/* * NimBLEDescriptor.cpp * * Created: on March 10, 2020 * Author H2zero * * Originally: * * BLEDescriptor.cpp * * Created on: Jun 22, 2017 * Author: kolban */ #include "nimconfig.h" #if defined(CONFIG_BT_ENABLED) && defined(CONFIG_BT_NIMBLE_ROLE_PERIPHERAL) # include "NimBLEService.h" # include "NimBLEDescriptor.h" # include "NimBLELog.h" # include static const char* LOG_TAG = "NimBLEDescriptor"; static NimBLEDescriptorCallbacks defaultCallbacks; /** * @brief Construct a descriptor * @param [in] uuid - UUID (const char*) for the descriptor. * @param [in] properties - Properties for the descriptor. * @param [in] max_len - The maximum length in bytes that the descriptor value can hold. (Default: 512 bytes for esp32, 20 for all others). * @param [in] pCharacteristic - pointer to the characteristic instance this descriptor belongs to. */ NimBLEDescriptor::NimBLEDescriptor(const char* uuid, uint16_t properties, uint16_t max_len, NimBLECharacteristic* pCharacteristic) : NimBLEDescriptor(NimBLEUUID(uuid), properties, max_len, pCharacteristic) {} /** * @brief Construct a descriptor * @param [in] uuid - UUID (const char*) for the descriptor. * @param [in] properties - Properties for the descriptor. * @param [in] max_len - The maximum length in bytes that the descriptor value can hold. (Default: 512 bytes for esp32, 20 for all others). * @param [in] pCharacteristic - pointer to the characteristic instance this descriptor belongs to. */ NimBLEDescriptor::NimBLEDescriptor(const NimBLEUUID& uuid, uint16_t properties, uint16_t max_len, NimBLECharacteristic* pCharacteristic) : NimBLELocalValueAttribute{uuid, 0, max_len}, m_pCallbacks{&defaultCallbacks}, m_pCharacteristic{pCharacteristic} { // Check if this is the client configuration descriptor and set to removed if true. if (uuid == NimBLEUUID((uint16_t)0x2902)) { NIMBLE_LOGW(LOG_TAG, "Manually created 2902 descriptor has no functionality; please remove."); setRemoved(NIMBLE_ATT_REMOVE_HIDE); } // convert uint16_t properties to uint8_t for descriptor properties uint8_t descProperties = 0; if (properties & NIMBLE_PROPERTY::READ) { descProperties |= BLE_ATT_F_READ; } if (properties & (NIMBLE_PROPERTY::WRITE_NR | NIMBLE_PROPERTY::WRITE)) { descProperties |= BLE_ATT_F_WRITE; } if (properties & NIMBLE_PROPERTY::READ_ENC) { descProperties |= BLE_ATT_F_READ_ENC; } if (properties & NIMBLE_PROPERTY::READ_AUTHEN) { descProperties |= BLE_ATT_F_READ_AUTHEN; } if (properties & NIMBLE_PROPERTY::READ_AUTHOR) { descProperties |= BLE_ATT_F_READ_AUTHOR; } if (properties & NIMBLE_PROPERTY::WRITE_ENC) { descProperties |= BLE_ATT_F_WRITE_ENC; } if (properties & NIMBLE_PROPERTY::WRITE_AUTHEN) { descProperties |= BLE_ATT_F_WRITE_AUTHEN; } if (properties & NIMBLE_PROPERTY::WRITE_AUTHOR) { descProperties |= BLE_ATT_F_WRITE_AUTHOR; } setProperties(descProperties); } // NimBLEDescriptor /** * @brief Get the characteristic this descriptor belongs to. * @return A pointer to the characteristic this descriptor belongs to. */ NimBLECharacteristic* NimBLEDescriptor::getCharacteristic() const { return m_pCharacteristic; } // getCharacteristic /** * @brief Set the callback handlers for this descriptor. * @param [in] pCallbacks An instance of a callback structure used to define any callbacks for the descriptor. */ void NimBLEDescriptor::setCallbacks(NimBLEDescriptorCallbacks* pCallbacks) { if (pCallbacks != nullptr) { m_pCallbacks = pCallbacks; } else { m_pCallbacks = &defaultCallbacks; } } // setCallbacks /** * @brief Set the characteristic this descriptor belongs to. * @param [in] pChar A pointer to the characteristic this descriptor belongs to. */ void NimBLEDescriptor::setCharacteristic(NimBLECharacteristic* pChar) { m_pCharacteristic = pChar; } // setCharacteristic /** * @brief Return a string representation of the descriptor. * @return A string representation of the descriptor. */ std::string NimBLEDescriptor::toString() const { char hex[5]; snprintf(hex, sizeof(hex), "%04x", getHandle()); std::string res = "UUID: " + m_uuid.toString() + ", handle: 0x" + hex; return res; } // toString void NimBLEDescriptor::readEvent(NimBLEConnInfo& connInfo) { m_pCallbacks->onRead(this, connInfo); } // readEvent void NimBLEDescriptor::writeEvent(const uint8_t* val, uint16_t len, NimBLEConnInfo& connInfo) { setValue(val, len); m_pCallbacks->onWrite(this, connInfo); } // writeEvent /** * @brief Callback function to support a read request. * @param [in] pDescriptor The descriptor that is the source of the event. * @param [in] connInfo A reference to a NimBLEConnInfo instance containing the peer info. */ void NimBLEDescriptorCallbacks::onRead(NimBLEDescriptor* pDescriptor, NimBLEConnInfo& connInfo) { NIMBLE_LOGD("NimBLEDescriptorCallbacks", "onRead: default"); } // onRead /** * @brief Callback function to support a write request. * @param [in] pDescriptor The descriptor that is the source of the event. * @param [in] connInfo A reference to a NimBLEConnInfo instance containing the peer info. */ void NimBLEDescriptorCallbacks::onWrite(NimBLEDescriptor* pDescriptor, NimBLEConnInfo& connInfo) { NIMBLE_LOGD("NimBLEDescriptorCallbacks", "onWrite: default"); } // onWrite #endif /* CONFIG_BT_ENABLED && CONFIG_BT_NIMBLE_ROLE_PERIPHERAL */