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<div class="headertitle">
<div class="title">Migrating from Bluedroid to NimBLE </div> </div>
<div class="contents">
<div class="textblock"><p>This guide describes the required changes to existing projects migrating from the original bluedroid API to NimBLE. <br />
<p><b>The changes listed here are only the required changes that must be made</b>, and a short overview of options for migrating existing applications. <br />
<p>For more information on the improvements and additions please refer to the <a href="https://h2zero.github.io/esp-nimble-cpp/annotated.html">class documentation</a> and <a class="el" href="md_docs__improvements_and_updates.html">Improvements and updates</a> <br />
<li><a href="#general-information">General Changes</a></li>
<li><a href="#server-api">Server</a><ul>
<li><a href="#services">Services</a></li>
<li><a href="#characteristics">characteristics</a></li>
<li><a href="#descriptors">descriptors</a></li>
<li><a href="#server-security">Security</a></li>
<li><a href="#advertising-api">Advertising</a></li>
<li><a href="#client-api">Client</a><ul>
<li><a href="#remote-services">Remote Services</a></li>
<li><a href="#remote-characteristics">Remote characteristics</a></li>
<li><a href="#client-security">Security</a></li>
<li><a href="#security-api">General Security</a></li>
<li><a href="#arduino-configuration">Configuration</a> <br />
<br />
<p><a class="anchor" id="general-information"></a> </p>
<h1><a class="anchor" id="autotoc_md40"></a>
General Information</h1>
<h2><a class="anchor" id="autotoc_md41"></a>
Header Files</h2>
<p>All classes are accessible by including <code><a class="el" href="_nim_b_l_e_device_8h_source.html">NimBLEDevice.h</a></code> in your application, no further headers need to be included. <br />
<p>(Mainly for Arduino) You may choose to include <code><a class="el" href="_nim_b_l_e_log_8h_source.html">NimBLELog.h</a></code> in your appplication if you want to use the <code>NIMBLE_LOGx</code> macros for debugging. <br />
These macros are used the same way as the <code>ESP_LOGx</code> macros. <br />
<br />
<h2><a class="anchor" id="autotoc_md42"></a>
Class Names</h2>
<p>Class names remain the same as the original with the addition of a "Nim" prefix. <br />
For example <code>BLEDevice</code> is now <code><a class="el" href="class_nim_b_l_e_device.html" title="A model of a BLE Device from which all the BLE roles are created.">NimBLEDevice</a></code> and <code>BLEServer</code> is now <code><a class="el" href="class_nim_b_l_e_server.html" title="The model of a BLE server.">NimBLEServer</a></code> etc. <br />
<p>For convienience definitions have been added to allow applications to use either name for all classes <br />
this means <b>no class names need to be changed in existing code</b> and makes migrating easier. <br />
<br />
<h2><a class="anchor" id="autotoc_md43"></a>
BLE Addresses</h2>
<p><code>BLEAddress</code> (<code><a class="el" href="class_nim_b_l_e_address.html" title="A BLE device address.">NimBLEAddress</a></code>) When constructing an address the constructor now takes an *(optional)* <code>uint8_t type</code> paramameter <br />
to specify the address type. Default is (0) Public static address. <br />
<p>For example <code>BLEAddress addr(11:22:33:44:55:66, 1)</code> will create the address object with an address type of: 1 (Random). <br />
<p>As this paramameter is optional no changes to existing code are needed, it is mentioned here for information. <br />
<br />
<code>BLEAddress::getNative</code> (<code><a class="el" href="class_nim_b_l_e_address.html#adef69a03a08303957d7e40eef07b4d80" title="Get the native representation of the address.">NimBLEAddress::getNative</a></code>) returns a uint8_t pointer to the native address byte array. <br />
