added timer interrupt and a function whic returns if a button(defines: butt1, butt2, butt3) has been clicked

This commit is contained in:
Dorian Zedler 2018-08-05 16:33:41 +02:00
parent 16d1f07226
commit a3dcc424d1
9 changed files with 426 additions and 234 deletions

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

View file

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
@ -19,21 +19,33 @@

View file

@ -3,31 +3,31 @@ AtTiny_alarm_clock.elf: file format elf32-avr
Idx Name Size VMA LMA File off Algn
0 .text 0000023e 00000000 00000000 00000094 2**1
0 .text 000002f6 00000000 00000000 00000094 2**1
1 .data 00000012 00800060 0000023e 000002d2 2**0
1 .data 00000012 00800060 000002f6 0000038a 2**0
2 .bss 00000006 00800072 00800072 000002e4 2**0
2 .bss 00000006 00800072 00800072 0000039c 2**0
3 .comment 00000030 00000000 00000000 000002e4 2**0
3 .comment 00000030 00000000 00000000 0000039c 2**0
4 .note.gnu.avr.deviceinfo 00000040 00000000 00000000 00000314 2**2
4 .note.gnu.avr.deviceinfo 00000040 00000000 00000000 000003cc 2**2
5 .debug_aranges 00000090 00000000 00000000 00000354 2**0
5 .debug_aranges 000000a0 00000000 00000000 0000040c 2**0
6 .debug_info 00000a9b 00000000 00000000 000003e4 2**0
6 .debug_info 00000b59 00000000 00000000 000004ac 2**0
7 .debug_abbrev 000006f0 00000000 00000000 00000e7f 2**0
7 .debug_abbrev 00000738 00000000 00000000 00001005 2**0
8 .debug_line 0000059a 00000000 00000000 0000156f 2**0
8 .debug_line 0000061f 00000000 00000000 0000173d 2**0
9 .debug_frame 00000120 00000000 00000000 00001b0c 2**2
9 .debug_frame 00000154 00000000 00000000 00001d5c 2**2
10 .debug_str 00000446 00000000 00000000 00001c2c 2**0
10 .debug_str 00000470 00000000 00000000 00001eb0 2**0
11 .debug_loc 000003bb 00000000 00000000 00002072 2**0
11 .debug_loc 00000428 00000000 00000000 00002320 2**0
12 .debug_ranges 00000078 00000000 00000000 0000242d 2**0
12 .debug_ranges 00000088 00000000 00000000 00002748 2**0
Disassembly of section .text:
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ Disassembly of section .text:
4: 2b c0 rjmp .+86 ; 0x5c <__bad_interrupt>
6: 2a c0 rjmp .+84 ; 0x5c <__bad_interrupt>
8: 29 c0 rjmp .+82 ; 0x5c <__bad_interrupt>
a: 28 c0 rjmp .+80 ; 0x5c <__bad_interrupt>
a: a7 c0 rjmp .+334 ; 0x15a <__vector_5>
c: 27 c0 rjmp .+78 ; 0x5c <__bad_interrupt>
e: 26 c0 rjmp .+76 ; 0x5c <__bad_interrupt>
10: 25 c0 rjmp .+74 ; 0x5c <__bad_interrupt>
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ Disassembly of section .text:
32: 10 e0 ldi r17, 0x00 ; 0
34: a0 e6 ldi r26, 0x60 ; 96
36: b0 e0 ldi r27, 0x00 ; 0
38: ee e3 ldi r30, 0x3E ; 62
38: e6 ef ldi r30, 0xF6 ; 246
3a: f2 e0 ldi r31, 0x02 ; 2
3c: 02 c0 rjmp .+4 ; 0x42 <__SREG__+0x3>
3e: 05 90 lpm r0, Z+
@ -87,8 +87,8 @@ Disassembly of section .text:
52: a8 37 cpi r26, 0x78 ; 120
54: b2 07 cpc r27, r18
56: e1 f7 brne .-8 ; 0x50 <.do_clear_bss_loop>
