2019-07-07 17:15:30 +02:00

413 lines
18 KiB

blueROCK - for digital rock
Copyright (C) 2019 Dorian Zedler
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
import QtQuick 2.10
import QtQuick.Controls 2.4
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3
import QtQuick.Controls.Material 2.1
ListView {
id: control
property var flowchartData
property var allFlowchartData
property int rounds: 0
property int tileSize: app.height / 8 * 0.8
property int refreshes: 0
property int roundRefreshes: 1
anchors.fill: parent
anchors.margins: 10
spacing: app.width * 0.1
orientation: ListView.LeftToRight
boundsBehavior: ListView.StopAtBounds
onFlowchartDataChanged: {
model: 0
function prepareData() {
if(!control.enabled || control.flowchartData === undefined || control.flowchartData['route_names'] === undefined)
/*refreshes += 1
if(refreshes > 2){
roundRefreshes += 1
console.log("refreshes: " + refreshes + " rounds: " + roundRefreshes)
// create competition like data (just testing)
for(var part in flowchartData['participants']){
for(var r = 2 + roundRefreshes; r < 7; r++){
delete flowchartData['participants'][part]["result"+r]
delete flowchartData['participants'][part]["result_rank"+r]
if(parseInt(flowchartData['participants'][part]["result_rank0"]) > 14 + refreshes) {
delete flowchartData['participants'][part]["result_rank2"]
delete flowchartData['route_names'][2]
delete flowchartData['route_names'][3]
delete flowchartData['route_names'][4]
delete flowchartData['route_names'][5]
delete flowchartData['route_names'][6]
//flowchartData['route_names'] = flowchartData['route_names'].slice(0,)
// array to store the restructured data
var allData = []
control.allFlowchartData = []
control.rounds = Object.keys(control.flowchartData['route_names']).length > 2 ? control.flowchartData['route_names']["2"].includes("8") ? 2:1 : 0
for(var round in flowchartData['route_names']){
if(flowchartData['route_names'].hasOwnProperty(round) && parseInt(round) >= 0){
if(parseInt(round) === 0){
// this is the first round
// find pairs (always wors vs. best (1-16; 1-15; ...)) (they are sorted by the rank of the better athlete (1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8)
var qualificationResults = []
for(var x = 0; x < flowchartData['participants'].length; x++){
qualificationResults.sort(function(a, b) {
return parseInt(a["result_rank0"]) - parseInt(b["result_rank0"]);
var nextRoundPairs = []
var totalMatches = (parseInt(Object.keys(control.flowchartData['route_names']).length > 2 ? control.flowchartData['route_names']["2"].includes("8") ? 2:1 : 0) + 2)
var nextRoundMatches = Math.pow(2, totalMatches-1)
for(var i = 0; i < nextRoundMatches; i++){
nextRoundPairs.push([qualificationResults[i], qualificationResults[nextRoundMatches*2-i-1]])
// build second round pairs (sorted by the rank of the better athlete and worst vs. best (1-8; 2-7; ... ))
var sortedFirstRoundPairs = []
for(i = 0; i < nextRoundMatches; i += 1){
sortedFirstRoundPairs.push([nextRoundPairs.shift(), nextRoundPairs.pop()])
// sort these pairs (containing two pairs of athletes) by the rank of the better athlete (1-4;2-3)
var finalSortedFirstRoundPairs = []
for(i=0; i < nextRoundMatches/4; i++){
// convert the list of pairs of pairs of athletes back to a single list of pairs of athletes
var finalFirstRoundPairs = []
for(i=0; i < finalSortedFirstRoundPairs.length; i++){
// push the first round to all data
else if(parseInt(round) > 0 ){
// this is not the first round
var nextRound = []
// only used when the current round is the 1/2 final
var smallFinal = []
var Final = []
for(var i = 0; i < allData[allData.length-1].length-2; i+=1){
var thisPair = allData[allData.length-1][i]
var thisWinner
var thisLooser
var thisWinnerIsFirstOfNewPair = i%2 === 0
if(thisPair[0] === undefined || thisPair[1] === undefined){
//thisPair[0]["result_rank"] = thisPair[0]["result_rank"+round]
//thisPair[1]["result_rank"] = thisPair[1]["result_rank"+round]
if(parseInt(thisPair[0]["result_rank"+round]) < parseInt(thisPair[1]["result_rank"+round])){
thisWinner = thisPair[0]
thisLooser = thisPair[1]
else if(parseInt(thisPair[0]["result_rank"+round]) > parseInt(thisPair[1]["result_rank"+round])) {
thisWinner = thisPair[1]
thisLooser = thisPair[0]
else {
// no result yet!!
