from panel top to bottom) requested: %d Hz", m_cfg.min_refresh_rate);
while(1) {
int psPerClock = 1000000000000UL/m_cfg.i2sspeed;
int nsPerLatch = ((PIXELS_PER_ROW + CLKS_DURING_LATCH) * psPerClock) / 1000;
// add time to shift out LSBs + LSB-MSB transition bit - this ignores fractions...
int nsPerRow = PIXEL_COLOR_DEPTH_BITS * nsPerLatch;
// add time to shift out MSBs
for(int i=lsbMsbTransitionBit + 1; i<PIXEL_COLOR_DEPTH_BITS; i++)
nsPerRow += (1<<(i - lsbMsbTransitionBit - 1)) * (PIXEL_COLOR_DEPTH_BITS - i) * nsPerLatch;
int nsPerFrame = nsPerRow * ROWS_PER_FRAME;
int actualRefreshRate = 1000000000UL/(nsPerFrame);
calculated_refresh_rate = actualRefreshRate;
ESP_LOGW("I2S-DMA", "lsbMsbTransitionBit of %d gives %d Hz refresh rate.", lsbMsbTransitionBit, actualRefreshRate);
if (actualRefreshRate > m_cfg.min_refresh_rate)
if(lsbMsbTransitionBit < PIXEL_COLOR_DEPTH_BITS - 1)
if ( lsbMsbTransitionBit > 0 )
ESP_LOGW("I2S-DMA", "lsbMsbTransitionBit of %d used to achieve refresh rate of %d Hz. Percieved colour depth to the eye may be reduced.", lsbMsbTransitionBit, m_cfg.min_refresh_rate);
* Step 2a: lsbMsbTransition bit is now finalised - recalculate the DMA descriptor count required, which is used for
* memory allocation of the DMA linked list memory structure.
int numDMAdescriptorsPerRow = 1;
for(int i=lsbMsbTransitionBit + 1; i<PIXEL_COLOR_DEPTH_BITS; i++) {
numDMAdescriptorsPerRow += (1<<(i - lsbMsbTransitionBit - 1));
ESP_LOGI("I2S-DMA", "Recalculated number of DMA descriptors per row: %d", numDMAdescriptorsPerRow);
// Refer to 'DMA_LL_PAYLOAD_SPLIT' code in configureDMA() below to understand why this exists.
// numDMAdescriptorsPerRow is also used to calculate descount which is super important in i2s_parallel_config_t SoC DMA setup.
if ( dma_buff.rowBits[0]->size() > DMA_MAX )
ESP_LOGW("I2S-DMA", "rowBits struct is too large to fit in one DMA transfer payload, splitting required. Adding %d DMA descriptors\n", PIXEL_COLOR_DEPTH_BITS-1);
numDMAdescriptorsPerRow += PIXEL_COLOR_DEPTH_BITS-1;
// Note: If numDMAdescriptorsPerRow is even just one descriptor too large, DMA linked list will not correctly loop.
* Step 3: Allocate memory for DMA linked list, linking up each framebuffer row in sequence for GPIO output.
// malloc the DMA linked list descriptors that i2s_parallel will need
desccount = numDMAdescriptorsPerRow * ROWS_PER_FRAME;
if (m_cfg.double_buff)
// Just os we know
initialized = true;
return true;
} // end allocateDMAmemory()
void MatrixPanel_I2S_DMA::configureDMA(const HUB75_I2S_CFG& _cfg)
// lldesc_t *previous_dmadesc_a = 0;
// lldesc_t *previous_dmadesc_b = 0;
int current_dmadescriptor_offset = 0;
// HACK: If we need to split the payload in 1/2 so that it doesn't breach DMA_MAX, lets do it by the colour_depth.
int num_dma_payload_colour_depths = PIXEL_COLOR_DEPTH_BITS;
if ( dma_buff.rowBits[0]->size() > DMA_MAX ) {
num_dma_payload_colour_depths = 1;
// Fill DMA linked lists for both frames (as in, halves of the HUB75 panel) and if double buffering is enabled, link it up for both buffers.
for(int row = 0; row < ROWS_PER_FRAME; row++)
// first set of data is LSB through MSB, single pass (IF TOTAL SIZE < DMA_MAX) - all colour bits are displayed once, which takes care of everything below and including LSBMSB_TRANSITION_BIT
// NOTE: size must be less than DMA_MAX - worst case for library: 16-bpp with 256 pixels per row would exceed this, need to break into two
//link_dma_desc(&dmadesc_a[current_dmadescriptor_offset], previous_dmadesc_a, dma_buff.rowBits[row]->getDataPtr(), dma_buff.rowBits[row]->size(num_dma_payload_colour_depths));
// previous_dmadesc_a = &dmadesc_a[current_dmadescriptor_offset];
dma_bus.create_dma_desc_link(dma_buff.rowBits[row]->getDataPtr(0, 0), dma_buff.rowBits[row]->size(num_dma_payload_colour_depths), false);
if (m_cfg.double_buff)
dma_bus.create_dma_desc_link(dma_buff.rowBits[row]->getDataPtr(0, 1), dma_buff.rowBits[row]->size(num_dma_payload_colour_depths), true);
// If the number of pixels per row is too great for the size of a DMA payload, so we need to split what we were going to send above.
