/* * NimBLEAdvertisementData.cpp * * Created: on November 24, 2024 * Author H2zero * */ #include "nimconfig.h" #if (defined(CONFIG_BT_ENABLED) && defined(CONFIG_BT_NIMBLE_ROLE_BROADCASTER) && !CONFIG_BT_NIMBLE_EXT_ADV) || \ defined(_DOXYGEN_) # include "NimBLEAdvertisementData.h" # include "NimBLEDevice.h" # include "NimBLEUtils.h" # include "NimBLEUUID.h" # include "NimBLELog.h" # if defined(CONFIG_NIMBLE_CPP_IDF) # include "host/ble_hs_adv.h" # else # include "nimble/nimble/host/include/host/ble_hs_adv.h" # endif static const char* LOG_TAG = "NimBLEAdvertisementData"; /** * @brief Add data to the payload to be advertised. * @param [in] data The data to be added to the payload. * @param [in] length The size of data to be added to the payload. */ bool NimBLEAdvertisementData::addData(const uint8_t* data, size_t length) { if ((m_payload.size() + length) > BLE_HS_ADV_MAX_SZ) { NIMBLE_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "Data length exceeded"); return false; } m_payload.insert(m_payload.end(), data, data + length); return true; } // addData /** * @brief Add data to the payload to be advertised. * @param [in] data The data to be added to the payload. */ bool NimBLEAdvertisementData::addData(const std::vector& data) { return addData(&data[0], data.size()); } // addData /** * @brief Set the appearance. * @param [in] appearance The appearance code value. * @return True if successful. * @details If the appearance value is 0 then it will be removed from the advertisement if set previously. */ bool NimBLEAdvertisementData::setAppearance(uint16_t appearance) { if (appearance == 0) { return removeData(BLE_HS_ADV_TYPE_APPEARANCE); } uint8_t data[4]; data[0] = 3; data[1] = BLE_HS_ADV_TYPE_APPEARANCE; data[2] = appearance; data[3] = (appearance >> 8) & 0xFF; return addData(data, 4); } // setAppearance /** * @brief Set the advertisement flags. * @param [in] flag The flags to be set in the advertisement. * * BLE_HS_ADV_F_DISC_LTD * * BLE_HS_ADV_F_DISC_GEN * * BLE_HS_ADV_F_BREDR_UNSUP - must always use with NimBLE * A flag value of 0 will remove the flags from the advertisement. */ bool NimBLEAdvertisementData::setFlags(uint8_t flag) { int dataLoc = getDataLocation(BLE_HS_ADV_TYPE_FLAGS); if (dataLoc != -1) { if (flag) { m_payload[dataLoc + 2] = flag | BLE_HS_ADV_F_BREDR_UNSUP; return true; } else { return removeData(BLE_HS_ADV_TYPE_FLAGS); } } uint8_t data[3]; data[0] = 2; data[1] = BLE_HS_ADV_TYPE_FLAGS; data[2] = flag | BLE_HS_ADV_F_BREDR_UNSUP; return addData(data, 3); } // setFlags /** * @brief Adds Tx power level to the advertisement data. * @return True if successful. */ bool NimBLEAdvertisementData::addTxPower() { uint8_t data[3]; data[0] = BLE_HS_ADV_TX_PWR_LVL_LEN + 1; data[1] = BLE_HS_ADV_TYPE_TX_PWR_LVL; # ifndef CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32P4 data[2] = NimBLEDevice::getPower(); # else data[2] = 0; # endif return addData(data, 3); } // addTxPower /** * @brief Set the preferred min and max connection intervals to advertise. * @param [in] minInterval The minimum preferred connection interval. * @param [in] maxInterval The Maximum preferred connection interval. * @details Range = 0x0006(7.5ms) to 0x0C80(4000ms), values not within the range will be limited to this range. * @return True if successful. */ bool NimBLEAdvertisementData::setPreferredParams(uint16_t minInterval, uint16_t maxInterval) { minInterval = std::max(minInterval, 0x6); minInterval = std::min(minInterval, 0xC80); maxInterval = std::max(maxInterval, 0x6); maxInterval = std::min(maxInterval, 0xC80); maxInterval = std::max(maxInterval, minInterval); // Max must be greater than or equal to min. uint8_t data[6]; data[0] = BLE_HS_ADV_SLAVE_ITVL_RANGE_LEN + 1; data[1] = BLE_HS_ADV_TYPE_SLAVE_ITVL_RANGE; data[2] = minInterval; data[3] = minInterval >> 8; data[4] = maxInterval; data[5] = maxInterval >> 8; return addData(data, 6); } // setPreferredParams /** * @brief Add a service uuid to exposed list of services. * @param [in] serviceUUID The UUID of the service to expose. */ bool NimBLEAdvertisementData::addServiceUUID(const NimBLEUUID& serviceUUID) { uint8_t bytes = serviceUUID.bitSize() / 8; int type; switch (bytes) { case 2: type = BLE_HS_ADV_TYPE_COMP_UUIDS16; break; case 4: type = BLE_HS_ADV_TYPE_COMP_UUIDS32; break; case 16: type = BLE_HS_ADV_TYPE_COMP_UUIDS128; break; default: return false; } int dataLoc = getDataLocation(type); uint8_t length = bytes; if (dataLoc == -1) { length += 2; } if (length + getPayload().size() > BLE_HS_ADV_MAX_SZ) { return false; } uint8_t data[31]; const uint8_t* uuid = serviceUUID.getValue(); if (dataLoc == -1) { data[0] = 1 + bytes; data[1] = type; memcpy(&data[2], uuid, bytes); return addData(data, length); } m_payload.insert(m_payload.begin() + dataLoc + m_payload[dataLoc] + 1, uuid, uuid + bytes); m_payload[dataLoc] += bytes; return true; } // addServiceUUID /** * @brief Add a service uuid to exposed list of services. * @param [in] serviceUUID The string representation of the service to expose. * @return True if successful. */ bool NimBLEAdvertisementData::addServiceUUID(const char* serviceUUID) { return addServiceUUID(NimBLEUUID(serviceUUID)); } // addServiceUUID /** * @brief Remove a service UUID from the advertisement. * @param [in] serviceUUID The UUID of the service to remove. * @return True if successful or uuid not found, false if uuid error or data could not be reset. */ bool NimBLEAdvertisementData::removeServiceUUID(const NimBLEUUID& serviceUUID) { uint8_t bytes = serviceUUID.bitSize() / 8; int type; switch (bytes) { case 2: type = BLE_HS_ADV_TYPE_COMP_UUIDS16; break; case 4: type = BLE_HS_ADV_TYPE_COMP_UUIDS32; break; case 16: type = BLE_HS_ADV_TYPE_COMP_UUIDS128; break; default: return false; } int dataLoc = getDataLocation(type); if (dataLoc == -1) { return true; } int uuidLoc = -1; for (int i = dataLoc + 2; i < m_payload.size(); i += bytes) { if (memcmp(&m_payload[i], serviceUUID.getValue(), bytes) == 0) { uuidLoc = i; break; } } if (uuidLoc == -1) { return true; } if (m_payload[dataLoc] - bytes == 1) { return removeData(type); } m_payload.erase(m_payload.begin() + uuidLoc, m_payload.begin() + uuidLoc + bytes); m_payload[dataLoc] -= bytes; return true; } // removeServiceUUID /** * @brief Remove a service UUID from the advertisement. * @param [in] serviceUUID The UUID of the service to remove. * @return True if successful or uuid not found, false if uuid error or data could not be reset. */ bool NimBLEAdvertisementData::removeServiceUUID(const char* serviceUUID) { return removeServiceUUID(NimBLEUUID(serviceUUID)); } // removeServiceUUID /** * @brief Remove all service UUIDs from the advertisement. */ bool NimBLEAdvertisementData::removeServices() { return true; } // removeServices /** * @brief Set manufacturer specific data. * @param [in] data The manufacturer data to advertise. * @param [in] length The length of the data. * @return True if successful. */ bool NimBLEAdvertisementData::setManufacturerData(const uint8_t* data, size_t length) { if (length > 29) { NIMBLE_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "MFG data too long"); return false; } uint8_t mdata[31]; mdata[0] = length + 1; mdata[1] = BLE_HS_ADV_TYPE_MFG_DATA; memcpy(&mdata[2], data, length); return addData(mdata, length + 2); } // setManufacturerData /** * @brief Set manufacturer specific data. * @param [in] data The manufacturer data to advertise. * @return True if successful. */ bool NimBLEAdvertisementData::setManufacturerData(const std::string& data) { return setManufacturerData(reinterpret_cast(data.data()), data.length()); } // setManufacturerData /** * @brief Set manufacturer specific data. * @param [in] data The manufacturer data to advertise. * @return True if successful. */ bool NimBLEAdvertisementData::setManufacturerData(const std::vector& data) { return setManufacturerData(&data[0], data.size()); } // setManufacturerData /** * @brief Set the URI to advertise. * @param [in] uri The uri to advertise. * @return True if successful. */ bool NimBLEAdvertisementData::setURI(const std::string& uri) { if (uri.length() > 29) { NIMBLE_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "URI too long"); return false; } uint8_t data[31]; uint8_t length = 2 + uri.length(); data[0] = length - 1; data[1] = BLE_HS_ADV_TYPE_URI; memcpy(&data[2], uri.c_str(), uri.length()); return