- some fixes for calendar: Leagues are now handlesd properly

- some fixes for results
This commit is contained in:
Dorian Zedler 2020-11-05 19:37:13 +01:00
parent 252f8dbfdd
commit 035a2edcdf
Signed by: dorian
GPG key ID: D3B255CB8BC7CD37
31 changed files with 825 additions and 544 deletions

View file

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<manifest package="com.itsblue.blueROCKtest" xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:versionName="0.03.1" android:versionCode="13" android:installLocation="auto">
<application android:hardwareAccelerated="true" android:name="org.qtproject.qt5.android.bindings.QtApplication" android:label="blueROCK" android:icon="@drawable/icon">
<activity android:configChanges="orientation|uiMode|screenLayout|screenSize|smallestScreenSize|layoutDirection|locale|fontScale|keyboard|keyboardHidden|navigation" android:name="org.qtproject.qt5.android.bindings.QtActivity" android:label="blueROCK" android:screenOrientation="unspecified" android:launchMode="singleTop">
<action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN"/>
<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER"/>
<!-- Application arguments -->
<!-- meta-data android:name="android.app.arguments" android:value="arg1 arg2 arg3"/ -->
<!-- Application arguments -->
<meta-data android:name="android.app.lib_name" android:value="blueROCK"/>
<meta-data android:name="android.app.qt_sources_resource_id" android:resource="@array/qt_sources"/>
<meta-data android:name="android.app.repository" android:value="default"/>
<meta-data android:name="android.app.qt_libs_resource_id" android:resource="@array/qt_libs"/>
<meta-data android:name="android.app.bundled_libs_resource_id" android:resource="@array/bundled_libs"/>
<!-- Deploy Qt libs as part of package -->
<meta-data android:name="android.app.bundle_local_qt_libs" android:value="1"/>
<meta-data android:name="android.app.bundled_in_lib_resource_id" android:resource="@array/bundled_in_lib"/>
<meta-data android:name="android.app.bundled_in_assets_resource_id" android:resource="@array/bundled_in_assets"/>
<!-- Run with local libs -->
<meta-data android:name="android.app.use_local_qt_libs" android:value="1"/>
<meta-data android:name="android.app.libs_prefix" android:value="/data/local/tmp/qt/"/>
<meta-data android:name="android.app.load_local_libs" android:value="plugins/platforms/android/libqtforandroid.so:plugins/bearer/libqandroidbearer.so:lib/libQt5QuickParticles.so"/>
<meta-data android:name="android.app.load_local_jars" android:value="jar/QtAndroid.jar:jar/QtAndroidBearer.jar:jar/QtAndroidExtras.jar"/>
<meta-data android:name="android.app.static_init_classes" android:value=""/>
<!-- Used to specify custom system library path to run with local system libs -->
<!-- <meta-data android:name="android.app.system_libs_prefix" android:value="/system/lib/"/> -->
<!-- Messages maps -->
<meta-data android:value="@string/ministro_not_found_msg" android:name="android.app.ministro_not_found_msg"/>
<meta-data android:value="@string/ministro_needed_msg" android:name="android.app.ministro_needed_msg"/>
<meta-data android:value="@string/fatal_error_msg" android:name="android.app.fatal_error_msg"/>
<!-- Messages maps -->
<!-- Splash screen -->
<!-- meta-data android:name="android.app.splash_screen_drawable" android:resource="@drawable/logo"/ -->
<!-- meta-data android:name="android.app.splash_screen_sticky" android:value="true"/ -->
<!-- Splash screen -->
<!-- Background running -->
<!-- Warning: changing this value to true may cause unexpected crashes if the
application still try to draw after
signal is sent! -->
<meta-data android:name="android.app.background_running" android:value="false"/>
<!-- Background running -->
<!-- auto screen scale factor -->
<meta-data android:name="android.app.auto_screen_scale_factor" android:value="false"/>
<!-- auto screen scale factor -->
<!-- extract android style -->
<!-- available android:values :
* full - useful QWidget & Quick Controls 1 apps
* minimal - useful for Quick Controls 2 apps, it is much faster than "full"
* none - useful for apps that don't use any of the above Qt modules
<meta-data android:name="android.app.extract_android_style" android:value="full"/>
<!-- extract android style -->
<!-- For adding service(s) please check: https://wiki.qt.io/AndroidServices -->
<supports-screens android:largeScreens="true" android:normalScreens="true" android:anyDensity="true" android:smallScreens="true"/>
<!-- The following comment will be replaced upon deployment with default permissions based on the dependencies of the application.
Remove the comment if you do not require these default permissions. -->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE"/>
<!-- The following comment will be replaced upon deployment with default features based on the dependencies of the application.
Remove the comment if you do not require these default features. -->
<uses-feature android:glEsVersion="0x00020000" android:required="true"/>
<uses-permission android:name="com.android.vending.BILLING"/>