if ( dma_buff.rowBits[0]->size() > DMA_MAX )
for (int cd = 1; cd < PIXEL_COLOR_DEPTH_BITS; cd++)
dma_bus.create_dma_desc_link(dma_buff.rowBits[row]->getDataPtr(cd, 0), dma_buff.rowBits[row]->size(num_dma_payload_colour_depths), false);
if (m_cfg.double_buff) {
dma_bus.create_dma_desc_link(dma_buff.rowBits[row]->getDataPtr(cd, 1), dma_buff.rowBits[row]->size(num_dma_payload_colour_depths), true);
} // additional linked list items
} // row depth struct
for(int i=lsbMsbTransitionBit + 1; i<PIXEL_COLOR_DEPTH_BITS; i++)
// binary time division setup: we need 2 of bit (LSBMSB_TRANSITION_BIT + 1) four of (LSBMSB_TRANSITION_BIT + 2), etc
// because we sweep through to MSB each time, it divides the number of times we have to sweep in half (saving linked list RAM)
// we need 2^(i - LSBMSB_TRANSITION_BIT - 1) == 1 << (i - LSBMSB_TRANSITION_BIT - 1) passes from i to MSB
for(int k=0; k < (1<<(i - lsbMsbTransitionBit - 1)); k++)
dma_bus.create_dma_desc_link(dma_buff.rowBits[row]->getDataPtr(i, 0), dma_buff.rowBits[row]->size(PIXEL_COLOR_DEPTH_BITS - i), false);
if (m_cfg.double_buff) {
dma_bus.create_dma_desc_link(dma_buff.rowBits[row]->getDataPtr(i, 1), dma_buff.rowBits[row]->size(PIXEL_COLOR_DEPTH_BITS - i), true );
} // end colour depth ^ 2 linked list
} // end colour depth loop
} // end frame rows
ESP_LOGI("I2S-DMA", "%d DMA descriptors linked to buffer data.", current_dmadescriptor_offset);
// Setup DMA and Output to GPIO
auto bus_cfg = dma_bus.config(); // バス設定用の構造体を取得します。
bus_cfg.bus_freq = _cfg.i2sspeed;
bus_cfg.pin_wr = m_cfg.gpio.clk; // WR を接続しているピン番号
bus_cfg.pin_d0 = m_cfg.gpio.r1;
bus_cfg.pin_d1 = m_cfg.gpio.g1;
bus_cfg.pin_d2 = m_cfg.gpio.b1;
bus_cfg.pin_d3 = m_cfg.gpio.r2;
bus_cfg.pin_d4 = m_cfg.gpio.g2;
bus_cfg.pin_d5 = m_cfg.gpio.b2;
bus_cfg.pin_d6 =;
bus_cfg.pin_d7 = m_cfg.gpio.oe;
bus_cfg.pin_d8 = m_cfg.gpio.a;
bus_cfg.pin_d9 = m_cfg.gpio.b;
bus_cfg.pin_d10 = m_cfg.gpio.c;
bus_cfg.pin_d11 = m_cfg.gpio.d;
bus_cfg.pin_d12 = m_cfg.gpio.e;
bus_cfg.pin_d13 = -1;
bus_cfg.pin_d14 = -1;
bus_cfg.pin_d15 = -1;
#if defined(SPIRAM_DMA_BUFFER)
bus_cfg.psram_clk_override = true;
flipDMABuffer(); // display back buffer 0, draw to 1, ignored if double buffering isn't enabled.
//i2s_parallel_send_dma(ESP32_I2S_DEVICE, &dmadesc_a[0]);
ESP_LOGI("I2S-DMA", "DMA setup completed");
} // end initMatrixDMABuff
/* There are 'bits' set in the frameStruct that we simply don't need to set every single time we change a pixel / DMA buffer co-ordinate.
* For example, the bits that determine the address lines, we don't need to set these every time. Once they're in place, and assuming we
* don't accidentally clear them, then we don't need to set them again.
* So to save processing, we strip this logic out to the absolute bare minimum, which is toggling only the R,G,B pixels (bits) per co-ord.
* Critical dependency: That 'updateMatrixDMABuffer(uint8_t red, uint8_t green, uint8_t blue)' has been run at least once over the
* entire frameBuffer to ensure all the non R,G,B bitmasks are in place (i.e. like OE, Address Lines etc.)
* Note: If you change the brightness with setBrightness() you MUST then clearScreen() and repaint / flush the entire framebuffer.
/** @brief - Update pixel at specific co-ordinate in the DMA buffer
* this is the main method used to update DMA buffer on pixel-by-pixel level so it must be fast, real fast!
* Let's put it into IRAM to avoid situations when it could be flushed out of instruction cache
* and had to be read from spi-flash over and over again.
* Yes, it is always a tradeoff between memory/speed/size, but compared to DMA-buffer size is not a big deal
* Note: Cannot pass a negative co-ord as it makes no sense in the DMA bit array lookup.
void IRAM_ATTR MatrixPanel_I2S_DMA::updateMatrixDMABuffer(uint16_t x_coord, uint16_t y_coord, uint8_t red, uint8_t green, uint8_t blue)
if ( !initialized ) return;
/* 1) Check that the co-ordinates are within range, or it'll break everything big time.