In this library the address bytes are stored in reverse order from the original library. This is due to the way <br />
the NimBLE stack expects addresses to be presented to it. All other functions such as <code>toString</code> are <br />
not affected as the endian change is made within them. <br />
<br />
<p><a class="anchor" id="server-api"></a> </p>
<h1><a class="anchor" id="autotoc_md44"></a>
Server API</h1>
<p>Creating a <code>BLEServer</code> instance is the same as original, no changes required. For example <code>BLEDevice::createServer()</code> will work just as it did before. <br />
<p><code>BLEServerCallbacks</code> (<code><a class="el" href="class_nim_b_l_e_server_callbacks.html" title="Callbacks associated with the operation of a BLE server.">NimBLEServerCallbacks</a></code>) has new methods for handling security operations. <br />
<b>Note:</b> All callback methods have default implementations which allows the application to implement only the methods applicable. <br />
<br />
<p><a class="anchor" id="services"></a> </p>
<h2><a class="anchor" id="autotoc_md45"></a>
<p>Creating a <code>BLEService</code> (<code><a class="el" href="class_nim_b_l_e_service.html" title="The model of a BLE service.">NimBLEService</a></code>) instance is the same as original, no changes required. <br />
For example <code>BLEServer::createService(SERVICE_UUID)</code> will work just as it did before. <br />
<p><a class="anchor" id="characteristics"></a> </p>
<h2><a class="anchor" id="autotoc_md46"></a>
<p><code>BLEService::createCharacteristic</code> (<code><a class="el" href="class_nim_b_l_e_service.html#adab5552c080b9cb88095af262d326309" title="Create a new BLE Characteristic associated with this service.">NimBLEService::createCharacteristic</a></code>) is used the same way as originally except the properties parameter has changed. <br />
<p>When creating a characteristic the properties are now set with <code>NIMBLE_PROPERTY::XXXX</code> instead of <code>BLECharacteristic::XXXX</code>.</p>
<h3><a class="anchor" id="autotoc_md47"></a>
<blockquote class="doxtable">
<p>BLECharacteristic::PROPERTY_READ | <br />
BLECharacteristic::PROPERTY_WRITE <br />
<h3><a class="anchor" id="autotoc_md48"></a>
Is Now</h3>
<blockquote class="doxtable">
<p><br />
<h3><a class="anchor" id="autotoc_md49"></a>
The full list of properties</h3>
<blockquote class="doxtable">
<p><br />
<p><b>Example:</b> </p><div class="fragment"><div class="line">BLECharacteristic *pCharacteristic = pService->createCharacteristic(</div>
<div class="line"> CHARACTERISTIC_UUID,</div>
<div class="line"> BLECharacteristic::PROPERTY_READ |</div>
<div class="line"> BLECharacteristic::PROPERTY_WRITE </div>
<div class="line"> );</div>
</div><!-- fragment --><p> Needs to be changed to: </p><div class="fragment"><div class="line">BLECharacteristic *pCharacteristic = pService->createCharacteristic(</div>
<div class="line"> CHARACTERISTIC_UUID,</div>
<div class="line"> NIMBLE_PROPERTY::READ |</div>
<div class="line"> NIMBLE_PROPERTY::WRITE </div>
<div class="line"> );</div>
</div><!-- fragment --><p> <br />
<p><code>BLECharacteristicCallbacks</code> (<code><a class="el" href="class_nim_b_l_e_characteristic_callbacks.html" title="Callbacks that can be associated with a BLE characteristic to inform of events.">NimBLECharacteristicCallbacks</a></code>) has a new method <code><a class="el" href="class_nim_b_l_e_characteristic_callbacks.html#a3c0c0f524bc0d00d24a7c5ea92c5cb7e" title="Callback function called when a client changes subscription status.">NimBLECharacteristicCallbacks::onSubscribe</a></code> <br />
which is called when a client subscribes to notifications/indications. <br />
<p><b>Note:</b> All callback methods have default implementations which allows the application to implement only the methods applicable. <br />