addData(data, length); } // setURI /** * @brief Set the complete name of this device. * @param [in] name The name to advertise. * @param [in] isComplete If true the name is complete, which will set the data type accordingly. * @details If the name is longer than 29 characters it will be truncated. * and the data type will be set to incomplete name. * @return True if successful. */ bool NimBLEAdvertisementData::setName(const std::string& name, bool isComplete) { if (name.length() > 29) { NIMBLE_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "Name too long - truncating"); isComplete = false; } uint8_t data[31]; uint8_t length = 2 + std::min(name.length(), 29); data[0] = length - 1; data[1] = isComplete ? BLE_HS_ADV_TYPE_COMP_NAME : BLE_HS_ADV_TYPE_INCOMP_NAME; memcpy(&data[2], name.c_str(), std::min(name.length(), 29)); return addData(data, length); } // setName /** * @brief Set the short name. * @param [in] name The short name of the device. * @return True if successful. */ bool NimBLEAdvertisementData::setShortName(const std::string& name) { return setName(name, false); } // setShortName /** * @brief Set a single service to advertise as a complete list of services. * @param [in] uuid The service to advertise. * @return True if successful. */ bool NimBLEAdvertisementData::setCompleteServices(const NimBLEUUID& uuid) { return setServices(true, uuid.bitSize(), {uuid}); } // setCompleteServices /** * @brief Set the complete list of 16 bit services to advertise. * @param [in] uuids A vector of 16 bit UUID's to advertise. * @return True if successful. */ bool NimBLEAdvertisementData::setCompleteServices16(const std::vector& uuids) { return setServices(true, 16, uuids); } // setCompleteServices16 /** * @brief Set the complete list of 32 bit services to advertise. * @param [in] uuids A vector of 32 bit UUID's to advertise. * @return True if successful. */ bool NimBLEAdvertisementData::setCompleteServices32(const std::vector& uuids) { return setServices(true, 32, uuids); } // setCompleteServices32 /** * @brief Set a single service to advertise as a partial list of services. * @param [in] uuid The service to advertise. * @return True if successful. */ bool NimBLEAdvertisementData::setPartialServices(const NimBLEUUID& uuid) { return setServices(false, uuid.bitSize(), {uuid}); } // setPartialServices /** * @brief Set the partial list of services to advertise. * @param [in] uuids A vector of 16 bit UUID's to advertise. * @return True if successful. */ bool NimBLEAdvertisementData::setPartialServices16(const std::vector& uuids) { return setServices(false, 16, uuids); } // setPartialServices16 /** * @brief Set the partial list of services to advertise. * @param [in] uuids A vector of 32 bit UUID's to advertise. * @return True if successful. */ bool NimBLEAdvertisementData::setPartialServices32(const std::vector& uuids) { return setServices(false, 32, uuids); } // setPartialServices32 /** * @brief Utility function to create the list of service UUID's from a vector. * @param [in] complete If true the vector is the complete set of services. * @param [in] size The bit size of the UUID's in the vector. (16, 32, or 128). * @param [in] uuids The vector of service UUID's to advertise. * @return True if successful. * @details The number of services will be truncated if the total length exceeds 31 bytes. */ bool NimBLEAdvertisementData::setServices(bool complete, uint8_t size, const std::vector& uuids) { uint8_t bytes = size / 8; uint8_t length = 2; // start with 2 for length + type bytes uint8_t data[31]; for (const auto& uuid : uuids) { if (uuid.bitSize() != size) { NIMBLE_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "Service UUID(%d) invalid", size); continue; } else { if (length + bytes >= 31) { NIMBLE_LOGW(LOG_TAG, "Too many services - truncating"); complete = false; break; } memcpy(&data[length], uuid.getValue(), bytes); length += bytes; } } data[0] = length - 1; // don't count the length byte as part of the AD length switch (size) { case 16: data[1] = (complete ? BLE_HS_ADV_TYPE_COMP_UUIDS16 : BLE_HS_ADV_TYPE_INCOMP_UUIDS16); break; case 32: data[1] = (complete ? BLE_HS_ADV_TYPE_COMP_UUIDS32 : BLE_HS_ADV_TYPE_INCOMP_UUIDS32); break; case 