// (c) 2017 Ekkehard Gentz (ekke) // this project is based on ideas from // http://blog.lasconic.com/share-on-ios-and-android-using-qml/ // see github project https://github.com/lasconic/ShareUtils-QML // also inspired by: // https://www.androidcode.ninja/android-share-intent-example/ // https://www.calligra.org/blogs/sharing-with-qt-on-android/ // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7156932/open-file-in-another-app // http://www.qtcentre.org/threads/58668-How-to-use-QAndroidJniObject-for-intent-setData // OpenURL in At Android: got ideas from: // https://github.com/BernhardWenzel/open-url-in-qt-android // https://github.com/tobiatesan/android_intents_qt // // see also /COPYRIGHT and /LICENSE package de.itsblue.blueROCK; import org.qtproject.qt5.android.QtNative; import org.qtproject.qt5.android.bindings.QtActivity; import android.os.*; import android.content.*; import android.app.*; import java.lang.String; import android.content.Intent; import java.io.File; import android.net.Uri; import android.util.Log; import android.content.ContentResolver; import android.webkit.MimeTypeMap; import org.ekkescorner.utils.*; public class MainActivity extends QtActivity { // native - must be implemented in Cpp via JNI // 'file' scheme or resolved from 'content' scheme: public static native void setFileUrlReceived(String url); // InputStream from 'content' scheme: public static native void setFileReceivedAndSaved(String url); // public static native void fireActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode); // public static native boolean checkFileExits(String url); public static boolean isIntentPending; public static boolean isInitialized; public static String workingDirPath; // Use a custom Chooser without providing own App as share target ! // see QShareUtils.java createCustomChooserAndStartActivity() // Selecting your own App as target could cause AndroidOS to call // onCreate() instead of onNewIntent() // and then you are in trouble because we're using 'singleInstance' as LaunchMode // more details: my blog at Qt @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); Log.d("ekkescorner", "onCreate QShareActivity"); // now we're checking if the App was started from another Android App via Intent Intent theIntent = getIntent(); if (theIntent != null){ String theAction = theIntent.getAction(); if (theAction != null){ Log.d("ekkescorner onCreate ", theAction); // QML UI not ready yet // delay processIntent(); isIntentPending = true; } } } // onCreate // WIP - trying to find a solution to survive a 2nd onCreate // ongoing discussion in QtMob (Slack) // from other Apps not respecting that you only have a singleInstance // there are problems per ex. sharing a file from Google Files App, // but working well using Xiaomi FileManager App @Override public void onDestroy() { Log.d("ekkescorner", "onDestroy QShareActivity"); // super.onDestroy(); // System.exit() closes the App before doing onCreate() again // then the App was restarted, but looses context // This works for Samsung My Files // but Google Files doesn't call onDestroy() System.exit(0); } // we start Activity with result code // to test JNI with QAndroidActivityResultReceiver you must comment or rename // this method here - otherwise you'll get wrong request or result codes @Override protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { // Check which request we're responding to Log.d("ekkescorner onActivityResult", "requestCode: "+requestCode); if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) { Log.d("ekkescorner onActivityResult - resultCode: ", "SUCCESS"); } else { Log.d("ekkescorner onActivityResult - resultCode: ", "CANCEL"); } // hint: result comes back too fast for Action SEND // if you want to delete/move the File add a Timer w 500ms delay // see Example App main.qml - delayDeleteTimer // if you want to revoke permissions for older OS // it makes sense also do this after the delay fireActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode); } // if we are opened from other apps: @Override public void onNewIntent(Intent intent) { Log.d("ekkescorner", "onNewIntent"); super.onNewIntent(intent); setIntent(intent); // Intent will be processed, if all is initialized and Qt / QML can handle the event if(isInitialized) { processIntent(); } else { isIntentPending = true; } } // onNewIntent public void checkPendingIntents(String workingDir) { isInitialized = true; workingDirPath = workingDir; Log.d("ekkescorner", workingDirPath); if(isIntentPending) { isIntentPending = false; Log.d("ekkescorner", "checkPendingIntents: true"); processIntent(); } else { Log.d("ekkescorner", "nothingPending"); } } // checkPendingIntents // process the Intent if Action is SEND or VIEW private void processIntent(){ Intent intent = getIntent(); Uri intentUri; String intentScheme; String intentAction; // we are listening to android.intent.action.SEND or VIEW (see Manifest) if (intent.getAction().equals("android.intent.action.VIEW")){ intentAction = "VIEW"; intentUri = intent.getData(); } else if (intent.getAction().equals("android.intent.action.SEND")){ intentAction = "SEND"; Bundle bundle = intent.getExtras(); intentUri = (Uri)bundle.get(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM); } else { Log.d("ekkescorner Intent unknown action:", intent.getAction()); return; } Log.d("ekkescorner action:", intentAction); if (intentUri == null){ Log.d("ekkescorner Intent URI:", "is null"); return; } Log.d("ekkescorner Intent URI:", intentUri.toString()); // content or file intentScheme = intentUri.getScheme(); if (intentScheme == null){ Log.d("ekkescorner Intent URI Scheme:", "is null"); return; } if(intentScheme.equals("file")){ // URI as encoded string Log.d("ekkescorner Intent File URI: ", intentUri.toString()); setFileUrlReceived(intentUri.toString()); // we are done Qt can deal with file scheme return; } if(!intentScheme.equals("content")){ Log.d("ekkescorner Intent URI unknown scheme: ", intentScheme); return; } // ok - it's a content scheme URI // we will try to resolve the Path to a File URI // if this won't work or if the File cannot be opened, // we'll try to copy the file into our App working dir via InputStream // hopefully in most cases PathResolver will give a path // you need the file extension, MimeType or Name from ContentResolver ? // here's HowTo get it: Log.d("ekkescorner Intent Content URI: ", intentUri.toString()); ContentResolver cR = this.getContentResolver(); MimeTypeMap mime = MimeTypeMap.getSingleton(); String fileExtension = mime.getExtensionFromMimeType(cR.getType(intentUri)); Log.d("ekkescorner","Intent extension: "+fileExtension); String mimeType = cR.getType(intentUri); Log.d("ekkescorner"," Intent MimeType: "+mimeType); String name = QShareUtils.getContentName(cR, intentUri); if(name != null) { Log.d("ekkescorner Intent Name:", name); } else { Log.d("ekkescorner Intent Name:", "is NULL"); } String filePath; filePath = QSharePathResolver.getRealPathFromURI(this, intentUri); if(filePath == null) { Log.d("ekkescorner QSharePathResolver:", "filePath is NULL"); } else { Log.d("ekkescorner QSharePathResolver:", filePath); // to be safe check if this File Url really can be opened by Qt // there were problems with MS office apps on Android 7 if (checkFileExits(filePath)) { setFileUrlReceived(filePath); // we are done Qt can deal with file scheme return; } } // trying the InputStream way: filePath = QShareUtils.createFile(cR, intentUri, workingDirPath); if(filePath == null) { Log.d("ekkescorner Intent FilePath:", "is NULL"); return; } setFileReceivedAndSaved(filePath); } // processIntent } // class QShareActivity