<br />
<blockquote class="doxtable">
<p>BLECharacteristic::getData <br />
<p><b>Has been removed from the API.</b> <br />
Originally this returned a <code>uint8_t*</code> to the internal data, which is volatile. <br />
To prevent possibly throwing exceptions this has been removed and <code><a class="el" href="class_nim_b_l_e_characteristic.html#a37e908d114f6ad2b4bf19c7cc4db9c54" title="Retrieve the current value of the characteristic.">NimBLECharacteristic::getValue</a></code> should be used <br />
to get a copy of the data first which can then safely be accessed via pointer. <br />
<p><b>Example:</b> </p><div class="fragment"><div class="line">std::string value = pCharacteristic->getValue();</div>
<div class="line">uint8_t *pData = (uint8_t*)value.data();</div>
</div><!-- fragment --><p> Alternatively use the <code>getValue</code> template: </p><div class="fragment"><div class="line">my_struct_t myStruct = pChr->getValue<my_struct_t>();</div>
</div><!-- fragment --><p> <br />
<p><a class="anchor" id="descriptors"></a> </p>
<h2><a class="anchor" id="autotoc_md50"></a>
<p>The previous method <code>BLECharacteristic::addDescriptor()</code> has been removed. <br />
<p>Descriptors are now created using the <code><a class="el" href="class_nim_b_l_e_characteristic.html#aae014669e9ce1ad01520d68fe0cc0fda" title="Create a new BLE Descriptor associated with this characteristic.">NimBLECharacteristic::createDescriptor</a></code> method.</p>
<p>BLE2902 or NimBLE2902 class has been removed. <br />
NimBLE automatically creates the 0x2902 descriptor if a characteristic has a notification or indication property assigned to it. <br />
<p>It was no longer useful to have a class for the 0x2902 descriptor as a new callback <code><a class="el" href="class_nim_b_l_e_characteristic_callbacks.html#a3c0c0f524bc0d00d24a7c5ea92c5cb7e" title="Callback function called when a client changes subscription status.">NimBLECharacteristicCallbacks::onSubscribe</a></code> was added <br />
to handle callback functionality and the client subscription status is handled internally. <br />
<p><b>Note:</b> Attempting to create a 0x2902 descriptor will trigger an assert to notify the error, allowing the creation of it would cause a fault in the NimBLE stack.</p>
<p>All other descriptors are now created just as characteristics are by using the <code><a class="el" href="class_nim_b_l_e_characteristic.html#aae014669e9ce1ad01520d68fe0cc0fda" title="Create a new BLE Descriptor associated with this characteristic.">NimBLECharacteristic::createDescriptor</a></code> method (except 0x2904, see below). <br />
Which are defined as: </p><div class="fragment"><div class="line">NimBLEDescriptor* createDescriptor(const char* uuid,</div>
<div class="line"> uint32_t properties = </div>
<div class="line"> NIMBLE_PROPERTY::READ |</div>
<div class="line"> NIMBLE_PROPERTY::WRITE,</div>
<div class="line"> uint16_t max_len = 100);</div>
<div class="line"> </div>
<div class="line">NimBLEDescriptor* createDescriptor(NimBLEUUID uuid,</div>
<div class="line"> uint32_t properties = </div>
<div class="line"> NIMBLE_PROPERTY::READ |</div>
<div class="line"> NIMBLE_PROPERTY::WRITE,</div>
<div class="line"> uint16_t max_len = 100);</div>
</div><!-- fragment --> <h4><a class="anchor" id="autotoc_md51"></a>
<div class="fragment"><div class="line">pDescriptor = pCharacteristic->createDescriptor("ABCD", </div>
<div class="line"> NIMBLE_PROPERTY::READ | </div>
<div class="line"> NIMBLE_PROPERTY::WRITE |</div>
<div class="line"> NIMBLE_PROPERTY::WRITE_ENC,</div>
<div class="line"> 25);</div>
</div><!-- fragment --><p> Would create a descriptor with the UUID 0xABCD, publicly readable but only writable if paired/bonded (encrypted) and has a max value length of 25 bytes. <br />
<br />
