* General code cleanup
* `NimBLEServerCallbacks::onMTUChanged` renamed to `NimBLEServerCallbacks::onMTUChange` to be consistent with the client callback.
* `NimBLEServer::getPeerIDInfo` renamed to `NimBLEServer::getPeerInfoByHandle` to better describe it's use.
* Use a std::array to store client connection handles instead of std::vector to reduce memory allocation.
* `NimBLEServer::disconnect` now returns `bool`, true = success, instead of `int` to be consistent with the rest of the library.
* General code cleanup.
* `NimBLEAdvertisementData` moved to it's own .h and .cpp files.
* Added new method, `NimBLEAdvertising::setPreferredParams` that takes the min and max preferred connection parameters as an alternative for `setMinPreferred` and `setMaxPreferred`.
* Added new method, `NimBLEAdvertising::setAdvertisingInterval` Sets the advertisement interval for min and max to the same value instead of calling `setMinInterval` and `setMaxInterval` separately if there is not value difference.
* `NimBLEAdvertisementData` payload is now stored in `std::vector<uint8_t>` instead of `std::string`.
* `NimBLEAdvertisementData::getPayload` now returns `std::vector<uint8_t>` instead of `std::string`.
* `NimBLEAdvertisementData::addData` now takes either a `std::vector<uint8_t>` or `uint8_t* + length` instead of `std::string` or `char + length`.
* `NimBLEAdvertisementData::setName` now takes an optional `bool` parameter to indicate if the name is complete or incomplete, default = complete.
* `NimBLEAdvertising::start` No longer takes a callback pointer parameter, instead the new method `NimBLEAdvertising::setAdvertisingCompleteCallback` should be used.
* `NimBLEAdvertising::setAdvertisementType` has been renamed to `NimBLEAdvertising::setConnectableMode` to better reflect it's function.
* `NimBLEAdvertising::setScanResponse` has been renamed to `NimBLEAdvertising::enableScanResponse` to better reflect it's function.
* Scan response is no longer enabled by default.
* Added new method, `NimBLEAdvertising::setDiscoverableMode` to allow applications to control the discoverability of the advertiser.
* Advertising the name and TX power of the device will no longer happen by default and should be set manually by the application.
* Added overload for `NimBLEAdvertising::setManufacturerData` that takes a `const uint8_t*` and , size_t` paramter.
* Added overload for `NimBLEAdvertising::setServiceData` that takes `const NimBLEUUID& uuid`, ` const uint8_t* data`, ` size_t length` as parameters.
* Added overload for `NimBLEAdvertising::setServiceData` that takes `const NimBLEUUID& uuid`, `const std::vector<uint8_t>&` as parameters.
* All `NimBLEAdvertisementData` functions that change data values now return `bool`, true = success.
* All `NimBLEAdvertising` functions that change data values now return `bool`, true = success.
* `NimBLEAdvertising::setMinPreferred` and `NimBLEAdvertising::setMaxPreferred` have been removed, use `NimBLEAdvertising::setPreferredParams` instead.
* All advertising data is now stored in instances of `NimBLEAdvertisingData` and vectors removed from `NimBLEAdvertising`.
* `NimBLEAdvertising::setAdvertisementData` and `NimBLEAdvertising::setScanResponseData` now return `bool`, true = success.
* Added new method, `NimBLEAdvertisementData::removeData`, which takes a parameter `uint8_t type`, the data type to remove.
* Added new method, `NimBLEAdvertisementData::toString`, which will print the data in hex.
* Added new method, `NimBLEAdvertising::getAdvertisementData`, which returns a reference to the currently set advertisement data.
* Added new method, `NimBLEAdvertising::getScanData`, which returns a reference to the currently set scan response data.
* Added overloads for `NimBLEAdvertising::removeServiceUUID` and `NimBLEAdvertisementData::removeServiceUUID` to accept a `const char*`
* Added new method, `NimBLEAdvertising::clearData`, which will clear the advertisement and scan response data.
* General code cleanup
* `NimBLEDevice::getInitialized` renamed to `NimBLEDevice::isInitialized`.
* `NimBLEDevice::setPower` no longer takes the `esp_power_level_t` and `esp_ble_power_type_t`, instead only an integer value in dbm units is accepted.
* `NimBLEDevice::setPower` now returns a bool value, true = success.
* `NimBLEDevice::setMTU` now returns a bool value, true = success.
* `NimBLEDevice::injectConfirmPIN` renamed to `NimBLEDevice::injectConfirmPasskey` to use Bluetooth naming.
* Fixes crash if `NimBLEDevice::deinit` is called when the stack has not been initialized.
* Reverts 73f0277 as it would cause a crash when the NimBLEServer instance has a connection.
* `NimBLEDevice::getAddress` will now return the address currently in use.
* `NimBLEDevice::init` now returns a bool with `true` indicating success.
* `NimBLEDevice::deinit` now returns a bool with `true` inidicating success.
* `NimBLEDevice::setDeviceName` now returns a bool with `true` indicating success.
* `NimBLEDevice::setCustomGapHandler` now returns a bool with `true` indicating success.
* `NimBLEDevice::setOwnAddrType` now returns a bool with `true` indicating success.
* `NimBLEDevice::setOwnAddrType` will now correctly apply the provided address type for all devices.
* `NimBLEDevice::setOwnAddrType` no longer takes a `bool nrpa` parameter.
* msbFirst parameter has been removed from constructor as it was unnecessary,
caller should reverse the data first or call the new `reverseByteOrder` method after.
