<p>Extended advertising allows for much more capability and flexibility.</p>
<li>Allows for 251 bytes of advertisement data and up to 1650 bytes when chained (configuration dependant) vs 31.</li>
<li>New PHY's (physical layers) that allow for faster data rate (2M PHY) or long range/slower data rates (CODED PHY) as well as the original 1M PHY.</li>
<li>New periodic advertising, allowing the scanning device to sync with the advertisements of a beacon. This allows for the scanning device to sleep or perform other tasks before the next expected advertisement is sent, preserving cpu cycles and power (To be implemented). <br/>
<p>Extended advertising is supported when enabled with the config option <code>CONFIG_BT_NIMBLE_EXT_ADV</code> set to a value of 1. This is done in menuconfig under <code>Component config > Bluetooth > NimBLE options > Enable extended advertising</code>, or set in <code><aclass="el"href="nimconfig_8h.html">nimconfig.h</a></code> for Arduino, or in <code>build_flags</code> in PlatformIO.</p>
<li><code><aclass="el"href="class_nim_b_l_e_scan.html#ac1307f30a881688d3a4d57bac7abe02c"title="Start scanning.">NimBLEScan::start</a></code> method will scan on both the 1M PHY and the coded PHY standards automatically.</li>
<li><code><aclass="el"href="class_nim_b_l_e_client.html#a27e53c3746bc2d20ea7cfcea1a123cbf"title="Connect to a BLE Server by address.">NimBLEClient::connect</a></code> will use the primary PHY the device is listening on, unless specified (see below).</li>
<li><code><aclass="el"href="class_nim_b_l_e_client.html#a004a85999b1ee4283e1e8e1e31090cca"title="Set the PHY types to use when connecting to a server.">NimBLEClient::setConnectPhy</a></code> becomes available to specify the PHY's to connect with (default is all).</li>
<li><code><aclass="el"href="class_nim_b_l_e_advertising.html"title="Perform and manage BLE advertising.">NimBLEAdvertising</a></code> is no longer available for use and is replaced by <code><aclass="el"href="class_nim_b_l_e_ext_advertising.html"title="Extended advertising class.">NimBLEExtAdvertising</a></code>. <code><aclass="el"href="class_nim_b_l_e_device.html#aa994b01b2b5bb9f677f3cffb2f05d140"title="Get the instance of the extended advertising object.">NimBLEDevice::getAdvertising</a></code> will now return an instance of <code><aclass="el"href="class_nim_b_l_e_ext_advertising.html"title="Extended advertising class.">NimBLEExtAdvertising</a></code>.</li>
<li><code><aclass="el"href="class_nim_b_l_e_advertisement_data.html"title="Advertisement data set by the programmer to be published by the BLE server.">NimBLEAdvertisementData</a></code> is no longer available for use and is replaced by <code><aclass="el"href="class_nim_b_l_e_ext_advertisement.html"title="Extended advertisement data.">NimBLEExtAdvertisement</a></code>. This new class is where everything about the advertisement is configured, including the advertisement intervals and advertisement ended callback. </li>
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