h2zero 675d6bbf0d [BREAKING] Remove NimBLEAddress type default value.
When constructing a NimBLEAddress via string or other non `ble_addr_t` parameters it is important that the address type be specified.
This will help prevent issues where applications are not able to connect or identify scanned devices when comparing their addresses.
2024-12-14 13:56:50 -07:00

233 lines
6.8 KiB

* Copyright 2020-2024 Ryan Powell <> and
* esp-nimble-cpp, NimBLE-Arduino contributors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "nimconfig.h"
#if defined(CONFIG_BT_ENABLED)
# include "NimBLEAddress.h"
# include "NimBLELog.h"
# include <algorithm>
static const char* LOG_TAG = "NimBLEAddress";
* NOTE: NimBLE address bytes are in INVERSE ORDER!
* We will accommodate that fact in these methods.
* @brief Create an address from the native NimBLE representation.
* @param [in] address The native NimBLE address.
NimBLEAddress::NimBLEAddress(ble_addr_t address) : ble_addr_t{address} {}
* @brief Create an address from a hex string.
* A hex string is of the format:
* ```
* 00:00:00:00:00:00
* ```
* which is 17 characters in length.
* @param [in] addr The hex string representation of the address.
* @param [in] type The type of the address, should be one of:
NimBLEAddress::NimBLEAddress(const std::string& addr, uint8_t type) {
this->type = type;
if (addr.length() == BLE_DEV_ADDR_LEN) {
std::reverse_copy(, + BLE_DEV_ADDR_LEN, this->val);
if (addr.length() == 17) {
std::string mac{addr};
mac.erase(std::remove(mac.begin(), mac.end(), ':'), mac.end());
uint64_t address = std::stoull(mac, nullptr, 16);
memcpy(this->val, &address, sizeof this->val);
*this = NimBLEAddress{};
NIMBLE_LOGE(LOG_TAG, "Invalid address '%s'", addr.c_str());
} // NimBLEAddress
* @brief Constructor for compatibility with bluedroid esp library using native ESP representation.
* @param [in] address A uint8_t[6] or esp_bd_addr_t containing the address.
* @param [in] type The type of the address should be one of:
NimBLEAddress::NimBLEAddress(const uint8_t address[BLE_DEV_ADDR_LEN], uint8_t type) {
std::reverse_copy(address, address + BLE_DEV_ADDR_LEN, this->val);
this->type = type;
} // NimBLEAddress
* @brief Constructor for address using a hex value.\n
* Use the same byte order, so use 0xa4c1385def16 for "a4:c1:38:5d:ef:16"
* @param [in] address uint64_t containing the address.
* @param [in] type The type of the address should be one of:
NimBLEAddress::NimBLEAddress(const uint64_t& address, uint8_t type) {
memcpy(this->val, &address, sizeof this->val);
this->type = type;
} // NimBLEAddress
* @brief Determine if this address equals another.
* @param [in] otherAddress The other address to compare against.
* @return True if the addresses are equal.
bool NimBLEAddress::equals(const NimBLEAddress& otherAddress) const {
return *this == otherAddress;
} // equals
* @brief Get the NimBLE base struct of the address.
* @return A read only reference to the NimBLE base struct of the address.
const ble_addr_t* NimBLEAddress::getBase() const {
return reinterpret_cast<const ble_addr_t*>(this);
} // getBase
* @brief Get the address type.
* @return The address type.
uint8_t NimBLEAddress::getType() const {
return this->type;
} // getType
* @brief Get the address value.
* @return A read only reference to the address value.
const uint8_t* NimBLEAddress::getVal() const {
return this->val;
} // getVal
* @brief Determine if this address is a Resolvable Private Address.
* @return True if the address is a RPA.
bool NimBLEAddress::isRpa() const {
return BLE_ADDR_IS_RPA(this);
} // isRpa
* @brief Determine if this address is a Non-Resolvable Private Address.
* @return True if the address is a NRPA.
bool NimBLEAddress::isNrpa() const {
return BLE_ADDR_IS_NRPA(this);
} // isNrpa
* @brief Determine if this address is a Static Address.
* @return True if the address is a Static Address.
bool NimBLEAddress::isStatic() const {
return BLE_ADDR_IS_STATIC(this);
} // isStatic
* @brief Determine if this address is a Public Address.
* @return True if the address is a Public Address.
bool NimBLEAddress::isPublic() const {
return this->type == BLE_ADDR_PUBLIC;
} // isPublic
* @brief Determine if this address is a NULL Address.
* @return True if the address is a NULL Address.
bool NimBLEAddress::isNull() const {
return *this == NimBLEAddress{};
} // isNull
* @brief Convert a BLE address to a string.
* @return The string representation of the address.
* @deprecated Use std::string() operator instead.
std::string NimBLEAddress::toString() const {
return std::string(*this);
} // toString
* @brief Reverse the byte order of the address.
* @return A reference to this address.
const NimBLEAddress& NimBLEAddress::reverseByteOrder() {
std::reverse(this->val, this->val + BLE_DEV_ADDR_LEN);
return *this;
} // reverseByteOrder
* @brief Convenience operator to check if this address is equal to another.
bool NimBLEAddress::operator==(const NimBLEAddress& rhs) const {
if (this->type != rhs.type) {
return false;
return memcmp(rhs.val, this->val, sizeof this->val) == 0;
} // operator ==
* @brief Convenience operator to check if this address is not equal to another.
bool NimBLEAddress::operator!=(const NimBLEAddress& rhs) const {
return !this->operator==(rhs);
} // operator !=
* @brief Convenience operator to convert this address to string representation.
* @details This allows passing NimBLEAddress to functions that accept std::string and/or it's methods as a parameter.
NimBLEAddress::operator std::string() const {
char buffer[18];
return std::string{buffer};
} // operator std::string
* @brief Convenience operator to convert the native address representation to uint_64.
NimBLEAddress::operator uint64_t() const {
uint64_t address = 0;
memcpy(&address, this->val, sizeof this->val);
return address;
} // operator uint64_t