* Valid co-ordinates are from 0 to (MATRIX_XXXX-1)
if ( x_coord >= PIXELS_PER_ROW || y_coord >= m_cfg.mx_height) {
/* LED Brightness Compensation. Because if we do a basic "red & mask" for example,
* we'll NEVER send the dimmest possible colour, due to binary skew.
* i.e. It's almost impossible for colour_depth_idx of 0 to be sent out to the MATRIX unless the 'value' of a colour is exactly '1'
uint16_t red16, green16, blue16;
#ifndef NO_CIE1931
red16 = lumConvTab[red];
green16 = lumConvTab[green];
blue16 = lumConvTab[blue];
red16 = red << 8;
green16 = green << 8;
blue16 = blue << 8;
/* When using the drawPixel, we are obviously only changing the value of one x,y position,
* however, the two-scan panels paint TWO lines at the same time
* and this reflects the parallel in-DMA-memory data structure of uint16_t's that are getting
* pumped out at high speed.
* So we need to ensure we persist the bits (8 of them) of the uint16_t for the row we aren't changing.
* The DMA buffer order has also been reversed (refer to the last code in this function)
* so we have to check for this and check the correct position of the MATRIX_DATA_STORAGE_TYPE
* data.
#if defined (ESP32_THE_ORIG)
// We need to update the correct uint16_t in the rowBitStruct array, that gets sent out in parallel
// 16 bit parallel mode - Save the calculated value to the bitplane memory in reverse order to account for I2S Tx FIFO mode1 ordering
// Irrelevant for ESP32-S2 the way the FIFO ordering works is different - refer to page 679 of S2 technical reference manual
x_coord & 1U ? --x_coord : ++x_coord;
x_coord = ESP32_TX_FIFO_POSITION_ADJUST(x_coord);
uint16_t _colourbitclear = BITMASK_RGB1_CLEAR, _colourbitoffset = 0;
if (y_coord >= ROWS_PER_FRAME){ // if we are drawing to the bottom part of the panel
_colourbitoffset = BITS_RGB2_OFFSET;
_colourbitclear = BITMASK_RGB2_CLEAR;
y_coord -= ROWS_PER_FRAME;
// Iterating through colour depth bits, which we assume are 8 bits per RGB subpixel (24bpp)
uint8_t colour_depth_idx = PIXEL_COLOR_DEPTH_BITS;
do {
// uint8_t mask = (1 << (colour_depth_idx COLOR_DEPTH_LESS_THAN_8BIT_ADJUST)); // expect 24 bit colour (8 bits per RGB subpixel)
uint8_t mask = (1 << (colour_depth_idx+MASK_OFFSET)); // expect 24 bit colour (8 bits per RGB subpixel)
uint8_t mask = (1 << (colour_depth_idx)); // expect 24 bit color (8 bits per RGB subpixel)
uint16_t mask = PIXEL_COLOR_MASK_BIT(colour_depth_idx);
uint16_t RGB_output_bits = 0;
/* Per the .h file, the order of the output RGB bits is:
* BIT_B2, BIT_G2, BIT_R2, BIT_B1, BIT_G1, BIT_R1 */
RGB_output_bits |= (bool)(blue16 & mask); // --B
RGB_output_bits <<= 1;
RGB_output_bits |= (bool)(green16 & mask); // -BG
RGB_output_bits <<= 1;
RGB_output_bits |= (bool)(red16 & mask); // BGR
RGB_output_bits <<= _colourbitoffset; // shift colour bits to the required position
// Get the contents at this address,
// it would represent a vector pointing to the full row of pixels for the specified colour depth bit at Y coordinate
ESP32_I2S_DMA_STORAGE_TYPE *p = getRowDataPtr(y_coord, colour_depth_idx, back_buffer_id);
// We need to update the correct uint16_t word in the rowBitStruct array pointing to a specific pixel at X - coordinate
p[x_coord] &= _colourbitclear; // reset RGB bits
p[x_coord] |= RGB_output_bits; // set new RGB bits
#if defined(SPIRAM_DMA_BUFFER)
Cache_WriteBack_Addr((uint32_t)&p[x_coord], sizeof(ESP32_I2S_DMA_STORAGE_TYPE)) ;
} while(colour_depth_idx); // end of colour depth loop (8)
} // updateMatrixDMABuffer (specific co-ords change)
/* Update the entire buffer with a single specific colour - quicker */
void MatrixPanel_I2S_DMA::updateMatrixDMABuffer(uint8_t red, uint8_t green, uint8_t blue)
if ( !initialized ) return;
/* */
uint16_t red16, green16, blue16;
#ifndef NO_CIE1931
red16 = lumConvTab[red];
green16 = lumConvTab[green];
blue16 = lumConvTab[blue];
red16 = red << 8;
green16 = green << 8;
blue16 = blue << 8;
for(uint8_t colour_depth_idx=0; colour_depth_idx<PIXEL_COLOR_DEPTH_BITS; colour_depth_idx++) // colour depth - 8 iterations
// let's precalculate RGB1 and RGB2 bits than flood it over the entire DMA buffer
uint16_t RGB_output_bits = 0;
// uint8_t mask = (1 << colour_depth_idx COLOR_DEPTH_LESS_THAN_8BIT_ADJUST); // 24 bit colour
// uint8_t mask = (1 << (colour_depth_idx+MASK_OFFSET)); // expect 24 bit colour (8 bits per RGB subpixel)
// #else
