This repository has been archived on 2022-08-16. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.
Dorian Zedler cacd1f5468
- a few new buttons
- started to implement new backend
2020-11-16 18:01:03 +01:00

1265 lines
47 KiB

//#define NEVERDEF
/* class building the LINBO GUI
Copyright (C) 2007 Martin Oehler <>
Copyright (C) 2007 Klaus Knopper <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include "linboGUIImpl.hh"
#include <signal.h> // for signal()
#include <qpushbutton.h>
#include <q3buttongroup.h>
#include <qstringlist.h>
#include <qlabel.h>
#include <qtabwidget.h>
#include <q3listbox.h>
#include <qapplication.h>
#include <q3scrollview.h>
#include <qtooltip.h>
#include <qfile.h>
#include <q3textstream.h>
#include <qpixmap.h>
#include <qimage.h>
#include <QBrush>
#include <qregexp.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <q3stylesheet.h>
#include "linboProgressImpl.hh"
#include "linboMulticastBoxImpl.hh"
#include "linboDialog.hh"
#include "linboYesNoImpl.hh"
#include "linboInputBoxImpl.hh"
#include "linboImageSelectorImpl.hh"
#include "linboImageUploadImpl.hh"
#include "linboInfoBrowserImpl.hh"
#include "linboRegisterBoxImpl.hh"
#include "linboConsoleImpl.hh"
#include <QtGui>
#include <QTextCursor>
#include <qwindowsystem_qws.h>
#include <QWSServer>
#define LINBO_CMD(arg) QStringList("linbo_cmd") << (arg);
linboGUIImpl::linboGUIImpl(QWidget* parent) : QDialog(parent)
QImage tmpImage;
// our early default
fonttemplate = tr("<font color='black'>%1</font>");
logConsole = new linboLogConsole(0);
// reset root - we're an user now
root = false;
// we want to see icons
withicons = true;
// show command output on LINBO console
outputvisible = true;
// default setting -> no image selected for autostart
autostart = 0;
autostarttimeout = 0;
// first "last visited" tab is start tab
preTab = 0;
// logfilepath
logfilepath = QString("/tmp/linbo.log");
// clear buttons array
// hide the main GUI
waiting = new linboMsgImpl( this );
waiting->message->setText( QString("LINBO<br>Netzwerk Check") );
QStringList waitCommand = LINBO_CMD("ready");
waiting->setCommand( waitCommand );
// we can set this now since our globals have been read
logConsole->setLinboLogConsole( config.get_consolefontcolorstdout(),
Console );
int height = 5;
int imagingHeight = 5;
QStringList command;
startView->setGeometry( QRect( 10, 10, 600, 180 ) );
startView->viewport()->setBackgroundColor( "white" );
imagingView->setGeometry( QRect( 10, 10, 410, 180 ) );
imagingView->viewport()->setBackgroundColor( "white" );
partitionView->setGeometry( QRect( 420, 10, 180, 180 ) );
partitionView->viewport()->setBackgroundColor( "white" );
// since some tabs can be hidden, we have to maintain this counter
int nextPosForTabInsert = 0;
int horizontalOffset = 0;
// this is for separating the elements
int innerVerticalOffset = 32;
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < elements.size(); i++ ) {
// this determines our vertical offset
if( i % 2 == 1 ) {
// an odd element is moved to the right
horizontalOffset = 300;
} else {
horizontalOffset = 0;
int n = elements[i].find_current_image();
if ( i == 0 ) {
height = 14;
imagingHeight = 14;
// Start View
QLabel *startlabel = new QLabel( startView->viewport() );
startlabel->setGeometry( QRect( (90 + horizontalOffset), height, 180, 30 ) );
startlabel->setText( elements[i].get_name() + " " + elements[i].image_history[n].get_version() );
startView->addChild( startlabel, (90 + horizontalOffset), height );
// Imaging View
QLabel *imaginglabel = new QLabel( imagingView->viewport() );
imaginglabel->setGeometry( QRect( 15, imagingHeight, 165, 30 ) );
imaginglabel->setText( elements[i].get_name() );
imagingView->addChild( imaginglabel, 15, imagingHeight );
if( i == 0 ) {
height = 5;
imagingHeight = 5;
// Start Tab
linbopushbutton *defaultbutton = new linbopushbutton( startView->viewport() );
defaultbutton->setGeometry( QRect( (15 + horizontalOffset), height, 64, 64 ) );
QLabel *defaultactionlabel = new QLabel( startView->viewport() );
defaultactionlabel->setGeometry( QRect( (15 + horizontalOffset), height+42, 22, 22 ) );
if( withicons ) {
if( elements[i].get_iconname() == "defaulticon.png" ) {
defaultbutton->setIconSet( QIcon(":/icons/default.png" ) );
} else {
defaultbutton->setIconSet( QIcon( QString("/icons/") + elements[i].get_iconname() ) );
defaultbutton->setIconSize( QSize(64,64) );
