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synced 2024-12-18 17:20:47 +01:00
This removes the ignore list feature as it can be implemented by the application if desired. The scan will now ignore any device we are connected to already by checking for any connected client with the same peer address.
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/** NimBLE_Client Demo:
* Demonstrates many of the available features of the NimBLE client library.
* Created: on March 24 2020
* Author: H2zero
#include <NimBLEDevice.h>
extern "C" {void app_main(void);}
static const NimBLEAdvertisedDevice* advDevice;
static bool doConnect = false;
static uint32_t scanTime = 0; /** scan time in milliseconds, 0 = scan forever */
/** None of these are required as they will be handled by the library with defaults. **
** Remove as you see fit for your needs */
class ClientCallbacks : public NimBLEClientCallbacks {
void onConnect(NimBLEClient* pClient) {
/** After connection we should change the parameters if we don't need fast response times.
* These settings are 150ms interval, 0 latency, 450ms timout.
* Timeout should be a multiple of the interval, minimum is 100ms.
* I find a multiple of 3-5 * the interval works best for quick response/reconnect.
* Min interval: 120 * 1.25ms = 150, Max interval: 120 * 1.25ms = 150, 0 latency, 45 * 10ms = 450ms timeout
void onDisconnect(NimBLEClient* pClient, int reason) {
printf("%s Disconnected, reason = %d - Starting scan\n",
pClient->getPeerAddress().toString().c_str(), reason);
/********************* Security handled here **********************
****** Note: these are the same return values as defaults ********/
void onPassKeyEntry(NimBLEConnInfo& connInfo){
printf("Server Passkey Entry\n");
/** This should prompt the user to enter the passkey displayed
* on the peer device.
NimBLEDevice::injectPassKey(connInfo, 123456);
void onConfirmPasskey(NimBLEConnInfo& connInfo, uint32_t pass_key){
printf("The passkey YES/NO number: %" PRIu32 "\n", pass_key);
/** Inject false if passkeys don't match. */
NimBLEDevice::injectConfirmPasskey(connInfo, true);
/** Pairing process complete, we can check the results in connInfo */
void onAuthenticationComplete(NimBLEConnInfo& connInfo){
if(!connInfo.isEncrypted()) {
printf("Encrypt connection failed - disconnecting\n");
/** Find the client with the connection handle provided in desc */
/** Define a class to handle the callbacks when advertisments are received */
class scanCallbacks: public NimBLEScanCallbacks {
void onResult(const NimBLEAdvertisedDevice* advertisedDevice) {
printf("Advertised Device found: %s\n", advertisedDevice->toString().c_str());
printf("Found Our Service\n");
/** stop scan before connecting */
/** Save the device reference in a global for the client to use*/
advDevice = advertisedDevice;
/** Ready to connect now */
doConnect = true;
/** Callback to process the results of the completed scan or restart it */
void onScanEnd(const NimBLEScanResults& results, int reason) {
printf("Scan Ended, reason: %d, device count: %d\n", reason, results.getCount());
/** Notification / Indication receiving handler callback */
void notifyCB(NimBLERemoteCharacteristic* pRemoteCharacteristic, uint8_t* pData, size_t length, bool isNotify){
std::string str = (isNotify == true) ? "Notification" : "Indication";
str += " from ";
str += pRemoteCharacteristic->getClient()->getPeerAddress().toString();
str += ": Service = " + pRemoteCharacteristic->getRemoteService()->getUUID().toString();
str += ", Characteristic = " + pRemoteCharacteristic->getUUID().toString();
str += ", Value = " + std::string((char*)pData, length);
printf("%s\n", str.c_str());
/** Create a single global instance of the callback class to be used by all clients */
static ClientCallbacks clientCB;
/** Handles the provisioning of clients and connects / interfaces with the server */
bool connectToServer() {
NimBLEClient* pClient = nullptr;
/** Check if we have a client we should reuse first **/
if(NimBLEDevice::getCreatedClientCount()) {
/** Special case when we already know this device, we send false as the
* second argument in connect() to prevent refreshing the service database.
* This saves considerable time and power.
pClient = NimBLEDevice::getClientByPeerAddress(advDevice->getAddress());
if(!pClient->connect(advDevice, false)) {
printf("Reconnect failed\n");
return false;
printf("Reconnected client\n");
/** We don't already have a client that knows this device,
* we will check for a client that is disconnected that we can use.
else {
pClient = NimBLEDevice::getDisconnectedClient();
/** No client to reuse? Create a new one. */
if(!pClient) {
if(NimBLEDevice::getCreatedClientCount() >= NIMBLE_MAX_CONNECTIONS) {
printf("Max clients reached - no more connections available\n");
return false;
pClient = NimBLEDevice::createClient();
printf("New client created\n");
pClient->setClientCallbacks(&clientCB, false);
/** Set initial connection parameters: These settings are 15ms interval, 0 latency, 120ms timout.
* These settings are safe for 3 clients to connect reliably, can go faster if you have less
* connections. Timeout should be a multiple of the interval, minimum is 100ms.
