/* blueROCK - for digital rock Copyright (C) 2019 Dorian Zedler This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ import QtQuick 2.9 import QtQuick.Window 2.2 import QtQuick.Controls 2.4 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3 import QtPurchasing 1.12 import com.itsblue.digitalRockRanking 1.0 import de.itsblue.blueRock 2.0 import "./Pages" import "./Components" Window { visible: true width: 540 height: 960 title: qsTr("blueROCK") Page { id: app property int errorCode: -1 anchors.fill: parent Component.onCompleted: { //app.openAthlete(53139) // dorian: 53139 , rustam: 6933 , helen: 53300 //openWidget({nation:'GER'}) //mainStack.push("Pages/AthleteSearchPage.qml") } Shortcut { sequences: ["Esc", "Back"] enabled: mainStack.depth > 1 onActivated: { if(!mainStack.currentItem.locked){ mainStack.pop() } } } BRController { id: brController } ServerConn { id: serverConn } AppSettings { id: appSettings } StackView { id: mainStack //enabled: !loadingDl.opened anchors { top: toolBar.bottom left: parent.left right: parent.right bottom: parent.bottom } initialItem: startPgComp Component { id: startPgComp StartPage {} } popEnter: Transition { XAnimator { from: (mainStack.mirrored ? -1 : 1) * -mainStack.width to: 0 duration: 500 easing.type: Easing.OutCubic } } popExit: Transition { XAnimator { from: 0 to: (mainStack.mirrored ? -1 : 1) * mainStack.width duration: 500 easing.type: Easing.OutCubic } } pushEnter: Transition { XAnimator { from: (mainStack.mirrored ? -1 : 1) * mainStack.width to: 0 duration: 500 easing.type: Easing.OutCubic } } pushExit: Transition { XAnimator { from: 0 to: (mainStack.mirrored ? -1 : 1) * -mainStack.width duration: 500 easing.type: Easing.OutCubic } } } AppToolBar { id: toolBar anchors { top: parent.top left: parent.left right: parent.right topMargin: -height } height: 50 showErrorBar: true RowLayout { anchors.fill: parent spacing: width * 0.02 ToolButton { id:toolButton height: parent.height onClicked: { if(!mainStack.currentItem.locked){ mainStack.pop() } } icon.name: "back" } Column { Layout.fillWidth: true height: childrenRect.height width: parent.width - extraComponentLoader.width - toolButton.width - 3 * parent.spacing Label { id: toolBarTitleLa width: parent.width scale: 1 elide: "ElideRight" font.bold: true verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter color: "black" text: getText() function getText(){ var titleString = ""; if(!mainStack.currentItem.titleIsPageTitle){ for(var i=1; i 1){ titleString += " > " } titleString += mainStack.get(i).title } } else { titleString = mainStack.currentItem.title } return(titleString) } Behavior on text { FadeAnimation { target: toolBarTitleLa } } } Label { id: toolBarSubTitleLa width: parent.width height: text !== "" ? undefined:0 elide: "ElideRight" font.bold: false color: "black" text: getText() function getText(){ var titleString = ""; if(mainStack.currentItem.subTitle !== undefined){ titleString = mainStack.currentItem.subTitle } return(titleString) } Behavior on text { FadeAnimation { target: toolBarSubTitleLa } } } } Loader { id: extraComponentLoader property int maximumWidth: parent.width * 0.4 - toolButton.width - 3 height: parent.height Layout.alignment: Layout.Right onStatusChanged: { //console.log("loader status changed: " + status) if(status == 0){ extraComponentLoader.Layout.preferredWidth = 0 } else { extraComponentLoader.item.width = extraComponentLoader.item.implicitWidth extraComponentLoader.Layout.preferredWidth = extraComponentLoader.item.width widthChangedCon.target = extraComponentLoader.item } //console.log("set loader width to: " + extraComponentLoader.Layout.preferredWidth + " for a item width of: " + extraComponentLoader.item.implicitWidth) } //sourceComponent: mainStack.currentItem.headerComponent Connections { target: mainStack onCurrentItemChanged: { secondCon.target = mainStack.currentItem disappearNa.start() } } Connections { id: secondCon onHeaderComponentChanged: { disappearNa.start() } } Connections { id: widthChangedCon onImplicitWidthChanged:{ extraComponentLoader.item.width = extraComponentLoader.item.implicitWidth extraComponentLoader.Layout.preferredWidth = extraComponentLoader.item.implicitWidth } } ParallelAnimation { id: appearNa NumberAnimation { target: extraComponentLoader property: "opacity" from: 0 to: 1 duration: 150 } NumberAnimation { target: extraComponentLoader property: "scale" from: 0.9 to: 1 duration: 