58: ae d0 rcall .+348 ; 0x1b6 <main>
5a: ef c0 rjmp .+478 ; 0x23a <_exit>
58: f4 d0 rcall .+488 ; 0x242 <main>
5a: 4b c1 rjmp .+662 ; 0x2f2 <_exit>
0000005c <__bad_interrupt>:
5c: d1 cf rjmp .-94 ; 0x0 <__vectors>
@ -327,188 +327,314 @@ void wait_100us(void){
156: cf 91 pop r28
158: 08 95 ret
0000015a <lcd_write_text>:
0000015a <__vector_5>:
int counter = 0;
uint8_t flags;
ISR (TIMER1_OVF_vect) // Timer1 ISR
15a: 1f 92 push r1
15c: 0f 92 push r0
15e: 0f b6 in r0, 0x3f ; 63
160: 0f 92 push r0
162: 11 24 eor r1, r1
164: 8f 93 push r24
166: 9f 93 push r25
TCNT1 = 63974;
168: 86 ee ldi r24, 0xE6 ; 230
16a: 99 ef ldi r25, 0xF9 ; 249
16c: 9d bd out 0x2d, r25 ; 45
16e: 8c bd out 0x2c, r24 ; 44
170: 9f 91 pop r25
172: 8f 91 pop r24
174: 0f 90 pop r0
176: 0f be out 0x3f, r0 ; 63
178: 0f 90 pop r0
17a: 1f 90 pop r1
17c: 18 95 reti
0000017e <lcd_write_text>:
void lcd_write_text(int row, int col, uint8_t text[16])
15a: ef 92 push r14
15c: ff 92 push r15
15e: 0f 93 push r16
160: 1f 93 push r17
162: cf 93 push r28
164: 7c 01 movw r14, r24
17e: ef 92 push r14
180: ff 92 push r15
182: 0f 93 push r16
184: 1f 93 push r17
186: cf 93 push r28
188: 7c 01 movw r14, r24
166: 89 2b or r24, r25
168: 29 f0 breq .+10 ; 0x174 <lcd_write_text+0x1a>
16a: 81 e0 ldi r24, 0x01 ; 1
16c: e8 16 cp r14, r24
16e: f1 04 cpc r15, r1
170: 31 f0 breq .+12 ; 0x17e <lcd_write_text+0x24>
172: 0a c0 rjmp .+20 ; 0x188 <lcd_write_text+0x2e>
18a: 89 2b or r24, r25
18c: 29 f0 breq .+10 ; 0x198 <lcd_write_text+0x1a>
18e: 81 e0 ldi r24, 0x01 ; 1
190: e8 16 cp r14, r24
192: f1 04 cpc r15, r1
194: 31 f0 breq .+12 ; 0x1a2 <lcd_write_text+0x24>
196: 0a c0 rjmp .+20 ; 0x1ac <lcd_write_text+0x2e>
case 0:
row = line1;
174: 68 94 set
176: ee 24 eor r14, r14
178: e1 f8 bld r14, 1
17a: f1 2c mov r15, r1
17c: 05 c0 rjmp .+10 ; 0x188 <lcd_write_text+0x2e>
198: 68 94 set
19a: ee 24 eor r14, r14
19c: e1 f8 bld r14, 1
19e: f1 2c mov r15, r1
1a0: 05 c0 rjmp .+10 ; 0x1ac <lcd_write_text+0x2e>
case 1:
row = line2;
17e: 0f 2e mov r0, r31
180: f3 e0 ldi r31, 0x03 ; 3
182: ef 2e mov r14, r31
184: f1 2c mov r15, r1
186: f0 2d mov r31, r0
1a2: 0f 2e mov r0, r31
1a4: f3 e0 ldi r31, 0x03 ; 3
1a6: ef 2e mov r14, r31
1a8: f1 2c mov r15, r1
1aa: f0 2d mov r31, r0
1ac: 04 2f mov r16, r20
1ae: 15 2f mov r17, r21
1b0: c0 e0 ldi r28, 0x00 ; 0
int i=0;
while(text[i] != 0x5F){
188: fa 01 movw r30, r20
18a: 60 81 ld r22, Z
18c: 6f 35 cpi r22, 0x5F ; 95
18e: 69 f0 breq .+26 ; 0x1aa <lcd_write_text+0x50>
190: 8a 01 movw r16, r20
192: 0f 5f subi r16, 0xFF ; 255
194: 1f 4f sbci r17, 0xFF ; 255
196: c0 e0 ldi r28, 0x00 ; 0
for(int i=0;i<=15;i++){
if(text[i] != 0x5F){
1b2: f8 01 movw r30, r16
1b4: 61 91 ld r22, Z+
1b6: 8f 01 movw r16, r30
1b8: 6f 35 cpi r22, 0x5F ; 95
1ba: 19 f0 breq .+6 ; 0x1c2 <lcd_write_text+0x44>
lcd_write(row, text[i], 0+i);
198: 4c 2f mov r20, r28
19a: 8e 2d mov r24, r14
19c: 67 df rcall .-306 ; 0x6c <lcd_write>
