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var searchData =
2024-12-15 01:45:58 +01:00
[ 'c_5fstr_0' , [ 'c_str' , [ '../class_nim_b_l_e_att_value.html#a4d18b6e6839afc943f11200e76414c17' , 1 , 'NimBLEAttValue' ] ] ] ,
[ 'callbacks_1' , [ 'callbacks' , [ '../md_1_8x__to2_8x__migration__guide.html#characteristic-callbacks' , 1 , 'Characteristic callbacks' ] , [ '../md__migration__guide.html#characteristic-callbacks-1' , 1 , 'Characteristic callbacks' ] , [ '../md_1_8x__to2_8x__migration__guide.html#client-callbacks' , 1 , 'Client callbacks' ] , [ '../md__migration__guide.html#client-callbacks-1' , 1 , 'Client callbacks' ] , [ '../md__migration__guide.html#descriptor-callbacks' , 1 , 'Descriptor callbacks' ] ] ] ,
[ 'canbroadcast_2' , [ 'canBroadcast' , [ '../class_nim_b_l_e_remote_characteristic.html#a0d8e8ae12a89d64d0ca52dd3b3b7c67d' , 1 , 'NimBLERemoteCharacteristic' ] ] ] ,
[ 'cancelconnect_3' , [ 'cancelConnect' , [ '../class_nim_b_l_e_client.html#af77b2a5390ea811e9405ff81dba8ecac' , 1 , 'NimBLEClient' ] ] ] ,
[ 'canindicate_4' , [ 'canIndicate' , [ '../class_nim_b_l_e_remote_characteristic.html#a79dbe281933d8cab342a5506746b9ded' , 1 , 'NimBLERemoteCharacteristic' ] ] ] ,
[ 'cannotify_5' , [ 'canNotify' , [ '../class_nim_b_l_e_remote_characteristic.html#ae3b10383d5b72bdf241bb2f215836772' , 1 , 'NimBLERemoteCharacteristic' ] ] ] ,
[ 'canread_6' , [ 'canRead' , [ '../class_nim_b_l_e_remote_characteristic.html#a4be19e1a3a82f3db0fa8a7236638b737' , 1 , 'NimBLERemoteCharacteristic' ] ] ] ,
[ 'canwrite_7' , [ 'canWrite' , [ '../class_nim_b_l_e_remote_characteristic.html#a3ba2263c976bd4ece81a6b37e09fa121' , 1 , 'NimBLERemoteCharacteristic' ] ] ] ,
[ 'canwritenoresponse_8' , [ 'canWriteNoResponse' , [ '../class_nim_b_l_e_remote_characteristic.html#a0920d576b12ee1e20a724a7da836d153' , 1 , 'NimBLERemoteCharacteristic' ] ] ] ,
[ 'canwritesigned_9' , [ 'canWriteSigned' , [ '../class_nim_b_l_e_remote_characteristic.html#afb07f80d83e41768d228b92210b83657' , 1 , 'NimBLERemoteCharacteristic' ] ] ] ,
[ 'capacity_10' , [ 'capacity' , [ '../class_nim_b_l_e_att_value.html#a49a8a126d0b534c999c4a341cdcf7ba2' , 1 , 'NimBLEAttValue' ] ] ] ,
2024-12-17 02:50:27 +01:00
[ 'changed_11' , [ 'changed' , [ '../md__2github_2workspace_2_c_h_a_n_g_e_l_o_g.html#changed-9' , 1 , 'Changed' ] , [ '../md__2github_2workspace_2_c_h_a_n_g_e_l_o_g.html#changed-10' , 1 , 'Changed' ] , [ '../md__2github_2workspace_2_c_h_a_n_g_e_l_o_g.html#changed-7' , 1 , 'Changed' ] , [ '../md__2github_2workspace_2_c_h_a_n_g_e_l_o_g.html#changed-6' , 1 , 'Changed' ] , [ '../md__2github_2workspace_2_c_h_a_n_g_e_l_o_g.html#changed-5' , 1 , 'Changed' ] , [ '../md__2github_2workspace_2_c_h_a_n_g_e_l_o_g.html#changed-8' , 