Commit graph

352 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
36d27a2413 [BREAKING] Refactor NimBLEBeacon
* General code cleanup
* The internal data struct type `BeaconData` is now public and can be used by the application.
* `NimBLEBeacon::setData` now takes `const NimBLEBeacon::BeaconData&` instead of `std::string`.
* Added overload for `NimBLEBeacon::setData` that takes a pointer to raw `uint8_t` data and length`.
* `NimBLEBeacon::getData` now returns `const NimBLEBeacon::BeaconData&` instead of `std::string`.
2024-12-01 16:00:10 -07:00
ecf1adc4d7 Fix compiler warnings for C++ versions < 17 2024-12-01 14:19:51 -07:00
b4fe046c56 Refactor 2904 descriptor
* General code cleanup.
* Added method `NimBLECharacteristic::create2904` which will specifically create a CPF(0x2904) descriptor.
2024-11-30 14:21:39 -07:00
47c3cd5b84 Refresh advertising data dynamically 2024-11-30 13:16:36 -07:00
2de3c31421 Make NimBLERemoteValueAttribute LOG_TAG static 2024-11-29 14:44:58 -07:00
70c6e89f19 Refactor service changed handling
This makes the services changes notification more accurate by waiting until the changes have taken effect and the server re-started before indicating the change.
2024-11-28 17:18:21 -07:00
a12f3d4785 Remove characteristic subscription tracking.
Removes tracking of client characteristic subscription status from `NimBLEServer` and `NimBLECharacteristic` and instead uses
the functions and tracking in the host stack.