View file

@ -1,44 +1,54 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?> <?xml version="1.0"?>
<manifest package="com.itsblue.blueROCKtest" xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:versionName="0.03.1" android:versionCode="13" android:installLocation="auto"> <manifest package="com.itsblue.blueROCKtest" xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:versionName="-- %%INSERT_VERSION_NAME%% --" android:versionCode="-- %%INSERT_VERSION_CODE%% --" android:installLocation="auto">
<application android:hardwareAccelerated="true" android:name="org.qtproject.qt5.android.bindings.QtApplication" android:label="blueROCK" android:icon="@drawable/icon"> <!-- The following comment will be replaced upon deployment with default permissions based on the dependencies of the application.
<activity android:configChanges="orientation|uiMode|screenLayout|screenSize|smallestScreenSize|layoutDirection|locale|fontScale|keyboard|keyboardHidden|navigation" android:name="org.qtproject.qt5.android.bindings.QtActivity" android:label="blueROCK" android:screenOrientation="unspecified" android:launchMode="singleTop"> Remove the comment if you do not require these default permissions. -->
<!-- The following comment will be replaced upon deployment with default features based on the dependencies of the application.
Remove the comment if you do not require these default features. -->
<supports-screens android:largeScreens="true" android:normalScreens="true" android:anyDensity="true" android:smallScreens="true"/>
<application android:hardwareAccelerated="true" android:name="org.qtproject.qt5.android.bindings.QtApplication" android:label="-- %%INSERT_APP_NAME%% --" android:extractNativeLibs="true" android:icon="@drawable/icon">
<activity android:configChanges="orientation|uiMode|screenLayout|screenSize|smallestScreenSize|layoutDirection|locale|fontScale|keyboard|keyboardHidden|navigation|mcc|mnc|density" android:name="org.qtproject.qt5.android.bindings.QtActivity" android:label="-- %%INSERT_APP_NAME%% --" android:screenOrientation="unspecified" android:launchMode="singleTop">
<intent-filter> <intent-filter>
<action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN"/> <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN"/>
<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER"/> <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER"/>
</intent-filter> </intent-filter>
<!-- Application arguments --> <!-- Application arguments -->
<!-- meta-data android:name="android.app.arguments" android:value="arg1 arg2 arg3"/ --> <!-- meta-data android:name="android.app.arguments" android:value="arg1 arg2 arg3"/ -->
<!-- Application arguments --> <!-- Application arguments -->
<meta-data android:name="android.app.lib_name" android:value="-- %%INSERT_APP_LIB_NAME%% --"/>
<meta-data android:name="android.app.lib_name" android:value="blueROCK"/>
<meta-data android:name="android.app.qt_sources_resource_id" android:resource="@array/qt_sources"/> <meta-data android:name="android.app.qt_sources_resource_id" android:resource="@array/qt_sources"/>
<meta-data android:name="android.app.repository" android:value="default"/> <meta-data android:name="android.app.repository" android:value="default"/>
<meta-data android:name="android.app.qt_libs_resource_id" android:resource="@array/qt_libs"/> <meta-data android:name="android.app.qt_libs_resource_id" android:resource="@array/qt_libs"/>
<meta-data android:name="android.app.bundled_libs_resource_id" android:resource="@array/bundled_libs"/> <meta-data android:name="android.app.bundled_libs_resource_id" android:resource="@array/bundled_libs"/>
<!-- Deploy Qt libs as part of package --> <!-- Deploy Qt libs as part of package -->
<meta-data android:name="android.app.bundle_local_qt_libs" android:value="1"/> <meta-data android:name="android.app.bundle_local_qt_libs" android:value="-- %%BUNDLE_LOCAL_QT_LIBS%% --"/>
<meta-data android:name="android.app.bundled_in_lib_resource_id" android:resource="@array/bundled_in_lib"/>
<meta-data android:name="android.app.bundled_in_assets_resource_id" android:resource="@array/bundled_in_assets"/>
<!-- Run with local libs --> <!-- Run with local libs -->
<meta-data android:name="android.app.use_local_qt_libs" android:value="1"/> <meta-data android:name="android.app.use_local_qt_libs" android:value="-- %%USE_LOCAL_QT_LIBS%% --"/>
<meta-data android:name="android.app.libs_prefix" android:value="/data/local/tmp/qt/"/> <meta-data android:name="android.app.libs_prefix" android:value="/data/local/tmp/qt/"/>
<meta-data android:name="android.app.load_local_libs" android:value="plugins/platforms/android/libqtforandroid.so:plugins/bearer/libqandroidbearer.so:lib/libQt5QuickParticles.so"/> <meta-data android:name="android.app.load_local_libs_resource_id" android:resource="@array/load_local_libs"/>
<meta-data android:name="android.app.load_local_jars" android:value="jar/QtAndroid.jar:jar/QtAndroidBearer.jar:jar/QtAndroidExtras.jar"/> <meta-data android:name="android.app.load_local_jars" android:value="-- %%INSERT_LOCAL_JARS%% --"/>
<meta-data android:name="android.app.static_init_classes" android:value=""/> <meta-data android:name="android.app.static_init_classes" android:value="-- %%INSERT_INIT_CLASSES%% --"/>
<!-- Used to specify custom system library path to run with local system libs --> <!-- Used to specify custom system library path to run with local system libs -->
<!-- <meta-data android:name="android.app.system_libs_prefix" android:value="/system/lib/"/> --> <!-- <meta-data android:name="android.app.system_libs_prefix" android:value="/system/lib/"/> -->
<!-- Messages maps --> <!-- Messages maps -->
<meta-data android:value="@string/ministro_not_found_msg" android:name="android.app.ministro_not_found_msg"/> <meta-data android:value="@string/ministro_not_found_msg" android:name="android.app.ministro_not_found_msg"/>
<meta-data android:value="@string/ministro_needed_msg" android:name="android.app.ministro_needed_msg"/> <meta-data android:value="@string/ministro_needed_msg" android:name="android.app.ministro_needed_msg"/>
<meta-data android:value="@string/fatal_error_msg" android:name="android.app.fatal_error_msg"/> <meta-data android:value="@string/fatal_error_msg" android:name="android.app.fatal_error_msg"/>
<meta-data android:value="@string/unsupported_android_version" android:name="android.app.unsupported_android_version"/>
<!-- Messages maps --> <!-- Messages maps -->
<!-- Splash screen --> <!-- Splash screen -->
<!-- Orientation-specific (portrait/landscape) data is checked first. If not available for current orientation,
then android.app.splash_screen_drawable. For best results, use together with splash_screen_sticky and
use hideSplashScreen() with a fade-out animation from Qt Android Extras to hide the splash screen when you
are done populating your window with content. -->
<!-- meta-data android:name="android.app.splash_screen_drawable_portrait" android:resource="@drawable/logo_portrait" / -->
<!-- meta-data android:name="android.app.splash_screen_drawable_landscape" android:resource="@drawable/logo_landscape" / -->
<!-- meta-data android:name="android.app.splash_screen_drawable" android:resource="@drawable/logo"/ --> <!-- meta-data android:name="android.app.splash_screen_drawable" android:resource="@drawable/logo"/ -->
<!-- meta-data android:name="android.app.splash_screen_sticky" android:value="true"/ --> <!-- meta-data android:name="android.app.splash_screen_sticky" android:value="true"/ -->
<!-- Splash screen --> <!-- Splash screen -->
<!-- Background running --> <!-- Background running -->
<!-- Warning: changing this value to true may cause unexpected crashes if the <!-- Warning: changing this value to true may cause unexpected crashes if the
application still try to draw after application still try to draw after
@ -46,38 +56,21 @@
signal is sent! --> signal is sent! -->
<meta-data android:name="android.app.background_running" android:value="false"/> <meta-data android:name="android.app.background_running" android:value="false"/>
<!-- Background running --> <!-- Background running -->
<!-- auto screen scale factor --> <!-- auto screen scale factor -->
<meta-data android:name="android.app.auto_screen_scale_factor" android:value="false"/> <meta-data android:name="android.app.auto_screen_scale_factor" android:value="false"/>
<!-- auto screen scale factor --> <!-- auto screen scale factor -->
<!-- extract android style --> <!-- extract android style -->
<!-- available android:values : <!-- available android:values :
* default - In most cases this will be the same as "full", but it can also be something else if needed, e.g., for compatibility reasons
* full - useful QWidget & Quick Controls 1 apps * full - useful QWidget & Quick Controls 1 apps
* minimal - useful for Quick Controls 2 apps, it is much faster than "full" * minimal - useful for Quick Controls 2 apps, it is much faster than "full"
* none - useful for apps that don't use any of the above Qt modules * none - useful for apps that don't use any of the above Qt modules
--> -->
<meta-data android:name="android.app.extract_android_style" android:value="full"/> <meta-data android:name="android.app.extract_android_style" android:value="default"/>
<!-- extract android style --> <!-- extract android style -->
</activity> </activity>
<!-- For adding service(s) please check: https://wiki.qt.io/AndroidServices --> <!-- For adding service(s) please check: https://wiki.qt.io/AndroidServices -->
</application> </application>
<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="21" android:targetSdkVersion="28"/> <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="21" android:targetSdkVersion="29"/>
<supports-screens android:largeScreens="true" android:normalScreens="true" android:anyDensity="true" android:smallScreens="true"/>
<!-- The following comment will be replaced upon deployment with default permissions based on the dependencies of the application.
Remove the comment if you do not require these default permissions. -->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE"/>
<!-- The following comment will be replaced upon deployment with default features based on the dependencies of the application.
Remove the comment if you do not require these default features. -->
<uses-feature android:glEsVersion="0x00020000" android:required="true"/>
<uses-permission android:name="com.android.vending.BILLING"/>
</manifest> </manifest>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:3.6.0'
repositories {
apply plugin: 'com.android.application'
dependencies {
implementation fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar', '*.aar'])
android {
* The following variables:
* - androidBuildToolsVersion,
* - androidCompileSdkVersion
* - qt5AndroidDir - holds the path to qt android files
* needed to build any Qt application
* on Android.
* are defined in gradle.properties file. This file is
* updated by QtCreator and androiddeployqt tools.
* Changing them manually might break the compilation!
compileSdkVersion androidCompileSdkVersion.toInteger()
buildToolsVersion '28.0.3'
sourceSets {
main {
manifest.srcFile 'AndroidManifest.xml'
java.srcDirs = [qt5AndroidDir + '/src', 'src', 'java']
aidl.srcDirs = [qt5AndroidDir + '/src', 'src', 'aidl']
res.srcDirs = [qt5AndroidDir + '/res', 'res']
resources.srcDirs = ['resources']
renderscript.srcDirs = ['src']
assets.srcDirs = ['assets']
jniLibs.srcDirs = ['libs']
lintOptions {
abortOnError false
// Do not compress Qt binary resources file
aaptOptions {
noCompress 'rcc'
defaultConfig {
resConfig "en"
minSdkVersion = qtMinSdkVersion
targetSdkVersion = 29