// uint8_t mask = (1 << (colour_depth_idx)); // expect 24 bit colour (8 bits per RGB subpixel)
// #endif
uint16_t mask = PIXEL_COLOR_MASK_BIT(colour_depth_idx);
/* Per the .h file, the order of the output RGB bits is:
* BIT_B2, BIT_G2, BIT_R2, BIT_B1, BIT_G1, BIT_R1 */
RGB_output_bits |= (bool)(blue16 & mask); // --B
RGB_output_bits <<= 1;
RGB_output_bits |= (bool)(green16 & mask); // -BG
RGB_output_bits <<= 1;
RGB_output_bits |= (bool)(red16 & mask); // BGR
// Duplicate and shift across so we have have 6 populated bits of RGB1 and RGB2 pin values suitable for DMA buffer
RGB_output_bits |= RGB_output_bits << BITS_RGB2_OFFSET; //BGRBGR
//Serial.printf("Fill with: 0x%#06x\n", RGB_output_bits);
// iterate rows
int matrix_frame_parallel_row = dma_buff.rowBits.size();
do {
// The destination for the pixel row bitstream
ESP32_I2S_DMA_STORAGE_TYPE *p = getRowDataPtr(matrix_frame_parallel_row, colour_depth_idx, back_buffer_id);
// iterate pixels in a row
int x_coord=dma_buff.rowBits[matrix_frame_parallel_row]->width;
do {
p[x_coord] &= BITMASK_RGB12_CLEAR; // reset colour bits
p[x_coord] |= RGB_output_bits; // set new colour bits
#if defined(SPIRAM_DMA_BUFFER)
Cache_WriteBack_Addr((uint32_t)&p[x_coord], sizeof(ESP32_I2S_DMA_STORAGE_TYPE)) ;
} while(x_coord);
} while(matrix_frame_parallel_row); // end row iteration
} // colour depth loop (8)
} // updateMatrixDMABuffer (full frame paint)
* @brief - clears and reinitializes colour/control data in DMA buffs
* When allocated, DMA buffs might be dirty, so we need to blank it and initialize ABCDE,LAT,OE control bits.
* Those control bits are constants during the entire DMA sweep and never changed when updating just pixel colour data
* so we could set it once on DMA buffs initialization and forget.
* This effectively clears buffers to blank BLACK and makes it ready to display output.
* (Brightness control via OE bit manipulation is another case) - this must be done as well seperately!
void MatrixPanel_I2S_DMA::clearFrameBuffer(bool _buff_id){
if (!initialized)
// we start with iterating all rows in dma_buff structure
int row_idx = dma_buff.rowBits.size();
do {
ESP32_I2S_DMA_STORAGE_TYPE* row = dma_buff.rowBits[row_idx]->getDataPtr(0, _buff_id); // set pointer to the HEAD of a buffer holding data for the entire matrix row
abcde <<= BITS_ADDR_OFFSET; // shift row y-coord to match ABCDE bits in vector from 8 to 12
// get last pixel index in a row of all colourdepths
int x_pixel = dma_buff.rowBits[row_idx]->width * dma_buff.rowBits[row_idx]->colour_depth;
//Serial.printf(" from pixel %d, ", x_pixel);
// fill all x_pixels except colour_index[0] (LSB) ones, this also clears all colour data to 0's black
do {
if ( m_cfg.driver == HUB75_I2S_CFG::SM5266P) {
// modifications here for row shift register type SM5266P
row[x_pixel] = abcde & (0x18 << BITS_ADDR_OFFSET); // mask out the bottom 3 bits which are the clk di bk inputs
} else {
row[ESP32_TX_FIFO_POSITION_ADJUST(x_pixel)] = abcde;
// ESP_LOGI("", "x pixel 1: %d", x_pixel);
} while(x_pixel!=dma_buff.rowBits[row_idx]->width && x_pixel);
// colour_index[0] (LSB) x_pixels must be "marked" with a previous's row address, 'cause it is used to display
// previous row while we pump in LSB's for a new row
abcde = ((ESP32_I2S_DMA_STORAGE_TYPE)row_idx-1) << BITS_ADDR_OFFSET;
do {
if ( m_cfg.driver == HUB75_I2S_CFG::SM5266P) {
// modifications here for row shift register type SM5266P
row[x_pixel] = abcde & (0x18 << BITS_ADDR_OFFSET); // mask out the bottom 3 bits which are the clk di bk inputs
} else {
row[ESP32_TX_FIFO_POSITION_ADJUST(x_pixel)] = abcde;
//row[x_pixel] = abcde;
// ESP_LOGI("", "x pixel 2: %d", x_pixel);
} while(x_pixel);
// modifications here for row shift register type SM5266P
if ( m_cfg.driver == HUB75_I2S_CFG::SM5266P) {
uint16_t serialCount;
uint16_t latch;
x_pixel = dma_buff.rowBits[row_idx]->width - 16; // come back 8*2 pixels to allow for 8 writes
serialCount = 8;
latch = row[x_pixel] | (((((ESP32_I2S_DMA_STORAGE_TYPE)row_idx) % 8) == serialCount) << 1) << BITS_ADDR_OFFSET; // data on 'B'
row[x_pixel++] = latch| (0x05<< BITS_ADDR_OFFSET); // clock high on 'A'and BK high for update
row[x_pixel++] = latch| (0x04<< BITS_ADDR_OFFSET); // clock low on 'A'and BK high for update
} while (serialCount);
} // end SM5266P
// let's set LAT/OE control bits for specific pixels in each colour_index subrows
// Need to consider the original ESP32's (WROOM) DMA TX FIFO reordering of bytes...
