/* * Copyright 2020-2025 Ryan Powell and * esp-nimble-cpp, NimBLE-Arduino contributors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "nimconfig.h" #if defined(CONFIG_BT_ENABLED) && defined(CONFIG_BT_NIMBLE_ROLE_PERIPHERAL) # include "NimBLEHIDDevice.h" # include "NimBLEServer.h" # include "NimBLEService.h" # include "NimBLE2904.h" static constexpr uint16_t deviceInfoSvcUuid = 0x180a; static constexpr uint16_t hidSvcUuid = 0x1812; static constexpr uint16_t batterySvcUuid = 0x180f; static constexpr uint16_t pnpCharUuid = 0x2a50; static constexpr uint16_t hidInfoCharUuid = 0x2a4a; static constexpr uint16_t reportMapCharUuid = 0x2a4b; static constexpr uint16_t hidControlCharUuid = 0x2a4c; static constexpr uint16_t inputReportChrUuid = 0x2a4d; static constexpr uint16_t protocolModeCharUuid = 0x2a4e; static constexpr uint16_t batteryLevelCharUuid = 0x2a19; static constexpr uint16_t batteryLevelDscUuid = 0x2904; static constexpr uint16_t featureReportDscUuid = 0x2908; static constexpr uint16_t m_manufacturerChrUuid = 0x2a29; static constexpr uint16_t bootInputChrUuid = 0x2a22; static constexpr uint16_t bootOutputChrUuid = 0x2a32; /** * @brief Construct a default NimBLEHIDDevice object. * @param [in] server A pointer to the server instance this HID Device will use. */ NimBLEHIDDevice::NimBLEHIDDevice(NimBLEServer* server) { // Here we create mandatory services described in bluetooth specification m_deviceInfoSvc = server->createService(deviceInfoSvcUuid); m_hidSvc = server->createService(hidSvcUuid); m_batterySvc = server->createService(batterySvcUuid); // Mandatory characteristic for device info service m_pnpChr = m_deviceInfoSvc->createCharacteristic(pnpCharUuid, NIMBLE_PROPERTY::READ); // Mandatory characteristics for HID service m_hidInfoChr = m_hidSvc->createCharacteristic(hidInfoCharUuid, NIMBLE_PROPERTY::READ); m_reportMapChr = m_hidSvc->createCharacteristic(reportMapCharUuid, NIMBLE_PROPERTY::READ); m_hidControlChr = m_hidSvc->createCharacteristic(hidControlCharUuid, NIMBLE_PROPERTY::WRITE_NR); m_protocolModeChr = m_hidSvc->createCharacteristic(protocolModeCharUuid, NIMBLE_PROPERTY::WRITE_NR | NIMBLE_PROPERTY::READ); // Mandatory battery level characteristic with notification and presence descriptor m_batteryLevelChr = m_batterySvc->createCharacteristic(batteryLevelCharUuid, NIMBLE_PROPERTY::READ | NIMBLE_PROPERTY::NOTIFY); NimBLE2904* batteryLevelDescriptor = m_batteryLevelChr->create2904(); batteryLevelDescriptor->setFormat(NimBLE2904::FORMAT_UINT8); batteryLevelDescriptor->setUnit(0x27ad); // percentage // This value is setup here because its default value in most usage cases, it's very rare to use boot mode m_protocolModeChr->setValue(static_cast(0x01)); } // NimBLEHIDDevice /** * @brief Set the report map data formatting information. * @param [in] map A pointer to an array with the values to set. * @param [in] size The number of values in the array. */ void NimBLEHIDDevice::setReportMap(uint8_t* map, uint16_t size) { m_reportMapChr->setValue(map, size); } // setReportMap /** * @brief Start the HID device services. * This function called when all the services have been created. */ void NimBLEHIDDevice::startServices() { m_deviceInfoSvc->start(); m_hidSvc->start(); m_batterySvc->start(); } // startServices /** * @brief Get the manufacturer characteristic (this characteristic is optional). * @details The characteristic will be created if not already existing. * @returns True if the name was set and/or the characteristic created. */ bool NimBLEHIDDevice::setManufacturer(const std::string& name) { if (m_manufacturerChr == nullptr) { m_manufacturerChr = m_deviceInfoSvc->createCharacteristic(m_manufacturerChrUuid, NIMBLE_PROPERTY::READ); } if (m_manufacturerChr) { m_manufacturerChr->setValue(name); return true; } return false; } // setManufacturer /** * @brief Sets the Plug n Play characteristic value. * @param [in] sig The vendor ID source number. * @param [in] vid The vendor ID number. * @param [in] pid The product ID number. * @param [in] version The produce version number. */ void NimBLEHIDDevice::setPnp(uint8_t sig, uint16_t vid, uint16_t pid, uint16_t version) { uint8_t pnp[] = {sig, static_cast(vid & 0xFF), static_cast((vid >> 8) & 0xFF), static_cast(pid & 0xFF), static_cast((pid >> 8) & 0xFF), static_cast(version & 0xFF), static_cast((version >> 8) & 0xFF)}; m_pnpChr->setValue(pnp, sizeof(pnp)); } // setPnp /** * @brief Sets the HID Information characteristic value. * @param [in] country The country code for the device. * @param [in] flags The HID Class Specification release number to use. */ void NimBLEHIDDevice::setHidInfo(uint8_t country, uint8_t flags) { uint8_t info[] = {0x11, 0x1, country, flags}; m_hidInfoChr->setValue(info, sizeof(info)); } // setHidInfo /** * @brief Set the battery level characteristic value. * @param [in] level The battery level value. * @param [in] notify If true sends a notification to the peer device, otherwise not. default = false */ void NimBLEHIDDevice::setBatteryLevel(uint8_t level, bool notify) { m_batteryLevelChr->setValue(&level, 1); if (notify) { m_batteryLevelChr->notify(); } } // setBatteryLevel /** * @brief Locate the characteristic for a report ID and a report type. * * @param [in] reportId Report identifier to locate. * @param [in] reportType Type of report (input/output/feature). * @return NimBLECharacteristic* The characteristic. * @return nullptr If the characteristic does not exist. */ NimBLECharacteristic* NimBLEHIDDevice::locateReportCharacteristicByIdAndType(uint8_t reportId, uint8_t reportType) { NimBLECharacteristic* candidate = m_hidSvc->getCharacteristic(inputReportChrUuid, 0); for (uint16_t i = 1; (candidate != nullptr) && (i != 0); i++) { NimBLEDescriptor* dsc = candidate->getDescriptorByUUID(featureReportDscUuid); NimBLEAttValue desc1_val_att = dsc->getValue(); const uint8_t* desc1_val = desc1_val_att.data(); if ((desc1_val[0] == reportId) && (desc1_val[1] == reportType)) return candidate; candidate = m_hidSvc->getCharacteristic(inputReportChrUuid, i); } return nullptr; } /** * @brief Get the input report characteristic. * @param [in] reportId Input report ID, the same as in report map for input object related to the characteristic. * @return NimBLECharacteristic* A pointer to the input report characteristic. * Store this value to avoid computational overhead. * @details This will create the characteristic if not already created. */ NimBLECharacteristic* NimBLEHIDDevice::getInputReport(uint8_t reportId) { NimBLECharacteristic* inputReportChr = locateReportCharacteristicByIdAndType(reportId, 0x01); if (inputReportChr == nullptr) { inputReportChr = m_hidSvc->createCharacteristic(inputReportChrUuid, NIMBLE_PROPERTY::READ | NIMBLE_PROPERTY::NOTIFY | NIMBLE_PROPERTY::READ_ENC); NimBLEDescriptor* inputReportDsc = inputReportChr->createDescriptor(featureReportDscUuid, NIMBLE_PROPERTY::READ | NIMBLE_PROPERTY::READ_ENC); uint8_t desc1_val[] = {reportId, 0x01}; inputReportDsc->setValue(desc1_val, 2); } return inputReportChr; } // getInputReport /** * @brief Get the output report characteristic. * @param [in] reportId Output report ID, the same as in report map for output object related to the characteristic. * @return NimBLECharacteristic* A pointer to the output report characteristic. * Store this value to avoid computational overhead. * @details This will create the characteristic if not already created. */ NimBLECharacteristic* NimBLEHIDDevice::getOutputReport(uint8_t reportId) { NimBLECharacteristic* outputReportChr = locateReportCharacteristicByIdAndType(reportId, 0x02); if (outputReportChr == nullptr) { outputReportChr = m_hidSvc->createCharacteristic(inputReportChrUuid, NIMBLE_PROPERTY::READ | NIMBLE_PROPERTY::WRITE | NIMBLE_PROPERTY::WRITE_NR | NIMBLE_PROPERTY::READ_ENC | NIMBLE_PROPERTY::WRITE_ENC); NimBLEDescriptor* outputReportDsc = outputReportChr->createDescriptor( featureReportDscUuid, NIMBLE_PROPERTY::READ | NIMBLE_PROPERTY::WRITE | NIMBLE_PROPERTY::READ_ENC | NIMBLE_PROPERTY::WRITE_ENC); uint8_t desc1_val[] = {reportId, 0x02}; outputReportDsc->setValue(desc1_val, 2); } return