#include "linboPasswordBoxImpl.hh" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include linboPasswordBoxImpl::linboPasswordBoxImpl( QDialog* parent ) : linboDialog() { Ui_linboPasswordBox::setupUi((QDialog*)this); connect(passwordInput,SIGNAL(returnPressed()),this,SLOT(postcmd())); process=new QProcess( this ); if(parent) myParent = parent; myTimer = new QTimer(this); myCounter = new linboCounterImpl(this); logConsole = new linboLogConsole(0); connect( myTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(processTimeout()) ); // connect SLOT for finished process connect( process, SIGNAL(finished(int, QProcess::ExitStatus) ), this, SLOT(processFinished(int, QProcess::ExitStatus)) ); // connect stdout and stderr to linbo console connect( process, SIGNAL(readyReadStandardOutput()), this, SLOT(readFromStdout()) ); connect( process, SIGNAL(readyReadStandardError()), this, SLOT(readFromStderr()) ); Qt::WindowFlags flags; flags = Qt::Dialog | Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint | Qt::WindowTitleHint; setWindowFlags( flags ); QRect qRect(QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry()); // open in the upper left of our screen int xpos=10; int ypos=10; this->move(xpos,ypos); this->setFixedSize( this->width(), this->height() ); } linboPasswordBoxImpl::~linboPasswordBoxImpl() { delete myTimer; delete process; delete myCounter; } void linboPasswordBoxImpl::precmd() { // nothing to do } void linboPasswordBoxImpl::postcmd() { this->hide(); app = static_cast( myMainApp ); if( app ) { // build authentication command arguments.clear(); arguments.append("linbo_cmd"); arguments.append( "authenticate" ); arguments.append( app->config.get_server() ); arguments.append( "linbo" ); arguments.append( passwordInput->text() ); arguments.append( "linbo" ); QStringList processargs( arguments ); QString command = processargs.takeFirst(); process->start( command, processargs ); while( !process->waitForFinished(10000) ) { }; // Console->insert( QString("Test linboPasswordBoxImpl exitCode() == ") + QString::number( process->exitCode() ) ); if ( process->exitCode() == 0 ) { if( app ) { // set password in all buttons QStringList tmp; for( unsigned int i = 0; i < app->p_buttons.size(); i++ ) { linboDialog* tmpDialog = app->p_buttons[i]->getLinboDialog(); if( tmpDialog ) { // in this case, we have a sub-dialogue tmp = tmpDialog->getCommand(); // fear the segmentation fault! // fifth argument is password if( tmp.size() > 4 ) { if( tmp[1] == QString("upload") || tmp[1] == QString("register") ) { // change upload password tmp[4] = passwordInput->text(); tmpDialog->setCommand( tmp ); } } } // this is for the case we have no associated linbo dialog if( app->p_buttons[i] ) { tmp.clear(); tmp = app->p_buttons[i]->getCommand(); // fifth argument is password if( tmp.size() > 4 ) { if( tmp[1] == QString("upload") || tmp[1] == QString("register") ) { // change upload password tmp[4] = passwordInput->text(); app->p_buttons[i]->setCommand( tmp ); } } } } app->enableButtons(); app->showImagingTab(); myTimer->stop(); myTimer->start( 1000, FALSE ); currentTimeout = app->config.get_roottimeout(); myCounter->counter->display( currentTimeout ); connect( myCounter->logoutButton, SIGNAL(pressed()), app, SLOT(resetButtons()) ); connect( myCounter->logoutButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), myTimer, SLOT(stop()) ); myCounter->show(); myCounter->raise(); myCounter->move( QPoint( 5, 5 ) ); } } } passwordInput->clear(); this->close(); } void linboPasswordBoxImpl::setCommand(const QStringList& arglist) { arguments = arglist; } QStringList linboPasswordBoxImpl::getCommand() { return arguments; } void linboPasswordBoxImpl::setMainApp( QWidget* newMainApp ) { if ( newMainApp ) { myMainApp = newMainApp; } } void linboPasswordBoxImpl::readFromStdout() { logConsole->writeStdOut( process->readAllStandardOutput() ); } void linboPasswordBoxImpl::readFromStderr() { logConsole->writeStdErr( process->readAllStandardError() ); } void linboPasswordBoxImpl::setTextBrowser( const QString& new_consolefontcolorstdout, const QString& new_consolefontcolorstderr, QTextEdit* newBrowser ) { logConsole->setLinboLogConsole( new_consolefontcolorstdout, new_consolefontcolorstderr, newBrowser ); } void linboPasswordBoxImpl::processTimeout() { if( !myCounter->timeoutCheck->isChecked() ) { // do nothing but dont stop timer } else { if( currentTimeout > 0 ) { currentTimeout--; myCounter->counter->display( currentTimeout ); } else { app->resetButtons(); myCounter->close(); } } } void linboPasswordBoxImpl::processFinished( int retval, QProcess::ExitStatus status) { logConsole->writeResult( retval, status, process->error() ); // app->restoreButtonsState(); }