<p>For the 0x2904, there is a special class that is created when you call `createDescriptor("2904").</p>
<p>The pointer returned is of the base class <code><a class="el" href="class_nim_b_l_e_descriptor.html" title="A model of a BLE descriptor.">NimBLEDescriptor</a></code> but the call will create the derived class of <code><a class="el" href="class_nim_b_l_e2904.html" title="Descriptor for Characteristic Presentation Format.">NimBLE2904</a></code> so you must cast the returned pointer to <br />
<code><a class="el" href="class_nim_b_l_e2904.html" title="Descriptor for Characteristic Presentation Format.">NimBLE2904</a></code> to access the specific class methods.</p>
<h4><a class="anchor" id="autotoc_md52"></a>
<div class="fragment"><div class="line">p2904 = (NimBLE2904*)pCharacteristic->createDescriptor("2904");</div>
</div><!-- fragment --><p> <br />
<p><a class="anchor" id="server-security"></a> </p>
<h2><a class="anchor" id="autotoc_md53"></a>
Server Security</h2>
<p>Security is set on the characteristic or descriptor properties by applying one of the following: </p><blockquote class="doxtable">
<p>When a peer wants to read or write a characteristic or descriptor with any of these properties applied <br />
it will trigger the pairing process. By default the "just-works" pairing will be performed automatically. <br />
This can be changed to use passkey authentication or numeric comparison. See <a href="#security-api">Security API</a> for details. <br />
<br />
<p><a class="anchor" id="advertising-api"></a> </p>
<h1><a class="anchor" id="autotoc_md54"></a>
Advertising API</h1>
<p>Advertising works the same as the original API except: <br />
</p><blockquote class="doxtable">
<p>BLEAdvertising::setMinPreferred <br />
BLEAdvertising::setMaxPreferred <br />
<p>These methods were found to not provide useful functionality and consumed valuable advertising space (6 bytes of 31) if used unknowingly. <br />
If you wish to advertise these parameters you can still do so manually via <code>BLEAdvertisementData::addData</code> (<code><a class="el" href="class_nim_b_l_e_advertisement_data.html#aec5f567059c4b4fd0f6b5fc74a0ce870" title="Add data to the payload to be advertised.">NimBLEAdvertisementData::addData</a></code>). <br />
<br />
<p>Calling <code><a class="el" href="class_nim_b_l_e_advertising.html#af7083f58717b7e76d90d367f00a0ef08" title="Set the advertisement data that is to be published in a regular advertisement.">NimBLEAdvertising::setAdvertisementData</a></code> will entirely replace any data set with <code><a class="el" href="class_nim_b_l_e_advertising.html#a4f334752ea04223185292fe9ab524b69" title="Add a service uuid to exposed list of services.">NimBLEAdvertising::addServiceUUID</a></code>, or <br />
<code><a class="el" href="class_nim_b_l_e_advertising.html#aa0d30dfb57670cc8180e17dffddad416" title="Set the device appearance in the advertising data. The codes for distinct appearances can be found he...">NimBLEAdvertising::setAppearance</a></code> or similar methods. You should set all the data you wish to advertise within the <code><a class="el" href="class_nim_b_l_e_advertisement_data.html" title="Advertisement data set by the programmer to be published by the BLE server.">NimBLEAdvertisementData</a></code> instead. <br />
<p><strike>Calling <code><a class="el" href="class_nim_b_l_e_advertising.html#a04a51a0c639a70295a9b671f73b34358" title="Set the advertisement data that is to be published in a scan response.">NimBLEAdvertising::setScanResponseData</a></code> without also calling <code><a class="el" href="class_nim_b_l_e_advertising.html#af7083f58717b7e76d90d367f00a0ef08" title="Set the advertisement data that is to be published in a regular advertisement.">NimBLEAdvertising::setAdvertisementData</a></code> will have no effect. <br />
When using custom scan response data you must also use custom advertisement data.</strike> <br />