* `NimBLECharacteristic::notify` and `NimBLECharacteristic::indicate` now return a `bool`, true = success.
2024-11-28 17:18:21 -07:00
d9178cfa9b [BREAKING] Refactor NimBLEServer
* General code cleanup
* `NimBLEServerCallbacks::onMTUChanged` renamed to `NimBLEServerCallbacks::onMTUChange` to be consistent with the client callback.
* `NimBLEServer::getPeerIDInfo` renamed to `NimBLEServer::getPeerInfoByHandle` to better describe it's use.
* Use a std::array to store client connection handles instead of std::vector to reduce memory allocation.
* `NimBLEServer::disconnect` now returns `bool`, true = success,  instead of `int` to be consistent with the rest of the library.
2024-11-28 17:18:21 -07:00
c4c9f7913a Add methods to set/get connection PHY's.
* Added `NimBLEDevice::setDefaultPhy` which will set the default preferred PHY for all connections.
* Added `NimBLEClient::updatePhy` to request a PHY change with a peer.
* Added `NimBLEClient::getPhy` to read the current connection PHY setting.
* Added `NimBLEServer::updatePhy` to request a PHY change with a peer.
* Added `NimBLEServer::getPhy` to read the PHY of a peer connection.
* Added callbacks:
* - `NimBLEClientCallbacks::onPhyUpdate`
* - `NimBLEServerCallbacks::onPhyUpdate`
 Which are called when the PHY update is complete.
2024-11-28 14:42:57 -07:00
3cb9adb61a Add extended scan features.
* Added new method `NimBLEScan::setScanPhy` to enable/disable the PHY's to scan on.
* Added new method `NimBLEScan::setScanPeriod` which will allow for setting a scan restart timer in the controller.
* Updated `NimBLEScan::start` to allow the command to be sent with updated parameters if already scanning.
* Added extended scan example.
* Removed storing and restarting of the scan on host reset as it is more appropriate to call the scanEnded callback instead.
2024-11-28 14:42:57 -07:00
db2fe36131 Refactor NimBLEExtAdvertising
* General code cleanup
* `NimBLEExtAdvertisement` : All functions that set data now return `bool`, true = success.
* Added new method, `NimBLEExtAdvertisement::removeData`, which will remove the data of the specified type from the advertisement.
* Added new method, `NimBLEExtAdvertisement::addServiceUUID`, which will append to the service uuids advertised.
* Added new method, `NimBLEExtAdvertisement::removeServiceUUID`, which will remove the service from the uuids advertised.
* Added new method, `NimBLEExtAdvertisement::removeServices`, which will remove all service uuids advertised.
* Added overloads for `NimBLEExtAdvertisement::setServiceData` with the parameters `const NimBLEUUID& uuid, const uint8_t* data, size_t length` and
  `const NimBLEUUID& uuid, const std::vector<uint8_t>& data`.
* Added new method, `NimBLEExtAdvertisement::getDataLocation`, which returns the location in the advertisment data of the type requested in parameter `uint8_t type`.
* Added new method, `toString` which returns a Hex string representation of the advertisement data.
2024-11-28 14:42:57 -07:00
4980e6a10a [BREAKING] - Refactor NimBLEAdvertising
* General code cleanup.
* `NimBLEAdvertisementData` moved to it's own .h and .cpp files.
* Added new method, `NimBLEAdvertising::setPreferredParams` that takes the min and max preferred connection parameters as an alternative for `setMinPreferred` and `setMaxPreferred`.
* Added new method, `NimBLEAdvertising::setAdvertisingInterval` Sets the advertisement interval for min and max to the same value instead of calling `setMinInterval` and `setMaxInterval` separately if there is not value difference.
* `NimBLEAdvertisementData` payload is now stored in `std::vector<uint8_t>` instead of `std::string`.
* `NimBLEAdvertisementData::getPayload` now returns `std::vector<uint8_t>` instead of `std::string`.
* `NimBLEAdvertisementData::addData` now takes either a `std::vector<uint8_t>` or `uint8_t* + length` instead of `std::string` or `char + length`.
* `NimBLEAdvertisementData::setName` now takes an optional `bool` parameter to indicate if the name is complete or incomplete, default = complete.
* `NimBLEAdvertising::start` No longer takes a callback pointer parameter, instead the new method `NimBLEAdvertising::setAdvertisingCompleteCallback` should be used.
* `NimBLEAdvertising::setAdvertisementType` has been renamed to `NimBLEAdvertising::setConnectableMode` to better reflect it's function.
* `NimBLEAdvertising::setScanResponse` has been renamed to `NimBLEAdvertising::enableScanResponse` to better reflect it's function.
* Scan response is no longer enabled by default.
* Added new method, `NimBLEAdvertising::setDiscoverableMode` to allow applications to control the discoverability of the advertiser.
* Advertising the name and TX power of the device will no longer happen by default and should be set manually by the application.
* Added overload for `NimBLEAdvertising::setManufacturerData` that takes a `const uint8_t*` and , size_t` paramter.
* Added overload for `NimBLEAdvertising::setServiceData` that takes `const NimBLEUUID& uuid`, ` const uint8_t* data`, ` size_t length` as parameters.
* Added overload for `NimBLEAdvertising::setServiceData` that takes `const NimBLEUUID& uuid`, `const std::vector<uint8_t>&` as parameters.
* All `NimBLEAdvertisementData` functions that change data values now return `bool`, true = success.
* All `NimBLEAdvertising` functions that change data values now return `bool`, true = success.
* `NimBLEAdvertising::setMinPreferred` and `NimBLEAdvertising::setMaxPreferred` have been removed, use `NimBLEAdvertising::setPreferredParams` instead.
* All advertising data is now stored in instances of `NimBLEAdvertisingData` and vectors removed from `NimBLEAdvertising`.
* `NimBLEAdvertising::setAdvertisementData` and `NimBLEAdvertising::setScanResponseData` now return `bool`, true = success.
* Added new method, `NimBLEAdvertisementData::removeData`, which takes a parameter `uint8_t type`, the data type to remove.
* Added new method, `NimBLEAdvertisementData::toString`, which will print the data in hex.
* Added new method, `NimBLEAdvertising::getAdvertisementData`, which returns a reference to the currently set advertisement data.
* Added new method, `NimBLEAdvertising::getScanData`, which returns a reference to the currently set scan response data.
* Added overloads for `NimBLEAdvertising::removeServiceUUID` and `NimBLEAdvertisementData::removeServiceUUID` to accept a `const char*`
* Added new method, `NimBLEAdvertising::clearData`, which will clear the advertisement and scan response data.
2024-11-27 11:48:33 -07:00
52291390fa Fix task not released when not exchanging MTU. 2024-11-26 17:44:44 -07:00
4a57432a47 Fix compilation errors in some situations. 2024-11-26 14:20:39 -07:00
a4043e3f04 Add NimBLEClientCallbacks::onConnectFail callback
Adds a callback that is called when the connection attempt fail while connecting asynchronously.
2024-11-25 16:08:13 -07:00
41a7aa8eb5 Add const to NimBLEAdvertisedDevice* in NimBLEClient::connect overload
Fixes an issue where the wrong connect overload is called if the NimBLEAdvertisedDevice* passed is const.
2024-11-24 16:17:01 -07:00
1b0abd273f [BREAKING] - Remove ignore list.
This removes the ignore list feature as it can be implemented by the application if desired.
The scan will now ignore any device we are connected to already by checking for any connected client with the same peer address.
2024-11-23 21:08:08 -07:00
2151386057 [BREAKING] - Refactor NimBLEScan
* General code cleanup
* `NimBLEScan::start` will no longer clear cache or results if scanning is already in progress.
* `NimBLEScan::clearResults` will now reset the vector capacity to 0.
* `NimBLEScan::stop` will no longer call the `onScanEnd` callback as the caller should know its been stopped when this is called.
* `NimBLEScan::clearDuplicateCache` has been removed as it was problematic and only for the esp32. Stop and start the scanner for the same effect.
* `NimBLEScan::start` takes a new bool parameter `restart`, default `true`, that will restart an already in progress scan and clear the duplicate filter so all devices will be discovered again.
* Scan response data that is received without advertisement first will now create the device and send a callback.
* Added new method: `NimBLEAdvertisedDevice::isScannable()` that returns true if the device is scannable.
* Added default callbacks for `NimBLEScanCallbacks`
* `NimBLEScanCallbacks` function signatures updated:
* - `onDiscovered` now takes a `const NimBLEAdvertisedDevice*`
* - `onResult` now takes a `const NimBLEAdvertisedDevice*`
* - `onScanEnd` now takes a `const NimBLEScanResults&` and `int reason`
* Added new erase overload: `NimBLEScan::erase(const NimBLEAdvertisedDevice* device)`
* `NimBLEScanResults::getDevice` methods now return `const NimBLEAdvertisedDevice*`
* `NimBLEScanResults` iterators are now `const_iterator`
2024-11-21 14:37:31 -07:00
5f2730de02 Revert #724e1a7 and replace with stack checks.
Replaces `NimBLEDevice::setConnectionInProgress` and `NimBLEDevice::isConnectionInProgress()` with lower level checks to avoid potential incorrect state reporting.
`NimBLEClient::connect` will instead call `NimBLEScan::stop` if it stopped the scan to release any resources waiting, the call the callback if set.
2024-11-18 08:56:38 -07:00
fbbcfadc0c Refactor client connection establishment and client deletion.
* Removes the connection established flag as it should not be necessary.
* Deleting the client instance from the `onDisconnect` callback is now supported.
* `NimBLEDevice::deleteClient` no longer blocks tasks
* Adds a new `Config` struct to `NimBLEClient` to efficiently set single bit config settings.
* Adds `NimBLEClient::setSelfDelete` that takes the bool parameters `deleteOnDisconnect` and `deleteOnConnectFail`
  This will configure the client to delete itself when disconnected or the connection attempt fails.
* Adds `NimBLEClient::setConfig` and `NimBLEClient::getConfig` which takes or returns a `NimBLEClient::Config` object respectively.

