# *** UPDATE *** This library is now ready with (mostly)all original BLE library compatiblity. Check the examples and API_DIFFERENCES document for details of using this library. 3 simultaneous connections tested stable so far on both client and server. # esp-nimble-cpp A fork of the NimBLE stack restructured for compilation in the Ardruino IDE with a CPP library for use with ESP32. Why? Because the Bluedroid library is too bulky. Initial client code testing has resulted in code size reduction of ~115k and reduced ram consumption of ~37k. # Installation: Download as .zip and extract to components folder in your esp-idf project. `#include "NimBLEDevice.h"` in main.cpp. # Usage: This library is intended to be compatible with the original ESP32 BLE functions and types with minor changes. # Acknowledgments: * @nkolban and @chegewara for the [original esp32 BLE library](https://github.com/nkolban/esp32-snippets) this project was derived from. * @beegee-tokyo for contributing your time to test/debug and contributing the beacon examples. # Todo: 1. Code cleanup. 2. Create documentation. 3. Expose more NimBLE features. 4. Add BLE Mesh code.