No longer true as of release 1.2.0 and above, custom scan response is now supported without custom advertisement data. <br />
<br />
<blockquote class="doxtable">
<p>BLEAdvertising::start (<a class="el" href="class_nim_b_l_e_advertising.html#aeeee5a131b42a4f76010751f4c182e4f" title="Start advertising.">NimBLEAdvertising::start</a>) </p>
<p>Now takes 2 optional parameters, the first is the duration to advertise for (in seconds), the second is a callback <br />
that is invoked when advertsing ends and takes a pointer to a <code><a class="el" href="class_nim_b_l_e_advertising.html" title="Perform and manage BLE advertising.">NimBLEAdvertising</a></code> object (similar to the <code><a class="el" href="class_nim_b_l_e_scan.html#a21b1e27816717b77533755f31dfaa820" title="Start scanning.">NimBLEScan::start</a></code> API). <br />
<p>This provides an opportunity to update the advertisment data if desired. <br />
<br />
<p><a class="anchor" id="client-api"></a> </p>
<h1><a class="anchor" id="autotoc_md55"></a>
Client API</h1>
<p>Client instances are created just as before with <code>BLEDevice::createClient</code> (<code><a class="el" href="class_nim_b_l_e_device.html#af8142995252f486916dbb9de2a5b0c9e" title="Creates a new client object and maintains a list of all client objects each client can connect to 1 p...">NimBLEDevice::createClient</a></code>). <br />
<p>Multiple client instances can be created, up to the maximum number of connections set in the config file (default: 3). <br />
To delete a client instance you must use <code><a class="el" href="class_nim_b_l_e_device.html#a83aa0a3d9d57358d35082a442edf8549" title="Delete the client object and remove it from the list. Checks if it is connected or trying to connect ...">NimBLEDevice::deleteClient</a></code>. <br />
<p><code>BLEClient::connect</code>(<code><a class="el" href="class_nim_b_l_e_client.html#aab311f0a8af21fb63f78e7fbac29951a" title="Connect to an advertising device.">NimBLEClient::connect</a></code>) Has had it's parameters altered. <br />
Defined as: </p><blockquote class="doxtable">
<p><a class="el" href="class_nim_b_l_e_client.html#aab311f0a8af21fb63f78e7fbac29951a" title="Connect to an advertising device.">NimBLEClient::connect</a>(bool deleteServices = true); <br />
<a class="el" href="class_nim_b_l_e_client.html#aab311f0a8af21fb63f78e7fbac29951a" title="Connect to an advertising device.">NimBLEClient::connect</a>(NimBLEAdvertisedDevice* device, bool deleteServices = true); <br />
<a class="el" href="class_nim_b_l_e_client.html#aab311f0a8af21fb63f78e7fbac29951a" title="Connect to an advertising device.">NimBLEClient::connect</a>(<a class="el" href="class_nim_b_l_e_address.html" title="A BLE device address.">NimBLEAddress</a> address, bool deleteServices = true); <br />
<p>The type parameter has been removed and a new bool parameter has been added to indicate if the client should <br />
delete the attribute database previously retrieved (if applicable) for the peripheral, default value is true. <br />
If set to false the client will use the attribute database it retrieved from the peripheral when previously connected. <br />
This allows for faster connections and power saving if the devices dropped connection and are reconnecting. <br />
<br />
<blockquote class="doxtable">
<p><code>BLEClient::getServices</code> (<code><a class="el" href="class_nim_b_l_e_client.html#acb9007569b3bb13b3b49f3c4cb47b21a" title="Get a pointer to the vector of found services.">NimBLEClient::getServices</a></code>) <br />
<p>This method now takes an optional (bool) parameter to indicate if the services should be retrieved from the server (true) or <br />
the currently known database returned (false : default). <br />
Also now returns a pointer to <code>std::vector</code> instead of <code>std::map</code>. <br />