Binary file not shown.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@

android-sources/gradlew vendored Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
#!/usr/bin/env sh
## Gradle start up script for UN*X
# Attempt to set APP_HOME
# Resolve links: $0 may be a link
# Need this for relative symlinks.
while [ -h "$PRG" ] ; do
ls=`ls -ld "$PRG"`
link=`expr "$ls" : '.*-> \(.*\)$'`
if expr "$link" : '/.*' > /dev/null; then
PRG=`dirname "$PRG"`"/$link"
cd "`dirname \"$PRG\"`/" >/dev/null
APP_HOME="`pwd -P`"
cd "$SAVED" >/dev/null
APP_BASE_NAME=`basename "$0"`
# Add default JVM options here. You can also use JAVA_OPTS and GRADLE_OPTS to pass JVM options to this script.
# Use the maximum available, or set MAX_FD != -1 to use that value.
warn () {
echo "$*"
die () {
echo "$*"
exit 1
# OS specific support (must be 'true' or 'false').
case "`uname`" in
Darwin* )
# Determine the Java command to use to start the JVM.
if [ -n "$JAVA_HOME" ] ; then
if [ -x "$JAVA_HOME/jre/sh/java" ] ; then
# IBM's JDK on AIX uses strange locations for the executables
if [ ! -x "$JAVACMD" ] ; then
die "ERROR: JAVA_HOME is set to an invalid directory: $JAVA_HOME
Please set the JAVA_HOME variable in your environment to match the
location of your Java installation."
which java >/dev/null 2>&1 || die "ERROR: JAVA_HOME is not set and no 'java' command could be found in your PATH.
Please set the JAVA_HOME variable in your environment to match the
location of your Java installation."
# Increase the maximum file descriptors if we can.
if [ "$cygwin" = "false" -a "$darwin" = "false" -a "$nonstop" = "false" ] ; then
MAX_FD_LIMIT=`ulimit -H -n`
if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
if [ "$MAX_FD" = "maximum" -o "$MAX_FD" = "max" ] ; then
ulimit -n $MAX_FD
if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
warn "Could not set maximum file descriptor limit: $MAX_FD"
warn "Could not query maximum file descriptor limit: $MAX_FD_LIMIT"
# For Darwin, add options to specify how the application appears in the dock
if $darwin; then
GRADLE_OPTS="$GRADLE_OPTS \"-Xdock:name=$APP_NAME\" \"-Xdock:icon=$APP_HOME/media/gradle.icns\""
# For Cygwin, switch paths to Windows format before running java
if $cygwin ; then
APP_HOME=`cygpath --path --mixed "$APP_HOME"`
CLASSPATH=`cygpath --path --mixed "$CLASSPATH"`
JAVACMD=`cygpath --unix "$JAVACMD"`
# We build the pattern for arguments to be converted via cygpath
ROOTDIRSRAW=`find -L / -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d 2>/dev/null`
for dir in $ROOTDIRSRAW ; do
# Add a user-defined pattern to the cygpath arguments
if [ "$GRADLE_CYGPATTERN" != "" ] ; then
# Now convert the arguments - kludge to limit ourselves to /bin/sh
for arg in "$@" ; do
CHECK=`echo "$arg"|egrep -c "$OURCYGPATTERN" -`
CHECK2=`echo "$arg"|egrep -c "^-"` ### Determine if an option
if [ $CHECK -ne 0 ] && [ $CHECK2 -eq 0 ] ; then ### Added a condition
eval `echo args$i`=`cygpath --path --ignore --mixed "$arg"`
eval `echo args$i`="\"$arg\""
case $i in
(0) set -- ;;
(1) set -- "$args0" ;;
(2) set -- "$args0" "$args1" ;;
(3) set -- "$args0" "$args1" "$args2" ;;
(4) set -- "$args0" "$args1" "$args2" "$args3" ;;
(5) set -- "$args0" "$args1" "$args2" "$args3" "$args4" ;;
(6) set -- "$args0" "$args1" "$args2" "$args3" "$args4" "$args5" ;;
(7) set -- "$args0" "$args1" "$args2" "$args3" "$args4" "$args5" "$args6" ;;
(8) set -- "$args0" "$args1" "$args2" "$args3" "$args4" "$args5" "$args6" "$args7" ;;
(9) set -- "$args0" "$args1" "$args2" "$args3" "$args4" "$args5" "$args6" "$args7" "$args8" ;;
# Escape application args
save () {
for i do printf %s\\n "$i" | sed "s/'/'\\\\''/g;1s/^/'/;\$s/\$/' \\\\/" ; done
echo " "
APP_ARGS=$(save "$@")
# Collect all arguments for the java command, following the shell quoting and substitution rules
eval set -- $DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS $JAVA_OPTS $GRADLE_OPTS "\"-Dorg.gradle.appname=$APP_BASE_NAME\"" -classpath "\"$CLASSPATH\"" org.gradle.wrapper.GradleWrapperMain "$APP_ARGS"
# by default we should be in the correct project dir, but when run from Finder on Mac, the cwd is wrong
if [ "$(uname)" = "Darwin" ] && [ "$HOME" = "$PWD" ]; then
cd "$(dirname "$0")"
exec "$JAVACMD" "$@"

android-sources/gradlew.bat vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
@if "%DEBUG%" == "" @echo off
@rem ##########################################################################
@rem Gradle startup script for Windows
@rem ##########################################################################
@rem Set local scope for the variables with windows NT shell
if "%OS%"=="Windows_NT" setlocal
set DIRNAME=%~dp0
if "%DIRNAME%" == "" set DIRNAME=.
set APP_BASE_NAME=%~n0
@rem Add default JVM options here. You can also use JAVA_OPTS and GRADLE_OPTS to pass JVM options to this script.
@rem Find java.exe
if defined JAVA_HOME goto findJavaFromJavaHome
set JAVA_EXE=java.exe
%JAVA_EXE% -version >NUL 2>&1
if "%ERRORLEVEL%" == "0" goto init
echo ERROR: JAVA_HOME is not set and no 'java' command could be found in your PATH.
echo Please set the JAVA_HOME variable in your environment to match the
echo location of your Java installation.
goto fail
set JAVA_EXE=%JAVA_HOME%/bin/java.exe
if exist "%JAVA_EXE%" goto init
echo ERROR: JAVA_HOME is set to an invalid directory: %JAVA_HOME%
echo Please set the JAVA_HOME variable in your environment to match the
echo location of your Java installation.
goto fail
@rem Get command-line arguments, handling Windows variants
if not "%OS%" == "Windows_NT" goto win9xME_args
@rem Slurp the command line arguments.
set _SKIP=2
if "x%~1" == "x" goto execute
@rem Setup the command line
set CLASSPATH=%APP_HOME%\gradle\wrapper\gradle-wrapper.jar
@rem Execute Gradle
"%JAVA_EXE%" %DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS% %JAVA_OPTS% %GRADLE_OPTS% "-Dorg.gradle.appname=%APP_BASE_NAME%" -classpath "%CLASSPATH%" org.gradle.wrapper.GradleWrapperMain %CMD_LINE_ARGS%
@rem End local scope for the variables with windows NT shell
if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" goto mainEnd
rem Set variable GRADLE_EXIT_CONSOLE if you need the _script_ return code instead of
rem the _cmd.exe /c_ return code!
if not "" == "%GRADLE_EXIT_CONSOLE%" exit 1
exit /b 1
if "%OS%"=="Windows_NT" endlocal

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 150 KiB


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 124 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 150 KiB


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 124 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 150 KiB


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 124 KiB

View file

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<array name="qt_sources">
<!-- The following is handled automatically by the deployment tool. It should
not be edited manually. -->
<array name="bundled_libs">
<!-- %%INSERT_EXTRA_LIBS%% -->
<array name="qt_libs">
<!-- %%INSERT_QT_LIBS%% -->
<array name="load_local_libs">
<!-- %%INSERT_LOCAL_LIBS%% -->

View file

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ VERSION = 0.04
android { android {
QT += androidextras QT += androidextras
android: include(/home/dorian/Android/Sdk/android_openssl/openssl.pri)
} }
@ -82,5 +83,18 @@ else: unix:!android: target.path = /opt/$${TARGET}/bin
android-sources/AndroidManifest.xml \ android-sources/AndroidManifest.xml \
android-sources/build.gradle \
android-sources/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar \
android-sources/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.properties \
android-sources/gradlew \
android-sources/gradlew.bat \
android-sources/res/values/libs.xml \
resources/shared/icons/bluerock/index.theme \ resources/shared/icons/bluerock/index.theme \
$$files(resources/shared/icons/*.png, true) $$files(resources/shared/icons/*.png, true)
ANDROID_ABIS = armeabi-v7a
contains(ANDROID_TARGET_ARCH,armeabi-v7a) {

View file

@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ class AppSettings : public QObject
{ {
public: public:
explicit AppSettings(QObject *parent = nullptr); explicit AppSettings(QObject *parent = nullptr);

View file

@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ class BRCompetition : public BRWidget
Q_PROPERTY(BRLeague* league READ getLeague NOTIFY metadataChanged) Q_PROPERTY(BRLeague* league READ getLeague NOTIFY metadataChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QUrl eventWebsiteUrl READ getEventWebsiteUrl NOTIFY metadataChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QUrl eventWebsiteUrl READ getEventWebsiteUrl NOTIFY metadataChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QList<QUrl> infosheetUrls READ getInfosheetUrls NOTIFY metadataChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QList<QUrl> infosheetUrls READ getInfosheetUrls NOTIFY metadataChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool pinned READ getPinned WRITE setPinned NOTIFY pinnedChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QList<QObject*> categories READ getCategoriesQML NOTIFY categoriesChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QList<QObject*> categories READ getCategoriesQML NOTIFY categoriesChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(BRCategory* currentCategory READ getCurrentCategory WRITE setCurrentCategory NOTIFY currentCategoryChanged) Q_PROPERTY(BRCategory* currentCategory READ getCurrentCategory WRITE setCurrentCategory NOTIFY currentCategoryChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QList<QObject*> results READ getResultsQML NOTIFY resultsChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QList<QObject*> results READ getResultsQML NOTIFY resultsChanged)
@ -47,6 +48,7 @@ public:
QUrl eventWebsiteUrl; QUrl eventWebsiteUrl;
QList<QUrl> infosheetUrls; QList<QUrl> infosheetUrls;
bool pinned;
BRCategory* currentCategory; BRCategory* currentCategory;
QList<BRCategory*> categories; QList<BRCategory*> categories;
} BRCompetitionData; } BRCompetitionData;
@ -61,6 +63,8 @@ public:
Q_INVOKABLE BRLeague* getLeague(); Q_INVOKABLE BRLeague* getLeague();
Q_INVOKABLE QUrl getEventWebsiteUrl(); Q_INVOKABLE QUrl getEventWebsiteUrl();
Q_INVOKABLE QList<QUrl> getInfosheetUrls(); Q_INVOKABLE QList<QUrl> getInfosheetUrls();
Q_INVOKABLE bool getPinned();
Q_INVOKABLE void setPinned(bool pinned);
Q_INVOKABLE QList<QObject*> getCategoriesQML(); Q_INVOKABLE QList<QObject*> getCategoriesQML();
Q_INVOKABLE QList<BRCategory*> getCategories(); Q_INVOKABLE QList<BRCategory*> getCategories();
Q_INVOKABLE BRCategory* getCurrentCategory() const; Q_INVOKABLE BRCategory* getCurrentCategory() const;
@ -84,6 +88,7 @@ private:
QList<QUrl> infosheetUrls; QList<QUrl> infosheetUrls;
// data // data
bool pinned;
QList<BRCategory*> categories; QList<BRCategory*> categories;
BRCategory* currentCategory; BRCategory* currentCategory;
@ -91,6 +96,7 @@ private:
signals: signals:
void metadataChanged(); void metadataChanged();
void pinnedChanged();
void categoriesChanged(); void categoriesChanged();
void currentCategoryChanged(); void currentCategoryChanged();
void resultsChanged(); void resultsChanged();

