h2zero 9527c41486 Refactor advertisedDevice (#181)
* Stores complete advertisement payload and only performs parsing on demand. The advertised data is no longer parsed automatically as it is discovered, instead it will be parsed to find only the data requested by the user application when it makes a call to do so. This saves processing time and approximately 2.4k in flash size, with the new methods listed below included.

Add more advertised device field methods:
* Adds haveAdvInterval/getAdvInterval - checks if the interval is advertised / gets the advertisement interval value.

* Adds haveConnParams/getMinInterval/getMaxInterval - checks if the parameters are advertised / get min value / get max value.

* Adds haveURI/getURI - checks if a URI is advertised / gets the URI data.

* Adds haveTargetAddress/getTargetAddressCount/getTargetAddress(index) - checks if a target address is present / gets a count of the addresses targeted / gets the address of the target at index.
2021-01-30 18:06:29 -07:00

176 lines
6.3 KiB

* NimBLEAdvertisedDevice.h
* Created: on Jan 24 2020
* Author H2zero
* Originally:
* BLEAdvertisedDevice.h
* Created on: Jul 3, 2017
* Author: kolban
#include "sdkconfig.h"
#if defined(CONFIG_BT_ENABLED)
#include "nimconfig.h"
#include "NimBLEAddress.h"
#include "NimBLEScan.h"
#include "NimBLEUUID.h"
#include "host/ble_hs_adv.h"
#include <map>
#include <vector>
class NimBLEScan;
* @brief A representation of a %BLE advertised device found by a scan.
* When we perform a %BLE scan, the result will be a set of devices that are advertising. This
* class provides a model of a detected device.
class NimBLEAdvertisedDevice {
NimBLEAddress getAddress();
uint8_t getAdvType();
uint16_t getAppearance();
uint16_t getAdvInterval();
uint16_t getMinInterval();
uint16_t getMaxInterval();
std::string getManufacturerData();
std::string getURI();
* @brief A template to convert the service data to <type\>.
* @tparam T The type to convert the data to.
* @param [in] skipSizeCheck If true it will skip checking if the data size is less than <tt>sizeof(<type\>)</tt>.
* @return The data converted to <type\> or NULL if skipSizeCheck is false and the data is
* less than <tt>sizeof(<type\>)</tt>.
* @details <b>Use:</b> <tt>getManufacturerData<type>(skipSizeCheck);</tt>
template<typename T>
T getManufacturerData(bool skipSizeCheck = false) {
std::string data = getManufacturerData();
if(!skipSizeCheck && data.size() < sizeof(T)) return T();
const char *pData =;
return *((T *)pData);
std::string getName();
int getRSSI();
NimBLEScan* getScan();
size_t getServiceDataCount();
std::string getServiceData(uint8_t index = 0);
std::string getServiceData(const NimBLEUUID &uuid);
* @brief A template to convert the service data to <tt><type\></tt>.
* @tparam T The type to convert the data to.
* @param [in] index The vector index of the service data requested.
* @param [in] skipSizeCheck If true it will skip checking if the data size is less than <tt>sizeof(<type\>)</tt>.
* @return The data converted to <type\> or NULL if skipSizeCheck is false and the data is
* less than <tt>sizeof(<type\>)</tt>.
* @details <b>Use:</b> <tt>getServiceData<type>(skipSizeCheck);</tt>
template<typename T>
T getServiceData(uint8_t index = 0, bool skipSizeCheck = false) {
std::string data = getServiceData(index);
if(!skipSizeCheck && data.size() < sizeof(T)) return T();
const char *pData =;
return *((T *)pData);
* @brief A template to convert the service data to <tt><type\></tt>.
* @tparam T The type to convert the data to.
* @param [in] uuid The uuid of the service data requested.
* @param [in] skipSizeCheck If true it will skip checking if the data size is less than <tt>sizeof(<type\>)</tt>.
* @return The data converted to <type\> or NULL if skipSizeCheck is false and the data is
* less than <tt>sizeof(<type\>)</tt>.
* @details <b>Use:</b> <tt>getServiceData<type>(skipSizeCheck);</tt>
template<typename T>
T getServiceData(const NimBLEUUID &uuid, bool skipSizeCheck = false) {
std::string data = getServiceData(uuid);
if(!skipSizeCheck && data.size() < sizeof(T)) return T();
const char *pData =;
return *((T *)pData);
NimBLEUUID getServiceDataUUID(uint8_t index = 0);
NimBLEUUID getServiceUUID(uint8_t index = 0);
size_t getServiceUUIDCount();
NimBLEAddress getTargetAddress(uint8_t index = 0);
size_t getTargetAddressCount();
int8_t getTXPower();
uint8_t* getPayload();
uint8_t getAdvLength();
size_t getPayloadLength();
uint8_t getAddressType();
time_t getTimestamp();
bool isAdvertisingService(const NimBLEUUID &uuid);
bool haveAppearance();
bool haveManufacturerData();
bool haveName();
bool haveRSSI();
bool haveServiceData();
bool haveServiceUUID();
bool haveTXPower();
bool haveConnParams();
bool haveAdvInterval();
bool haveTargetAddress();
bool haveURI();
std::string toString();
friend class NimBLEScan;
void setAddress(NimBLEAddress address);
void setAdvType(uint8_t advType);
void setPayload(uint8_t *payload, uint8_t length, bool append);
void setRSSI(int rssi);
uint8_t findAdvField(uint8_t type, uint8_t index = 0, uint8_t *data_loc = nullptr);
uint8_t findServiceData(uint8_t index, uint8_t* bytes);
NimBLEAddress m_address = NimBLEAddress("");
uint8_t m_advType;
int m_rssi;
time_t m_timestamp;
bool m_callbackSent;
uint8_t m_advLength;
std::vector<uint8_t> m_payload;
* @brief A callback handler for callbacks associated device scanning.
* When we are performing a scan as a %BLE client, we may wish to know when a new device that is advertising
* has been found. This class can be sub-classed and registered such that when a scan is performed and
* a new advertised device has been found, we will be called back to be notified.
class NimBLEAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks {
virtual ~NimBLEAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks() {}
* @brief Called when a new scan result is detected.
* As we are scanning, we will find new devices. When found, this call back is invoked with a reference to the
* device that was found. During any individual scan, a device will only be detected one time.
virtual void onResult(NimBLEAdvertisedDevice* advertisedDevice) = 0;
#endif // #if defined( CONFIG_BT_NIMBLE_ROLE_CENTRAL)
#endif /* CONFIG_BT_ENABLED */