2021-08-05 03:02:30 +02:00
var searchData =
2024-12-15 01:45:58 +01:00
[ 'be_20bugs_20please_20report_20them_0' , [ 'There will be bugs - please report them' , [ '../md__usage__tips.html#there-will-be-bugs---please-report-them' , 1 , '' ] ] ] ,
[ 'beacons_1' , [ 'Beacons' , [ '../md_1_8x__to2_8x__migration__guide.html#beacons' , 1 , '' ] ] ] ,
[ 'begin_2' , [ 'begin' , [ '../class_nim_b_l_e_advertised_device.html#aabb14f9df146ebe6fb50d74a4ec8a878' , 1 , 'NimBLEAdvertisedDevice::begin()' ] , [ '../class_nim_b_l_e_scan_results.html#a5a0b1dc434c4ad68ae5ce233eeacc230' , 1 , 'NimBLEScanResults::begin()' ] , [ '../class_nim_b_l_e_remote_service.html#a99e6d6a6fba063b2c165cf8adb19d6e3' , 1 , 'NimBLERemoteService::begin()' ] , [ '../class_nim_b_l_e_remote_characteristic.html#a160cf1b93ae583038606d27b258156e9' , 1 , 'NimBLERemoteCharacteristic::begin()' ] , [ '../class_nim_b_l_e_client.html#ab09639b499fdcd0021a2432b2b8203f5' , 1 , 'NimBLEClient::begin()' ] , [ '../class_nim_b_l_e_att_value.html#aec41d0fe983f8c4ded137d7d5017bcb7' , 1 , 'NimBLEAttValue::begin()' ] ] ] ,
[ 'bitsize_3' , [ 'bitSize' , [ '../class_nim_b_l_e_u_u_i_d.html#aefc88e493b63ccd6dc86227dc92af0c6' , 1 , 'NimBLEUUID' ] ] ] ,
[ 'ble_20addresses_4' , [ 'ble addresses' , [ '../md_1_8x__to2_8x__migration__guide.html#ble-addresses' , 1 , 'BLE Addresses' ] , [ '../md__migration__guide.html#ble-addresses-1' , 1 , 'BLE Addresses' ] ] ] ,
[ 'ble_20device_5' , [ 'BLE Device' , [ '../md_1_8x__to2_8x__migration__guide.html#ble-device' , 1 , '' ] ] ] ,
[ 'ble_20functions_20in_20a_20task_20running_20on_20the_20nimble_20stack_20core_6' , [ 'Put BLE functions in a task running on the NimBLE stack core' , [ '../md__usage__tips.html#put-ble-functions-in-a-task-running-on-the-nimble-stack-core' , 1 , '' ] ] ] ,
[ 'ble_20scan_7' , [ 'BLE Scan' , [ '../md__migration__guide.html#ble-scan' , 1 , '' ] ] ] ,
[ 'ble_20uuid_20s_8' , [ 'BLE UUID's' , [ '../md_1_8x__to2_8x__migration__guide.html#ble-uuids' , 1 , '' ] ] ] ,
[ 'bluedroid_20to_20nimble_9' , [ 'Migrating from Bluedroid to NimBLE' , [ '../md__migration__guide.html' , 1 , '' ] ] ] ,
[ 'bluetooth_205_20x_20features_10' , [ 'Bluetooth 5.x features' , [ '../md__bluetooth_015_01features.html' , 1 , '' ] ] ] ,
[ 'breaking_20changes_20strong_11' , [ '<strong>Breaking changes</strong>' , [ '../md__2github_2workspace_2_c_h_a_n_g_e_l_o_g.html#breaking-changes' , 1 , '' ] ] ] ,
[ 'bugs_20please_20report_20them_12' , [ 'There will be bugs - please report them' , [ '../md__usage__tips.html#there-will-be-bugs---please-report-them' , 1 , '' ] ] ]
2021-08-05 03:02:30 +02:00
] ;