View file

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ class BRLeague : public BRWidget
Q_PROPERTY(QString name READ getName NOTIFY metadataChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QString name READ getName NOTIFY metadataChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QColor color READ getColor NOTIFY metadataChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QColor color READ getColor NOTIFY metadataChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool enabled READ getEnabled WRITE setEnabled NOTIFY enabledChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QList<QObject*> competitions READ getCompetitionsQML NOTIFY competitionsChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QList<QObject*> competitions READ getCompetitionsQML NOTIFY competitionsChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QList<QObject*> cups READ getCupsQML NOTIFY cupsChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QList<QObject*> cups READ getCupsQML NOTIFY cupsChanged)
public: public:
@ -24,6 +25,7 @@ public:
QString name; QString name;
QColor color; QColor color;
bool enabled;
QList<BRCompetition*> competitions; QList<BRCompetition*> competitions;
QList<BRCup*> cups; QList<BRCup*> cups;
@ -33,6 +35,8 @@ public:
Q_INVOKABLE QString getName(); Q_INVOKABLE QString getName();
Q_INVOKABLE QColor getColor(); Q_INVOKABLE QColor getColor();
Q_INVOKABLE bool getEnabled();
Q_INVOKABLE void setEnabled(bool enabled);
Q_INVOKABLE QList<BRCompetition*> getCompetitions(); Q_INVOKABLE QList<BRCompetition*> getCompetitions();
Q_INVOKABLE QList<QObject*> getCompetitionsQML(); Q_INVOKABLE QList<QObject*> getCompetitionsQML();
Q_INVOKABLE QList<QObject*> getCupsQML(); Q_INVOKABLE QList<QObject*> getCupsQML();
@ -43,12 +47,14 @@ private:
QString name; QString name;
QColor color; QColor color;
bool enabled;
QList<BRCompetition*> competitions; QList<BRCompetition*> competitions;
QList<BRCup*> cups; QList<BRCup*> cups;
signals: signals:
void metadataChanged(); void metadataChanged();
void enabledChanged();
void competitionsChanged(); void competitionsChanged();
void cupsChanged(); void cupsChanged();
}; };

View file

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ class BRProvider;
class BRWidget : public QObject class BRWidget : public QObject
{ {
Q_PROPERTY(BRWidgetState state READ getState NOTIFY stateChanged)
public: public:
enum BRFederation { enum BRFederation {
@ -17,6 +18,14 @@ public:
}; };
Q_ENUM(BRFederation) Q_ENUM(BRFederation)
enum BRWidgetState {
Unconfigured = -1,
enum BRWidgetStatusCode { enum BRWidgetStatusCode {
Success = 200, Success = 200,
InternalError = 900, InternalError = 900,
@ -28,13 +37,17 @@ public:
Q_INVOKABLE virtual BRWidget::BRWidgetStatusCode load() = 0; Q_INVOKABLE virtual BRWidget::BRWidgetStatusCode load() = 0;
Q_INVOKABLE BRWidgetState getState() const;
Q_INVOKABLE BRFederation getFederation() const; Q_INVOKABLE BRFederation getFederation() const;
Q_INVOKABLE int getId() const; Q_INVOKABLE int getId() const;
protected: protected:
explicit BRWidget(BRProvider* provider, BRFederation federation, int id); explicit BRWidget(BRProvider* provider, BRFederation federation, int id);
void setState(BRWidgetState state);
BRProvider* getProvider(); BRProvider* getProvider();
BRWidgetState state;
template<typename T> template<typename T>
QList<QObject*> listToQmlList(QList<T*> list) { QList<QObject*> listToQmlList(QList<T*> list) {
QList<QObject*> tmpList; QList<QObject*> tmpList;
@ -51,6 +64,7 @@ private:
const int id; const int id;
signals: signals:
void stateChanged();
}; };

View file

@ -53,11 +53,23 @@ ListView {
width: 8 width: 8
visible: control.model > 0 visible: control.model.length > 0
active: true active: true
} }
header: Item {
id: topSpacerItm
width: parent.width
height: 10
footer: Item {
id: bottomSpacerItm
width: parent.width
height: 10
Behavior on opacity { Behavior on opacity {
NumberAnimation { NumberAnimation {
duration: 200 duration: 200

View file

@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ Item {
Connections { Connections {
target: control.target target: control.target
onDragEnded: { function onDragEnded() {
if(userPosition >= control.dragOutPosition * control.dragRefreshPositionMultiplier){ if(userPosition >= control.dragOutPosition * control.dragRefreshPositionMultiplier){
control.state = "refreshing" control.state = "refreshing"
preRefreshTimer.start() preRefreshTimer.start()

View file

@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
import QtQuick 2.9
import QtQuick.Controls 2.4
import QtQuick.Controls.Material 2.3
Dialog {
id: control
property var dataObj
property string subTitle: ""
property int implicitY: parent.height - implicitHeight
signal selectionFinished(int index, var data)
parent: Overlay.overlay
x: 0
y: parent.height - implicitHeight
opacity: 1
width: parent.width
implicitWidth: width
contentHeight: Math.min(parent.height * 0.7, implicitContentHeight)
implicitHeight: contentHeight + topPadding + bottomPadding + header.height
padding: 30
modal: true
focus: true
title: ""
header: Column {
id: selectorPuHeaderCol
width: control.width
height: headerSubLa.text !== "" && headerLa.text !== "" ? 73 : 40
Label {
id: headerLa
visible: control.title
width: selectorPuHeaderCol.width
elide: "ElideRight"
padding: control.padding
bottomPadding: 0
font.bold: true
font.pixelSize: 16
text: control.title
onLinkActivated: {
Label {
id: headerSubLa
visible: control.subTitle
width: selectorPuHeaderCol.width
elide: "ElideRight"
padding: control.padding
topPadding: 5
bottomPadding: 0
font.bold: true
font.pixelSize: 16
text: control.subTitle
onLinkActivated: {
background: Item {
Rectangle {
id: backgroundRect
anchors {
fill: parent
bottomMargin: -radius
radius: control.leftPadding
color: control.Material.dialogColor
function appear(dataObj, title, subTitle) {
if(dataObj.length > 0){
control.dataObj = dataObj
else {
control.dataObj = undefined
control.title = title
control.subTitle = subTitle === undefined ? "":subTitle
enter: Transition {
NumberAnimation {
property: "opacity";
from: 0
to: 1.0
easing.type: Easing.Linear
NumberAnimation {
property: "y"
from: control.parent.height - control.implicitHeight * 0.7
to: control.parent.height - control.implicitHeight
exit: Transition {
NumberAnimation {
property: "opacity";
from: 1
to: 0
NumberAnimation {
property: "y"
from: control.parent.height - control.implicitHeight
to: control.parent.height - control.implicitHeight * 0.7

