- major cleanup
- added states for 'connecting' and 'error'
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 128 additions and 108 deletions
@ -16,7 +16,8 @@ SOURCES += \
main.cpp \
RESOURCES += qml.qrc \
qml.qrc \
# Additional import path used to resolve QML modules in Qt Creator's code model
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Window {
Page {
id: app
state: "OFF"
anchors.fill: parent
property string ipAdress: _cppAppSettings.loadSetting("ip-adress")
@ -164,6 +164,28 @@ Window {
Rectangle {
id: lampCrossLineRa
anchors.centerIn: onOffBt
anchors.verticalCenterOffset: 15
height: onOffBt.height * 0.7
width: onOffBt.width * 0.03
radius: width * 0.2
rotation: 30
opacity: 1
color: Qt.darker("grey", 1.5)
Behavior on opacity {
NumberAnimation {
duration: 200
Button {
id: settingsBt
anchors {
@ -211,14 +233,13 @@ Window {
function getState(){
// function to sync the state of the app with the state of the schmalter
function requestFinished(){
function toggleLigth(){
// function to toggle the remote schmalter
if(app.state == 'OFF'){
@ -228,67 +249,66 @@ Window {
alert("ERROR! " + currentState);
// sync state
function sendRequest(link){
// function to send a http request
// create request object
var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
// define a function to be executed after the request finished
xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = (function(response) {
return function(){
if(response.readyState === 4 && response.status === 200){
if(response.responseText !== ""){
// prepare the request
xmlhttp.open("GET", link);
// send the request
function processResponse(response){
// function to handle sensponses from das schmalter
if(response.readyState === 4){
switch (response.status){
case 200: {
// success
if(response.responseText !== ""){
// if the response was not empty
// get the data out of the json formatted string
var responseObj = JSON.parse(response.responseText);
if(responseObj["command"] === "state"){
// if the request was a state check
if(app.state === responseObj["response"]){
if(app.state !== responseObj["response"]){
// if the current state of the schmalter doesn't match the current state of the app -> update the app's state
app.state = responseObj["response"]
if(currentState == 'OFF'){
document.getElementById("toggleLightBt").innerHTML = "Turn on";
else if(currentState == 'ON'){
document.getElementById("toggleLightBt").innerHTML = "Turn off";
document.getElementById("toggleLightBt").innerHTML = "ERROR";
document.getElementById("toggleLightBt").innerHTML = "Unkwon error while connecting to Das Schmalter";
default: {
// error
console.log("ERROR: " + response.status)
// set the app state to ERROR
app.state = "ERROR"
// start the refresh timer
else if(this.readyState === 4){
document.getElementById("errorDiv").innerHTML = "Error while connecting to Das Schmalter: "+this.status
xmlhttp.open("GET", link);
console.log("request sent")
function landscape(){
@ -298,67 +318,66 @@ Window {
Timer {
id: refreshTimer
running: true
interval: 200
repeat: false
interval: 100
onTriggered: {
// sync state
states: [
State {
name: "ON"
PropertyChanges {
target: lampOn0
opacity: 1
PropertyChanges {
target: lampOn1
scale: 1
PropertyChanges {
target: lampOn2
scale: 1
PropertyChanges {
target: lampOn3
scale: 1
PropertyChanges {
target: lampOn4
scale: 1
PropertyChanges {
target: lampOn5
scale: 1
PropertyChanges { target: onOffBt; opacity: 1; enabled: true; }
PropertyChanges { target: lampOn0; opacity: 1; }
PropertyChanges { target: lampOn1; scale: 1; }
PropertyChanges { target: lampOn2; scale: 1; }
PropertyChanges { target: lampOn3; scale: 1; }
PropertyChanges { target: lampOn4; scale: 1; }
PropertyChanges { target: lampOn5; scale: 1; }
PropertyChanges { target: lampCrossLineRa; opacity: 0; }
State {
name: "OFF"
PropertyChanges {
target: lampOn0
opacity: 0
PropertyChanges {
target: lampOn1
scale: 0
PropertyChanges {
target: lampOn2
scale: 0
PropertyChanges {
target: lampOn3
scale: 0
PropertyChanges {
target: lampOn4
scale: 0
PropertyChanges {
target: lampOn5
scale: 0
PropertyChanges { target: onOffBt; opacity: 1; enabled: true; }
PropertyChanges { target: lampOn0; opacity: 0; }
PropertyChanges { target: lampOn1; scale: 0; }
PropertyChanges { target: lampOn2; scale: 0; }
PropertyChanges { target: lampOn3; scale: 0; }
PropertyChanges { target: lampOn4; scale: 0; }
PropertyChanges { target: lampOn5; scale: 0; }
PropertyChanges { target: lampCrossLineRa; opacity: 0; }
State {
name: "ERROR"
PropertyChanges { target: onOffBt; opacity: 0.5; enabled: false; }
PropertyChanges { target: lampOn0; opacity: 0; }
PropertyChanges { target: lampOn1; scale: 0; }
PropertyChanges { target: lampOn2; scale: 0; }
PropertyChanges { target: lampOn3; scale: 0; }
PropertyChanges { target: lampOn4; scale: 0; }
PropertyChanges { target: lampOn5; scale: 0; }
PropertyChanges { target: lampCrossLineRa; opacity: 1; }
State {
PropertyChanges { target: onOffBt; opacity: 0.5; enabled: false; }
PropertyChanges { target: lampOn0; opacity: 0; }
PropertyChanges { target: lampOn1; scale: 0; }
PropertyChanges { target: lampOn2; scale: 0; }
PropertyChanges { target: lampOn3; scale: 0; }
PropertyChanges { target: lampOn4; scale: 0; }
PropertyChanges { target: lampOn5; scale: 0; }
PropertyChanges { target: lampCrossLineRa; opacity: 0; }
Reference in a new issue