* Reword `BLE_HS_EAPP` error string to be more accurate.
2024-11-18 08:56:38 -07:00
a6e75b3537 Ensure events are defined inNimBLEUtils::gapEventToString 2024-11-18 08:11:44 -07:00
7bd7b1dfc2 Workaround for bug in NimBLE stack when connect re-attempt enabled.
Connect reattempt does not pass the arg parameter correctly and the disconnect event will have no client pointer in the argument.
This finds the client from the connection handle to compensate.
2024-11-17 12:20:49 -07:00
a59e8ee9e1 Refactor NimBLEClient::connect and NimBLEClient::secureConnection.
This change ensures that only the function that sets `m_pTaskData` clears it, potentially preventing a segmentation fault.

* Client will no longer disconnect if task timeout occurs when waiting for MTU exchange response.
2024-11-14 10:45:24 -07:00
6a5d6ef5e3 Set task handle in constructor of NimBLETaskData.
* Create destructor for NimBLETaskData to delete semaphore if created.
2024-11-14 10:45:24 -07:00
5aa2fb1443 Refactor NimBLEUtils::taskWait to check notification value before blocking.
Instead of incrementing the notificatin value via `xTaskNotifyGive` this will now set a specific bit in the task notification value
which will be tested before blocking a task. This will prevent a task from blocking indefinitely if the event that calls `taskRelease`
occurs before entering the blocked state.

