/* holds the environmental configuration of our console Copyright (C) 2010 Martin Oehler This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #include #include #include "linboLogConsole.hh" linboLogConsole::linboLogConsole( QWidget* parent, const char* name ) { Q_UNUSED(parent) Q_UNUSED(name) consolefontcolorstdout = QColor( QString("white") ); consolefontcolorstderr = QColor( QString("red") ); Console = 0; } linboLogConsole::~linboLogConsole() { } void linboLogConsole::setLinboLogConsole( const QString& new_consolefontcolorstdout, const QString& new_consolefontcolorstderr, QTextEdit* new_console ) { consolefontcolorstdout = QColor( new_consolefontcolorstdout ); consolefontcolorstderr = QColor( new_consolefontcolorstderr ); if ( new_console != 0 ) Console = new_console; } void linboLogConsole::writeStdOut( const QByteArray& stdoutdata ) { if ( Console != 0 ) { Console->setColor( consolefontcolorstdout ); Console->insert( stdoutdata ); Console->moveCursor(QTextCursor::End); Console->ensureCursorVisible(); } } void linboLogConsole::writeStdOut( const QString& stdoutdata ) { if ( Console != 0 ) { Console->setColor( consolefontcolorstdout ); Console->insert( stdoutdata ); Console->insert(QString(QChar::LineSeparator)); Console->moveCursor(QTextCursor::End); Console->ensureCursorVisible(); } } void linboLogConsole::writeStdErr( const QByteArray& stderrdata ) { if ( Console != 0 ) { Console->setColor( consolefontcolorstderr ); Console->insert( stderrdata ); Console->setColor( consolefontcolorstdout ); Console->moveCursor(QTextCursor::End); Console->ensureCursorVisible(); } } void linboLogConsole::writeStdErr( const QString& stderrdata ) { if ( Console != 0 ) { Console->setColor( consolefontcolorstderr ); Console->insert( stderrdata ); Console->insert(QString(QChar::LineSeparator)); Console->setColor( consolefontcolorstdout ); Console->moveCursor(QTextCursor::End); Console->ensureCursorVisible(); } } void linboLogConsole::writeResult( const int& processRetval, QProcess::ExitStatus status, const int& errorstatus ) { if ( Console != 0 ) { Console->setColor( consolefontcolorstderr ); Console->insert( QString("Command executed with exit value ") + QString::number( processRetval ) ); if( status == 0) Console->insert( QString("Exit status: ") + QString("The process exited normally.") ); else Console->insert( QString("Exit status: ") + QString("The process crashed.") ); if( status == 1 ) { switch ( errorstatus ) { case 0: Console->insert( QString("The process failed to start. Either the invoked program is missing, or you may have insufficient permissions to invoke the program.") ); break; case 1: Console->insert( QString("The process crashed some time after starting successfully.") ); break; case 2: Console->insert( QString("The last waitFor...() function timed out.") ); break; case 3: Console->insert( QString("An error occurred when attempting to write to the process. For example, the process may not be running, or it may have closed its input channel.") ); break; case 4: Console->insert( QString("An error occurred when attempting to read from the process. For example, the process may not be running.") ); break; case 5: Console->insert( QString("An unknown error occurred.") ); break; } } Console->insert(QString(QChar::LineSeparator)); Console->setColor( consolefontcolorstdout ); Console->moveCursor(QTextCursor::End); Console->ensureCursorVisible(); } }