<br />
<p><b>Removed:</b> the automatic discovery of all peripheral attributes as they consumed time and resources for data <br />
the user may not be interested in. <br />
<p><b>Added:</b> <code><a class="el" href="class_nim_b_l_e_client.html#a3d8cbf51caf8b3b8a0ec6ce2074ba71d" title="Retrieves the full database of attributes that the peripheral has available.">NimBLEClient::discoverAttributes</a></code> for the user to discover all the peripheral attributes <br />
to replace the the removed automatic functionality. <br />
<br />
<p><a class="anchor" id="remote-services"></a> </p>
<h2><a class="anchor" id="autotoc_md56"></a>
Remote Services</h2>
<p><code>BLERemoteService</code> (<code><a class="el" href="class_nim_b_l_e_remote_service.html" title="A model of a remote BLE service.">NimBLERemoteService</a></code>) Methods remain mostly unchanged with the exceptions of: <br />
<blockquote class="doxtable">
<p>BLERemoteService::getCharacteristicsByHandle </p>
<p>This method has been removed. <br />
<br />
<blockquote class="doxtable">
<p><code>BLERemoteService::getCharacteristics</code> (<code><a class="el" href="class_nim_b_l_e_remote_service.html#a2c9e91c842598a6a9576c7b87af0863a" title="Get a pointer to the vector of found characteristics.">NimBLERemoteService::getCharacteristics</a></code>) </p>
<p>This method now takes an optional (bool) parameter to indicate if the characteristics should be retrieved from the server (true) or <br />
the currently known database returned (false : default). <br />
Also now returns a pointer to <code>std::vector</code> instead of <code>std::map</code>. <br />
<br />
<p><a class="anchor" id="remote-characteristics"></a> </p>
<h2><a class="anchor" id="autotoc_md57"></a>
Remote Characteristics</h2>
<p><code>BLERemoteCharacteristic</code> (<code><a class="el" href="class_nim_b_l_e_remote_characteristic.html" title="A model of a remote BLE characteristic.">NimBLERemoteCharacteristic</a></code>) There have been a few changes to the methods in this class: <br />
<blockquote class="doxtable">
<p><code>BLERemoteCharacteristic::writeValue</code> (<code><a class="el" href="class_nim_b_l_e_remote_characteristic.html#a3c8d1fd77dd074df866c091c614eafb3" title="Write the new value for the characteristic from a data buffer.">NimBLERemoteCharacteristic::writeValue</a></code>) <br />
<code>BLERemoteCharacteristic::registerForNotify</code> (<code><a class="el" href="class_nim_b_l_e_remote_characteristic.html#ab4f54eabe90a416546b7b3fc3477f49c" title="backward-compatibility method for subscribe/unsubscribe notifications/indications">NimBLERemoteCharacteristic::registerForNotify</a></code>) <br />
<p>Now return true or false to indicate success or failure so you can choose to disconnect or try again. <br />
<br />
<blockquote class="doxtable">
<p><code>BLERemoteCharacteristic::registerForNotify</code> (<code><a class="el" href="class_nim_b_l_e_remote_characteristic.html#ab4f54eabe90a416546b7b3fc3477f49c" title="backward-compatibility method for subscribe/unsubscribe notifications/indications">NimBLERemoteCharacteristic::registerForNotify</a></code>) <br />
<p>Is now <b>deprecated</b>. <br />
</p><blockquote class="doxtable">
<p><code><a class="el" href="class_nim_b_l_e_remote_characteristic.html#aa08b2f62376568e1fc833e4ff91e8aa7" title="Subscribe for notifications or indications.">NimBLERemoteCharacteristic::subscribe</a></code> <br />
<code><a class="el" href="class_nim_b_l_e_remote_characteristic.html#a6e331afdbdbc32bf461c9866236a97aa" title="Unsubscribe for notifications or indications.">NimBLERemoteCharacteristic::unsubscribe</a></code> <br />
<p>Are the new methods added to replace it. <br />
<br />
<blockquote class="doxtable">