//console.log("got no winner yet, rank 0: " + thisPair[0]["result_rank"+round] + " rank 1: " + thisPair[1]["result_rank"+round])
//console.log(thisWinner['firstname']+" has won in round " + round)
if(round - control.rounds === 2){
// if we are in the 1/2 final
else {
if(smallFinal.length > 0 && Final.length > 0){
// Final
allData.push([Final, parseInt(round)+2, flowchartData['route_names'][String(parseInt(round)+2)] + " / " + flowchartData['route_names'][String(parseInt(round)+1)] ])
// small Final
allData.push([smallFinal, parseInt(round)+1])
else {
nextRound.push(parseInt(round) + 1 )
nextRound.push(flowchartData['route_names'][parseInt(round) + 1])
control.allFlowchartData = allData
control.model = (parseInt(Object.keys(control.flowchartData['route_names']).length > 2 ? control.flowchartData['route_names']["2"].includes("8") ? 2:1 : 0) + 2)
delegate: Column {
id: roundCol
property int thisIndex: index
property int thisRound: thisRoundIsValid ? control.allFlowchartData[roundCol.thisIndex][control.allFlowchartData[roundCol.thisIndex].length-2]:-1
property bool thisRoundIsValid: control.allFlowchartData !== undefined && control.allFlowchartData[roundCol.thisIndex] !== undefined && control.allFlowchartData[roundCol.thisIndex].length > 2
property bool thisIsLastRound: thisIndex === control.model - 1
width: app.width * 0.5
height: control.height
//spacing: app.width * 0.1
Label {
id: roundNameLa
width: parent.width
height: control.height * 0.05
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
fontSizeMode: Text.Fit
font.pixelSize: height * 0.6
minimumPixelSize: 1
font.bold: true
text: roundCol.thisRoundIsValid && control.allFlowchartData[roundCol.thisIndex][control.allFlowchartData[roundCol.thisIndex].length-1] !== undefined ? control.allFlowchartData[roundCol.thisIndex][control.allFlowchartData[roundCol.thisIndex].length-1] : "-"
Repeater {
id: rectRep
model: Math.max( Math.pow(2, control.model-1) * Math.pow(0.5, (index)), 2)
delegate: Item {
id: matchItm
property bool lowerPart: (index%2 > 0)
property var matchData: roundCol.thisRoundIsValid ? control.allFlowchartData[ thisIsSmallFinal ? roundCol.thisIndex+1 : roundCol.thisIndex][ thisIsSmallFinal ? 0:matchItm.thisIndex]:undefined
property int thisIndex: index
property int thisRound: parseInt(roundCol.thisRound) - (thisIsSmallFinal ? 1:0)
property var thisMatchData: thisMatchDataIsValid ? matchData:[]
property bool thisMatchDataIsValid: (matchData !== undefined && matchData !== null && typeof matchData === "object" && matchData.length > 0)
property bool thisMatchIsOver: thisMatchDataIsValid && thisMatchData[0]['result_rank'+thisRound] !== undefined && thisMatchData[1]['result_rank'+thisRound] !== undefined
property bool thisIsFinal: roundCol.thisIsLastRound && thisIndex === rectRep.model - 2
property bool thisIsSmallFinal: roundCol.thisIsLastRound && thisIndex === rectRep.model - 1
property int winnerIndex: thisMatchIsOver ? (parseInt(thisMatchData[0]['result_rank'+thisRound]) < parseInt(thisMatchData[1]['result_rank'+thisRound]) ? 0:1) : -1
height: !roundCol.thisIsLastRound ? (roundCol.height - roundNameLa.height) / rectRep.model - roundCol.spacing : (thisIsFinal ? (roundCol.height - roundNameLa.height) * 0.5 + control.tileSize * 0.5 : (roundCol.height - roundNameLa.height) - (roundCol.height - roundNameLa.height) * 0.5 + control.tileSize * 0.5 )