1bc: 4c 2f mov r20, r28
1be: 8e 2d mov r24, r14
1c0: 55 df rcall .-342 ; 0x6c <lcd_write>
1c2: cf 5f subi r28, 0xFF ; 255
case 1:
row = line2;
int i=0;
while(text[i] != 0x5F){
19e: f8 01 movw r30, r16
1a0: 61 91 ld r22, Z+
1a2: 8f 01 movw r16, r30
1a4: cf 5f subi r28, 0xFF ; 255
1a6: 6f 35 cpi r22, 0x5F ; 95
1a8: b9 f7 brne .-18 ; 0x198 <lcd_write_text+0x3e>
for(int i=0;i<=15;i++){
1c4: c0 31 cpi r28, 0x10 ; 16
1c6: a9 f7 brne .-22 ; 0x1b2 <lcd_write_text+0x34>
if(text[i] != 0x5F){
lcd_write(row, text[i], 0+i);
1aa: cf 91 pop r28
1ac: 1f 91 pop r17
1ae: 0f 91 pop r16
1b0: ff 90 pop r15
1b2: ef 90 pop r14
1b4: 08 95 ret
1c8: cf 91 pop r28
1ca: 1f 91 pop r17
1cc: 0f 91 pop r16
1ce: ff 90 pop r15
1d0: ef 90 pop r14
1d2: 08 95 ret
000001b6 <main>:
000001d4 <button_clicked>:
uint8_t flags;
int button_clicked(int button)
if(((PIND & 0x03) == button+1) != ((flags & (1<<button))>0)){
1d4: 20 b3 in r18, 0x10 ; 16
1d6: bc 01 movw r22, r24
1d8: 6f 5f subi r22, 0xFF ; 255
1da: 7f 4f sbci r23, 0xFF ; 255
1dc: 40 91 77 00 lds r20, 0x0077 ; 0x800077 <flags>
1e0: e1 e0 ldi r30, 0x01 ; 1
1e2: f0 e0 ldi r31, 0x00 ; 0
1e4: df 01 movw r26, r30
1e6: 02 c0 rjmp .+4 ; 0x1ec <button_clicked+0x18>
1e8: aa 0f add r26, r26
1ea: bb 1f adc r27, r27
1ec: 8a 95 dec r24
1ee: e2 f7 brpl .-8 ; 0x1e8 <button_clicked+0x14>
1f0: cd 01 movw r24, r26
1f2: 23 70 andi r18, 0x03 ; 3
1f4: 30 e0 ldi r19, 0x00 ; 0
1f6: 51 e0 ldi r21, 0x01 ; 1
1f8: 26 17 cp r18, r22
1fa: 37 07 cpc r19, r23
1fc: 09 f0 breq .+2 ; 0x200 <button_clicked+0x2c>
1fe: 50 e0 ldi r21, 0x00 ; 0
200: 24 2f mov r18, r20
202: 30 e0 ldi r19, 0x00 ; 0
204: 28 23 and r18, r24
206: 39 23 and r19, r25
208: e1 e0 ldi r30, 0x01 ; 1
20a: 12 16 cp r1, r18
20c: 13 06 cpc r1, r19
20e: 0c f0 brlt .+2 ; 0x212 <button_clicked+0x3e>
210: e0 e0 ldi r30, 0x00 ; 0
212: 5e 17 cp r21, r30
214: 99 f0 breq .+38 ; 0x23c <button_clicked+0x68>
//if the pin is not equal to the stored state -> was pressed or released
//check is the button has been pressed or released
if((PIND & 0x03) == button+1){
216: 20 b3 in r18, 0x10 ; 16
218: 23 70 andi r18, 0x03 ; 3
21a: 30 e0 ldi r19, 0x00 ; 0
21c: 62 17 cp r22, r18
21e: 73 07 cpc r23, r19
220: 31 f4 brne .+12 ; 0x22e <button_clicked+0x5a>
//button is high -> pressed
flags |= (1<<button);
222: 84 2b or r24, r20
224: 80 93 77 00 sts 0x0077, r24 ; 0x800077 <flags>
228: 81 e0 ldi r24, 0x01 ; 1
22a: 90 e0 ldi r25, 0x00 ; 0
22c: 08 95 ret
//button is low -> released
flags &= ~(1<<button);
22e: 80 95 com r24
230: 48 23 and r20, r24
232: 40 93 77 00 sts 0x0077, r20 ; 0x800077 <flags>
236: 80 e0 ldi r24, 0x00 ; 0
238: 90 e0 ldi r25, 0x00 ; 0
23a: 08 95 ret
23c: 80 e0 ldi r24, 0x00 ; 0
23e: 90 e0 ldi r25, 0x00 ; 0
240: 08 95 ret
00000242 <main>:
TCNT1 = 63974;
int main(void)
DDRD = 0x00;
1b6: 11 ba out 0x11, r1 ; 17
flags &= ~(1<<butt1);
242: 11 ba out 0x11, r1 ; 17
TCNT1 = 63974; // for 1 sec at 16 MHz