View file

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Page {
property BRWidget data property BRWidget data
property Component headerComponent property Component headerComponent
property alias selector: selectorPu property alias selector: selectorPopup
property string subTitle property string subTitle
property bool titleIsPageTitle: true property bool titleIsPageTitle: true
@ -93,107 +93,21 @@ Page {
} }
Dialog { SelectorPopup {
id: selectorPu id: selectorPopup
property var dataObj contentItem: ListView {
property string subTitle: ""
x: 0 //root.width / 2 - width / 2
y: root.height - selectorPu.height * 0.7//root.height - height //root.height / 2 - height / 2
opacity: 0
width: root.width
height: selectorLv.implicitHeight
modal: true
focus: true
title: ""
header: Column {
id: selectorPuHeaderCol
width: parent.width
Label {
id: headerLa
visible: selectorPu.title
width: parent.width
elide: "ElideRight"
padding: 24
bottomPadding: 0
font.bold: true
font.pixelSize: 16
background: Rectangle {
radius: 2
color: selectorPu.Material.dialogColor
clip: true
text: selectorPu.title
onLinkActivated: {
Label {
id: headerSubLa
visible: selectorPu.subTitle
width: parent.width
elide: "ElideRight"
padding: 24
topPadding: 5
bottomPadding: 0
font.bold: true
font.pixelSize: 16
background: Rectangle {
radius: 2
color: selectorPu.Material.dialogColor
clip: true
text: selectorPu.subTitle
onLinkActivated: {
function appear(dataObj, title, subTitle) {
if(dataObj.length > 0){
selectorPu.dataObj = dataObj
else {
selectorPu.dataObj = undefined
selectorPu.title = title
selectorPu.subTitle = subTitle === undefined ? "":subTitle
ListView {
id: selectorLv id: selectorLv
property int delegateHeight: 50 property int delegateHeight: 50
spacing: 10
anchors.fill: parent clip: true
implicitWidth: parent.width implicitWidth: selectorPopup.width
implicitHeight: root.height * 0.7 < ( (delegateHeight + spacing) * model ) ? root.height * 0.7 : (delegateHeight + spacing) * model + 100 implicitHeight: model === undefined ? 0:(delegateHeight + spacing) * model.length
model: selectorPu.dataObj !== undefined ? selectorPu.dataObj.length:0 model: selectorPopup.dataObj !== undefined ? selectorPopup.dataObj:undefined
ScrollIndicator.vertical: ScrollIndicator { ScrollIndicator.vertical: ScrollIndicator {
parent: selectorLv.parent parent: selectorLv.parent
@ -215,40 +129,13 @@ Page {
flat: true flat: true
text: selectorPu.dataObj[index].text text: selectorPopup.dataObj[index].text
onClicked: { onClicked: {
selectorPu.close() selectorPopup.close()
control.selectionFinished(index, selectorPu.dataObj[index].data) control.selectionFinished(index, selectorPopup.dataObj[index].data)
} }
} }
} }
enter: Transition {
NumberAnimation {
property: "opacity";
//from: 0.0;
to: 1.0
} }
NumberAnimation {
property: "y"
//from: root.height - selectorPu.height * 0.7
to: root.height - selectorPu.height
exit: Transition {
NumberAnimation {
property: "opacity";
//from: 1.0;
to: 0.0
NumberAnimation {
property: "y"
//from: root.height - selectorPu.height
to: root.height - selectorPu.height * 0.7
} }

View file

@ -150,9 +150,7 @@ BRWidgetPage {
var selectOptions = [] var selectOptions = []
for(var i = 0; i < leagues.length; i++) { for(var i = 0; i < leagues.length; i++) {
//console.log("found cat: " + obj[prop]['label']) selectOptions.push( {text: leagues[i].name, data:{task:"leagues", league: leagues[i]}} )
selectOptions.push( {text: leagues[i].name, data:{task:"leagues", league: selectOptions}} )
} }
//compCats.push( {"text": qsTr("Pinned"), "data": {"sort_rank":0, "cat_id":[-1]}} ) //compCats.push( {"text": qsTr("Pinned"), "data": {"sort_rank":0, "cat_id":[-1]}} )
@ -164,38 +162,10 @@ BRWidgetPage {
id: calendarLv id: calendarLv
anchors.fill: parent anchors.fill: parent
//boundsBehavior: Flickable.StopAtBounds
model: control.data.currentSeason.competitions model: control.data.currentSeason.competitions
//listData: widgetData['competitions'] onRefresh: control.data.load()
onRefresh: {
Component.onCompleted: {
control.status = 200
control.ready = true
else {
control.ready = false
control.status = 901
onWidgetDataChanged: {
// if the IFSC Calendar is open -> add the worldranking
if(params.nation === "ICC"){
control.widgetData['cups'].unshift({"SerId":"","rkey":"","name":"Worldranking","modified":"2018-10-24 16:11:12","modifier":"","year":"","num_comps":"","cats":["ICC-COA","ICC-HD","ICC-MED","ICC_F","ICC_FB","ICC_FS","ICC_M","ICC_MB","ICC_MS"]})
function autoScroll() { function autoScroll() {
// function to scroll to the next competition that is not already over // function to scroll to the next competition that is not already over
var compList = calendarLv.model var compList = calendarLv.model
@ -211,154 +181,20 @@ BRWidgetPage {
} }
} }
function getCompCatData(compCatId) {
var obj = app.compCats
for(var prop in obj) {
// go through the whole array and search for data keys
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop) && obj[prop]["cat_id"].indexOf(compCatId) >= 0) {
//console.log("found cat: " + obj[prop]['label'])
return obj[prop]
function filterCats(display, cats) {
//console.log("filtering cats: " + cats + " displaying: " + display)
for(var i = 0; i < cats.length; i ++){
if(control.displayedCompCats.indexOf(cats[i]) >= 0 && !display){
control.displayedCompCats.splice(control.displayedCompCats.indexOf(cats[i]), 1)
else if(control.displayedCompCats.indexOf(cats[i]) == -1 && display){
// trigger 'changed' signal
control.displayedCompCats = control.displayedCompCats
appSettings.write("displayedCompCats"+params.nation, JSON.stringify(displayedCompCats))
//console.log("new JSON string is: " + JSON.stringify(displayedCompCats))
//console.log("displayed cats is now: " + control.displayedCompCats)
function initFilters() {
if(appSettings.read("displayedCompCats"+params.nation) !== "false"){
control.displayedCompCats = JSON.parse(appSettings.read("displayedCompCats"+params.nation))
if(control.displayedCompCats.length === 0){
var obj = app.compCats
var compCats = new Array
for(var prop in obj) {
// go through the whole array and search for data keys
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop) && obj[prop]["nation"] === params.nation) {
//console.log("found cat: " + obj[prop]['label'])
filterCats(true, obj[prop]['cat_id'])
// trigger 'changed' signal
control.displayedCompCats = control.displayedCompCats
function editFavorites(favorite, compId) {
if(control.compFavorites.indexOf(compId) >= 0 && !favorite) {
control.compFavorites.splice( control.compFavorites.indexOf(compId), 1)
else if(control.compFavorites.indexOf(compId) < 0 && favorite) {
appSettings.write("compFavorites", JSON.stringify(control.compFavorites))
// trigger 'changed' signal
control.compFavorites = control.compFavorites
function initFavorites() {
if(appSettings.read("compFavorites") !== "false"){
control.compFavorites = JSON.parse(appSettings.read("compFavorites"))
else {
control.compFavorites = []
appSettings.write("compFavorites", JSON.stringify(control.compFavorites))
// trigger 'changed' signal
control.compFavorites = control.compFavorites
header: Item {
id: topSpacerItm
width: parent.width
height: 10
footer: Item {
id: bottomSpacerItm
width: parent.width
height: 10
delegate: ItemDelegate { delegate: ItemDelegate {
id: competitionDel id: competitionDel
property bool over
property var thisData: modelData property var thisData: modelData
property string name: thisData.name width: calendarLv.width
property string date: thisData.dateSpan //"test" // TODO thisData["date_span"] height: compDelCol.height + 10
property var cats: thisData["cats"]
property int catId: thisData["cat_id"] === undefined ? 0:thisData["cat_id"]
property bool thisIsFavored: true //control.compFavorites.indexOf(parseInt(thisData['WetId'])) >= 0 enabled: thisData.categories.length > 0 || thisData.eventWebsiteUrl.toString() !== "" || thisData.infosheetUrls.length > 0
property bool includedByFavorites: true //control.displayedCompCats.indexOf(-1) >= 0 && thisIsFavored
property bool includedByFilter: true//control.displayedCompCats.indexOf(parseInt(thisData['cat_id'])) >= 0
property bool thisIsVisible: includedByFavorites || includedByFilter
function updateVisibility() {
competitionDel.includedByFilter = control.displayedCompCats.indexOf(parseInt(competitionDel.thisData['cat_id'])) >= 0
competitionDel.thisIsFavored = control.compFavorites.indexOf(parseInt(thisData['WetId'])) >= 0
competitionDel.includedByFavorites = control.displayedCompCats.indexOf(-1) >= 0 && thisIsFavored
width: parent.width
height: thisIsVisible ? compDelCol.height + 10 : 0
enabled: true//((thisData["cats"] !== undefined && thisData["cats"].length > 0) || competitionDel.thisData["homepage"] !== undefined || getCompInfoUrls(index).length > 0) && height > 0
//visible: includedByFilter
opacity: 0 opacity: 0
scale: 0.9 scale: 0.9
/*Connections { onThisDataChanged: fadeInPa.start()
target: control
onDisplayedCompCatsChanged: {
onCompFavoritesChanged: {
onThisDataChanged: {
onThisIsVisibleChanged: {
else {
Behavior on height { Behavior on height {
NumberAnimation { NumberAnimation {
@ -366,9 +202,7 @@ BRWidgetPage {
} }
} }
onClicked: { onClicked: control.openCompetition(competitionDel.thisData)
ParallelAnimation { ParallelAnimation {
id: fadeInPa id: fadeInPa
@ -412,16 +246,16 @@ BRWidgetPage {
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
text: name text: competitionDel.thisData.name
Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.fillWidth: true
} }
ToolButton { ToolButton {
id: bookmarkTb id: bookmarkTb
icon.name: competitionDel.thisIsFavored ? "pinFilled":"pin" icon.name: competitionDel.thisData.pinned ? "pinFilled":"pin"
onClicked: { onClicked: {
control.editFavorites(!competitionDel.thisIsFavored, parseInt(thisData['WetId'])) competitionDel.thisData.pinned = !competitionDel.thisData.pinned
} }
Layout.alignment: Layout.Right Layout.alignment: Layout.Right
@ -450,7 +284,7 @@ BRWidgetPage {
color: "grey" color: "grey"
text: date text: competitionDel.thisData.dateSpan
} }
} }
@ -482,105 +316,21 @@ BRWidgetPage {
} }
} }
Dialog { SelectorPopup {
id: filterSelectPu id: filterSelectPu
property var dataObj contentItem: ListView {
property string subTitle: ""
signal selectionFinished(int index, var data)
x: 0 - control.anchors.leftMargin //root.width / 2 - width / 2
y: control.height - filterSelectPu.height * 0.7//root.height - height //root.height / 2 - height / 2
opacity: 0
width: control.width + control.anchors.leftMargin + control.anchors.rightMargin
height: selectorLv.implicitHeight
modal: true
focus: true
title: ""
function appear(dataObj, title, subTitle) {
if(dataObj.length > 0){
filterSelectPu.dataObj = dataObj
filterSelectPu.title = title
filterSelectPu.subTitle = subTitle === undefined ? "":subTitle
header: Column {
id: filterSelectPuHeaderCol
width: parent.width
Label {
id: headerLa
visible: filterSelectPu.title
width: parent.width
elide: "ElideRight"
padding: 24
bottomPadding: 0
font.bold: true
font.pixelSize: 16
background: Rectangle {
radius: 2
//color: filterSelectPu.Material.dialogColor
clip: true
text: filterSelectPu.title
onLinkActivated: {
Label {
id: headerSubLa
visible: filterSelectPu.subTitle
width: parent.width
elide: "ElideRight"
padding: 24
topPadding: 5
bottomPadding: 0
font.bold: true
font.pixelSize: 16
background: Rectangle {
radius: 2
//color: filterSelectPu.Material.dialogColor
clip: true
text: filterSelectPu.subTitle
onLinkActivated: {
ListView {
id: selectorLv id: selectorLv
property int delegateHeight: 50 property int delegateHeight: 50
spacing: 10
anchors.fill: parent clip: true
implicitWidth: parent.width implicitWidth: parent.width
implicitHeight: control.height * 0.7 < ( (delegateHeight + spacing) * model ) ? root.height * 0.7 : (delegateHeight + spacing) * model + 100 implicitHeight: model === undefined ? 0:(delegateHeight + spacing) * model.length
model: filterSelectPu.dataObj !== undefined ? filterSelectPu.dataObj.length:0 model: filterSelectPu.dataObj
ScrollIndicator.vertical: ScrollIndicator { ScrollIndicator.vertical: ScrollIndicator {
parent: selectorLv.parent parent: selectorLv.parent
@ -597,73 +347,25 @@ BRWidgetPage {
delegate: CheckDelegate { delegate: CheckDelegate {
id: catBt id: catBt
property var thisData: modelData
width: parent.width width: parent.width
height: text !== "" ? selectorLv.delegateHeight:0 height: text !== "" ? selectorLv.delegateHeight:0
//flat: true checked: thisData.data.league.enabled
text: filterSelectPu.dataObj[index].text
Component.onCompleted: {
checked = getCheckedState()
Connections {
target: control
onDisplayedCompCatsChanged: {
//console.log("filters changed")
//competitionDel.visible = control.displayedCompCats.indexOf(parseInt(competitionDel.thisData['cat_id'])) >= 0
checked = getCheckedState()
function getCheckedState() {
for(var i = 0; i < filterSelectPu.dataObj[index].data.cat_id.length; i ++){
//console.log("checking cat " + filterSelectPu.dataObj[index].data.label )
if(control.displayedCompCats.indexOf(filterSelectPu.dataObj[index].data.cat_id[i] ) >= 0){
return true
return false
text: thisData.text
onClicked: { onClicked: {
control.filterCats(checked, filterSelectPu.dataObj[index].data.cat_id) if(thisData.data.league.state !== BRWidget.Loaded) {
if(control.displayedCompCats.length === 0){ loadingDl.open()
control.filterCats(true, filterSelectPu.dataObj[index].data.cat_id) thisData.data.league.load()
checked = true loadingDl.close()
} }
enter: Transition { thisData.data.league.enabled = checked
NumberAnimation { }
property: "opacity";
//from: 0.0;
to: 1.0
NumberAnimation {
property: "y"
//from: root.height - filterSelectPu.height * 0.7
to: control.height - filterSelectPu.height
exit: Transition {
NumberAnimation {
property: "opacity";
//from: 1.0;
to: 0.0
NumberAnimation {
property: "y"
//from: root.height - filterSelectPu.height
to: control.height - filterSelectPu.height * 0.7
} }
} }
} }
} }