<p><code>BLERemoteCharacteristic::readUInt8</code> (<code><a class="el" href="class_nim_b_l_e_remote_characteristic.html#ade5c6ae280c3cf36c9905be23df8f080" title="Read a byte value.">NimBLERemoteCharacteristic::readUInt8</a></code>) <br />
<code>BLERemoteCharacteristic::readUInt16</code> (<code><a class="el" href="class_nim_b_l_e_remote_characteristic.html#a181c54862bc422d8ad0b326af675922d" title="Read an unsigned 16 bit value.">NimBLERemoteCharacteristic::readUInt16</a></code>) <br />
<code>BLERemoteCharacteristic::readUInt32</code> (<code><a class="el" href="class_nim_b_l_e_remote_characteristic.html#a71793454ffab034f87af3a5e9677a63d" title="Read an unsigned 32 bit value.">NimBLERemoteCharacteristic::readUInt32</a></code>) <br />
<code>BLERemoteCharacteristic::readFloat</code> (<code><a class="el" href="class_nim_b_l_e_remote_characteristic.html#a81f39759d48a8fb792c94e4b3b455eef" title="Read a float value.">NimBLERemoteCharacteristic::readFloat</a></code>) <br />
<p>Are <b>deprecated</b> a template: <a class="el" href="class_nim_b_l_e_remote_characteristic.html#a7e10fa37095d7c80dc36c768fe783e67" title="Read the value of the remote characteristic.">NimBLERemoteCharacteristic::readValue</a><type>(time_t*, bool) has been added to replace them. <br />
<br />
<blockquote class="doxtable">
<p><code>BLERemoteCharacteristic::readRawData</code> <br />
<p><b>Has been removed from the API</b> <br />
Originally it stored an unnecessary copy of the data and was returning a <code>uint8_t</code> pointer to volatile internal data. <br />
The user application should use <code><a class="el" href="class_nim_b_l_e_remote_characteristic.html#a7e10fa37095d7c80dc36c768fe783e67" title="Read the value of the remote characteristic.">NimBLERemoteCharacteristic::readValue</a></code> or <code><a class="el" href="class_nim_b_l_e_remote_characteristic.html#add1a1daed14b5f3e729e284dbd369257" title="Get the value of the remote characteristic.">NimBLERemoteCharacteristic::getValue</a></code>. <br />
To obatain a copy of the data, then cast the returned std::string to the type required such as: <br />
</p><div class="fragment"><div class="line">std::string value = pChr->readValue();</div>
<div class="line">uint8_t *data = (uint8_t*)value.data();</div>
</div><!-- fragment --><p> Alternatively use the <code>readValue</code> template: </p><div class="fragment"><div class="line">my_struct_t myStruct = pChr->readValue<my_struct_t>();</div>
</div><!-- fragment --><p> <br />
<blockquote class="doxtable">
<p><code>BLERemoteCharacteristic::getDescriptors</code> (<code><a class="el" href="class_nim_b_l_e_remote_characteristic.html#acf11d225fe5a25327742349e9d6061f9" title="Get a pointer to the vector of found descriptors.">NimBLERemoteCharacteristic::getDescriptors</a></code>) <br />
<p>This method now takes an optional (bool) parameter to indicate if the descriptors should be retrieved from the server (true) or <br />
the currently known database returned (false : default). <br />
Also now returns a pointer to <code>std::vector</code> instead of <code>std::map</code>. <br />
<br />
<p><a class="anchor" id="client-security"></a> </p>
<h2><a class="anchor" id="autotoc_md58"></a>
Client Security</h2>
<p>The client will automatically initiate security when the peripheral responds that it's required. <br />
The default configuration will use "just-works" pairing with no bonding, if you wish to enable bonding see below. <br />
<br />
<p><a class="anchor" id="security-api"></a> </p>
<h1><a class="anchor" id="autotoc_md59"></a>
Security API</h1>
<p>Security operations have been moved to <code>BLEDevice</code> (<code><a class="el" href="class_nim_b_l_e_device.html" title="A model of a BLE Device from which all the BLE roles are created.">NimBLEDevice</a></code>).</p>
