<?php /** * BlueWeather * * PHP version 7.2 * * @param locId * @param range (range[from]: from UNIX time; range[to]: to UNIX time) * @param maxVals (maximum measvals to be transmitted; if more are present * in the timespan, the avarage will be calculated) * * @category Tools * @package BlueWeather * @author Dorian Zedler <dorian@itsblue.de> * @license GPLV3 gpl.com * @link itsblue.de */ require_once './config.php'; require_once './blueweather.php'; header('Content-Type: application/json'); header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *'); $blueweather = new BlueWeather($config); if (isset($_GET['locId'])) { // get data of given location $data = $blueweather->getLocationData( $_GET['locId'], $_GET['range'], $_GET['maxVals'] ); } elseif (isset($_POST['submitSensorData'])) { // sensor data is being submited $sensorData = json_decode($_POST['submitSensorData'], true); $ret = $blueweather->processSensorData($sensorData); $data = $ret; } else { $data = $blueweather->getAllLocations(); } http_response_code(200); echo json_encode($data);