diff --git a/_h_i_d_keyboard_types_8h_source.html b/_h_i_d_keyboard_types_8h_source.html index f5e8f56..b08ad1f 100644 --- a/_h_i_d_keyboard_types_8h_source.html +++ b/_h_i_d_keyboard_types_8h_source.html @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
will now return the correct characteristic.-
NimBLEScanCallbacks::onScanEnd, replaces the scanEnded callback passed to
NimBLEScan::startand now takes a
const NimBLEScanResults&and
int reasonparameter.
NimBLEScanCallbacks::onDiscovered, This is called immediately when a device is first scanned, before any scan response data is available and takes a
const NimBLEAdvertisedDevice*parameter. -
NimBLEScan::stopwill no longer call the
onScanEndcallback as the caller should know its been stopped when this is called. -
NimBLEScan::clearDuplicateCachehas been removed as it was problematic and only for the esp32. Stop and start the scanner for the same effect. -
NimBLEScanResults::getDevicemethods now return
const NimBLEAdvertisedDevice*. -
NimBLEScanResultsiterators are now
const_iterator. -
NimBLEAdvertisedDevice::hasRSSIremoved as redundant, RSSI is always available. -
NimBLEAdvertisedDevice::getPayloadnow returns
const std::vector<uint8_t>instead of a pointer to internal memory. -
NimBLEAdvertisedDeviceTimestamp removed, if needed then the app should track the time from the callback. -
NimBLECharacteristic::notifyno longer takes a
bool is_notificationparameter, instead
indicate()should be called to send indications. -
NimBLECharacteristicCallbacks::onNotifyremoved as unnecessary, the library does not call notify without app input. -
NimBLECharacteristicCallbacks::onStatusNo longer takes a
statusparameter, refer to the return code for success/failure. -
NimBLERemoteCharacteristic::getRemoteServicenow returns a
const NimBLERemoteService*instead of non-const. -
NimBLERemoteCharacteristic::readUInt32Has been removed. -
NimBLERemoteCharacteristic::readUInt16Has been removed. -
NimBLERemoteCharacteristic::readUInt8Has been removed. -
NimBLERemoteCharacteristic::readFloatHas been removed. -
NimBLERemoteCharacteristic::registerForNotifyHas been removed. -
NimBLERemoteService::getCharacteristicsnow returns a
const std::vector<NimBLERemoteCharacteristic*>&instead of non-const
std::vector<NimBLERemoteCharacteristic*>*. -
NimBLERemoteService::getValuenow returns
NimBLEAttValueinstead of
std::string. -
NimBLEService::getCharacteristicsnow returns a
const std::vector<NimBLECharacteristic*>&instead of std::vector<NimBLECharacteristic *>. -
NimBLEUUID::getNativemethod replaced with
NimBLEUUID::getBasewhich returns a read-only pointer to the underlying
ble_uuid_tstruct. -
msbFirstparameter has been removed from constructor, caller should reverse the data first or call the new
reverseByteOrdermethod after. -
NimBLEAddressconstructor; default value for the
typeparameter removed, caller should know the address type and specify it. -
NimBLEAddress::getNativereplaced with
NimBLEAddress::getBaseand now returns a pointer to
const ble_addr_tinstead of a pointer to the address value. -
NimBLEAddress::equalsmethod and
NimBLEAddress::== operatorwill now also test if the address types are the same. -
NimBLEUtils::dumpGapEventfunction removed. -
NimBLEUtils::buildHexDatareplaced with
NimBLEUtils::dataToHexString, which returns a
std::stringcontaining the hex string. -
NimBLEEddystoneTLM::setTempnow takes an
int16_tparameter instead of float to be friendly to devices without floating point support. -
NimBLEEddystoneTLM::getTempnow returns
int16_tto work with devices that don't have floating point support. -
NimBLEEddystoneTLM::setDatanow takes a reference to *
NimBLEEddystoneTLM::BeaconDatainstead of
std::string. -
NimBLEEddystoneTLM::getDatanow returns a reference to *
NimBLEEddystoneTLM::BeaconDatainstead of
std::string. -
NimBLEBeacon::setDatanow takes
const NimBLEBeacon::BeaconData&instead of
std::string. -
NimBLEBeacon::getDatanow returns
const NimBLEBeacon::BeaconData&instead of
std::string. -
NimBLEHIDDevice::reportMaprenamed to
NimBLEHIDDevice::getReportMap. -
NimBLEHIDDevice::hidControlrenamed to
NimBLEHIDDevice::getHidControl. -
NimBLEHIDDevice::inputReportrenamed to
NimBLEHIDDevice::getInputReport. -
NimBLEHIDDevice::outputReportrenamed to
NimBLEHIDDevice::getOutputReport. -
NimBLEHIDDevice::featureReportrenamed to
NimBLEHIDDevice::getFeatureReport. -
NimBLEHIDDevice::protocolModerenamed to
NimBLEHIDDevice::getProtocolMode. -
NimBLEHIDDevice::bootOutputrenamed to
NimBLEHIDDevice::getBootOutput. -
NimBLEHIDDevice::pnprenamed to
NimBLEHIDDevice::setPnp. -
NimBLEHIDDevice::hidInforenamed to
NimBLEHIDDevice::setHidInfo. -
NimBLEHIDDevice::deviceInforenamed to
NimBLEHIDDevice::getDeviceInfoService. -
NimBLEHIDDevice::hidServicerenamed to
NimBLEHIDDevice::getHidService. -
NimBLEHIDDevice::batteryServicerenamed to
and NimBLEDevice::getPowerLevel
bug worked around for the esp32s3 and esp32c3.btInUse
Is now called after the connection is added to the vector.NimBLEScan
Now uses the controller duplicate filter.NimBLEAdvertisedDevice
Has been refactored to store the complete advertisement payload and no longer parses the data from each advertisement. Instead the data will be parsed on-demand when the user application asks for specific data.NimBLEHIDDevice
Characteristics now use encryption, this resolves an issue with communicating with devices requiring encryption for HID devices.NimBLEScan
When the scan ends the scan stopped flag is now set before calling the scan complete callback (if used) this allows the starting of a new scan from the callback function.NimBLEClient::connect
would hang on the task block if no event arrived to unblock. A time limit has been added to timeout appropriately.