244: 86 ee ldi r24, 0xE6 ; 230
246: 99 ef ldi r25, 0xF9 ; 249
248: 9d bd out 0x2d, r25 ; 45
24a: 8c bd out 0x2c, r24 ; 44
TCCR1A = 0x00;
24c: 1f bc out 0x2f, r1 ; 47
TCCR1B = (1<<CS10) | (1<<CS12);; // Timer mode with 1024 prescaler
24e: 85 e0 ldi r24, 0x05 ; 5
250: 8e bd out 0x2e, r24 ; 46
TIMSK = (1 << TOIE1) ; // Enable timer1 overflow interrupt(TOIE1)
252: 80 e8 ldi r24, 0x80 ; 128
254: 89 bf out 0x39, r24 ; 57
sei(); // Enable global interrupts by setting global interrupt enable bit in SREG
256: 78 94 sei
// flags &= ~(1<<butt1);
// }
// }
t1[0] = counter + 48;
1b8: c2 e7 ldi r28, 0x72 ; 114
1ba: d0 e0 ldi r29, 0x00 ; 0
258: c2 e7 ldi r28, 0x72 ; 114
25a: d0 e0 ldi r29, 0x00 ; 0
/* Replace with your application code */
while (1)
clock_state = clock_new_state;
1bc: 80 91 74 00 lds r24, 0x0074 ; 0x800074 <clock_new_state>
25c: 80 91 74 00 lds r24, 0x0074 ; 0x800074 <clock_new_state>
1c0: 88 23 and r24, r24
1c2: 19 f0 breq .+6 ; 0x1ca <main+0x14>
1c4: 81 30 cpi r24, 0x01 ; 1
1c6: 51 f0 breq .+20 ; 0x1dc <main+0x26>
1c8: fb cf rjmp .-10 ; 0x1c0 <main+0xa>
1ca: 10 92 75 00 sts 0x0075, r1 ; 0x800075 <clock_state>
260: 88 23 and r24, r24
262: 19 f0 breq .+6 ; 0x26a <main+0x28>
264: 81 30 cpi r24, 0x01 ; 1
266: 51 f0 breq .+20 ; 0x27c <main+0x3a>
268: fb cf rjmp .-10 ; 0x260 <main+0x1e>
26a: 10 92 75 00 sts 0x0075, r1 ; 0x800075 <clock_state>
//do some init stuff...
lcd_init(); //I know, it's just c but I don't care
1ce: 8d df rcall .-230 ; 0xea <lcd_init>
26e: 3d df rcall .-390 ; 0xea <lcd_init>
1d0: 81 e0 ldi r24, 0x01 ; 1
1d2: 86 df rcall .-244 ; 0xe0 <lcd_instruct>
270: 81 e0 ldi r24, 0x01 ; 1
272: 36 df rcall .-404 ; 0xe0 <lcd_instruct>
//INIT done -> change to IDLE
clock_new_state = CLOCK_IDLE;
1d4: 81 e0 ldi r24, 0x01 ; 1
1d6: 80 93 74 00 sts 0x0074, r24 ; 0x800074 <clock_new_state>
274: 81 e0 ldi r24, 0x01 ; 1
276: 80 93 74 00 sts 0x0074, r24 ; 0x800074 <clock_new_state>
1da: f0 cf rjmp .-32 ; 0x1bc <main+0x6>
1dc: 81 e0 ldi r24, 0x01 ; 1
1de: 80 93 75 00 sts 0x0075, r24 ; 0x800075 <clock_state>
27a: f0 cf rjmp .-32 ; 0x25c <main+0x1a>
27c: 81 e0 ldi r24, 0x01 ; 1
27e: 80 93 75 00 sts 0x0075, r24 ; 0x800075 <clock_state>
//print the IDLE Screen
1e2: 40 e6 ldi r20, 0x60 ; 96
1e4: 50 e0 ldi r21, 0x00 ; 0
1e6: 60 e0 ldi r22, 0x00 ; 0
1e8: 70 e0 ldi r23, 0x00 ; 0
1ea: 80 e0 ldi r24, 0x00 ; 0
1ec: 90 e0 ldi r25, 0x00 ; 0
1ee: b5 df rcall .-150 ; 0x15a <lcd_write_text>
282: 40 e6 ldi r20, 0x60 ; 96
284: 50 e0 ldi r21, 0x00 ; 0
286: 60 e0 ldi r22, 0x00 ; 0
288: 70 e0 ldi r23, 0x00 ; 0
28a: 80 e0 ldi r24, 0x00 ; 0
28c: 90 e0 ldi r25, 0x00 ; 0
28e: 77 df rcall .-274 ; 0x17e <lcd_write_text>
if(((PIND & 0x03) == 3) != (flags & 1<<butt1)){
1f0: 90 b3 in r25, 0x10 ; 16
1f2: 80 91 77 00 lds r24, 0x0077 ; 0x800077 <flags>
1f6: 93 70 andi r25, 0x03 ; 3
1f8: 21 e0 ldi r18, 0x01 ; 1
1fa: 93 30 cpi r25, 0x03 ; 3
1fc: 09 f0 breq .+2 ; 0x200 <main+0x4a>