outputReportChr; } // getOutputReport /** * @brief Get the feature report characteristic. * @param [in] reportId Feature report ID, the same as in report map for feature object related to the characteristic. * @return NimBLECharacteristic* A pointer to feature report characteristic. * Store this value to avoid computational overhead. * @details This will create the characteristic if not already created. */ NimBLECharacteristic* NimBLEHIDDevice::getFeatureReport(uint8_t reportId) { NimBLECharacteristic* featureReportChr = locateReportCharacteristicByIdAndType(reportId, 0x03); if (featureReportChr == nullptr) { featureReportChr = m_hidSvc->createCharacteristic( inputReportChrUuid, NIMBLE_PROPERTY::READ | NIMBLE_PROPERTY::WRITE | NIMBLE_PROPERTY::READ_ENC | NIMBLE_PROPERTY::WRITE_ENC); NimBLEDescriptor* featureReportDsc = featureReportChr->createDescriptor( featureReportDscUuid, NIMBLE_PROPERTY::READ | NIMBLE_PROPERTY::WRITE | NIMBLE_PROPERTY::READ_ENC | NIMBLE_PROPERTY::WRITE_ENC); uint8_t desc1_val[] = {reportId, 0x03}; featureReportDsc->setValue(desc1_val, 2); } return featureReportChr; } // getFeatureReport /** * @brief Get a keyboard boot input report characteristic. * @returns A pointer to the boot input report characteristic, or nullptr on error. * @details This will create the characteristic if not already created. */ NimBLECharacteristic* NimBLEHIDDevice::getBootInput() { NimBLECharacteristic* bootInputChr = m_hidSvc->getCharacteristic(bootInputChrUuid); if (bootInputChr) { return bootInputChr; } return m_hidSvc->createCharacteristic(bootInputChrUuid, NIMBLE_PROPERTY::NOTIFY); } // getBootInput /** * @brief Create a keyboard boot output report characteristic * @returns A pointer to the boot output report characteristic, or nullptr on error. * @details This will create the characteristic if not already created. */ NimBLECharacteristic* NimBLEHIDDevice::getBootOutput() { NimBLECharacteristic* bootOutputChr = m_hidSvc->getCharacteristic(bootOutputChrUuid); if (bootOutputChr) { return bootOutputChr; } return m_hidSvc->createCharacteristic(bootOutputChrUuid, NIMBLE_PROPERTY::READ | NIMBLE_PROPERTY::WRITE | NIMBLE_PROPERTY::WRITE_NR); } // getBootOutput /** * @brief Get the HID control point characteristic. * @returns A pointer to the HID control point characteristic. */ NimBLECharacteristic* NimBLEHIDDevice::getHidControl() { return m_hidControlChr; } // getHidControl /** * @brief Get the HID protocol mode characteristic. * @returns a pointer to the protocol mode characteristic. */ NimBLECharacteristic* NimBLEHIDDevice::getProtocolMode() { return m_protocolModeChr; } // getProtocolMode /** * @brief Get the battery level characteristic * @returns A pointer to the battery level characteristic */ NimBLECharacteristic* NimBLEHIDDevice::getBatteryLevel() { return m_batteryLevelChr; } // getBatteryLevel /** * @brief Get the report map characteristic. * @returns A pointer to the report map characteristic. */ NimBLECharacteristic* NimBLEHIDDevice::getReportMap() { return m_reportMapChr; } // getReportMap /** * @brief Get the PnP characteristic. * @returns A pointer to the PnP characteristic. */ NimBLECharacteristic* NimBLEHIDDevice::getPnp() { return m_pnpChr; } // getPnp /** * @brief Get the HID information characteristic. * @returns A pointer to the HID information characteristic. */ NimBLECharacteristic* NimBLEHIDDevice::getHidInfo() { return m_hidInfoChr; } // hidInfo /** * @brief Get the manufacturer characteristic. * @returns A pointer to the manufacturer characteristic. */ NimBLEService* NimBLEHIDDevice::getDeviceInfoService() { return m_deviceInfoSvc; } // getDeviceInfoService /** * @brief Get the HID service. * @returns A pointer to the HID service. */ NimBLEService* NimBLEHIDDevice::getHidService() { return m_hidSvc; } // getHidService /** * @brief Get the battery service. * @returns A pointer to the battery service. */ NimBLEService* NimBLEHIDDevice::getBatteryService() { return m_batterySvc; } // getBatteryService #endif /* CONFIG_BT_ENABLED && CONFIG_BT_NIMBLE_ROLE_PERIPHERAL */