View file

@ -43,9 +43,9 @@ BRWidgetPage {
ToolButton { ToolButton {
id: flowToolBt id: flowToolBt
visible: speedFlowChart.enabled visible: false //speedFlowChart.enabled
enabled: false // TODO control.data.currentCategory.currentRound.getId() === -1 && Object.keys(control.widgetData['route_names']).length > 2 enabled: true // TODO control.data.currentCategory.currentRound.getId() === -1 && Object.keys(control.widgetData['route_names']).length > 2
onClicked: { onClicked: {
if(speedFlowChartBackgroundRect.state === "hidden"){ if(speedFlowChartBackgroundRect.state === "hidden"){
@ -63,8 +63,6 @@ BRWidgetPage {
ToolButton { ToolButton {
id: moreToolBt id: moreToolBt
Layout.alignment: Layout.Right
onClicked: { onClicked: {
control.changeCategory() control.changeCategory()
} }
@ -130,7 +128,13 @@ BRWidgetPage {
DataListView { DataListView {
id: resultLv id: resultLv
anchors.fill: parent anchors {
top: parent.top
topMargin: 0
left: parent.left
right: parent.right
bottom: routeSelectTb.top
model: control.data.currentCategory.currentRound.results model: control.data.currentCategory.currentRound.results
@ -158,6 +162,8 @@ BRWidgetPage {
} }
} }
header: Item {}
delegate: ItemDelegate { delegate: ItemDelegate {
id: partDel id: partDel
@ -681,10 +687,6 @@ BRWidgetPage {
width: Math.max(150, routeSelectTb.width / routeSelectButtonRep.model.length) //text.length * font.pixelSize width: Math.max(150, routeSelectTb.width / routeSelectButtonRep.model.length) //text.length * font.pixelSize
onWidthChanged: {
console.log("WIDTH IS: " + Math.max(150, routeSelectTb.width / routeSelectButtonRep.model.length))
onClicked: { onClicked: {
control.changeRound(modelData) control.changeRound(modelData)
return; return;
@ -737,15 +739,15 @@ BRWidgetPage {
Connections { Connections {
target: speedFlowChartProduct target: speedFlowChartProduct
onPurchaseRestored: { function onPurchaseRestored() {
speedFlowChartLockedOverlay.state = appSettings.read("speedBackendPurchase") === "1" ? "unlocked":"locked" speedFlowChartLockedOverlay.state = appSettings.read("speedBackendPurchase") === "1" ? "unlocked":"locked"
} }
onPurchaseSucceeded: { function onPurchaseSucceeded() {
speedFlowChartLockedOverlay.state = appSettings.read("speedBackendPurchase") === "1" ? "unlocked":"locked" speedFlowChartLockedOverlay.state = appSettings.read("speedBackendPurchase") === "1" ? "unlocked":"locked"
} }
onPurchaseFailed: { function onPurchaseFailed() {
purchaseBt.text = qsTr("Purchase failed") purchaseBt.text = qsTr("Purchase failed")
purchaseBt.enabled = false purchaseBt.enabled = false
buttonTextResetTimer.start() buttonTextResetTimer.start()