uint8_t colouridx = dma_buff.rowBits[row_idx]->colour_depth;
do {
// switch pointer to a row for a specific colour index
row = dma_buff.rowBits[row_idx]->getDataPtr(colouridx, _buff_id);
#if defined(ESP32_THE_ORIG)
// We need to update the correct uint16_t in the rowBitStruct array, that gets sent out in parallel
// 16 bit parallel mode - Save the calculated value to the bitplane memory in reverse order to account for I2S Tx FIFO mode1 ordering
// Irrelevant for ESP32-S2 the way the FIFO ordering works is different - refer to page 679 of S2 technical reference manual
row[dma_buff.rowBits[row_idx]->width - 2] |= BIT_LAT; // -2 in the DMA array is actually -1 when it's reordered by TX FIFO
// -1 works better on ESP32-S2 ? Because bytes get sent out in order...
row[dma_buff.rowBits[row_idx]->width - 1] |= BIT_LAT; // -1 pixel to compensate array index starting at 0
row[ESP32_TX_FIFO_POSITION_ADJUST(dma_buff.rowBits[row_idx]->width - 1)] |= BIT_LAT; // -1 pixel to compensate array index starting at 0
//ESP32_TX_FIFO_POSITION_ADJUST(dma_buff.rowBits[row_idx]->width - 1)
// need to disable OE before/after latch to hide row transition
// Should be one clock or more before latch, otherwise can get ghosting
uint8_t _blank = m_cfg.latch_blanking;
do {
#if defined(ESP32_THE_ORIG)
// Original ESP32 WROOM FIFO Ordering Sucks
uint8_t _blank_row_tx_fifo_tmp = 0 + _blank;
(_blank_row_tx_fifo_tmp & 1U) ? --_blank_row_tx_fifo_tmp : ++_blank_row_tx_fifo_tmp;
row[_blank_row_tx_fifo_tmp] |= BIT_OE;
_blank_row_tx_fifo_tmp = dma_buff.rowBits[row_idx]->width - _blank - 1; // (LAT pulse is (width-2) -1 pixel to compensate array index starting at 0
(_blank_row_tx_fifo_tmp & 1U) ? --_blank_row_tx_fifo_tmp : ++_blank_row_tx_fifo_tmp;
row[_blank_row_tx_fifo_tmp] |= BIT_OE;
row[0 + _blank] |= BIT_OE;
row[dma_buff.rowBits[row_idx]->width - _blank - 1 ] |= BIT_OE; // (LAT pulse is (width-2) -1 pixel to compensate array index starting at 0
row[ESP32_TX_FIFO_POSITION_ADJUST(0 + _blank)] |= BIT_OE; // disable output
row[ESP32_TX_FIFO_POSITION_ADJUST(dma_buff.rowBits[row_idx]->width - 1)] |= BIT_OE; // disable output
row[ESP32_TX_FIFO_POSITION_ADJUST(dma_buff.rowBits[row_idx]->width - _blank - 1)] |= BIT_OE; // (LAT pulse is (width-2) -1 pixel to compensate array index starting at 0
} while (_blank);
} while(colouridx);
#if defined(SPIRAM_DMA_BUFFER)
Cache_WriteBack_Addr((uint32_t)row, sizeof(ESP32_I2S_DMA_STORAGE_TYPE) * ((dma_buff.rowBits[row_idx]->width * dma_buff.rowBits[row_idx]->colour_depth)-1)) ;
} while(row_idx);
* @brief - reset OE bits in DMA buffer in a way to control brightness
* @param brt - brightness level from 0 to row_width
* @param _buff_id - buffer id to control
// Depreciated
void MatrixPanel_I2S_DMA::brtCtrlOE(int brt, const bool _buff_id){
if (!initialized)
if (brt > PIXELS_PER_ROW - (MAX_LAT_BLANKING + 2)) // can't control values larger than (row_width - latch_blanking) to avoid ongoing issues being raised about brightness and ghosting.
brt = PIXELS_PER_ROW - (MAX_LAT_BLANKING + 2); // +2 for a bit of buffer...
if (brt < 0)
brt = 0;
// start with iterating all rows in dma_buff structure
int row_idx = dma_buff.rowBits.size();
do {
// let's set OE control bits for specific pixels in each colour_index subrows
uint8_t colouridx = dma_buff.rowBits[row_idx]->colour_depth;
do {
// switch pointer to a row for a specific colour index
ESP32_I2S_DMA_STORAGE_TYPE* row = dma_buff.rowBits[row_idx]->getDataPtr(colouridx, _buff_id);
int x_coord = dma_buff.rowBits[row_idx]->width;
do {
// clear OE bit for all other pixels
// Brightness control via OE toggle - disable matrix output at specified x_coord
if((colouridx > lsbMsbTransitionBit || !colouridx) && ((x_coord) >= brt)){
row[ESP32_TX_FIFO_POSITION_ADJUST(x_coord)] |= BIT_OE; // Disable output after this point.
