This library detects this and invokes the esp32 IPC to reroute these commands through the correct core but this also increases overhead. <br/>
Therefore it is highly recommended to create tasks for BLE to run on the same core, the macro <code>CONFIG_BT_NIMBLE_PINNED_TO_CORE</code> can be used to set the core. <br/>
Do not delete client instances unless necessary or unused</h1>
<p>When a client instance has been created and has connected to a peer device and it has retrieved service/characteristic information it will store that data for the life of the client instance. <br/>
If you are periodically connecting to the same devices and you have deleted the client instance or the services when connecting again it will cause a retrieval of that information from the peer again. <br/>
This results in significant energy drain on the battery of the devices, fragments heap, and reduces connection performance. <br/>
<p>Client instances in this library use approximately 20% of the original bluedroid library, deleting them will provide much less gain than it did before. <br/>
<p>As a client the use of <code><aclass="el"href="class_nim_b_l_e_client.html#adefe48b87e8a814e1643cdb8c3759298"title="Get a pointer to the vector of found services.">NimBLEClient::getServices</a></code> or <code><aclass="el"href="class_nim_b_l_e_remote_service.html#a5b07f0756c401d40396886e80d64b03b"title="Get a pointer to the vector of found characteristics.">NimBLERemoteService::getCharacteristics</a></code> and using <code>true</code> for the parameter should be limited to devices that are not known. <br/>
Instead <code>NimBLEClient::getService(NimBLEUUID)</code> or <code>NimBLERemoteService::getCharacteristic(NimBLEUUID)</code> should be used to access certain attributes that are useful to the application. <br/>
This reduces energy consumed, heap allocated, connection time and improves overall efficiency. <br/>
<p>Many user issues can be avoided by checking if a function returned successfully, by either testing for true/false such as when calling <code><aclass="el"href="class_nim_b_l_e_client.html#a27e53c3746bc2d20ea7cfcea1a123cbf"title="Connect to a BLE Server by address.">NimBLEClient::connect</a></code>, <br/>
or nullptr such as when calling <code><aclass="el"href="class_nim_b_l_e_client.html#ae22379ab10bd82932d2303fb3753c366"title="Get the service BLE Remote Service instance corresponding to the uuid.">NimBLEClient::getService</a></code>. The latter being a must, as calling a method on a nullptr will surely result in a crash. <br/>
Most of the functions in this library return something that should be checked before proceeding. <br/>
<p>No code is bug free and unit testing will not find them all on it's own. If you encounter a bug, please report it along with any logs and decoded backtrace if applicable. <br/>
Best efforts will be made to correct any errors ASAP. <br/>
<p>Bug reports can be made at <ahref=""></a> or <ahref=""></a>. <br/>
Questions and suggestions will be happily accepted there as well. </p>
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