mainSections = ["posts"] # use it for blog page section uniqueHomePage = true # change to false to add sidebar to homepage repo = "" time_format_blog = "Monday, January 02, 2006" time_format_default = "January 2, 2006" enableDarkMode = true # set to false to disable darkmode by default # user will still have the option to use dark mode # sets the maximum number of lines per codeblock. The codeblock will however be scrollable and expandable. codeMaxLines = 7 # disable showing line numbers by default. Switch to `true` if you'd rather have them on. codeLineNumbers = false # Site logo [logo] lightMode = "images/compose.svg" darkMode = "images/compose-light.svg" [source] name = "GitHub" iconLight = "images/GitHubMarkLight.svg" iconDark = "images/GitHubMarkDark.svg" url = "" # optional # attribution. Feel free to delete this [author] name = "Weru" url = ""