1 , 'Changed' ] , [ '../md__2github_2workspace_2_c_h_a_n_g_e_l_o_g.html#changed-4' , 1 , 'Changed' ] , [ '../md__2github_2workspace_2_c_h_a_n_g_e_l_o_g.html#changed-3' , 1 , 'Changed' ] , [ '../md__2github_2workspace_2_c_h_a_n_g_e_l_o_g.html#changed-2' , 1 , 'Changed' ] , [ '../md__2github_2workspace_2_c_h_a_n_g_e_l_o_g.html#changed-1' , 1 , 'Changed' ] , [ '../md__2github_2workspace_2_c_h_a_n_g_e_l_o_g.html#changed' , 1 , 'Changed' ] ] ] ,
2024-12-15 01:45:58 +01:00
[ 'changelog_12' , [ 'Changelog' , [ '../md__2github_2workspace_2_c_h_a_n_g_e_l_o_g.html' , 1 , '' ] ] ] ,
[ 'changes_13' , [ 'General changes' , [ '../md_1_8x__to2_8x__migration__guide.html#general-changes' , 1 , '' ] ] ] ,
[ 'changes_20strong_14' , [ '<strong>Breaking changes</strong>' , [ '../md__2github_2workspace_2_c_h_a_n_g_e_l_o_g.html#breaking-changes' , 1 , '' ] ] ] ,
[ 'characteristic_20callbacks_15' , [ 'characteristic callbacks' , [ '../md_1_8x__to2_8x__migration__guide.html#characteristic-callbacks' , 1 , 'Characteristic callbacks' ] , [ '../md__migration__guide.html#characteristic-callbacks-1' , 1 , 'Characteristic callbacks' ] ] ] ,
[ 'characteristics_16' , [ 'characteristics' , [ '../md_1_8x__to2_8x__migration__guide.html#characteristics' , 1 , 'Characteristics' ] , [ '../md__migration__guide.html#characteristics-1' , 1 , 'Characteristics' ] , [ '../md_1_8x__to2_8x__migration__guide.html#remote-characteristics' , 1 , 'Remote Characteristics' ] , [ '../md__migration__guide.html#remote-characteristics-1' , 1 , 'Remote Characteristics' ] ] ] ,
[ 'characteristics_20needed_17' , [ 'Only retrieve the services and characteristics needed' , [ '../md__usage__tips.html#only-retrieve-the-services-and-characteristics-needed' , 1 , '' ] ] ] ,
[ 'check_20return_20values_18' , [ 'Check return values' , [ '../md__usage__tips.html#check-return-values' , 1 , '' ] ] ] ,
[ 'class_20names_19' , [ 'Class Names' , [ '../md__migration__guide.html#class-names' , 1 , '' ] ] ] ,
[ 'cleardata_20' , [ 'cleardata' , [ '../class_nim_b_l_e_advertisement_data.html#ac0f2238cf17bf3e8bbef8b0ef0d61dcf' , 1 , 'NimBLEAdvertisementData::clearData()' ] , [ '../class_nim_b_l_e_advertising.html#af7cee42f24ad38872936a0bbc9e2ac1e' , 1 , 'NimBLEAdvertising::clearData()' ] , [ '../class_nim_b_l_e_ext_advertisement.html#a1391be9ee1b2ba1dc0548f2431b1d3af' , 1 , 'NimBLEExtAdvertisement::clearData()' ] ] ] ,
[ 'clearresults_21' , [ 'clearResults' , [ '../class_nim_b_l_e_scan.html#ad421a09eeb021755b193a7a5e01f183b' , 1 , 'NimBLEScan' ] ] ] ,
[ 'client_22' , [ 'client' , [ '../md_1_8x__to2_8x__migration__guide.html#client' , 1 , 'Client' ] , [ '../md__new__user__guide.html#creating-a-client' , 1 , 'Creating a Client' ] ] ] ,