// special case for the bits *after* LSB through (lsbMsbTransitionBit) - OE is output after data is shifted, so need to set OE to fractional brightness
if(colouridx && colouridx <= lsbMsbTransitionBit) {
// divide brightness in half for each bit below lsbMsbTransitionBit
int lsbBrightness = brt >> (lsbMsbTransitionBit - colouridx + 1);
if((x_coord) >= lsbBrightness) {
row[ESP32_TX_FIFO_POSITION_ADJUST(x_coord)] |= BIT_OE; // Disable output after this point.
} while(x_coord);
// need to disable OE before/after latch to hide row transition
// Should be one clock or more before latch, otherwise can get ghosting
uint8_t _blank = m_cfg.latch_blanking;
do {
row[ESP32_TX_FIFO_POSITION_ADJUST(0 + _blank)] |= BIT_OE;
//row[0 + _blank] |= BIT_OE;
// no need, has been done already
//row[dma_buff.rowBits[row_idx]->width - _blank - 3 ] |= BIT_OE; // (LAT pulse is (width-2) -1 pixel to compensate array index starting at 0
} while (_blank);
} while(colouridx);
// switch pointer to a row for a specific colour index
#if defined(SPIRAM_DMA_BUFFER)
ESP32_I2S_DMA_STORAGE_TYPE* row_hack = dma_buff.rowBits[row_idx]->getDataPtr(colouridx, _buff_id);
Cache_WriteBack_Addr((uint32_t)row_hack, sizeof(ESP32_I2S_DMA_STORAGE_TYPE) * ((dma_buff.rowBits[row_idx]->width * dma_buff.rowBits[row_idx]->colour_depth)-1)) ;
} while(row_idx);
* @brief - reset OE bits in DMA buffer in a way to control brightness
* @param brt - brightness level from 0 to 255 - NOT MATRIX_WIDTH
* @param _buff_id - buffer id to control
void MatrixPanel_I2S_DMA::brtCtrlOEv2(uint8_t brt, const int _buff_id) {
if (!initialized)
uint8_t _blank = m_cfg.latch_blanking; // don't want to inadvertantly blast over this
uint8_t _depth = dma_buff.rowBits[0]->colour_depth;
uint16_t _width = dma_buff.rowBits[0]->width;
// start with iterating all rows in dma_buff structure
int row_idx = dma_buff.rowBits.size();
do {
// let's set OE control bits for specific pixels in each color_index subrows
uint8_t colouridx = _depth;
do {
char bitplane = ( 2 * _depth - colouridx ) % _depth;
char bitshift = (_depth - lsbMsbTransitionBit - 1) >> 1;
char rightshift = std::max( bitplane - bitshift - 2, 0 );
// calculate the OE disable period by brightness, and also blanking
int brightness_in_x_pixels = ( ( _width - _blank ) * brt ) >> ( 7 + rightshift );
brightness_in_x_pixels = ( brightness_in_x_pixels >> 1 ) | ( brightness_in_x_pixels & 1 );
// switch pointer to a row for a specific color index
ESP32_I2S_DMA_STORAGE_TYPE* row = dma_buff.rowBits[row_idx]->getDataPtr(colouridx, _buff_id);
// define range of Output Enable on the center of the row
int x_coord_max = ( _width + brightness_in_x_pixels + 1 ) >> 1;
int x_coord_min = ( _width - brightness_in_x_pixels + 0 ) >> 1;
int x_coord = _width;
do {
// (the check is already including "blanking" )
if (x_coord >= x_coord_min && x_coord < x_coord_max)
row[ESP32_TX_FIFO_POSITION_ADJUST(x_coord)] |= BIT_OE; // Disable output after this point.
// Note: Old code below from 'brtCtrlOE'
// clear OE bit for all other pixels (that is, turn on output)
// Brightness control via OE toggle - disable matrix output at specified x_coord
if((colouridx > lsbMsbTransitionBit || !colouridx) && ((x_coord) >= brt)){
row[ESP32_TX_FIFO_POSITION_ADJUST(x_coord)] |= BIT_OE; // Disable output after this point.
// special case for the bits *after* LSB through (lsbMsbTransitionBit) - OE is output after data is shifted, so need to set OE to fractional brightness
if(colouridx && colouridx <= lsbMsbTransitionBit) {
// divide brightness in half for each bit below lsbMsbTransitionBit
int lsbBrightness = brt >> (lsbMsbTransitionBit - colouridx + 1);
if((x_coord) >= lsbBrightness) {
row[ESP32_TX_FIFO_POSITION_ADJUST(x_coord)] |= BIT_OE; // Disable output after this point.
