esp-nimble-cpp / NimBLE-Arduino  1.3.1
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CNimBLE2904Descriptor for Characteristic Presentation Format
 CNimBLEAddressA BLE device address
 CNimBLEAdvertisedDeviceA representation of a BLE advertised device found by a scan
 CNimBLEAdvertisedDeviceCallbacksA callback handler for callbacks associated device scanning
 CNimBLEAdvertisementDataAdvertisement data set by the programmer to be published by the BLE server
 CNimBLEAdvertisingPerform and manage BLE advertising
 CNimBLEBeaconRepresentation of a beacon. See:
 CNimBLECharacteristicThe model of a BLE Characteristic
 CNimBLECharacteristicCallbacksCallbacks that can be associated with a BLE characteristic to inform of events
 CNimBLEClientA model of a BLE client
 CNimBLEClientCallbacksCallbacks associated with a BLE client
 CNimBLEConnInfoConnection information
 CNimBLEDescriptorA model of a BLE descriptor
 CNimBLEDescriptorCallbacksCallbacks that can be associated with a BLE descriptors to inform of events
 CNimBLEDeviceA model of a BLE Device from which all the BLE roles are created
 CNimBLEEddystoneTLMRepresentation of a beacon. See:
 CNimBLEEddystoneURLRepresentation of a beacon. See:
 CNimBLEHIDDeviceA model of a BLE Human Interface Device
 CNimBLERemoteCharacteristicA model of a remote BLE characteristic
 CNimBLERemoteDescriptorA model of remote BLE descriptor
 CNimBLERemoteServiceA model of a remote BLE service
 CNimBLEScanPerform and manage BLE scans
 CNimBLEScanResultsA class that contains and operates on the results of a BLE scan
 CNimBLESecurityA class to handle BLE security operations. Deprecated - provided for backward compatibility only.
 CNimBLESecurityCallbacksCallbacks to handle GAP events related to authorization. Deprecated - provided for backward compatibility only.
 CNimBLEServerThe model of a BLE server
 CNimBLEServerCallbacksCallbacks associated with the operation of a BLE server
 CNimBLEServiceThe model of a BLE service
 CNimBLEUtilsA BLE Utility class with methods for debugging and general purpose use