if( elements[i].image_history[n].get_defaultaction() == "sync") {
// assign command
command = mksyncstartcommand(config, elements[i],elements[i].image_history[n]);
QToolTip::add( defaultbutton, QString("Startet " + elements[i].get_name() + " " +
elements[i].image_history[n].get_version() +
" synchronisiert") );
defaultactionlabel->setPixmap( QPixmap(":/icons/sync+start-22x22.png" ) );
defaultbutton->setEnabled( elements[i].image_history[n].get_syncbutton() );
if( elements[i].image_history[n].get_defaultaction() == "new" ) {
// assign command
command = mksyncrcommand(config, elements[i],elements[i].image_history[n]);
QToolTip::add( defaultbutton, QString("Installiert " + elements[i].get_name() + " " +
elements[i].image_history[n].get_version() +
" neu und startet es") );
defaultactionlabel->setPixmap( QPixmap(":/icons/new+start-22x22.png" ) );
defaultbutton->setEnabled( elements[i].image_history[n].get_newbutton() );
if( elements[i].image_history[n].get_defaultaction() == "start" ) {
// assign command
command = LINBO_CMD("start");
saveappend( command, elements[i].get_boot() );
saveappend( command, elements[i].get_root() );
saveappend( command, elements[i].image_history[n].get_kernel() );
saveappend( command, elements[i].image_history[n].get_initrd() );
saveappend( command, elements[i].image_history[n].get_append() );
saveappend( command, config.get_cache() );
QToolTip::add( defaultbutton, QString("Startet " + elements[i].get_name() + " " +
elements[i].image_history[n].get_version() +
" unsynchronisiert") );
defaultactionlabel->setPixmap( QPixmap(":/icons/start-22x22.png" ) );
defaultbutton->setEnabled( elements[i].image_history[n].get_startbutton() );
defaultbutton->setTextBrowser( config.get_consolefontcolorstdout(),
Console );
defaultbutton->setMainApp( (QDialog*)this );
defaultbutton->setCommand( command );
defaultbutton->setMainApp( this );
// assign button to button list
p_buttons.push_back( defaultbutton );
buttons_config.push_back( 1 );
// startView->addChild( defaultbutton, (90 + horizontalOffset), (height + innerVerticalOffset) );
linbopushbutton *syncbutton = new linbopushbutton( startView->viewport() );
syncbutton->setGeometry( QRect( (90 + horizontalOffset), (height + innerVerticalOffset), 32, 32 ) );
// syncbutton->setText( QString("Sync+Start") );
syncbutton->setTextBrowser( config.get_consolefontcolorstdout(),
Console );
// add tooltip and icon
QToolTip::add( syncbutton, QString("Startet " + elements[i].get_name() + " " +
elements[i].image_history[n].get_version() +
" synchronisiert") );
if( withicons ) {
syncbutton->setIconSet( QIcon(":/icons/sync+start-22x22.png" ) );
syncbutton->setIconSize( QSize(32,32) );
// assign command
command = mksyncstartcommand(config, elements[i],elements[i].image_history[n]);
syncbutton->setCommand( command );
syncbutton->setMainApp( this );
syncbutton->setEnabled( elements[i].image_history[n].get_syncbutton() );
// assign button to button list
p_buttons.push_back( syncbutton );
buttons_config.push_back( elements[i].image_history[n].get_syncbutton() );
startView->addChild( syncbutton, (90 + horizontalOffset), (height + innerVerticalOffset) );
// Start Tab
linbopushbutton *startbutton = new linbopushbutton( startView->viewport() );
startbutton->setGeometry( QRect( (124 + horizontalOffset), (height + innerVerticalOffset), 32, 32 ) );
// startbutton->setText( QString("Start") );
startbutton->setTextBrowser( config.get_consolefontcolorstdout(),
Console );
// add tooltip and icon
QToolTip::add( startbutton, QString("Startet " + elements[i].get_name() + " " +
elements[i].image_history[n].get_version() +
" unsynchronisiert") );
if( withicons ) {
startbutton->setIconSet( QIcon(":/icons/start-22x22.png" ) );
startbutton->setIconSize( QSize(32,32) );
// build "start" command
command = LINBO_CMD("start");
saveappend( command, elements[i].get_boot() );
saveappend( command, elements[i].get_root() );
saveappend( command, elements[i].image_history[n].get_kernel() );
saveappend( command, elements[i].image_history[n].get_initrd() );
saveappend( command, elements[i].image_history[n].get_append() );
saveappend( command, config.get_cache() );
startbutton->setCommand( command );
startbutton->setMainApp( this );
startbutton->setEnabled( elements[i].image_history[n].get_startbutton() );
// assign button to button list
p_buttons.push_back( startbutton );