* Min interval: 12 * 1.25ms = 15, Max interval: 12 * 1.25ms = 15, 0 latency, 12 * 10ms = 120ms timeout
/** Set how long we are willing to wait for the connection to complete (milliseconds), default is 30000. */
pClient->setConnectTimeout(5 * 1000);
if (!pClient->connect(advDevice)) {
/** Created a client but failed to connect, don't need to keep it as it has no data */
printf("Failed to connect, deleted client\n");
return false;
if(!pClient->isConnected()) {
if (!pClient->connect(advDevice)) {
printf("Failed to connect\n");
return false;
printf("Connected to: %s RSSI: %d\n",
/** Now we can read/write/subscribe the charateristics of the services we are interested in */
NimBLERemoteService* pSvc = nullptr;
NimBLERemoteCharacteristic* pChr = nullptr;
NimBLERemoteDescriptor* pDsc = nullptr;
pSvc = pClient->getService("DEAD");
if(pSvc) { /** make sure it's not null */
pChr = pSvc->getCharacteristic("BEEF");
if(pChr) { /** make sure it's not null */
if(pChr->canRead()) {
printf("%s Value: %s\n",
if(pChr->canWrite()) {
if(pChr->writeValue("Tasty")) {
printf("Wrote new value to: %s\n", pChr->getUUID().toString().c_str());
else {
/** Disconnect if write failed */
return false;
if(pChr->canRead()) {
printf("The value of: %s is now: %s\n",
/** registerForNotify() has been removed and replaced with subscribe() / unsubscribe().
* Subscribe parameter defaults are: notifications=true, notifyCallback=nullptr, response=true.
* Unsubscribe parameter defaults are: response=true.
if(pChr->canNotify()) {
//if(!pChr->registerForNotify(notifyCB)) {
if(!pChr->subscribe(true, notifyCB)) {
/** Disconnect if subscribe failed */
return false;
else if(pChr->canIndicate()) {
/** Send false as first argument to subscribe to indications instead of notifications */
//if(!pChr->registerForNotify(notifyCB, false)) {
if(!pChr->subscribe(false, notifyCB)) {
/** Disconnect if subscribe failed */
return false;
printf("DEAD service not found.\n");
pSvc = pClient->getService("BAAD");
if(pSvc) { /** make sure it's not null */
pChr = pSvc->getCharacteristic("F00D");
if(pChr) { /** make sure it's not null */
if(pChr->canRead()) {
printf("%s Value: %s\n",
pDsc = pChr->getDescriptor(NimBLEUUID("C01D"));
if(pDsc) { /** make sure it's not null */
printf("Descriptor: %s Value: %s\n",
if(pChr->canWrite()) {
if(pChr->writeValue("No tip!")) {
printf("Wrote new value to: %s\n", pChr->getUUID().toString().c_str());
else {
/** Disconnect if write failed */
return false;
if(pChr->canRead()) {
printf("The value of: %s is now: %s\n",
/** registerForNotify() has been deprecated and replaced with subscribe() / unsubscribe().
* Subscribe parameter defaults are: notifications=true, notifyCallback=nullptr, response=true.
* Unsubscribe parameter defaults are: response=true.
if(pChr->canNotify()) {
//if(!pChr->registerForNotify(notifyCB)) {
if(!pChr->subscribe(true, notifyCB)) {
/** Disconnect if subscribe failed */
return false;
else if(pChr->canIndicate()) {
/** Send false as first argument to subscribe to indications instead of notifications */
//if(!pChr->registerForNotify(notifyCB, false)) {
if(!pChr->subscribe(false, notifyCB)) {
/** Disconnect if subscribe failed */
return false;
printf("BAAD service not found.\n");
printf("Done with this device!\n");
return true;
void connectTask (void * parameter){
/** Loop here until we find a device we want to connect to */
for(;;) {
if(doConnect) {
doConnect = false;
/** Found a device we want to connect to, do it now */
if(connectToServer()) {
printf("Success! we should now be getting notifications, scanning for more!\n");
} else {
printf("Failed to connect, starting scan\n");
void app_main (void){
printf("Starting NimBLE Client\n");
/** Initialize NimBLE, no device name spcified as we are not advertising */
/** Set the IO capabilities of the device, each option will trigger a different pairing method.
* BLE_HS_IO_KEYBOARD_ONLY - Passkey pairing
* BLE_HS_IO_DISPLAY_YESNO - Numeric comparison pairing
* BLE_HS_IO_NO_INPUT_OUTPUT - DEFAULT setting - just works pairing
//NimBLEDevice::setSecurityIOCap(BLE_HS_IO_KEYBOARD_ONLY); // use passkey
//NimBLEDevice::setSecurityIOCap(BLE_HS_IO_DISPLAY_YESNO); //use numeric comparison
/** 2 different ways to set security - both calls achieve the same result.
* no bonding, no man in the middle protection, secure connections.
* These are the default values, only shown here for demonstration.
//NimBLEDevice::setSecurityAuth(false, false, true);
/** Optional: set the transmit power, default is -3db */
NimBLEDevice::setPower(ESP_PWR_LVL_P9); /** 12db */
/** create new scan */
NimBLEScan* pScan = NimBLEDevice::getScan();
/** create a callback that gets called when advertisers are found */
pScan->setScanCallbacks (new scanCallbacks());
/** Set scan interval (how often) and window (how long) in milliseconds */
/** Active scan will gather scan response data from advertisers
* but will use more energy from both devices
/** Start scanning for advertisers for the scan time specified (in milliseconds) 0 = forever
* Optional callback for when scanning stops.
printf("Scanning for peripherals\n");
xTaskCreate(connectTask, "connectTask", 5000, NULL, 1, NULL);