import Backend 1.0 import QtQuick 2.9 import QtQuick.Controls 2.4 FannyDataListView { id: foodList anchors.fill: parent model: FoodPlanModel { id: foodPlanModel } delegate: Button { id: delegate width: foodList.width height: contentCol.height + 10 Column { id: contentCol anchors { top: left: parent.left right: parent.right margins: 10 } height: childrenRect.height + 10 spacing: 2 Label { id: cookteamLa // label for the cookteam width: parent.width wrapMode: Label.Wrap font.bold: true text: cookteam } Label { id: dateLa // label for the date width: parent.width wrapMode: Label.Wrap font.bold: true text: date } Rectangle { width: parent.width height: 2 color: "grey" } Label { id: mainDishLa // label for the main dish width: parent.width wrapMode: Label.Wrap text: mainDish } Rectangle { width: parent.width / 10 height: mainDishVegLa.text!=""? 1:0 color: "grey" } Label { id: mainDishVegLa // label for the vegetarian main dish width: parent.width height: text!=""? undefined:0 wrapMode: Label.Wrap text: mainDishVeg } Rectangle { width: parent.width / 10 height: garnishLa.text!=""? 1:0 color: "grey" } Label { id: garnishLa // label for the garnish width: parent.width height: text!=""? undefined:0 wrapMode: Label.Wrap text: garnish } Rectangle { width: parent.width / 10 height: dessertLa.text!=""? 1:0 color: "grey" } Label { id: dessertLa // label for the dessert width: parent.width height: text!=""? undefined:0 wrapMode: Label.Wrap text: dessert } } } }