width: parent.width
onMatchDataChanged: {
ParallelAnimation {
id: fadeInPa
NumberAnimation { target: matchItm; property: "opacity"; from: 0; to: 1.0; duration: 400 }
NumberAnimation { target: matchItm; property: "scale"; from: 0.8; to: 1.0; duration: 400 }
Canvas {
id: lineCanvas
width: app.width; height: app.height
contextType: "2d"
visible: !roundCol.thisIsLastRound
property int targetX: matchItm.width + control.spacing
property int targetY: matchItm.lowerPart ? 0:matchItm.height
Path {
id: myPath
startX: matchRect.x + matchRect.width * matchRect.scale ; startY: matchRect.y + matchRect.height * 0.5
PathCurve { x: lineCanvas.targetX ; y: lineCanvas.targetY }
onPaint: {
context.strokeStyle = Qt.rgba(.4,.6,.8);
context.path = myPath;
Rectangle {
id: matchRect
anchors {
centerIn: !matchItm.thisIsFinal ? parent:undefined
bottom: matchItm.thisIsFinal ? parent.bottom:undefined
//anchors.verticalCenterOffset: matchItm.lowerPart ? 10:10
width: parent.width
height: control.tileSize
//scale: 0.9
color: "white"
border.color: "lightgrey"
border.width: 1
radius: height * 0.2
Material.elevation: 10
Grid {
columns: app.landscape() ? 2:0
rows: app.landscape() ? 0:2
spacing: app.landscape() ? height * 0.4:0
anchors.fill: parent
anchors.margins: matchRect.radius * 0.5
Repeater {
// for the two athletes
model: 2
delegate: RowLayout {
height: app.landscape() ? parent.height:parent.height / 2 - parent.spacing
width: app.landscape() ? parent.width / 2 - parent.spacing : parent.width
spacing: app.landscape() ? height * 0.1:height * 0.1
Label {
Layout.preferredHeight: parent.height
height: parent.height
verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
font.pixelSize: height * 0.7
fontSizeMode: Text.Fit
minimumPixelSize: 1
Layout.alignment: Layout.Left
text: matchItm.thisMatchData[index] !== undefined ? (parseInt(matchItm.thisMatchData[index]['result_rank0']) < 10 ?matchItm.thisMatchData[index]['result_rank0'] + " ":matchItm.thisMatchData[index]['result_rank0']): ""
Label {
Layout.preferredHeight: parent.height
height: parent.height
verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
//horizontalAlignment: app.landscape() ? Text.AlignLeft : Text.AlignLeft
font.pixelSize: app.landscape() ? height * 0.4 : height * 0.6
minimumPixelSize: (app.landscape() ? height * 0.35 : height * 0.5) < 1 ? 1 : (app.landscape() ? height * 0.35 : height * 0.5)
fontSizeMode: Text.Fit
font.bold: matchItm.winnerIndex === index
elide: "ElideRight"
Layout.fillWidth: true
color: matchItm.winnerIndex === index ? "green":"black"
text: matchItm.thisMatchData[index] !== undefined ? matchItm.thisMatchData[index]['firstname'] + " " + matchItm.thisMatchData[index]['lastname'] :"-"
Label {
Layout.preferredHeight: parent.height
height: parent.height
verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
font.pixelSize: app.landscape() ? height * 0.35 : height * 0.5
Layout.alignment: Layout.Right
text: matchItm.thisMatchData[index] !== undefined && matchItm.thisMatchData[index]['result'+matchItm.thisRound] !== undefined ?
( parseFloat(matchItm.thisMatchData[index]['result'+matchItm.thisRound]) ?
: matchItm.thisMatchData[index]['result'+matchItm.thisRound] )
: "-"