[ 'client_20api_23' , [ 'Client API' , [ '../md__migration__guide.html#client-api' , 1 , '' ] ] ] ,
[ 'client_20callbacks_24' , [ 'client callbacks' , [ '../md__migration__guide.html#client-callbacks-1' , 1 , 'Client callbacks' ] , [ '../md_1_8x__to2_8x__migration__guide.html#client-callbacks' , 1 , 'Client callbacks' ] ] ] ,
[ 'client_20instances_20unless_20necessary_20or_20unused_25' , [ 'Do not delete client instances unless necessary or unused' , [ '../md__usage__tips.html#do-not-delete-client-instances-unless-necessary-or-unused' , 1 , '' ] ] ] ,
[ 'client_20security_26' , [ 'Client Security' , [ '../md__migration__guide.html#client-security' , 1 , '' ] ] ] ,
[ 'config_5fbt_5fnimble_5fatt_5fpreferred_5fmtu_27' , [ 'CONFIG_BT_NIMBLE_ATT_PREFERRED_MTU' , [ '../nimconfig_8h.html#a8fa28ebea6e979630359a2acde3ae578' , 1 , 'nimconfig.h' ] ] ] ,
[ 'config_5fbt_5fnimble_5flog_5flevel_28' , [ 'CONFIG_BT_NIMBLE_LOG_LEVEL' , [ '../nimconfig_8h.html#a1cfe4f7cfbce0d842fad09e4b668d3df' , 1 , 'nimconfig.h' ] ] ] ,
[ 'config_5fbt_5fnimble_5fmax_5fbonds_29' , [ 'CONFIG_BT_NIMBLE_MAX_BONDS' , [ '../nimconfig_8h.html#a11ebe4c94e55f9e710be03169b91f964' , 1 , 'nimconfig.h' ] ] ] ,
[ 'config_5fbt_5fnimble_5fmax_5fcccds_30' , [ 'CONFIG_BT_NIMBLE_MAX_CCCDS' , [ '../nimconfig_8h.html#abdc3219ca772a22427beed33477ea252' , 1 , 'nimconfig.h' ] ] ] ,
[ 'config_5fbt_5fnimble_5fmax_5fconnections_31' , [ 'CONFIG_BT_NIMBLE_MAX_CONNECTIONS' , [ '../nimconfig_8h.html#a2ea633774bbf41ac57b314875f16d5f9' , 1 , 'nimconfig.h' ] ] ] ,
[ 'config_5fbt_5fnimble_5fmem_5falloc_5fmode_5fexternal_32' , [ 'CONFIG_BT_NIMBLE_MEM_ALLOC_MODE_EXTERNAL' , [ '../nimconfig_8h.html#a1f39f56a0fe8a36ef7823a7c3e1c6e3b' , 1 , 'nimconfig.h' ] ] ] ,
[ 'config_5fbt_5fnimble_5fmsys1_5fblock_5fcount_33' , [ 'CONFIG_BT_NIMBLE_MSYS1_BLOCK_COUNT' , [ '../nimconfig_8h.html#a2f0eb3c3124a34b191a70908dc5af441' , 1 , 'nimconfig.h' ] ] ] ,
[ 'config_5fbt_5fnimble_5fpinned_5fto_5fcore_34' , [ 'CONFIG_BT_NIMBLE_PINNED_TO_CORE' , [ '../nimconfig_8h.html#ab86912bde65d198f2f7aa7f83ef11ee8' , 1 , 'nimconfig.h' ] ] ] ,
[ 'config_5fbt_5fnimble_5frole_5fbroadcaster_5fdisabled_35' , [ 'CONFIG_BT_NIMBLE_ROLE_BROADCASTER_DISABLED' , [ '../nimconfig_8h.html#a2a6b4f35f8975778ac2aac5ff169cbda' , 1 , 'nimconfig.h' ] ] ] ,
[ 'config_5fbt_5fnimble_5frole_5fcentral_5fdisabled_36' , [ 'CONFIG_BT_NIMBLE_ROLE_CENTRAL_DISABLED' , [ '../nimconfig_8h.html#a6ebb331a6664a3863fb2a57b91a6cd2d' , 1 , 'nimconfig.h' ] ] ] ,
[ 'config_5fbt_5fnimble_5frole_5fobserver_5fdisabled_37' , [ 'CONFIG_BT_NIMBLE_ROLE_OBSERVER_DISABLED' , [ '../nimconfig_8h.html#ab91646223e52e5c24f1004a0ed21b829' , 1 , 'nimconfig.h' ] ] ] ,
