import QtQuick 2.0 SequentialAnimation { id: root property QtObject target property string fadeProperty: "scale" property int fadeDuration: 150 property int fadeDuration_in: fadeDuration property int fadeDuration_out: fadeDuration property alias outValue: property alias inValue: property alias outEasingType: outAnimation.easing.type property alias inEasingType: inAnimation.easing.type property string easingType: "Quad" NumberAnimation { // in the default case, fade scale to 0 id: outAnimation target: property: root.fadeProperty duration: root.fadeDuration_in to: 0 easing.type: Easing["In"+root.easingType] } PropertyAction { } // actually change the property targeted by the Behavior between the 2 other animations NumberAnimation { // in the default case, fade scale back to 1 id: inAnimation target: property: root.fadeProperty duration: root.fadeDuration_out to: 1 easing.type: Easing["Out"+root.easingType] } }