1fe: 20 e0 ldi r18, 0x00 ; 0
200: 98 2f mov r25, r24
202: 91 70 andi r25, 0x01 ; 1
204: 29 17 cp r18, r25
206: a1 f0 breq .+40 ; 0x230 <main+0x7a>
if((PIND & 0x03) == 3){
208: 90 b3 in r25, 0x10 ; 16
20a: 93 70 andi r25, 0x03 ; 3
20c: 93 30 cpi r25, 0x03 ; 3
20e: 69 f4 brne .+26 ; 0x22a <main+0x74>
flags |= 1<<butt1;
210: 81 60 ori r24, 0x01 ; 1
212: 80 93 77 00 sts 0x0077, r24 ; 0x800077 <flags>
290: 80 e0 ldi r24, 0x00 ; 0
292: 90 e0 ldi r25, 0x00 ; 0
294: 9f df rcall .-194 ; 0x1d4 <button_clicked>
296: 89 2b or r24, r25
298: 51 f0 breq .+20 ; 0x2ae <main+0x6c>
216: 80 91 72 00 lds r24, 0x0072 ; 0x800072 <__data_end>
21a: 90 91 73 00 lds r25, 0x0073 ; 0x800073 <__data_end+0x1>
21e: 01 96 adiw r24, 0x01 ; 1
220: 90 93 73 00 sts 0x0073, r25 ; 0x800073 <__data_end+0x1>
224: 80 93 72 00 sts 0x0072, r24 ; 0x800072 <__data_end>
228: 03 c0 rjmp .+6 ; 0x230 <main+0x7a>
flags &= ~(1<<butt1);
22a: 8e 7f andi r24, 0xFE ; 254
22c: 80 93 77 00 sts 0x0077, r24 ; 0x800077 <flags>
29a: 80 91 72 00 lds r24, 0x0072 ; 0x800072 <__data_end>
29e: 90 91 73 00 lds r25, 0x0073 ; 0x800073 <__data_end+0x1>
2a2: 01 96 adiw r24, 0x01 ; 1
2a4: 90 93 73 00 sts 0x0073, r25 ; 0x800073 <__data_end+0x1>
2a8: 80 93 72 00 sts 0x0072, r24 ; 0x800072 <__data_end>
2ac: 1d c0 rjmp .+58 ; 0x2e8 <main+0xa6>
else if(button_clicked(butt2)){
2ae: 81 e0 ldi r24, 0x01 ; 1
2b0: 90 e0 ldi r25, 0x00 ; 0
2b2: 90 df rcall .-224 ; 0x1d4 <button_clicked>
2b4: 89 2b or r24, r25
2b6: 51 f0 breq .+20 ; 0x2cc <main+0x8a>
counter += 2;
2b8: 80 91 72 00 lds r24, 0x0072 ; 0x800072 <__data_end>
2bc: 90 91 73 00 lds r25, 0x0073 ; 0x800073 <__data_end+0x1>
2c0: 02 96 adiw r24, 0x02 ; 2
2c2: 90 93 73 00 sts 0x0073, r25 ; 0x800073 <__data_end+0x1>
2c6: 80 93 72 00 sts 0x0072, r24 ; 0x800072 <__data_end>
2ca: 0e c0 rjmp .+28 ; 0x2e8 <main+0xa6>
else if(button_clicked(butt3)){
2cc: 82 e0 ldi r24, 0x02 ; 2
2ce: 90 e0 ldi r25, 0x00 ; 0
2d0: 81 df rcall .-254 ; 0x1d4 <button_clicked>
2d2: 89 2b or r24, r25
2d4: 49 f0 breq .+18 ; 0x2e8 <main+0xa6>
counter += 3;
2d6: 80 91 72 00 lds r24, 0x0072 ; 0x800072 <__data_end>
2da: 90 91 73 00 lds r25, 0x0073 ; 0x800073 <__data_end+0x1>
2de: 03 96 adiw r24, 0x03 ; 3
2e0: 90 93 73 00 sts 0x0073, r25 ; 0x800073 <__data_end+0x1>
2e4: 80 93 72 00 sts 0x0072, r24 ; 0x800072 <__data_end>
// flags &= ~(1<<butt1);
// }
// }
t1[0] = counter + 48;
230: 88 81 ld r24, Y
232: 80 5d subi r24, 0xD0 ; 208
234: 80 93 60 00 sts 0x0060, r24 ; 0x800060 <__data_start>
2e8: 88 81 ld r24, Y
2ea: 80 5d subi r24, 0xD0 ; 208
2ec: 80 93 60 00 sts 0x0060, r24 ; 0x800060 <__data_start>
238: c1 cf rjmp .-126 ; 0x1bc <main+0x6>
2f0: b5 cf rjmp .-150 ; 0x25c <main+0x1a>
0000023a <_exit>:
23a: f8 94 cli
000002f2 <_exit>:
2f2: f8 94 cli
0000023c <__stop_program>:
23c: ff cf rjmp .-2 ; 0x23c <__stop_program>
000002f4 <__stop_program>:
2f4: ff cf rjmp .-2 ; 0x2f4 <__stop_program>