[ 'config_5fbt_5fnimble_5frole_5fperipheral_5fdisabled_38' , [ 'CONFIG_BT_NIMBLE_ROLE_PERIPHERAL_DISABLED' , [ '../nimconfig_8h.html#a677d7e75eef5bc96e8d0b4c659db90b0' , 1 , 'nimconfig.h' ] ] ] ,
[ 'config_5fbt_5fnimble_5frpa_5ftimeout_39' , [ 'CONFIG_BT_NIMBLE_RPA_TIMEOUT' , [ '../nimconfig_8h.html#a9d22f9f555a2180787ccec86aa10dc24' , 1 , 'nimconfig.h' ] ] ] ,
[ 'config_5fbt_5fnimble_5fsvc_5fgap_5fappearance_40' , [ 'CONFIG_BT_NIMBLE_SVC_GAP_APPEARANCE' , [ '../nimconfig_8h.html#a300d3f8ff48d217a1a2b6608454dfadb' , 1 , 'nimconfig.h' ] ] ] ,
[ 'config_5fbt_5fnimble_5fsvc_5fgap_5fdevice_5fname_41' , [ 'CONFIG_BT_NIMBLE_SVC_GAP_DEVICE_NAME' , [ '../nimconfig_8h.html#a7b98160e6904e45e99e28a7fcc6b2a3a' , 1 , 'nimconfig.h' ] ] ] ,
[ 'config_5fbt_5fnimble_5ftask_5fstack_5fsize_42' , [ 'CONFIG_BT_NIMBLE_TASK_STACK_SIZE' , [ '../nimconfig_8h.html#a227a536958a284235daf409b2b3d1766' , 1 , 'nimconfig.h' ] ] ] ,
[ 'config_5fnimble_5fcpp_5fatt_5fvalue_5finit_5flength_43' , [ 'CONFIG_NIMBLE_CPP_ATT_VALUE_INIT_LENGTH' , [ '../nimconfig_8h.html#a4d4ea715325f75455b43c7dbaa69d7a0' , 1 , 'nimconfig.h' ] ] ] ,
[ 'config_5fnimble_5fcpp_5fatt_5fvalue_5ftimestamp_5fenabled_44' , [ 'CONFIG_NIMBLE_CPP_ATT_VALUE_TIMESTAMP_ENABLED' , [ '../nimconfig_8h.html#abe2e5c7dbca929d3ed6cf70a73aced23' , 1 , 'nimconfig.h' ] ] ] ,
[ 'config_5fnimble_5fcpp_5fenable_5fadvertisment_5ftype_5ftext_45' , [ 'CONFIG_NIMBLE_CPP_ENABLE_ADVERTISMENT_TYPE_TEXT' , [ '../nimconfig_8h.html#a07c0fd3908c3466e9f4835f85d913880' , 1 , 'nimconfig.h' ] ] ] ,
[ 'config_5fnimble_5fcpp_5fenable_5fgap_5fevent_5fcode_5ftext_46' , [ 'CONFIG_NIMBLE_CPP_ENABLE_GAP_EVENT_CODE_TEXT' , [ '../nimconfig_8h.html#a97b51f4248845f6225806eadbab3bcdb' , 1 , 'nimconfig.h' ] ] ] ,
[ 'config_5fnimble_5fcpp_5fenable_5freturn_5fcode_5ftext_47' , [ 'CONFIG_NIMBLE_CPP_ENABLE_RETURN_CODE_TEXT' , [ '../nimconfig_8h.html#a136a5d626ac04aa780c6ec07ee88d242' , 1 , 'nimconfig.h' ] ] ] ,
[ 'config_5fnimble_5fcpp_5flog_5flevel_48' , [ 'CONFIG_NIMBLE_CPP_LOG_LEVEL' , [ '../nimconfig_8h.html#a3966debed5a599b8cabff3c50b9fae4f' , 1 , 'nimconfig.h' ] ] ] ,
[ 'configuration_49' , [ 'Arduino Configuration' , [ '../md__migration__guide.html#arduino-configuration' , 1 , '' ] ] ] ,
[ 'connect_50' , [ 'connect' , [ '../class_nim_b_l_e_client.html#a2b49bc73802bf716cf3df3b5a93f0543' , 1 , 'NimBLEClient::connect(const NimBLEAdvertisedDevice *device, bool deleteAttributes=true, bool asyncConnect=false, bool exchangeMTU=true)' ] , [ '../class_nim_b_l_e_client.html#a27e53c3746bc2d20ea7cfcea1a123cbf' , 1 , 'NimBLEClient::connect(const NimBLEAddress &address, bool deleteAttributes=true, bool asyncConnect=false, bool exchangeMTU=true)' ] , [ '../class_nim_b_l_e_client.html#a26c8117d56d8b637780390a6506716be' , 1 , 'NimBLEClient::connect(bool deleteAttributes=true, bool asyncConnect=false, bool exchangeMTU=true)' ] ] ] ,
