import QtQuick 2.0 import QtQuick.Controls 2.0 import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.0 import "../components" import "../components/layout" import de.itsblue.ScStw 2.0 import de.itsblue.ScStw.Styling 2.0 import de.itsblue.ScStw.Styling.Components 1.0 Item { id: control GridLayout { id: centerLayout //anchors.centerIn: parent anchors { right: parent.right bottom: parent.bottom } width: parent.width height: parent.height columns: app.landscape() ? 3:1 rows: app.landscape() ? 1:3 Item { id: centerExtraContentTop property double size Layout.preferredHeight: app.landscape() ? centerLayout.height * 0.6:Math.min(centerLayout.width * size, centerLayout.height * size) Layout.preferredWidth: app.landscape() ? Math.min(centerLayout.width * size, centerLayout.height * size):centerLayout.width * 0.8 Layout.alignment: Layout.Center Behavior on size { NumberAnimation { duration: 800 easing.type: Easing.InOutQuart } } StackView { id: centerExtraContentTopStack anchors.fill: parent anchors.margins: 1 property QtObject newItem: emptyComp onNewItemChanged: { centerExtraContentTopStack.replace(newItem) } replaceEnter: Transition { SequentialAnimation { PauseAnimation { duration: 400 } NumberAnimation { property: "opacity" from: 0 to: 1 duration: 400 easing.type: Easing.InOutQuart } } } replaceExit: Transition { NumberAnimation { property: "opacity" from: 1 to: 0 duration: 400 easing.type: Easing.InOutQuart } } Component { id: waitingDetailsComp Column { opacity: 0 Row { id: stateIndicatorRow property int delegateWidth: width / stateIndicatorRepeater.model - (spacing * (stateIndicatorRepeater.model - 1) / stateIndicatorRepeater.model) property int delegateHeight: height width: parent.width height: parent.height * 0.9 spacing: width * 0.1 Repeater { id: stateIndicatorRepeater model: scStwRemoteRace.timers.length delegate: ColumnLayout { id: timerStatusColumn property var thisTimer: scStwRemoteRace.timers[index] width: parent.delegateWidth height: parent.delegateHeight Label { Layout.preferredWidth: parent.width Layout.preferredHeight: parent.height * 0.1 font.pixelSize: height * 0.8 fontSizeMode: Text.Fit minimumPointSize: 1 horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter color: appTheme.theme.colors.text text: "Lane " + timerStatusColumn.thisTimer["letter"] } StateIndicator { Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.fillHeight: true backgroundColor: appTheme.theme.colors.background successColor: appTheme.theme.colors.success warningColor: appTheme.theme.colors.warning state: timerStatusColumn.thisTimer["readyState"] === ScStwTimer.IsReady ? "success":timerStatusColumn.thisTimer["readyState"] === ScStwTimer.IsDisabled ? "unknown":"warn" indicatorSize: 0.8 MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { var disabled = timerStatusColumn.thisTimer["state"] !== ScStwTimer.DISABLED console.log("setting timer to disabled: " + disabled) scStwRemoteRace.setTimerDisabled(timerStatusColumn.thisTimer["id"], disabled) } } } } } } Label { width: parent.width height: parent.height * 0.1 font.pixelSize: height * 0.6 fontSizeMode: Text.Fit minimumPointSize: 1 horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter color: appTheme.theme.colors.text text: "Tap on a lane to disable it" } } } Component { id: incidentDetailsComp ExtensionOverview { opacity: 0 backgroundColor: appTheme.theme.colors.background delegateHeight: centerExtraContentTopStack.height / 5 } } Component { id: emptyComp Item {} } } } MainActionButton { id: mainActionButton property double size startProgress: scStwRemoteRace.currentStartDelay["progress"] Layout.alignment: Layout.Center Layout.preferredHeight: app.landscape() ? width:Math.min(centerLayout.width * size, centerLayout.height * size) Layout.preferredWidth: app.landscape() ? Math.min(centerLayout.width * size, centerLayout.height * size):height onClicked: { if(progressControlActivated && progress < 1.0) return var ret; switch(scStwRemoteRace.state) { case ScStwRace.IDLE: ret = scStwRemoteRace.start() break; case ScStwRace.WAITING: if(!scStwRemoteRace.readySoundEnabled && scStwRemoteRace.isReadyForNextState) ret = scStwRemoteRace.start() else ret = scStwRemoteRace.cancel() break; case ScStwRace.PREPAIRING: case ScStwRace.STARTING: ret = scStwRemoteRace.cancel() break; case ScStwRace.RUNNING: ret = scStwRemoteRace.stop() break; case ScStwRace.STOPPED: case ScStwRace.INCIDENT: ret = scStwRemoteRace.reset() break; } if(ret !== 200) console.log("Error executing main button action: " + ret) progress = 0 } Behavior on size { NumberAnimation { duration: 800 easing.type: Easing.InOutQuart } } } Item { id: centerExtraContentBottom property double size Layout.preferredHeight: app.landscape() ? centerLayout.height:Math.min(centerLayout.width * size, centerLayout.height * size) Layout.preferredWidth: app.landscape() ? Math.min(centerLayout.width * size, centerLayout.height * size):centerLayout.width Behavior on size { NumberAnimation { duration: 400 easing.type: Easing.InOutQuart } } } } states: [ State { name: ScStwRace.IDLE PropertyChanges { target: mainActionButton size: 0.9 text: "start" } PropertyChanges { target: centerLayout height: app.landscape() ? control.height : Math.max(control.height, app.height * 0.4) width: app.landscape() ? Math.max(control.width, app.width * 0.4) : control.width } }, State { name: ScStwRace.PREPAIRING PropertyChanges { target: mainActionButton size: 0.9 text: "cancel" } }, State { name: ScStwRace.WAITING PropertyChanges { target: mainActionButton size: scStwRemoteRace.competitionMode ? 0.3:0.9 text: scStwRemoteRace.readySoundEnabled ? "cancel": scStwRemoteRace.isReadyForNextState ? "ready":"cancel" progressControlActivated: scStwRemoteRace.competitionMode && !scStwRemoteRace.readySoundEnabled && !scStwRemoteRace.isReadyForNextState } PropertyChanges { target: centerExtraContentTop size: scStwRemoteRace.competitionMode ? 0.7:0 } PropertyChanges { target: centerExtraContentBottom size: scStwRemoteRace.competitionMode ? 0.05:0 } PropertyChanges { target: centerExtraContentTopStack newItem: scStwRemoteRace.competitionMode ? waitingDetailsComp:emptyComp } }, State { name: ScStwRace.STARTING PropertyChanges { target: mainActionButton size: 0.9 text: "cancel" } }, State { name: ScStwRace.RUNNING PropertyChanges { target: mainActionButton size: 0.9 text: scStwRemoteRace.competitionMode ? "cancel":"stop" progressControlActivated: scStwRemoteRace.competitionMode } }, State { name: ScStwRace.STOPPED PropertyChanges { target: mainActionButton size: 0.5 text: "reset" } PropertyChanges { target: centerLayout height: app.landscape() ? control.height : Math.max(control.height, app.height * 0.4) width: app.landscape() ? Math.max(control.width, app.width * 0.4) : control.width } }, State { name: ScStwRace.INCIDENT PropertyChanges { target: mainActionButton size: 0.5 text: "reset" } PropertyChanges { target: centerExtraContentTop size: scStwRemoteRace.competitionMode ? 0.7:0 } PropertyChanges { target: centerExtraContentBottom size: scStwRemoteRace.competitionMode ? 0.05:0 } PropertyChanges { target: centerExtraContentTopStack newItem: scStwRemoteRace.competitionMode ? incidentDetailsComp:emptyComp } } ] }