SRC = src/main.c src/helper.c src/io.c src/md2.c src/md2_impls/md2_common.c src/md2_impls/md2_0.c src/md2_impls/md2_1.c src/md2_impls/md2_2.c src/md2_impls/md2_3.c src/md2_impls/md2_reference/md2_reference.c OBJ = ${subst src,build,${SRC:.c=.o}} CC = gcc DETAILED_BENCHMARK ?= 0 CFLAGS = -Ilib -std=c11 -Wall -Wextra -O3 ifeq ($(DETAILED_BENCHMARK), true) CFLAGS += -DMD2_DETAILED_BENCHMARK endif LDFLAGS = -pthread TESTFILES = t/1 t/2 t/5 t/10 t/20 t/50 t/100 t/1000 t/2000 t/5000 t/10000 TESTFILES_SIZES = ${subst t/,,${TESTFILES}} BLUE=\033[1;36m RED=\033[1;31m GREEN=\033[1;32m NC=\033[0m all: md2 clean: rm -rf md2 build help: @echo === Project Build Help === @echo @echo Available targets: @echo - all: build everything @echo " When DETAILED_BENCHMARK=true is passed, the detailed benchmarks are enabled." @echo " This will decrease the overall performance of the program." @echo - clean: clean distfiles @echo - help: show this help @echo - benchmarks: run benchmarks @echo - valgrind-check: run checks with valgrind build/%.o: src/%.c @mkdir -p build/md2_impls/md2_reference ${CC} -c ${CFLAGS} -o $@ $< md2: ${OBJ} ${CC} -o $@ $(OBJ) ${LDFLAGS} t/%: @mkdir -p t @echo @echo -e "${BLUE}=== Generating ${subst t/,,$@}MB of random data... ===${NC}" dd if=/dev/random of=$@ bs=1M count=${subst t/,,$@} status=progress @echo -e "${BLUE}=== done ===${NC}" @echo benchmarks.csv: md2 ${TESTFILES} @rm -f $@ @echo -n "Implementierung" > $@ @for t in $(TESTFILES_SIZES); do \ echo -n ";$$t" >> $@; \ done @echo "" >> $@ @for i in 0 1 2 3 4; do \ echo ;\ echo -e "${BLUE}=== Testing implementation $$i ===${NC}";\ echo -n "Implementierung-$$i" >> $@; \ for t in $(TESTFILES_SIZES); do \ echo -n "- with $${t}MB ... "; \ if ! rr=$$(./md2 t/$${t} -B1 -V$${i}); then \ echo; \ echo -e "${RED}ERROR -> SKIPPED!${NC}"; \ echo -n ";0" >> $@; \ else \ r=$$(echo $$rr | xargs | sed -e 's/.*took \(.*\) seconds.*/\1/'); \ echo "$${r}s"; \ echo -n ";$${r}" >> $@; \ fi; \ done; \ echo "" >> $@; \ echo -e "${BLUE}=== done ===${NC}";\ echo;\ done benchmarks: benchmarks.csv valgrind-check: md2 t/3 @for i in 0 1 2 3 4; do \ echo; \ echo -e "${BLUE}=== Testing implementation $$i ===${NC}";\ if ! valgrind --error-exitcode=1 --leak-check=full --tool=memcheck -s ./md2 t/3 -V$$i -B1; then \ echo -e "${RED}ERROR found! (see above)${NC}"; \ exit 1; \ fi; \ echo -e "${BLUE}=== done ===${NC}";\ echo; \ done @if ! valgrind -s ./md2 -T; then \ echo -e "${RED}ERROR found! (see above)${NC}"; \ exit 1;\ fi @echo -e "${GREEN}=== all implementations PASSED valgrind ===${NC}" .PHONY: all clean help benchmarks lint