esp-nimble-cpp 2.2.1
CNimBLE2904 | Descriptor for Characteristic Presentation Format |
CNimBLEAddress | A BLE device address |
CNimBLEAdvertisedDevice | A representation of a BLE advertised device found by a scan |
CNimBLEAdvertisementData | Advertisement data set by the programmer to be published by the BLE server |
CNimBLEAdvertising | Perform and manage BLE advertising |
CNimBLEAttribute | A base class for BLE attributes |
CNimBLEAttValue | A specialized container class to hold BLE attribute values |
CNimBLEBeacon | Representation of a beacon. See: |
CNimBLECharacteristic | The model of a BLE Characteristic |
CNimBLECharacteristicCallbacks | Callbacks that can be associated with a BLE characteristic to inform of events |
CNimBLEClient | A model of a BLE client |
CNimBLEClientCallbacks | Callbacks associated with a BLE client |
CNimBLEConnInfo | Connection information |
CNimBLEDescriptor | A model of a BLE descriptor |
CNimBLEDescriptorCallbacks | Callbacks that can be associated with a BLE descriptors to inform of events |
CNimBLEDevice | A model of a BLE Device from which all the BLE roles are created |
CNimBLEDeviceCallbacks | Callbacks associated with a BLE device |
CNimBLEEddystoneTLM | Representation of a beacon. See: |
CNimBLEExtAdvertisement | Extended advertisement data |
CNimBLEExtAdvertising | Extended advertising class |
CNimBLEExtAdvertisingCallbacks | Callbacks associated with NimBLEExtAdvertising class |
CNimBLEHIDDevice | A model of a BLE Human Interface Device |
CNimBLELocalAttribute | A base class for local BLE attributes |
CNimBLERemoteCharacteristic | A model of a remote BLE characteristic |
CNimBLERemoteDescriptor | A model of remote BLE descriptor |
CNimBLERemoteService | A model of a remote BLE service |
CNimBLEScan | Perform and manage BLE scans |
CNimBLEScanCallbacks | A callback handler for callbacks associated device scanning |
CNimBLEScanResults | A class that contains and operates on the results of a BLE scan |
CNimBLEServer | The model of a BLE server |
CNimBLEServerCallbacks | Callbacks associated with the operation of a BLE server |
CNimBLEService | The model of a BLE service |
CNimBLETaskData | A structure to hold data for a task that is waiting for a response |
CNimBLEUtils | A BLE Utility class with methods for debugging and general purpose use |
CNimBLEUUID | A model of a BLE UUID |