View file

@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ END GROUP
.text 0x00000000 0x23e
.text 0x00000000 0x2f6
.vectors 0x00000000 0x2a C:/Program Files (x86)/Atmel/Studio/7.0/Packs/atmel/ATtiny_DFP/1.3.172/gcc/dev/attiny2313a/avr25/tiny-stack/crtattiny2313a.o
0x00000000 __vector_default
@ -272,7 +272,6 @@ END GROUP
0x0000005c __vector_17
0x0000005c __vector_19
0x0000005c __vector_7
0x0000005c __vector_5
0x0000005c __vector_4
0x0000005c __vector_9
0x0000005c __vector_2
@ -299,16 +298,22 @@ END GROUP
0x00000128 0x32 lcd_wait.o
0x00000128 wait_100us
0x0000015a 0x24 main.o
0x0000015a __vector_5
0x0000015a 0x5c main.o
0x0000015a lcd_write_text
.text.main 0x000001b6 0x84 main.o
0x000001b6 main
0x0000023a . = ALIGN (0x2)
0x0000017e 0x56 main.o
0x0000017e lcd_write_text
0x000001d4 0x6e main.o
0x000001d4 button_clicked
.text.main 0x00000242 0xb0 main.o
0x00000242 main
0x000002f2 . = ALIGN (0x2)
.fini9 0x0000023a 0x0 c:/program files (x86)/atmel/studio/7.0/toolchain/avr8/avr8-gnu-toolchain/bin/../lib/gcc/avr/5.4.0/avr25/tiny-stack\libgcc.a(_exit.o)
0x0000023a _exit
0x0000023a exit
.fini9 0x000002f2 0x0 c:/program files (x86)/atmel/studio/7.0/toolchain/avr8/avr8-gnu-toolchain/bin/../lib/gcc/avr/5.4.0/avr25/tiny-stack\libgcc.a(_exit.o)
0x000002f2 _exit
0x000002f2 exit
@ -327,11 +332,11 @@ END GROUP
.fini0 0x0000023a 0x4 c:/program files (x86)/atmel/studio/7.0/toolchain/avr8/avr8-gnu-toolchain/bin/../lib/gcc/avr/5.4.0/avr25/tiny-stack\libgcc.a(_exit.o)
.fini0 0x000002f2 0x4 c:/program files (x86)/atmel/studio/7.0/toolchain/avr8/avr8-gnu-toolchain/bin/../lib/gcc/avr/5.4.0/avr25/tiny-stack\libgcc.a(_exit.o)
0x0000023e _etext = .
0x000002f6 _etext = .
.data 0x00800060 0x12 load address 0x0000023e
.data 0x00800060 0x12 load address 0x000002f6
0x00800060 PROVIDE (__data_start, .)
@ -363,8 +368,8 @@ END GROUP
0x00800076 clock_old_state
0x00800077 flags
0x00800078 PROVIDE (__bss_end, .)
0x0000023e __data_load_start = LOADADDR (.data)
0x00000250 __data_load_end = (__data_load_start + SIZEOF (.data))
0x000002f6 __data_load_start = LOADADDR (.data)
0x00000308 __data_load_end = (__data_load_start + SIZEOF (.data))
.noinit 0x00800078 0x0
[!provide] PROVIDE (__noinit_start, .)
@ -437,60 +442,60 @@ END GROUP
.debug_aranges 0x00000000 0x90
.debug_aranges 0x00000000 0xa0
0x00000000 0x48 lcd4.o
0x00000048 0x20 lcd_wait.o
