/* * NimBLERemoteService.cpp * * Created: on Jan 27 2020 * Author H2zero * * Originally: * * BLERemoteService.cpp * * Created on: Jul 8, 2017 * Author: kolban */ #include "sdkconfig.h" #if defined(CONFIG_BT_ENABLED) #include "nimconfig.h" #if defined( CONFIG_BT_NIMBLE_ROLE_CENTRAL) #include "NimBLERemoteService.h" #include "NimBLEUtils.h" #include "NimBLEDevice.h" #include "NimBLELog.h" static const char* LOG_TAG = "NimBLERemoteService"; /** * @brief Remote Service constructor. * @param [in] Reference to the client this belongs to. * @param [in] Refernce to the structure with the services' information. */ NimBLERemoteService::NimBLERemoteService(NimBLEClient* pClient, const struct ble_gatt_svc* service) { NIMBLE_LOGD(LOG_TAG, ">> BLERemoteService()"); m_pClient = pClient; switch (service->uuid.u.type) { case BLE_UUID_TYPE_16: m_uuid = NimBLEUUID(service->uuid.u16.value); break; case BLE_UUID_TYPE_32: m_uuid = NimBLEUUID(service->uuid.u32.value); break; case BLE_UUID_TYPE_128: m_uuid = NimBLEUUID(const_cast(&service->uuid.u128)); break; default: m_uuid = nullptr; break; } m_startHandle = service->start_handle; m_endHandle = service->end_handle; m_haveCharacteristics = false; NIMBLE_LOGD(LOG_TAG, "<< BLERemoteService()"); } /** * @brief When deleting the service make sure we delete all characteristics and descriptors. * Also release any semaphores they may be holding. */ NimBLERemoteService::~NimBLERemoteService() { removeCharacteristics(); } /** * @brief Get iterator to the beginning of the vector of remote characteristic pointers. * @return An iterator to the beginning of the vector of remote characteristic pointers. */ std::vector::iterator NimBLERemoteService::begin() { return m_characteristicVector.begin(); } /** * @brief Get iterator to the end of the vector of remote characteristic pointers. * @return An iterator to the end of the vector of remote characteristic pointers. */ std::vector::iterator NimBLERemoteService::end() { return m_characteristicVector.end(); } /** * @brief Get the remote characteristic object for the characteristic UUID. * @param [in] uuid Remote characteristic uuid. * @return Reference to the remote characteristic object. */ NimBLERemoteCharacteristic* NimBLERemoteService::getCharacteristic(const char* uuid) { return getCharacteristic(NimBLEUUID(uuid)); } // getCharacteristic /** * @brief Get the characteristic object for the UUID. * @param [in] uuid Characteristic uuid. * @return Reference to the characteristic object, or nullptr if not found. */ NimBLERemoteCharacteristic* NimBLERemoteService::getCharacteristic(const NimBLEUUID &uuid) { if (m_haveCharacteristics) { for(auto &it: m_characteristicVector) { if(it->getUUID() == uuid) { return it; } } } return nullptr; } // getCharacteristic /** * @brief Callback for Characterisic discovery. */ int NimBLERemoteService::characteristicDiscCB(uint16_t conn_handle, const struct ble_gatt_error *error, const struct ble_gatt_chr *chr, void *arg) { NIMBLE_LOGD(LOG_TAG,"Characteristic Discovered >> status: %d handle: %d", error->status, conn_handle); NimBLERemoteService *service = (NimBLERemoteService*)arg; int rc=0; // Make sure the discovery is for this device if(service->getClient()->getConnId() != conn_handle){ return 0; } switch (error->status) { case 0: { // Found a service - add it to the vector NimBLERemoteCharacteristic* pRemoteCharacteristic = new NimBLERemoteCharacteristic(service, chr); service->m_characteristicVector.push_back(pRemoteCharacteristic); break; } case BLE_HS_EDONE:{ /** All characteristics in this service discovered; start discovering * characteristics in the next service. */ service->m_semaphoreGetCharEvt.give(0); rc = 0; break; } default: rc = error->status; break; } if (rc != 0) { /* Error; abort discovery. */ // pass non-zero to semaphore on error to indicate an error finding characteristics // release memory from any characteristics we created //service->removeCharacteristics(); --this will now be done when we clear services on returning with error NIMBLE_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "characteristicDiscCB() rc=%d %s", rc, NimBLEUtils::returnCodeToString(rc)); service->m_semaphoreGetCharEvt.give(1); } NIMBLE_LOGD(LOG_TAG,"<< Characteristic Discovered. status: %d", rc); return rc; } /** * @brief Retrieve all the characteristics for this service. * This function will not return until we have all the characteristics. * @return N/A */ bool NimBLERemoteService::retrieveCharacteristics() { NIMBLE_LOGD(LOG_TAG, ">> retrieveCharacteristics() for service: %s", getUUID().toString().c_str()); int rc = 0; //removeCharacteristics(); // Forget any previous characteristics. m_semaphoreGetCharEvt.take("retrieveCharacteristics"); rc = ble_gattc_disc_all_chrs(m_pClient->getConnId(), m_startHandle, m_endHandle, NimBLERemoteService::characteristicDiscCB, this); if (rc != 0) { NIMBLE_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "ble_gattc_disc_all_chrs: rc=%d %s", rc, NimBLEUtils::returnCodeToString(rc)); m_haveCharacteristics = false; m_semaphoreGetCharEvt.give(); return false; } m_haveCharacteristics = (m_semaphoreGetCharEvt.wait("retrieveCharacteristics") == 