View file

@ -141,7 +141,8 @@ Window {
RowLayout { RowLayout {
anchors.fill: parent width: toolBar.width
height: toolBar.height
spacing: width * 0.02 spacing: width * 0.02
@ -162,9 +163,10 @@ Window {
Column { Column {
Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.alignment: Layout.Center
height: childrenRect.height height: childrenRect.height
width: parent.width - extraComponentLoader.width - toolButton.width - 3 * parent.spacing //width: parent.width - extraComponentLoader.width - toolButton.width - 3 * parent.spacing
Label { Label {
id: toolBarTitleLa id: toolBarTitleLa
@ -248,28 +250,29 @@ Window {
height: parent.height height: parent.height
Layout.alignment: Layout.Right Layout.alignment: Layout.Center
active: true
onStatusChanged: { onStatusChanged: {
//console.log("loader status changed: " + status) console.log("LOADER status changed: " + status)
if(status == 0){ if(status === Loader.Ready){
extraComponentLoader.Layout.preferredWidth = 0 console.log("set loader width to: " + extraComponentLoader.Layout.preferredWidth + " for a item width of: " + extraComponentLoader.item.implicitWidth)
else {
extraComponentLoader.item.width = extraComponentLoader.item.implicitWidth extraComponentLoader.item.width = extraComponentLoader.item.implicitWidth
extraComponentLoader.Layout.preferredWidth = extraComponentLoader.item.width extraComponentLoader.Layout.preferredWidth = extraComponentLoader.item.width
widthChangedCon.target = extraComponentLoader.item widthChangedCon.target = extraComponentLoader.item
} }
else {
//console.log("set loader width to: " + extraComponentLoader.Layout.preferredWidth + " for a item width of: " + extraComponentLoader.item.implicitWidth) extraComponentLoader.Layout.preferredWidth = 0
} }
//sourceComponent: mainStack.currentItem.headerComponent //sourceComponent: mainStack.currentItem.headerComponent
Connections { Connections {
target: mainStack target: mainStack
onCurrentItemChanged: { function onCurrentItemChanged() {
secondCon.target = mainStack.currentItem secondCon.target = mainStack.currentItem
disappearNa.start() disappearNa.start()
} }
@ -277,14 +280,14 @@ Window {
Connections { Connections {
id: secondCon id: secondCon
onHeaderComponentChanged: { function onHeaderComponentChanged() {
disappearNa.start() disappearNa.start()
} }
} }
Connections { Connections {
id: widthChangedCon id: widthChangedCon
onImplicitWidthChanged:{ function onImplicitWidthChanged() {
extraComponentLoader.item.width = extraComponentLoader.item.implicitWidth extraComponentLoader.item.width = extraComponentLoader.item.implicitWidth
extraComponentLoader.Layout.preferredWidth = extraComponentLoader.item.implicitWidth extraComponentLoader.Layout.preferredWidth = extraComponentLoader.item.implicitWidth
} }
@ -343,6 +346,9 @@ Window {
onRunningChanged: { onRunningChanged: {
if(!running){ if(!running){
console.log("SETTING HEADER COMP")
extraComponentLoader.Layout.preferredWidth = 0
extraComponentLoader.sourceComponent = null
extraComponentLoader.sourceComponent = mainStack.currentItem.headerComponent extraComponentLoader.sourceComponent = mainStack.currentItem.headerComponent
appearNa.start() appearNa.start()
} }

View file

@ -22,5 +22,6 @@
<file>Pages/CalendarPage.qml</file> <file>Pages/CalendarPage.qml</file>
<file>Pages/BRWidgetPage.qml</file> <file>Pages/BRWidgetPage.qml</file>
<file>Pages/ResultPage.qml</file> <file>Pages/ResultPage.qml</file>
</qresource> </qresource>
</RCC> </RCC>

View file

@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
BRCompetition::BRCompetition(BRProvider* provider, BRWidget::BRFederation federation, int id, BRCompetitionData initialData) : BRWidget(provider, federation, id) { BRCompetition::BRCompetition(BRProvider* provider, BRWidget::BRFederation federation, int id, BRCompetitionData initialData) : BRWidget(provider, federation, id) {
this->currentCategory = nullptr; this->currentCategory = nullptr;
this->eventWebsiteUrl = "";
this->pinned = false;
this->setData(initialData); this->setData(initialData);
} }
@ -50,6 +52,18 @@ QList<QUrl> BRCompetition::getInfosheetUrls() {
return this->infosheetUrls; return this->infosheetUrls;
} }
bool BRCompetition::getPinned() {
return this->pinned;
void BRCompetition::setPinned(bool pinned) {
if(this->pinned == pinned)
this->pinned= pinned;
emit this->pinnedChanged();
QList<QObject*> BRCompetition::getCategoriesQML() { QList<QObject*> BRCompetition::getCategoriesQML() {
return this->listToQmlList(this->categories); return this->listToQmlList(this->categories);
} }
@ -97,6 +111,7 @@ BRWidget::BRWidgetStatusCode BRCompetition::load() {
this->eventWebsiteUrl, this->eventWebsiteUrl,
this->infosheetUrls, this->infosheetUrls,
this->currentCategory, this->currentCategory,
this->categories this->categories
}; };

View file

@ -4,7 +4,8 @@
BRLeague::BRLeague(BRProvider* provider, BRWidget::BRFederation federation, int id, BRLeagueData initialData) : BRWidget(provider, federation, id) BRLeague::BRLeague(BRProvider* provider, BRWidget::BRFederation federation, int id, BRLeagueData initialData) : BRWidget(provider, federation, id)
{ {
this->competitions = {}; this->competitions = {};
this->competitions = {}; connect(this, &BRLeague::stateChanged, this, &BRLeague::enabledChanged);
this->setData(initialData); this->setData(initialData);
} }
@ -16,6 +17,19 @@ QColor BRLeague::getColor() {
return this->color; return this->color;
} }
bool BRLeague::getEnabled() {
return this->enabled && this->state == Loaded;
void BRLeague::setEnabled(bool enabled) {
if(this->enabled == enabled)
this->enabled = enabled;
emit this->enabledChanged();
QList<BRCompetition*> BRLeague::getCompetitions() { QList<BRCompetition*> BRLeague::getCompetitions() {
return this->competitions; return this->competitions;
} }
@ -38,8 +52,10 @@ void BRLeague::setData(BRLeagueData data) {
this->competitions.clear(); this->competitions.clear();
this->competitions = data.competitions; this->competitions = data.competitions;
for(BRCompetition* competition : this->competitions) for(BRCompetition* competition : this->competitions) {
competition->setLeague(this); competition->setLeague(this);
connect(competition, &BRCompetition::pinnedChanged, this, &BRLeague::competitionsChanged);
emit this->competitionsChanged(); emit this->competitionsChanged();
} }
@ -49,6 +65,16 @@ void BRLeague::setData(BRLeagueData data) {
this->cups = data.cups; this->cups = data.cups;
emit this->cupsChanged(); emit this->cupsChanged();
} }
if(this->competitions.length() > 0 || this->cups.length() > 0)
if(data.enabled != this->enabled) {
this->enabled = data.enabled;
emit this->enabledChanged();
} }
@ -56,12 +82,13 @@ BRWidget::BRWidgetStatusCode BRLeague::load() {
if(this->getProvider() == nullptr) if(this->getProvider() == nullptr)
return BRWidget::NoProviderError; return BRWidget::NoProviderError;
// reload all comp data using our providers this->setState(Loading);
BRLeagueData newData { BRLeagueData newData {
this, this,
this->name, this->name,
this->color, this->color,
this->competitions, this->competitions,
this->cups this->cups
}; };

