/** * NimBLE Extended Scanner Demo: * * Demonstrates the Bluetooth 5.x scanning capabilities of the NimBLE library. * * Created: on November 28, 2024 * Author: H2zero */ #include <NimBLEDevice.h> static uint32_t scanTimeMs = 10 * 1000; // In milliseconds, 0 = scan forever static NimBLEScan::Phy scanPhy = NimBLEScan::Phy::SCAN_ALL; /** Define a class to handle the callbacks when advertisements are received */ class ScanCallbacks : public NimBLEScanCallbacks { void onResult(const NimBLEAdvertisedDevice* advertisedDevice) { printf("Advertised Device found: %s\n PHY1: %d\n PHY2: %d\n", advertisedDevice->toString().c_str(), advertisedDevice->getPrimaryPhy(), advertisedDevice->getSecondaryPhy()); } /** Callback to process the results of the completed scan or restart it */ void onScanEnd(const NimBLEScanResults& scanResults, int reason) { printf("Scan Ended, reason: %d; found %d devices\n", reason, scanResults.getCount()); /** Try Different PHY's */ switch (scanPhy) { case NimBLEScan::Phy::SCAN_ALL: printf("Scanning only 1M PHY\n"); scanPhy = NimBLEScan::Phy::SCAN_1M; break; case NimBLEScan::Phy::SCAN_1M: printf("Scanning only CODED PHY\n"); scanPhy = NimBLEScan::Phy::SCAN_CODED; break; case NimBLEScan::Phy::SCAN_CODED: printf("Scanning all PHY's\n"); scanPhy = NimBLEScan::Phy::SCAN_ALL; break; } NimBLEScan* pScan = NimBLEDevice::getScan(); pScan->setPhy(scanPhy); pScan->start(scanTimeMs); } } scanCallbacks; extern "C" void app_main(void) { printf("Starting Extended Scanner\n"); /** Initialize NimBLE and set the device name */ NimBLEDevice::init("NimBLE Extended Scanner"); NimBLEScan* pScan = NimBLEDevice::getScan(); /** Set the callbacks that the scanner will call on events. */ pScan->setScanCallbacks(&scanCallbacks); /** Use active scanning to obtain scan response data from advertisers */ pScan->setActiveScan(true); /** Set the initial PHY's to scan on, default is SCAN_ALL */ pScan->setPhy(scanPhy); /** Start scanning for scanTimeMs */ pScan->start(scanTimeMs); printf("Scanning for peripherals\n"); }