* `getNative` method replaced with `getBase` which returns a read-only pointer to the UUID size underlying.
* Added `reverseByteOrder` method, this will reverse the bytes of the UUID, which can be useful for advertising/logging.
* Added `getValue` method, which returns a read-only `uint8_t` pointer to the UUID value.
* Removed `m_valueSet` member variable, `bitSize()` can be used as a replacement.
* General code cleanup.
This simplifies the NimBLEAddress code by directly using the NimBLE core `ble_addr_t` type to hold the address
and allows using NimBLE core functions and macros to replace code in some methods.
* `getNative()` replaced with `getBase()` and now returns a pointer to `const ble_addr_t` instead of a pointer to the address value.
* Adds `isNrpa()` method to test if an address is random non-resolvable.
* Adds `isStatic()` method to test if an address is random static.
* Adds `isPublic()` method to test if an address is a public address.
* Adds `isNull()` methods to test if an address is NULL.
* Adds `getValue()` method which returns a read-only pointer to the address value.
* Adds `reverseByteOrder()` method which will reverse the byte order of the address value.
* `equals()` method and == operator will now also test if the address types are the same.
* Code cleanup.
Replaces all use of NIMBLE_LOGC with NIMBLE_LOGE and redefines NIMBLE_LOGC to use printf.
This allows NIMBLE_CPP_DEBUG_ASSERT messages to print event when log level filtering is set to none.
Updates the interface to use a typedef'd std::function for the advertise callback, which is backwards compatible but also allows std::bind and lambda functions.
Changes all functions that accept a time parameter to use milliseconds instead of seconds.
* Adds duration input to NimBLEDevice::startAdvertising and NimBLEServer::startAdvertising.
Adds support for advertising and connections with coded/2M PHY's.
Adds new classes `NimBLEExtAdvertising` and `NimBLEExtAdvertisement`.
When extended advertising is enabled the original advertising classes become unavailable and the new classes must be used.
Changed some return values for advertising methods for consistency with the new classes methods.
* Sets macros to allow compiling when Central role is enabled and Observer disabled, or Peripheral enabled and Broadcaster disabled.
* Adds a macro definition for CONFIG_NIMBLE_CPP_IDF to enable different include paths/functionality for IDF / Arduino.
This prevents an exception when initializing a NimBLEAdvertising instance before calling NimBLEDevice::init().
The constructor calls reset() which calls stop(), if the stack was not yet initialized it will cause an exception.
Previous to this NimBLEAdvertising did not have some functionality that was in NimBLEAdvertisementData.
Also NimBLEAdvertisementData was missing functionality that exists in NimBLEAdvertising.
This resolves that by adding the missing functions to both classes.
NimBLEAdvertising: Transmission power is no longer advertised by default and can be added to the advertisement by calling ::addTxPower()
- NimBLEAdvertising::setName
- NimBLEAdvertising::setManufacturerData
- NimBLEAdvertising::setURI
- NimBLEAdvertising::setServiceData
- NimBLEAdvertising::addTxPower
- NimBLEAdvertising::reset
- NimBLEAdvertisementData::addTxPower
- NimBLEAdvertisementData::setPreferredParams
- NimBLEAdvertisementData::setURI
- setPartialServices16
- setPartialServices32
- setCompleteServices16
- setCompleteServices32
Each takes an input parameter of std::vector<NimBLEUUID> to allow for advertising multiple services with a simple interface.
Advertising start did not return a value to indicate success/failure,
this patch adds that functionality. In addition, more verbose logging of errors from
this function are provided with the removal of the related asserts.
* Minor code cleanup
m_duration member variable was not set previously which could trigger advertising to start if the
host was reset prior to the application calling start.
Previously when the host reset while scanning (if active prior) it would be restarted automatically.
This caused errors for some applications and has been removed since the event invokes the scan
ended callback for the app to take action. Instead scanning will now only be restarted if the duration
was indefinite and a callback was set for the advertisment events, this use case is less likely to have
a scan ended callback.
Advertising (if active prior) would be started without regard to it's previous state.
This has been corrected to only start advertising again if it was advertising for an idefinite time.
* Adds functionality to advertise for a set duration, similar to NimBLEScan::start.
The first parameter being the duration (in seconds).
The second parameter is a pointer to a callback function that is invoked when advertising stops.
* NimBLEAdvertising::isAdvertising method added, returns true if advertising is currently active.
* These methods were noop's and are now removed due to lack of usefulness and advertisment space consumed if used.
Applications can still manually set these values if desired using NimBLEAdvertisementData::addData.
* Get service handles on server start
* remove service + indicate service changed
* Reset gatt services when no connections active and services changed.
* NimBLEServer::createService can now be used any time and will send service changed
indication if server was already active.
* Add ability to remove advertised serviceUUIDS
* Adds addService() method to server to be allow user to re-add a service previously removed
* Add destructior to NimBLEServer, NimBLEService and NimBLECharacteristic to release allocated resources.
* Use critical sections to access characteristic/descriptor value data.
* Remove unnecessary code
* Create characteristic semaphore only if needed for indications.
* Fix advertising when not broadcasting a service.
Previously we used createServer() to get a reference to the server instance.
This was problematic when using advertising only as it would create a server
when starting advertising. This prevents that and provides better semantics.
This allows NimBLE options in menuconfig to reduce code size based on
the roles selected (scan/advertising/central/peripheral).
Significant code space can be saved by removing unnecessary roles for the application.