View file

@ -143,9 +143,12 @@ void BRProviderDr::parseSeasonData(BRSeason::BRSeasonData* seasonData, int id, Q
seasonData->nativeMultiLeagueSupport = true; seasonData->nativeMultiLeagueSupport = true;
seasonData->name = QString::number(id); seasonData->name = QString::number(id);
qDebug() << "Parsing season: " << seasonData->name;
BRWidget::BRFederation federation = BRWidget::BRFederation(rawData["federation"].toInt(0)); BRWidget::BRFederation federation = BRWidget::BRFederation(rawData["federation"].toInt(0));
// insert the leagues // insert the leagues if the season is the current one
if(seasonData->name == rawData["year"].toString())
for(QVariantMap leagueVar : this->leagues[federation]) { for(QVariantMap leagueVar : this->leagues[federation]) {
BRLeague* league = this->getLeague(federation, leagueVar["id"].toInt(), this->parseLeagueData(leagueVar, rawData)); BRLeague* league = this->getLeague(federation, leagueVar["id"].toInt(), this->parseLeagueData(leagueVar, rawData));
seasonData->leagues.append(league); seasonData->leagues.append(league);
@ -165,8 +168,9 @@ BRLeague::BRLeagueData BRProviderDr::parseLeagueData(QVariantMap leaguePropertie
data.name = leagueProperties["name"].toString(); data.name = leagueProperties["name"].toString();
data.color = QColor(leagueProperties["color"].toString()); data.color = QColor(leagueProperties["color"].toString());
data.enabled = true;
qDebug() << "Adding league: " << data.name; qDebug() << "- Parsing league: " << data.name;
// parse competitions // parse competitions
QVariantList competitionsVar = rawData["competitions"].toList(); QVariantList competitionsVar = rawData["competitions"].toList();
@ -180,7 +184,6 @@ BRLeague::BRLeagueData BRProviderDr::parseLeagueData(QVariantMap leaguePropertie
if(leagueProperties["leagueIDs"].toList().contains(competitionMap["cat_id"].toInt())) { if(leagueProperties["leagueIDs"].toList().contains(competitionMap["cat_id"].toInt())) {
BRCompetition* competition = this->getCompetition(federation, competitionVar.toMap()["WetId"].toInt(), this->parseCompetitionData(competitionMap, federation)); BRCompetition* competition = this->getCompetition(federation, competitionVar.toMap()["WetId"].toInt(), this->parseCompetitionData(competitionMap, federation));
data.competitions.append(competition); data.competitions.append(competition);
qDebug() << "- Adding competition: " << competition->getName();
} }
} }
@ -213,7 +216,7 @@ BRWidget::BRWidgetStatusCode BRProviderDr::getWidgetData(BRCompetition::BRCompet
QString categoryId = QString::number(currentCategory->getId()); QString categoryId = QString::number(currentCategory->getId());
QString requestUrl = "https://www.digitalrock.de/egroupware/ranking/json.php?comp=" + competitionId + "&cat=" + categoryId; QString requestUrl = "https://www.digitalrock.de/egroupware/ranking/json.php?comp=" + competitionId + "&cat=" + categoryId;
if(currentCategory->getCurrentRound() != nullptr) if(currentCategory->getCurrentRound() != nullptr && currentCategory->getCurrentRound()->getId() >= 0)
requestUrl += "&route=" + QString::number(currentCategory->getCurrentRound()->getId()); requestUrl += "&route=" + QString::number(currentCategory->getCurrentRound()->getId());
QVariantMap ret = this->serverRequest(QUrl(requestUrl)); QVariantMap ret = this->serverRequest(QUrl(requestUrl));
@ -241,6 +244,8 @@ BRCompetition::BRCompetitionData BRProviderDr::parseCompetitionData(QVariantMap
data.name = rawData["name"].toString(); data.name = rawData["name"].toString();
qDebug() << "-- Parsing competition: " << data.name;
if(disciplineTranslations.contains(rawData["discipline"].toString())) if(disciplineTranslations.contains(rawData["discipline"].toString()))
data.discipline = disciplineTranslations[rawData["discipline"].toString()]; data.discipline = disciplineTranslations[rawData["discipline"].toString()];
@ -249,7 +254,7 @@ BRCompetition::BRCompetitionData BRProviderDr::parseCompetitionData(QVariantMap
if(rawData.contains("date_end")) if(rawData.contains("date_end"))
data.endDate = QDate::fromString(rawData["date_end"].toString(), "yyyy-MM-dd"); data.endDate = QDate::fromString(rawData["date_end"].toString(), "yyyy-MM-dd");
if(rawData.contains("hompage")) if(rawData.contains("homepage"))
data.eventWebsiteUrl = rawData["homepage"].toString(); data.eventWebsiteUrl = rawData["homepage"].toString();
// load infosheet URLs // load infosheet URLs
@ -306,7 +311,14 @@ void BRProviderDr::parseCompetitionData(BRCompetition::BRCompetitionData* compet
qDebug() << "Loading category: " << categoryData.name; qDebug() << "Loading category: " << categoryData.name;
QVariantMap roundList = rawData["route_names"].toMap(); QVariantMap roundList;
// check if route_names are given:
roundList = rawData["route_names"].toMap();
// if they are not -> insert Qualification
roundList.insert("-1", "Qualifikation");
// load rounds // load rounds
for(QString roundId : roundList.keys()) { for(QString roundId : roundList.keys()) {
if(roundId.toInt() > categoryMap["route_order"].toInt()) if(roundId.toInt() > categoryMap["route_order"].toInt())
@ -335,6 +347,7 @@ void BRProviderDr::parseCompetitionData(BRCompetition::BRCompetitionData* compet
if(categoryData.currentRound != nullptr) { if(categoryData.currentRound != nullptr) {
BRRound::BRRoundData roundData = categoryData.currentRound->getData(); BRRound::BRRoundData roundData = categoryData.currentRound->getData();
roundData.results = {};
// load results // load results
QVariantList resultList = rawData["participants"].toList(); QVariantList resultList = rawData["participants"].toList();
for(QVariant resultVar : resultList) { for(QVariant resultVar : resultList) {
@ -355,11 +368,10 @@ void BRProviderDr::parseCompetitionData(BRCompetition::BRCompetitionData* compet
// load result // load result
QString resultNumber = categoryData.currentRound->getId() < 0 ? "":QString::number(categoryData.currentRound->getId()); QString resultNumber = categoryData.currentRound->getId() < 0 ? "":QString::number(categoryData.currentRound->getId());
qDebug() << "Adding result: rank: " << resultMap["result_rank"];
BRResult::BRResultData resultData; BRResult::BRResultData resultData;
resultData.rank = resultMap["result_rank"].toInt(); resultData.rank = resultMap["result_rank"].toInt();
resultData.athlete = athlete; resultData.athlete = athlete;
BRResult* result = this->getResult(categoryData.category->getFederation(), -1, resultData); BRResult* result = this->getResult(federation, -1, resultData);
roundData.results.append(result); roundData.results.append(result);
} }

View file

@ -103,6 +103,7 @@ void BRProviderVl::parseLeagueData(BRLeague::BRLeagueData* data, QVariantMap raw
data->name = rawData["league"].toString(); data->name = rawData["league"].toString();
data->color = QColor("#ffffff"); // TODO data->color = QColor("#ffffff"); // TODO
data->enabled = true;
qDebug() << "Adding league: " << data->name; qDebug() << "Adding league: " << data->name;

View file

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ BRSeason::BRSeason(BRProvider* provider, BRWidget::BRFederation federation, int
{ {
connect(this, &BRSeason::leaguesChanged, this, &BRSeason::competitionsChanged); connect(this, &BRSeason::leaguesChanged, this, &BRSeason::competitionsChanged);
connect(this, &BRSeason::leaguesChanged, this, &BRSeason::cupsChanged); connect(this, &BRSeason::leaguesChanged, this, &BRSeason::cupsChanged);
this->leagues = {};
this->setData(initialData); this->setData(initialData);
} }
@ -30,7 +31,12 @@ QList<QObject*> BRSeason::getCompetitionsQML() {
QList<BRCompetition*> allCompetitions; QList<BRCompetition*> allCompetitions;
for(BRLeague* league : this->leagues) { for(BRLeague* league : this->leagues) {
allCompetitions.append(league->getCompetitions()); allCompetitions.append(league->getCompetitions());
for(BRCompetition* competition : league->getCompetitions())
} }
std::sort(allCompetitions.begin(), allCompetitions.end(), BRCompetition::lessThan); std::sort(allCompetitions.begin(), allCompetitions.end(), BRCompetition::lessThan);
@ -61,6 +67,7 @@ void BRSeason::setData(BRSeasonData data) {
for(BRLeague* league : this->leagues) { for(BRLeague* league : this->leagues) {
connect(league, &BRLeague::competitionsChanged, this, &BRSeason::competitionsChanged); connect(league, &BRLeague::competitionsChanged, this, &BRSeason::competitionsChanged);
connect(league, &BRLeague::enabledChanged, this, &BRSeason::competitionsChanged);
connect(league, &BRLeague::cupsChanged, this, &BRSeason::cupsChanged); connect(league, &BRLeague::cupsChanged, this, &BRSeason::cupsChanged);
} }
} }

View file

@ -4,6 +4,20 @@
BRWidget::BRWidget(BRProvider* provider, BRFederation federation, int id) : QObject(provider), provider(provider), federation(federation), id(id) BRWidget::BRWidget(BRProvider* provider, BRFederation federation, int id) : QObject(provider), provider(provider), federation(federation), id(id)
{ {
this->state = Unconfigured;
BRWidget::BRWidgetState BRWidget::getState() const {
return this->state;
void BRWidget::setState(BRWidgetState state) {
if(this->state == state)
this->state = state;
emit this->stateChanged();
} }
BRWidget::BRFederation BRWidget::getFederation() const { BRWidget::BRFederation BRWidget::getFederation() const {

View file

@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
qmlRegisterUncreatableType<BRResult>("de.itsblue.blueRock", 2, 0, "BRResult", "BRResult is not creatable"); qmlRegisterUncreatableType<BRResult>("de.itsblue.blueRock", 2, 0, "BRResult", "BRResult is not creatable");
qmlRegisterUncreatableType<BRWidget>("de.itsblue.blueRock", 2, 0, "BRWidget", "BRWidget is not creatable"); qmlRegisterUncreatableType<BRWidget>("de.itsblue.blueRock", 2, 0, "BRWidget", "BRWidget is not creatable");
qRegisterMetaType<BRWidget::BRFederation>("BRWidget::BRFederation"); qRegisterMetaType<BRWidget::BRFederation>("BRWidget::BRFederation");
qRegisterMetaType<BRWidget::BRWidgetStatusCode>("BRWidget::BRWidgetStatusCode"); qRegisterMetaType<BRWidget::BRWidgetStatusCode>("BRWidget::BRWidgetStatusCode");
//qmlRegisterType<BRController>("de.itsblue.blueRock", 2, 0, "BRController"); //qmlRegisterType<BRController>("de.itsblue.blueRock", 2, 0, "BRController");