150 } } ParallelAnimation { id: disappearNa NumberAnimation { target: extraComponentLoader property: "opacity" from: 1 to: 0 duration: 150 } NumberAnimation { target: extraComponentLoader property: "scale" from: 1 to: 0.9 duration: 150 } onRunningChanged: { if(!running){ extraComponentLoader.sourceComponent = mainStack.currentItem.headerComponent appearNa.start() } } } } } Behavior on anchors.topMargin { NumberAnimation { duration: 500 easing.type: Easing.OutCubic } } states: [ State { name: "closed" when: mainStack.depth === 1 PropertyChanges { target: toolBar anchors.topMargin: -height } }, State { name: "open" when: mainStack.depth > 1 PropertyChanges { target: toolBar anchors.topMargin: 0 } } ] } Dialog { id: loadingDl x: ( app.width - width ) / 2 y: ( app.height - height ) / 2 modal: true closePolicy: Dialog.NoAutoClose contentItem: Column { FancyBusyIndicator { running: true } Label { anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter font.bold: true text: "loading..." } } } Store { Product { id: speedFlowChartProduct identifier: "speed_flowchart" type: Product.Unlockable onPurchaseRestored: { appSettings.write("speedBackendPurchase", 1) } onPurchaseSucceeded: { appSettings.write("speedBackendPurchase", 1) } onPurchaseFailed: { appSettings.write("speedBackendPurchase", 0) } } } function landscape(){ return app.height < app.width } function openWidget(params){ loadingDl.open() console.log("OPENING COMP 2") var calComp = Qt.createComponent("qrc:/Pages/WidgetPage.qml").createObject(null, {"params": params}) console.log("OPENING COMP 3") app.errorCode = calComp.status if(calComp.ready){ mainStack.push(calComp) } else { delete(calComp) } loadingDl.close() } function openCalendar(federation) { loadingDl.open() var newPageComp = Qt.createComponent("qrc:/Pages/CalendarPage.qml").createObject(null, {"data": brController.getCalendar(federation)}) app.errorCode = newPageComp.status if(newPageComp.ready){ mainStack.push(newPageComp) } else { delete(newPageComp) } loadingDl.close() } function openResults(competition) { loadingDl.open() console.log("OPENING COMP 2") var newPageComp = Qt.createComponent("qrc:/Pages/ResultPage.qml").createObject(null, {"data": competition}) console.log("OPENING COMP 3") app.errorCode = newPageComp.status if(newPageComp.ready){ mainStack.push(newPageComp) } else { delete(newPageComp) } loadingDl.close() } function defaultString(string, defaultString){ if(string === undefined || string === null){ return defaultString } else { return string } } function getErrorInfo(errorCode) { var infoLevel // 0 - ok // 1 - info // 2 - error var errorString var errorDescription switch(errorCode) { case 0: infoLevel = 2 errorString = "No connection to server" errorDescription = "Please check your internet connection and try again." break case 200: infoLevel = 0 errorString = "Success" errorDescription = "The request was successfull" break case 401: infoLevel = 2 errorString = "Authentication required" errorDescription = "The server asked for user credentinals, please chack them and try again" break case 500: infoLevel = 2 errorString = "Internal server error" errorDescription = "The server was unable to process this request, this is probaply the servers fault. Please try again later." break case 900: infoLevel = 2 errorString = "Internal error" errorDescription = "Something went wron internally, this is probaply an inssue in the program code" break case 901: infoLevel = 1 errorString = "No Data" errorDescription = "There is currently no data available. Please try again later." break case 902: infoLevel = 1 errorString = "Cached (old) data" errorDescription = "Es konnte keine Verbindung zum Server hergestellt werden, aber es sind noch alte Daten gespeichert." break case 903: infoLevel = 1 errorString = "Ungültiger Aufruf" errorDescription = "Die aufgerufene Funktion ist momentan nicht verfügbar, bitte versuche es später erneut." break case 904: infoLevel = 2 errorString = "Incompatible API" errorDescription = "Please make shure that you are using the latest version of this app and try again." break case 905: infoLevel = 1 errorString = "Loading..." errorDescription = "Please wait while we're loading some data" break default: infoLevel = 2 errorString = "Unexpected error ("+errorCode+")" errorDescription = "Unexpected error while getting data from the server. Please try again later." } return([infoLevel, errorString, errorDescription]) } } }