<p>Also security callback methods are now incorporated in the <code><a class="el" href="class_nim_b_l_e_server_callbacks.html" title="Callbacks associated with the operation of a BLE server.">NimBLEServerCallbacks</a></code> / <code><a class="el" href="class_nim_b_l_e_client_callbacks.html" title="Callbacks associated with a BLE client.">NimBLEClientCallbacks</a></code> classes. <br />
However backward compatibility with the original <code>BLESecurity</code> (<code><a class="el" href="class_nim_b_l_e_security.html" title="A class to handle BLE security operations. Deprecated - provided for backward compatibility only.">NimBLESecurity</a></code>) class is retained to minimize application code changes. <br />
<p>The callback methods are:</p>
<blockquote class="doxtable">
<p><code>bool onConfirmPIN(uint32_t pin)</code> <br />
<p>Receives the pin when using numeric comparison authentication, <code>return true;</code> to accept. <br />
<br />
<blockquote class="doxtable">
<p><code>uint32_t onPassKeyRequest()</code> <br />
<p>For server callback; return the passkey expected from the client. <br />
For client callback; return the passkey to send to the server. <br />
<br />
<blockquote class="doxtable">
<p><code>void onAuthenticationComplete(ble_gap_conn_desc\* desc)</code> <br />
<p>Authentication complete, success or failed information is in <code>desc</code>. <br />
<br />
<p>Security settings and IO capabilities are now set by the following methods of <a class="el" href="class_nim_b_l_e_device.html" title="A model of a BLE Device from which all the BLE roles are created.">NimBLEDevice</a>. </p><blockquote class="doxtable">
<p><code><a class="el" href="class_nim_b_l_e_device.html#aa8e340c02418771ce72dec758d560938" title="Set the authorization mode for this device.">NimBLEDevice::setSecurityAuth(bool bonding, bool mitm, bool sc)</a></code> <br />
<code><a class="el" href="class_nim_b_l_e_device.html#a2f10da171794581870d678fc947a5d1f" title="Set the authorization mode for this device.">NimBLEDevice::setSecurityAuth(uint8_t auth_req)</a></code> <br />
<p>Sets the authorization mode for this device. <br />
<br />
<blockquote class="doxtable">
<p><code><a class="el" href="class_nim_b_l_e_device.html#ab9fee9e810d5fa18bc8a37053eb9b5d0" title="Set the Input/Output capabilities of this device.">NimBLEDevice::setSecurityIOCap(uint8_t iocap)</a></code> <br />
<p>Sets the Input/Output capabilities of this device. <br />
<br />
<blockquote class="doxtable">
<p><code><a class="el" href="class_nim_b_l_e_device.html#a92d36c3a34d9474fa1d7f66c0e477d1e" title="If we are the initiator of the security procedure this sets the keys we will distribute.">NimBLEDevice::setSecurityInitKey(uint8_t init_key)</a></code> <br />
<p>If we are the initiator of the security procedure this sets the keys we will distribute. <br />
<br />
<blockquote class="doxtable">
<p><code><a class="el" href="class_nim_b_l_e_device.html#a57f0d4db1cc564176b23e860fce13f6a" title="Set the keys we are willing to accept during pairing.">NimBLEDevice::setSecurityRespKey(uint8_t resp_key)</a></code> <br />
<p>Sets the keys we are willing to accept from the peer during pairing. <br />
<br />
<p><a class="anchor" id="arduino-configuration"></a> </p>
<h1><a class="anchor" id="autotoc_md60"></a>
Arduino Configuration</h1>
<p>Unlike the original library pre-packaged in the esp32-arduino, this library has all the configuration <br />
options that are normally set in menuconfig available in the <em><a class="el" href="nimconfig_8h.html">src/nimconfig.h</a></em> file. <br />
<p>This allows Arduino users to fully customize the build, such as increasing max connections <br />
or loading the BLE stack into external PSRAM. <br />
<p>For details on the options, they are fully commented in <em><a class="el" href="nimconfig_8h.html">nimconfig.h</a></em> <br />
<br />
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