#include "linboCounterImpl.hh" #include #include #include linboCounterImpl::linboCounterImpl( QWidget* parent ) : linboDialog() { Ui_linboCounter::setupUi((QDialog*)this); Qt::WindowFlags flags; flags = Qt::Dialog | Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint | Qt::WindowTitleHint; setWindowFlags( flags ); if( parent ) myParent = parent; // open in the upper left of our screen int xpos= 10; int ypos= 10; this->move(xpos,ypos); this->setFixedSize( this->width(), this->height() ); connect( logoutButton, SIGNAL(released()), this, SLOT(hide()) ); } linboCounterImpl::~linboCounterImpl() { // nothing to do } void linboCounterImpl::precmd() { // nothing to do } void linboCounterImpl::postcmd() { // nothing to do } void linboCounterImpl::readFromStdout() { // nothing to do } void linboCounterImpl::setMainApp( QWidget* newMainApp ) { if ( newMainApp ) { myMainApp = newMainApp; } } void linboCounterImpl::readFromStderr() { // nothing to do } QStringList linboCounterImpl::getCommand() { return myCommand; } void linboCounterImpl::setCommand(const QStringList& arglist) { // nothing to do myCommand = arglist; } void linboCounterImpl::processFinished( int retval, QProcess::ExitStatus status) { // nothing to do } void linboCounterImpl::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event) { event->accept(); logoutButton->click(); }