0x00000068 0x28 main.o
0x00000068 0x38 main.o
.debug_info 0x00000000 0xa9b
.debug_info 0x00000000 0xb59
*(.debug_info .gnu.linkonce.wi.*)
.debug_info 0x00000000 0x456 C:/Program Files (x86)/Atmel/Studio/7.0/Packs/atmel/ATtiny_DFP/1.3.172/gcc/dev/attiny2313a/avr25/tiny-stack/crtattiny2313a.o
.debug_info 0x00000456 0x31d lcd4.o
.debug_info 0x00000773 0xa3 lcd_wait.o
.debug_info 0x00000816 0x285 main.o
.debug_info 0x00000816 0x343 main.o
.debug_abbrev 0x00000000 0x6f0
.debug_abbrev 0x00000000 0x738
.debug_abbrev 0x00000000 0x41b C:/Program Files (x86)/Atmel/Studio/7.0/Packs/atmel/ATtiny_DFP/1.3.172/gcc/dev/attiny2313a/avr25/tiny-stack/crtattiny2313a.o
.debug_abbrev 0x0000041b 0xfe lcd4.o
.debug_abbrev 0x00000519 0x72 lcd_wait.o
.debug_abbrev 0x0000058b 0x165 main.o
.debug_abbrev 0x0000058b 0x1ad main.o
.debug_line 0x00000000 0x59a
.debug_line 0x00000000 0x61f
*(.debug_line .debug_line.* .debug_line_end)
.debug_line 0x00000000 0x10c C:/Program Files (x86)/Atmel/Studio/7.0/Packs/atmel/ATtiny_DFP/1.3.172/gcc/dev/attiny2313a/avr25/tiny-stack/crtattiny2313a.o
.debug_line 0x0000010c 0x291 lcd4.o
.debug_line 0x0000039d 0xbd lcd_wait.o
.debug_line 0x0000045a 0x140 main.o
.debug_line 0x0000045a 0x1c5 main.o
.debug_frame 0x00000000 0x120
.debug_frame 0x00000000 0x154
.debug_frame 0x00000000 0x9c lcd4.o
.debug_frame 0x0000009c 0x34 lcd_wait.o
.debug_frame 0x000000d0 0x50 main.o
.debug_frame 0x000000d0 0x84 main.o
.debug_str 0x00000000 0x446
.debug_str 0x00000000 0x470
.debug_str 0x00000000 0x17b C:/Program Files (x86)/Atmel/Studio/7.0/Packs/atmel/ATtiny_DFP/1.3.172/gcc/dev/attiny2313a/avr25/tiny-stack/crtattiny2313a.o
.debug_str 0x0000017b 0x1c0 lcd4.o
0x1fd (size before relaxing)
.debug_str 0x0000033b 0x10 lcd_wait.o
0x166 (size before relaxing)
.debug_str 0x0000034b 0xfb main.o
0x2a9 (size before relaxing)
.debug_str 0x0000034b 0x125 main.o
0x2d3 (size before relaxing)
.debug_loc 0x00000000 0x3bb
.debug_loc 0x00000000 0x428
.debug_loc 0x00000000 0x244 lcd4.o
.debug_loc 0x00000244 0x48 lcd_wait.o
.debug_loc 0x0000028c 0x12f main.o
.debug_loc 0x0000028c 0x19c main.o
@ -510,11 +515,11 @@ END GROUP
.debug_ranges 0x00000000 0x78
.debug_ranges 0x00000000 0x88
.debug_ranges 0x00000000 0x38 lcd4.o
.debug_ranges 0x00000038 0x10 lcd_wait.o
.debug_ranges 0x00000048 0x30 main.o
.debug_ranges 0x00000048 0x40 main.o