* Adds a config setting for the bit to set in the task notification value.
2024-11-14 10:45:24 -07:00
7d2ad92ad2 Bit shift length for resize 2024-11-14 10:30:58 -07:00
ab43135f82 Fix NimBLEUtils::dataToHexString returned string, must resize before modifying. 2024-11-14 10:30:58 -07:00
84f4d4f897 Improve NimBLEUtils::dataToHexString efficiency. 2024-11-13 09:40:52 -07:00
beac19cc92 [BREAKING] - Refactor NimBLEUtils
* Add functions `NimBLEUtils::taskWait` and `NimBLEUtils::taskRelease` to simplify task blocking/messaging.
* `NimBLEUtils::buildHexData` replaced with `NimBLEUtils::dataToHexString`
* Add missing GAP event strings.
* Add missing return code strings.
* `NimBLEUtils::dumpGapEvent` function removed.
* Event/error code strings optimized.
2024-11-12 16:56:59 -07:00
65e05e6c57 Add NimBLEClient::cancelConnect
Adds a function to cancel and in-progress connection.
2024-11-12 16:14:02 -07:00
38e764d157 Add asyncronous client connect and MTU exchange.
* Adds parameters `asyncConnect` and `exchangeMTU` to `NimBLEClient::connect`, default values work as the original connect method.
* * `asyncConnect`; if true, will send the connect command and return immediately with a true value for successfully sending the command, else false.
* * `exchangeMTU`; if true will send the exchange MTU command upon connection, otherwise not and the application can choose to do this later via the `exchangeMTU` method.
* Adds `onMTUChange` callback to `NimBLEClientCallbacks`
* Add `NimBLEDevice::getConnectedClients()` which returns a vector of pointers to the currently connected client instances.
* Calling `NimBLEClient::connect` will no longer cancel already in progress connections.
2024-11-10 13:02:11 -07:00
724e1a7083 Fix endless loop when calling scan start from scan end callback.
When attempting to connect and the scanner is running `NimBLEScan::stop` is called to stop it
which then calls the `onScanEnded` callback. If the app then starts the scan again in this
callback an endless loop will be created.

This change prevents the endless loop by setting a flag in `NimBLEDevice` that is checked before
starting a scan while a client is trying to connect.

* Adds `NimBLEDevice::setConnectionInProgress` and `NimBLEDevice::isConnectionInProgress` functions.
2024-11-10 10:36:51 -07:00
7d0636bc91 Fix NimBLEClient::secureConnection incorrectly failing with BLE_HS_EAGAIN. 2024-11-10 07:43:25 -07:00
020c61700d [BREAKING]- Refactor client
* General code cleanup and rename variables to use a consistent style.
* Removes the disconnect timer and will use the BLE_GAP_EVENT_TERM_FAILURE event to handle failed disconnects.
* `NimBLEClient::getConnId` has been renamed to `getConnHandle` to be consistent with bluetooth terminology.
* `NimBLEClient::disconnect` now returns a `bool = true on success` instead of an int to be consistent with the rest of the library.
* `NimBLEClient::setPeerAddress` now returns a bool, true on success.
* `NimBLEClientCallbacks::onConfirmPIN` renamed to `NimBLEClientCallbacks::onConfirmPasskey` to be consistent with bluetooth terminology.
* `NimBLEClient::setDataLen` now returns bool, true if successful.
* `NimBLEClient::updateConnParams` now returns bool, true if successful.
* `NimBLEClient::getServices` now returns a const reference to std::vector<NimBLERemoteService*> instead of a pointer to the internal vector.
2024-11-03 18:12:20 -07:00
68b82f5b85 Add NimBLEDevice::setOwnAddr and NimBLEUtils::generateAddr functions.
Adds a utility to generate random BLE addresses and set the address used.
2024-11-02 18:46:04 -06:00
a2fe5b4780 [BREAKING] Refactor NimBLEDevice
* General code cleanup
* `NimBLEDevice::getInitialized` renamed to `NimBLEDevice::isInitialized`.
* `NimBLEDevice::setPower` no longer takes the `esp_power_level_t` and `esp_ble_power_type_t`, instead only an integer value in dbm units is accepted.
* `NimBLEDevice::setPower` now returns a bool value, true = success.
* `NimBLEDevice::setMTU` now returns a bool value, true = success.
* `NimBLEDevice::injectConfirmPIN` renamed to `NimBLEDevice::injectConfirmPasskey` to use Bluetooth naming.
* Fixes crash if `NimBLEDevice::deinit` is called when the stack has not been initialized.
* Reverts 73f0277 as it would cause a crash when the NimBLEServer instance has a connection.
* `NimBLEDevice::getAddress` will now return the address currently in use.
* `NimBLEDevice::init` now returns a bool with `true` indicating success.
* `NimBLEDevice::deinit` now returns a bool with `true` inidicating success.
* `NimBLEDevice::setDeviceName` now returns a bool with `true` indicating success.
* `NimBLEDevice::setCustomGapHandler` now returns a bool with `true` indicating success.
* `NimBLEDevice::setOwnAddrType` now returns a bool with `true` indicating success.
* `NimBLEDevice::setOwnAddrType` will now correctly apply the provided address type for all devices.
* `NimBLEDevice::setOwnAddrType` no longer takes a `bool nrpa` parameter.
2024-11-02 18:46:04 -06:00
Tristan Willy
a7ff1beacd doc: mention 0 is forever for NimBLESCan::start
Document that setting `duration` to zero means to scan forever.
2024-11-01 15:43:14 -06:00
Add initial esp32-P4 support (#208) 2024-10-31 19:06:57 -06:00
implement connection parameters update callback (#210) 2024-10-24 21:21:43 -06:00
William Emfinger
fix: #200 Enable use of data()/size() before trying c_str()/length() (#201)
* fix: #200 Use `data()`/`size()` instead of `c_str()`/`length()`