128: data[1] = (complete ? BLE_HS_ADV_TYPE_COMP_UUIDS128 : BLE_HS_ADV_TYPE_INCOMP_UUIDS128); break; default: return false; } return addData(data, length); } // setServices /** * @brief Set the service data advertised for the UUID. * @param [in] uuid The UUID the service data belongs to. * @param [in] data The data to advertise. * @param [in] length The length of the data. * @note If data length is 0 the service data will not be advertised. * @return True if successful, false if data length is too long or could not be set. */ bool NimBLEAdvertisementData::setServiceData(const NimBLEUUID& uuid, const uint8_t* data, size_t length) { uint8_t uuidBytes = uuid.bitSize() / 8; uint8_t sDataLen = 2 + uuidBytes + length; if (sDataLen > 31) { NIMBLE_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "Service Data too long"); return false; } uint8_t type; switch (uuidBytes) { case 2: type = BLE_HS_ADV_TYPE_SVC_DATA_UUID16; break; case 4: type = BLE_HS_ADV_TYPE_SVC_DATA_UUID32; break; case 16: type = BLE_HS_ADV_TYPE_SVC_DATA_UUID128; break; default: return false; } if (length == 0) { removeData(type); return true; } uint8_t sData[31]; sData[0] = uuidBytes + length + 1; sData[1] = type; memcpy(&sData[2], uuid.getValue(), uuidBytes); memcpy(&sData[2 + uuidBytes], data, length); return addData(sData, sDataLen); } // setServiceData /** * @brief Set the service data (UUID + data) * @param [in] uuid The UUID to set with the service data. * @param [in] data The data to be associated with the service data advertised. * @return True if the service data was set successfully. * @note If data length is 0 the service data will not be advertised. */ bool NimBLEAdvertisementData::setServiceData(const NimBLEUUID& uuid, const std::string& data) { return setServiceData(uuid, reinterpret_cast(data.data()), data.length()); } // setServiceData /** * @brief Set the service data advertised for the UUID. * @param [in] uuid The UUID the service data belongs to. * @param [in] data The data to advertise. * @return True if the service data was set successfully. * @note If data length is 0 the service data will not be advertised. */ bool NimBLEAdvertisementData::setServiceData(const NimBLEUUID& uuid, const std::vector& data) { return setServiceData(uuid, &data[0], data.size()); } // setServiceData /** * @brief Get the location of the data in the payload. * @param [in] type The type of data to search for. * @return -1 if the data is not found, otherwise the index of the data in the payload. */ int NimBLEAdvertisementData::getDataLocation(uint8_t type) const { int index = 0; while (index < m_payload.size()) { if (m_payload[index + 1] == type) { return index; } index += m_payload[index] + 1; } return -1; } // getDataLocation /** * @brief Remove data from the advertisement data. * @param [in] type The type of data to remove. * @return True if successful, false if the data was not found. */ bool NimBLEAdvertisementData::removeData(uint8_t type) { int dataLoc = getDataLocation(type); if (dataLoc != -1) { std::vector swap(m_payload.begin(), m_payload.begin() + dataLoc); int nextData = dataLoc + m_payload[dataLoc] + 1; swap.insert(swap.end(), m_payload.begin() + nextData, m_payload.end()); swap.swap(m_payload); return true; } return false; } // removeData /** * @brief Retrieve the payload that is to be advertised. * @return The payload of the advertisement data. */ std::vector NimBLEAdvertisementData::getPayload() const { return m_payload; } // getPayload /** * @brief Clear the advertisement data for reuse. */ void NimBLEAdvertisementData::clearData() { std::vector().swap(m_payload); } // clearData /** * @brief Get the string representation of the advertisement data. * @return The string representation of the advertisement data. */ std::string NimBLEAdvertisementData::toString() const { std::string hexStr = NimBLEUtils::dataToHexString(&m_payload[0], m_payload.size()); std::string str; for (size_t i = 0; i < hexStr.length(); i += 2) { str += hexStr[i]; str += hexStr[i + 1]; if (i + 2 < hexStr.length()) { str += " "; } } return str; } // toString #endif // CONFIG_BT_ENABLED && CONFIG_BT_NIMBLE_ROLE_BROADCASTER && !CONFIG_BT_NIMBLE_EXT_ADV