} while(x_coord);
} while(colouridx);
// switch pointer to a row for a specific colour index
#if defined(SPIRAM_DMA_BUFFER)
ESP32_I2S_DMA_STORAGE_TYPE* row_hack = dma_buff.rowBits[row_idx]->getDataPtr(colouridx, _buff_id);
Cache_WriteBack_Addr((uint32_t)row_hack, sizeof(ESP32_I2S_DMA_STORAGE_TYPE) * ((dma_buff.rowBits[row_idx]->width * dma_buff.rowBits[row_idx]->colour_depth)-1)) ;
} while(row_idx);
* overload for compatibility
bool MatrixPanel_I2S_DMA::begin(int r1, int g1, int b1, int r2, int g2, int b2, int a, int b, int c, int d, int e, int lat, int oe, int clk) {
// RGB
m_cfg.gpio.r1 = r1; m_cfg.gpio.g1 = g1; m_cfg.gpio.b1 = b1;
m_cfg.gpio.r2 = r2; m_cfg.gpio.g2 = g2; m_cfg.gpio.b2 = b2;
// Line Select
m_cfg.gpio.a = a; m_cfg.gpio.b = b; m_cfg.gpio.c = c;
m_cfg.gpio.d = d; m_cfg.gpio.e = e;
// Clock & Control = lat; m_cfg.gpio.oe = oe; m_cfg.gpio.clk = clk;
return begin();
* @brief - Sets how many clock cycles to blank OE before/after LAT signal change
* @param uint8_t pulses - clocks before/after OE
* @returns - new value for m_cfg.latch_blanking
uint8_t MatrixPanel_I2S_DMA::setLatBlanking(uint8_t pulses){
if (pulses > MAX_LAT_BLANKING)
if (!pulses)
m_cfg.latch_blanking = pulses;
// remove brightness var for now.
//setPanelBrightness(brightness); // set brightness to reset OE bits to the values matching new LAT blanking setting
return m_cfg.latch_blanking;
* @brief - update DMA buff drawing horizontal line at specified coordinates
* @param x_coord - line start coordinate x
* @param y_coord - line start coordinate y
* @param l - line length
* @param r,g,b, - RGB888 colour
void MatrixPanel_I2S_DMA::hlineDMA(int16_t x_coord, int16_t y_coord, int16_t l, uint8_t red, uint8_t green, uint8_t blue){
if ( !initialized )
if ( x_coord < 0 || y_coord < 0 || l < 1 || x_coord >= PIXELS_PER_ROW || y_coord >= m_cfg.mx_height)
l = ( (x_coord + l) >= PIXELS_PER_ROW ) ? (PIXELS_PER_ROW - x_coord):l;
//if (x_coord+l > PIXELS_PER_ROW)
// l = PIXELS_PER_ROW - x_coord + 1; // reset width to end of row
/* LED Brightness Compensation */
uint16_t red16, green16, blue16;
#ifndef NO_CIE1931
red16 = lumConvTab[red];
green16 = lumConvTab[green];
blue16 = lumConvTab[blue];
red16 = red << 8;
green16 = green << 8;
blue16 = blue << 8;
uint16_t _colourbitclear = BITMASK_RGB1_CLEAR, _colourbitoffset = 0;
if (y_coord >= ROWS_PER_FRAME){ // if we are drawing to the bottom part of the panel
_colourbitoffset = BITS_RGB2_OFFSET;
_colourbitclear = BITMASK_RGB2_CLEAR;
y_coord -= ROWS_PER_FRAME;
// Iterating through colour depth bits (8 iterations)
uint8_t colour_depth_idx = PIXEL_COLOR_DEPTH_BITS;
do {
// let's precalculate RGB1 and RGB2 bits than flood it over the entire DMA buffer
uint16_t RGB_output_bits = 0;
// uint8_t mask = (1 << colour_depth_idx COLOR_DEPTH_LESS_THAN_8BIT_ADJUST);
// uint8_t mask = (1 << (colour_depth_idx+MASK_OFFSET)); // expect 24 bit colour (8 bits per RGB subpixel)
// #else
// uint8_t mask = (1 << (colour_depth_idx)); // expect 24 bit colour (8 bits per RGB subpixel)
// #endif
uint16_t mask = PIXEL_COLOR_MASK_BIT(colour_depth_idx);
/* Per the .h file, the order of the output RGB bits is:
* BIT_B2, BIT_G2, BIT_R2, BIT_B1, BIT_G1, BIT_R1 */
RGB_output_bits |= (bool)(blue16 & mask); // --B
RGB_output_bits <<= 1;
RGB_output_bits |= (bool)(green16 & mask); // -BG
RGB_output_bits <<= 1;
RGB_output_bits |= (bool)(red16 & mask); // BGR
RGB_output_bits <<= _colourbitoffset; // shift color bits to the required position
// Get the contents at this address,
// it would represent a vector pointing to the full row of pixels for the specified colour depth bit at Y coordinate
ESP32_I2S_DMA_STORAGE_TYPE *p = dma_buff.rowBits[y_coord]->getDataPtr(colour_depth_idx, back_buffer_id);
// inlined version works slower here, dunno why :(
// ESP32_I2S_DMA_STORAGE_TYPE *p = getRowDataPtr(y_coord, colour_depth_idx, back_buffer_id);
int16_t _l = l;
do { // iterate pixels in a row
int16_t _x = x_coord + --_l;
#if defined(ESP32_THE_ORIG)
// Save the calculated value to the bitplane memory in reverse order to account for I2S Tx FIFO mode1 ordering
uint16_t &v = p[_x & 1U ? --_x : ++_x];
// ESP 32 doesn't need byte flipping for TX FIFO.