* Reduce duplication, only allow template function in characteristic and remote value attr if the type is not a pointer (otherwise sizeof is useless). add appropriate notes

* clean up AttValue::setValue to remove unnecessary length parameter enabling requirement of non-pointer type
2024-10-14 17:02:21 -06:00
b807e6671f Fix Advertised device initialization. 2024-10-06 15:03:11 -06:00
758c4d0471 Remove stray debug message. 2024-09-30 16:08:51 -06:00
5b24c8d681 Fix notifications not being sent.
The connection handle was not initialized correctly when recording the subscibe status causing the call to send notification/indications to fail with BLE_HS_ENOTCONN.
2024-09-30 16:07:00 -06:00
William Emfinger
73f0277042 fix(NimBLEDevice): clear all before port_deinit to prevent crash 2024-09-24 16:03:49 -06:00
91210b8610 [BREAKING] Refactor attributes
Refactor attributes to reduce code duplication and improve maintainability.

* Add attribute base classes to provide common code.
* Add const where possible to functions and parameters.
* `NimBLECharacteristic::notify` no longer takes a `bool is_notification` parameter, instead `indicate()` should be called to send indications.
* `NimBLECharacteristic::indicate` now takes the same parameters as `notify`.
* `NimBLECharacteristicCallbacks` and `NimBLEDescriptorCallbacks` methods now take `const NimBLEConnInfo&` instead of non-const.
* `NimBLECharacteristic::onNotify` callback removed as unnecessary, the library does not call notify without app input.
* `NimBLERemoteCharacteristic::getRemoteService` now returns a `const NimBLERemoteService*` instead of non-const.
* Add NimBLEUUID constructor that takes a reference to `ble_uuid_any_t`.
* `NimBLERemoteService::getCharacteristics` now returns a `const std::vector<NimBLERemoteCharacteristic*>&` instead of non-const `std::vector<NimBLERemoteCharacteristic*>*`
* `NimBLERemoteService::getValue` now returns `NimBLEAttValue` instead of `std::string`
* `NimBLEService::getCharacteristics` now returns a `const std::vector<NimBLECharacteristic*>&` instead of a copy of std::vector<NimBLECharacteristic *>.
* Remove const requirement for NimBLEConnInfo parameter in callbacks.
  Const is unnecessary as the data can't be changed by application code.
* Change NimBLERemoteCharacteristic::getRemoteService to return const pointer.
2024-09-24 14:59:54 -06:00
b4b3b0c455 Fix NimBLEExtAdvertisement::setServiceData data length. 2024-09-15 10:28:49 -06:00
Pavel Veretennikov
6f03b9a6ef fix: data was renamed to adv 2024-09-15 10:26:46 -06:00
William Emfinger
cd115f1738 fix(NimBLEAdvertising): Ensure setServiceData() includes length of data 2024-08-29 17:12:21 -06:00
12074d1cc4 Fix crash when creating address from 17 char string. 2024-08-12 07:56:38 -06:00
d22db6ef8c Fix 16 and 32 bit UUID comparison. 2024-08-02 07:18:35 -06:00