View file

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
@ -20,21 +20,33 @@ S1130110E7DF87B3807F87BB8CE0E2DF86E0E0DF48

View file

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ main.d main.o: .././main.c \
c:\program\ files\ (x86)\atmel\studio\7.0\toolchain\avr8\avr8-gnu-toolchain\avr\include\avr\version.h \
c:\program\ files\ (x86)\atmel\studio\7.0\toolchain\avr8\avr8-gnu-toolchain\avr\include\avr\fuse.h \
c:\program\ files\ (x86)\atmel\studio\7.0\toolchain\avr8\avr8-gnu-toolchain\avr\include\avr\lock.h \
c:\program\ files\ (x86)\atmel\studio\7.0\toolchain\avr8\avr8-gnu-toolchain\avr\include\avr\interrupt.h \
c:\program\ files\ (x86)\atmel\studio\7.0\toolchain\avr8\avr8-gnu-toolchain\avr\include\stdlib.h \
c:\program\ files\ (x86)\atmel\studio\7.0\toolchain\avr8\avr8-gnu-toolchain\lib\gcc\avr\5.4.0\include\stddef.h \
@ -36,6 +37,8 @@ c:\program\ files\ (x86)\atmel\studio\7.0\toolchain\avr8\avr8-gnu-toolchain\avr\
c:\program\ files\ (x86)\atmel\studio\7.0\toolchain\avr8\avr8-gnu-toolchain\avr\include\avr\lock.h:
c:\program\ files\ (x86)\atmel\studio\7.0\toolchain\avr8\avr8-gnu-toolchain\avr\include\avr\interrupt.h:
c:\program\ files\ (x86)\atmel\studio\7.0\toolchain\avr8\avr8-gnu-toolchain\avr\include\stdlib.h:
c:\program\ files\ (x86)\atmel\studio\7.0\toolchain\avr8\avr8-gnu-toolchain\lib\gcc\avr\5.4.0\include\stddef.h:

Binary file not shown.

View file

@ -6,10 +6,13 @@
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "lcd4.h"
#define butt1 0
#define butt2 1
#define butt3 2
@ -22,10 +25,22 @@ int counter = 0;
uint8_t flags;
ISR (TIMER1_OVF_vect) // Timer1 ISR
TCNT1 = 63974;
int main(void)
DDRD = 0x00;
TCNT1 = 63974; // for 1 sec at 16 MHz
TCCR1A = 0x00;
TCCR1B = (1<<CS10) | (1<<CS12);; // Timer mode with 1024 prescaler
TIMSK = (1 << TOIE1) ; // Enable timer1 overflow interrupt(TOIE1)
sei(); // Enable global interrupts by setting global interrupt enable bit in SREG
/* Replace with your application code */
@ -49,15 +64,15 @@ int main(void)
if(((PIND & 0x03) == 3) != (flags & 1<<butt1)){
if((PIND & 0x03) == 3){
flags |= 1<<butt1;
flags &= ~(1<<butt1);
else if(button_clicked(butt2)){
counter += 2;
else if(button_clicked(butt3)){
counter += 3;
@ -78,10 +93,29 @@ void lcd_write_text(int row, int col, uint8_t text[16])
row = line2;
int i=0;
while(text[i] != 0x5F){
for(int i=0;i<=15;i++){
if(text[i] != 0x5F){
lcd_write(row, text[i], 0+i);
int button_clicked(int button)
if(((PIND & 0x03) == button+1) != ((flags & (1<<button))>0)){
//if the pin is not equal to the stored state -> was pressed or released
//check is the button has been pressed or released
if((PIND & 0x03) == button+1){
//button is high -> pressed
flags |= (1<<button);
//button is low -> released
flags &= ~(1<<button);