uint16_t &v = p[_x];
uint16_t &v = p[ESP32_TX_FIFO_POSITION_ADJUST(_x)];
v &= _colourbitclear; // reset colour bits
v |= RGB_output_bits; // set new colour bits
} while(_l); // iterate pixels in a row
} while(colour_depth_idx); // end of colour depth loop (8)
} // hlineDMA()
* @brief - update DMA buff drawing vertical line at specified coordinates
* @param x_coord - line start coordinate x
* @param y_coord - line start coordinate y
* @param l - line length
* @param r,g,b, - RGB888 colour
void MatrixPanel_I2S_DMA::vlineDMA(int16_t x_coord, int16_t y_coord, int16_t l, uint8_t red, uint8_t green, uint8_t blue){
if ( !initialized )
if ( x_coord < 0 || y_coord < 0 || l < 1 || x_coord >= PIXELS_PER_ROW || y_coord >= m_cfg.mx_height)
// check for a length that goes beyond the height of the screen! Array out of bounds dma memory changes = screwed output #163
l = ( (y_coord + l) >= m_cfg.mx_height ) ? (m_cfg.mx_height - y_coord):l;
//if (y_coord + l > m_cfg.mx_height)
/// l = m_cfg.mx_height - y_coord + 1; // reset width to end of col
/* LED Brightness Compensation */
uint16_t red16, green16, blue16;
#ifndef NO_CIE1931
red16 = lumConvTab[red];
green16 = lumConvTab[green];
blue16 = lumConvTab[blue];
red16 = red << 8;
green16 = green << 8;
blue16 = blue << 8;
#if defined(ESP32_THE_ORIG)
// Save the calculated value to the bitplane memory in reverse order to account for I2S Tx FIFO mode1 ordering
x_coord & 1U ? --x_coord : ++x_coord;
x_coord = ESP32_TX_FIFO_POSITION_ADJUST(x_coord);
uint8_t colour_depth_idx = PIXEL_COLOR_DEPTH_BITS;
do { // Iterating through colour depth bits (8 iterations)
// let's precalculate RGB1 and RGB2 bits than flood it over the entire DMA buffer
// uint8_t mask = (1 << colour_depth_idx COLOR_DEPTH_LESS_THAN_8BIT_ADJUST);
// uint8_t mask = (1 << (colour_depth_idx+MASK_OFFSET)); // expect 24 bit colour (8 bits per RGB subpixel)
// #else
// uint8_t mask = (1 << (colour_depth_idx)); // expect 24 bit colour (8 bits per RGB subpixel)
// #endif
uint16_t mask = PIXEL_COLOR_MASK_BIT(colour_depth_idx);
uint16_t RGB_output_bits = 0;
/* Per the .h file, the order of the output RGB bits is:
* BIT_B2, BIT_G2, BIT_R2, BIT_B1, BIT_G1, BIT_R1 */
RGB_output_bits |= (bool)(blue16 & mask); // --B
RGB_output_bits <<= 1;
RGB_output_bits |= (bool)(green16 & mask); // -BG
RGB_output_bits <<= 1;
RGB_output_bits |= (bool)(red16 & mask); // BGR
int16_t _l = 0, _y = y_coord;
uint16_t _colourbitclear = BITMASK_RGB1_CLEAR;
do { // iterate pixels in a column
if (_y >= ROWS_PER_FRAME){ // if y-coord overlapped bottom-half panel
_colourbitclear = BITMASK_RGB2_CLEAR;
RGB_output_bits <<= BITS_RGB2_OFFSET;
// Get the contents at this address,
// it would represent a vector pointing to the full row of pixels for the specified colour depth bit at Y coordinate
//ESP32_I2S_DMA_STORAGE_TYPE *p = getRowDataPtr(_y, colour_depth_idx, back_buffer_id);
ESP32_I2S_DMA_STORAGE_TYPE *p = dma_buff.rowBits[_y]->getDataPtr(colour_depth_idx, back_buffer_id);
p[x_coord] &= _colourbitclear; // reset RGB bits
p[x_coord] |= RGB_output_bits; // set new RGB bits
} while(++_l!=l); // iterate pixels in a col
} while(colour_depth_idx); // end of colour depth loop (8)
} // vlineDMA()
* @brief - update DMA buff drawing a rectangular at specified coordinates
* this works much faster than multiple consecutive per-pixel calls to updateMatrixDMABuffer()
* @param int16_t x, int16_t y - coordinates of a top-left corner
* @param int16_t w, int16_t h - width and height of a rectangular, min is 1 px
* @param uint8_t r - RGB888 colour
* @param uint8_t g - RGB888 colour
* @param uint8_t b - RGB888 colour
void MatrixPanel_I2S_DMA::fillRectDMA(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t w, int16_t h, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b){
// h-lines are >2 times faster than v-lines
// so will use it only for tall rects with h >2w
if (h>2*w){
// draw using v-lines
do {
vlineDMA(x+w, y, h, r,g,b);
} while(w);
} else {
// draw using h-lines
do {
hlineDMA(x, y+h, w, r,g,b);
} while(h);