0); if(m_haveCharacteristics){ uint16_t endHdl = 0xFFFF; NIMBLE_LOGD(LOG_TAG, "Found %d Characteristics", m_characteristicVector.size()); for(auto it = m_characteristicVector.cbegin(); it != m_characteristicVector.cend(); ++it) { NIMBLE_LOGD(LOG_TAG, "Found UUID: %s Handle: %d Def Handle: %d", (*it)->getUUID().toString().c_str(), (*it)->getHandle(), (*it)->getDefHandle()); // The descriptor handle is between this characteristic val_handle and the next ones def_handle // so make the end of the scan at the handle before the next characteristic def_handle // Make sure we don't go past the service end handle if(++it != m_characteristicVector.cend()){ NIMBLE_LOGD(LOG_TAG, "Next UUID: %s Handle: %d Def Handle: %d", (*it)->getUUID().toString().c_str(), (*it)->getHandle(),(*it)->getDefHandle()); endHdl = (*it)->getDefHandle()-1; } else{ NIMBLE_LOGD(LOG_TAG, "END CHARS"); endHdl = m_endHandle; } --it; //If there is no handles between this characteristic and the next there is no descriptor so skip to the next if((*it)->getHandle() != endHdl){ if(!m_pClient->m_isConnected || !(*it)->retrieveDescriptors(endHdl)) { return false; } } //NIMBLE_LOGD(LOG_TAG, "Found %d Characteristics in service UUID: %s", chars->size(), myPair.first.c_str()); } NIMBLE_LOGD(LOG_TAG, "<< retrieveCharacteristics()"); return true; } NIMBLE_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "Could not retrieve characteristics"); return false; } // retrieveCharacteristics /** * @brief Retrieve a vector of all the characteristics of this service. * @return A vector of all the characteristics of this service. */ std::vector* NimBLERemoteService::getCharacteristics() { return &m_characteristicVector; } // getCharacteristics /** * @brief Get the client associated with this service. * @return A reference to the client associated with this service. */ NimBLEClient* NimBLERemoteService::getClient() { return m_pClient; } // getClient /** * @brief Get the service end handle. */ uint16_t NimBLERemoteService::getEndHandle() { return m_endHandle; } // getEndHandle /** * @brief Get the service start handle. */ uint16_t NimBLERemoteService::getStartHandle() { return m_startHandle; } // getStartHandle /** * @brief Get the service UUID. */ NimBLEUUID NimBLERemoteService::getUUID() { return m_uuid; } /** * @brief Read the value of a characteristic associated with this service. * @param [in] characteristicUuid The characteristic to read. * @returns a string containing the value or an empty string if not found or error. */ std::string NimBLERemoteService::getValue(const NimBLEUUID &characteristicUuid) { NIMBLE_LOGD(LOG_TAG, ">> readValue: uuid: %s", characteristicUuid.toString().c_str()); std::string ret = ""; NimBLERemoteCharacteristic* pChar = getCharacteristic(characteristicUuid); if(pChar != nullptr) { ret = pChar->readValue(); } NIMBLE_LOGD(LOG_TAG, "<< readValue"); return ret; } // readValue /** * @brief Set the value of a characteristic. * @param [in] characteristicUuid The characteristic to set. * @param [in] value The value to set. * @returns true on success, false if not found or error */ bool NimBLERemoteService::setValue(const NimBLEUUID &characteristicUuid, const std::string &value) { NIMBLE_LOGD(LOG_TAG, ">> setValue: uuid: %s", characteristicUuid.toString().c_str()); bool ret = false; NimBLERemoteCharacteristic* pChar = getCharacteristic(characteristicUuid); if(pChar != nullptr) { ret = pChar->writeValue(value); } NIMBLE_LOGD(LOG_TAG, "<< setValue"); return ret; } // setValue /** * @brief Delete the characteristics in the characteristics vector. * We maintain a vector called m_characteristicsVector that contains pointers to BLERemoteCharacteristic * object references. Since we allocated these in this class, we are also responsible for deleting * them. This method does just that. * @return N/A. */ void NimBLERemoteService::removeCharacteristics() { for(auto &it: m_characteristicVector) { delete it; } m_characteristicVector.clear(); // Clear the vector } // removeCharacteristics /** * @brief Create a string representation of this remote service. * @return A string representation of this remote service. */ std::string NimBLERemoteService::toString() { std::string res = "Service: uuid: " + m_uuid.toString(); char val[6]; res += ", start_handle: "; snprintf(val, sizeof(val), "%d", m_startHandle); res += val; snprintf(val, sizeof(val), "%04x", m_startHandle); res += " 0x"; res += val; res += ", end_handle: "; snprintf(val, sizeof(val), "%d", m_endHandle); res += val; snprintf(val, sizeof(val), "%04x", m_endHandle); res += " 0x"; res += val; for (auto &it: m_characteristicVector) { res += "\n" + it->toString(); } return res; } // toString /** * @brief called when an error occurrs and we need to release the semaphores to resume operations. * Will release all characteristic and subsequently all descriptor semaphores for this service. */ void NimBLERemoteService::releaseSemaphores() { for(auto &it: m_characteristicVector) { it->releaseSemaphores(); } m_semaphoreGetCharEvt.give(1); } #endif // #if defined( CONFIG_BT_NIMBLE_ROLE_CENTRAL) #endif /* CONFIG_BT_ENABLED */