# Overview This is a C++ BLE library for the ESP32 that uses the NimBLE host stack instead of bluedroid. The aim is to maintain, as much as reasonable, the original bluedroid C++ API while adding new features and making improvements in performance, resource use and stability. **Testing shows a nearly 50% reduction in flash use and approx. 100kB less ram consumed vs the original!** *Your results may vary*
### What is NimBLE? NimBLE is a completely open source Bluetooth Low Energy stack produced by [Apache](https://github.com/apache/mynewt-nimble). It is more suited to resource constrained devices than bluedroid and has now been ported to the ESP32 by Espressif.
# Arduino Installation Download as .zip and extract to Arduino/libraries folder, or in Arduino IDE from Sketch menu -> Include library -> Add .Zip library. `#include "NimBLEDevice.h"` at the beginning of your sketch. Tested and working with esp32-arduino v1.0.2 and 1.0.4 in Arduino IDE v1.8.12 and platform IO.
# ESP-IDF Installation ### v4.0+ Download as .zip and extract or clone into the components folder in your esp-idf project. Run menuconfig, go to `Component config->Bluetooth` enable Bluetooth and in `Bluetooth host` NimBLE. Configure settings in `NimBLE Options`. `#include "NimBLEDevice.h"` in main.cpp. Call `NimBLEDevice::init("");` in `app_main`.
### v3.2 & v3.3 The NimBLE component does not come with these versions of IDF. A backport that works in these versions has been created and is [available here](https://github.com/h2zero/esp-nimble-component). Download or clone that repo into your project/components folder and run menuconfig. Configure settings in `main menu -> NimBLE Options`. `#include "NimBLEDevice.h"` in main.cpp. Call `NimBLEDevice::init("");` in `app_main`.
# Using This library is intended to be compatible with the original ESP32 BLE functions and types with minor changes. See: [The migration guide](docs/Migration_guide.md) for details. Also see [Improvements_and_updates](docs/Improvements_and_updates.md) for information about non-breaking changes. ### Arduino specific: See the Refactored_original_examples in the examples folder for highlights of the differences with the original library. More advanced examples highlighting many available features are in examples/NimBLE_Server, NimBLE_Client. Beacon examples provided by [beegee-tokyo](https://github.com/beegee-tokyo) are in examples/BLE_Beacon_Scanner, BLE_EddystoneTLM_Beacon, BLE_EddystoneURL_Beacon. Change the settings in the nimconfig.h file to customize NimBLE to your project, such as increasing max connections (default == 3). **Note To increase max connections in Arduino it is also required to change the controller max connections defined in sdkconfig.h.** This is located in your Arduino/hardware/espressif/esp32/tools/sdk/include/config folder. The values in `sdkconfig.h` you will need to change are: ``` #define CONFIG_BTDM_CONTROLLER_BLE_MAX_CONN 3 #define CONFIG_BTDM_CONTROLLER_BLE_MAX_CONN_EFF 3 ``` In `nimconfig.h` the value is: ``` #define CONFIG_BT_NIMBLE_MAX_CONNECTIONS 3 ``` Espressif has stated the hard maximum connections is 9.
# Acknowledgments * [nkolban](https://github.com/nkolban) and [chegewara](https://github.com/chegewara) for the [original esp32 BLE library](https://github.com/nkolban/esp32-snippets/tree/master/cpp_utils) this project was derived from. * [beegee-tokyo](https://github.com/beegee-tokyo) for contributing your time to test/debug and contributing the beacon examples. * [Jeroen88](https://github.com/Jeroen88) for the amazing help debugging and improving the client code.