Scan QR-Code Place the Code in the center Plase wait Invalid QR-Code Share these results Link QR-Code Poster Purchase failed Buy now for This is a premium feature. This item is currently unavailable Restore purchase contact support IFSC results Dark mode Light mode About blueROCK Where are the IFSC results? Unfortunately, the IFSC has restricted the access to their data and <b>is not willing to share results with blueROCK anymore</b>. Because of this, blueROCK is no longer able to access and display IFSC results.<br><br>You can find current IFSC results <a href="">over here</a> and on <a href="">their website</a>. This app was built using the <a href=''>Qt Framework</a> licensed under the <a href=''>GNU lgplV3 license</a>.<br><br>This app is open source and licensed under the <a href=''>GNU agplV3 license</a>, the source code can be found <a href=''>here</a>.<br><br>Resultservice and rankings provided by <a href=''>digital ROCK</a>. calendar Favorites Select filters Infosheet Further infos Event website Select year Select cup Select category Age Year of birth City Show best results Show all results (Ranking) (Registration) (Results) (Startlist) Loading No connection to server Not found No Data Invalid Request Unexpected error Check out the results of %1 over here: AndroidShareUtils Share: an Error occured Share: an Error occured WorkingDir not valid Empty URL received File does not exist: %1