#include "linboConsoleImpl.hh" #include "linboProgressImpl.hh" #include "linboGUIImpl.hh" #include #include #include #include #include "linboPushButton.hh" linboConsoleImpl::linboConsoleImpl( QWidget* parent ) : linboDialog() { Ui_linboConsole::setupUi((QDialog*)this); mysh = new QProcess( this ); mysh->setReadChannelMode(QProcess::MergedChannels); connect (mysh, SIGNAL(readyReadStandardOutput()), this, SLOT(showOutput())); // new shell handling - use sh in interactive mode mysh->start("sh", QStringList() << "-i"); if( parent ) myParent = parent; // connect(input,SIGNAL(returnPressed()),this,SLOT(postcmd())); connect(input,SIGNAL(returnPressed()),this,SLOT(execute())); Qt::WindowFlags flags; flags = Qt::Dialog | Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint | Qt::WindowTitleHint; setWindowFlags( flags ); logConsole = new linboLogConsole(0); QRect qRect(QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry()); // open in the upper left of our screen int xpos=qRect.width()/2-this->width()/2; int ypos=qRect.height()/2-this->height()/2; this->move(xpos,ypos); this->setFixedSize( this->width(), this->height() ); } linboConsoleImpl::~linboConsoleImpl() { } void linboConsoleImpl::showOutput() { QByteArray bytes = mysh->readAllStandardOutput(); QStringList lines = QString::fromUtf8(bytes).split("\n"); foreach (QString line, lines) { output->append(line); } } void linboConsoleImpl::execute() { QString cmdStr = input->text() + "\n"; input->setText(""); output->append(cmdStr); QByteArray bytes = cmdStr.toUtf8(); /* 8-bit Unicode Transformation Format */ mysh->write(bytes); /* Send the data into the stdin stream of the bash child process */ } void linboConsoleImpl::setTextBrowser( const QString& new_consolefontcolorstdout, const QString& new_consolefontcolorstderr, QTextEdit* newBrowser ) { logConsole->setLinboLogConsole( new_consolefontcolorstdout, new_consolefontcolorstderr, newBrowser ); } void linboConsoleImpl::precmd() { // nothing to do } void linboConsoleImpl::postcmd() { // nothing to do } void linboConsoleImpl::setMainApp( QWidget* newMainApp ) { if ( newMainApp ) { myMainApp = newMainApp; } } void linboConsoleImpl::setCommand(const QStringList& arglist) { myCommand = QStringList(arglist); // Create local copy } QStringList linboConsoleImpl::getCommand() { return QStringList(myCommand); } void linboConsoleImpl::readFromStdout() { // nothing to do } void linboConsoleImpl::readFromStderr() { // nothing to do } void linboConsoleImpl::processFinished( int retval, QProcess::ExitStatus status) { Q_UNUSED(retval) Q_UNUSED(status) // nothing to do static_cast(myMainApp)->restoreButtonsState(); }