#include "../../lib/md2_impls/md2_2.h" #include "../../lib/md2_impls/md2_common.h" void process_block_hash(uint8_t block[16], uint8_t messageDigestBuf[48]) { for (int j = 0; j < 16; j++) { messageDigestBuf[16 + j] = block[j]; messageDigestBuf[32 + j] = (messageDigestBuf[16 + j] ^ messageDigestBuf[j]); } u_int8_t t = 0; for (int j = 0; j < 18; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < 48; k++) { t = messageDigestBuf[k] = messageDigestBuf[k] ^ MD2_PI_SUBST[t]; } t = (t + j) % 256; } } void process_block_checksum(uint8_t block[16], uint8_t checksum[16], uint8_t* l) { for (int j = 0; j < 16; j++) { u_int8_t c = block[j]; // reference is wrong. It says: Set C[j] to S[c xor L]. But it should be: (*l) = checksum[j] ^= MD2_PI_SUBST[c ^ (*l)]; } } void apply_padding(size_t len, uint8_t buf[16]) { int paddingNeeded = 16 - (len % 16); uint8_t originalPadding = paddingNeeded; len += paddingNeeded; while (paddingNeeded > 0) { buf[len - paddingNeeded] = originalPadding; paddingNeeded--; } printf("buf with padding: "); md2_print_buf(len, buf); } // unused! void md2_checksum_2(size_t, uint8_t*) {} void md2_hash_2(size_t len, const uint8_t buf[len], uint8_t out[16]) { FILE* file; struct stat file_stat; if (!open_file((char*)buf, &file, &file_stat)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error opening the file!"); return; } // === step 3 === uint8_t* messageDigestBuf = calloc(48, sizeof(uint8_t)); // === step 4 === uint8_t l = 0; uint8_t* checksum = calloc(16, sizeof(uint8_t)); uint8_t* data = malloc(16); size_t bytes_left_to_read = file_stat.st_size; size_t bytes_left_to_process = 0; while (bytes_left_to_read != 0) { bytes_left_to_process = bytes_left_to_read >= 16 ? 16 : bytes_left_to_read; fread(data, 1, bytes_left_to_process, file); if (ferror(file) || feof(file)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error reading the file!"); return; } process_block_checksum(data, checksum, &l); process_block_hash(data, messageDigestBuf); bytes_left_to_read -= bytes_left_to_process; }; fclose(file); apply_padding(bytes_left_to_process % 16, data); process_block_checksum(data, checksum, &l); process_block_hash(data, messageDigestBuf); process_block_hash(checksum, messageDigestBuf); memcpy(out, messageDigestBuf, 16); free(data); free(messageDigestBuf); free(checksum); }