[ 'core_51' , [ 'Put BLE functions in a task running on the NimBLE stack core' , [ '../md__usage__tips.html#put-ble-functions-in-a-task-running-on-the-nimble-stack-core' , 1 , '' ] ] ] ,
[ 'create2904_52' , [ 'create2904' , [ '../class_nim_b_l_e_characteristic.html#acc3402da680a988f6fa38100d9c98275' , 1 , 'NimBLECharacteristic' ] ] ] ,
[ 'createcharacteristic_53' , [ 'createcharacteristic' , [ '../class_nim_b_l_e_service.html#a415e1b836946831c6f9edd74adba8763' , 1 , 'NimBLEService::createCharacteristic(const char *uuid, uint32_t properties=NIMBLE_PROPERTY::READ|NIMBLE_PROPERTY::WRITE, uint16_t max_len=BLE_ATT_ATTR_MAX_LEN)' ] , [ '../class_nim_b_l_e_service.html#aa780d072e6257258e27cbc96106626ad' , 1 , 'NimBLEService::createCharacteristic(const NimBLEUUID &uuid, uint32_t properties=NIMBLE_PROPERTY::READ|NIMBLE_PROPERTY::WRITE, uint16_t max_len=BLE_ATT_ATTR_MAX_LEN)' ] ] ] ,
[ 'createclient_54' , [ 'createclient' , [ '../class_nim_b_l_e_device.html#a010b12177917f33e7d3633736c0cc553' , 1 , 'NimBLEDevice::createClient()' ] , [ '../class_nim_b_l_e_device.html#a7b52d5124390f1d547273d25ecae6704' , 1 , 'NimBLEDevice::createClient(const NimBLEAddress &peerAddress)' ] ] ] ,
[ 'createdescriptor_55' , [ 'createdescriptor' , [ '../class_nim_b_l_e_characteristic.html#aa9817ffdcc2d57e65e4ec3d88836af3f' , 1 , 'NimBLECharacteristic::createDescriptor(const char *uuid, uint32_t properties=NIMBLE_PROPERTY::READ|NIMBLE_PROPERTY::WRITE, uint16_t maxLen=BLE_ATT_ATTR_MAX_LEN)' ] , [ '../class_nim_b_l_e_characteristic.html#ac7c63b770d181de28869fda0f4d902fa' , 1 , 'NimBLECharacteristic::createDescriptor(const NimBLEUUID &uuid, uint32_t properties=NIMBLE_PROPERTY::READ|NIMBLE_PROPERTY::WRITE, uint16_t maxLen=BLE_ATT_ATTR_MAX_LEN)' ] ] ] ,
[ 'createserver_56' , [ 'createServer' , [ '../class_nim_b_l_e_device.html#a4d9780d0b5fafc279483822af802a508' , 1 , 'NimBLEDevice' ] ] ] ,
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[ 'createservice_57' , [ 'createservice' , [ '../class_nim_b_l_e_server.html#a5f0d43106db713e2ac716eabd70a10b2' , 1 , 'NimBLEServer::createService(const NimBLEUUID &uuid)' ] , [ '../class_nim_b_l_e_server.html#aaeb58b4de85754d1aac6964e9248aa35' , 1 , 'NimBLEServer::createService(const char *uuid)' ] ] ] ,
2024-12-15 01:45:58 +01:00
[ 'creating_20a_20client_58' , [ 'Creating a Client' , [ '../md__new__user__guide.html#creating-a-client' , 1 , '' ] ] ] ,
[ 'creating_20a_20server_59' , [ 'Creating a Server' , [ '../md__new__user__guide.html#creating-a-server' , 1 , '' ] ] ]
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] ;