buttons_config.push_back( elements[i].image_history[n].get_startbutton() );
startView->addChild( startbutton, (124 + horizontalOffset), (height + innerVerticalOffset) );
// Imaging Tab
linbopushbutton *createbutton = new linbopushbutton( imagingView->viewport() );
createbutton->setGeometry( QRect( 150, imagingHeight, 120, 30 ) );
createbutton->setText( QString("Image erstellen") );
createbutton->setTextBrowser( config.get_consolefontcolorstdout(),
Console );
linboImageSelectorImpl *buildImageSelector = new linboImageSelectorImpl( createbutton );
// clear list
// incremental image - when assigned
if( !(elements[i].image_history[n].get_image().stripWhiteSpace()).isEmpty() )
// fill list with images
// base image
// entry for creating a new image
buildImageSelector->listBox->insertItem( QString("[Neuer Dateiname]") );
buildImageSelector->setTextBrowser( config.get_consolefontcolorstdout(),
Console );
buildImageSelector->setCache( config.get_cache() );
buildImageSelector->setBaseImage( elements[i].get_baseimage() );
buildImageSelector->setMainApp( this );
command = LINBO_CMD("readfile");
saveappend( command, config.get_cache() );
saveappend( command, elements[i].get_baseimage() + QString(".desc") );
saveappend( command, ( QString("/tmp/") + elements[i].get_baseimage() + QString(".desc") ) );
buildImageSelector->setLoadCommand( command );
command = LINBO_CMD("writefile");
saveappend( command, config.get_cache() );
saveappend( command, ( elements[i].get_baseimage() + QString(".desc") ) );
saveappend( command, ( QString("/tmp/") + elements[i].get_baseimage() + QString(".desc") ) );
buildImageSelector->setSaveCommand( command );
createbutton->setLinboDialog( (linboDialog*)(buildImageSelector) );
createbutton->setQDialog( (QDialog*)(buildImageSelector) );
createbutton->setProgress( false );
createbutton->setEnabled( true );
createbutton->setMainApp((QDialog*)this );
// add tooltip and icon
QToolTip::add( createbutton, QString("Ein neues Image f?r " + elements[i].get_name() + " " +
elements[i].image_history[n].get_version() +
" erstellen") );
if( withicons ) {
createbutton->setIconSet( QIcon( ":/icons/image-22x22.png" ) );
createbutton->setIconSize( QSize(32,32) );
// build "create" command
command = LINBO_CMD("create");
saveappend( command, config.get_cache() );
saveappend( command, (elements[i].image_history[n].get_image()) );
saveappend( command, (elements[i].get_baseimage()) );
saveappend( command, (elements[i].get_boot()) );
saveappend( command, (elements[i].get_root()) );
saveappend( command, (elements[i].image_history[n].get_kernel()) );
saveappend( command, (elements[i].image_history[n].get_initrd()) );
buildImageSelector->setCommand( command );
// this is done really late now to prevent segfaulting our main app (because
// commands are not set earlier)
// assign button to button list
p_buttons.push_back( createbutton );
buttons_config.push_back( 1 );
imagingView->addChild( createbutton, 150, imagingHeight );
// Start Tab
linbopushbutton *newbutton = new linbopushbutton( startView->viewport() );
newbutton->setGeometry( QRect( (158 + horizontalOffset), (height + innerVerticalOffset), 32, 32 ) );
// newbutton->setText( QString("Neu+Start") );
newbutton->setTextBrowser( config.get_consolefontcolorstdout(),
Console );
// add tooltip and icon
QToolTip::add( newbutton, QString("Installiert " + elements[i].get_name() + " " +
elements[i].image_history[n].get_version() +
" neu und startet es") );
if( withicons ) {
newbutton->setIconSet( QIcon( ":/icons/new+start-22x22.png" ) );
newbutton->setIconSize( QSize(32,32) );
// assign command
command = mksyncrcommand(config, elements[i],elements[i].image_history[n]);
newbutton->setCommand( command );
newbutton->setMainApp((QDialog*)this );
newbutton->setEnabled( elements[i].image_history[n].get_newbutton() );
// assign button to button list
p_buttons.push_back( newbutton );
buttons_config.push_back( elements[i].image_history[n].get_newbutton() );
startView->addChild( newbutton, (158 + horizontalOffset), (height + innerVerticalOffset) );
linbopushbutton *infobuttonstart = new linbopushbutton( startView->viewport() );
infobuttonstart->setGeometry( QRect( (192 + horizontalOffset), (height + innerVerticalOffset), 32, 32 ) );
// infobuttonstart->setText( QString("Info") );
infobuttonstart->setEnabled( true );
infobuttonstart->setTextBrowser( config.get_consolefontcolorstdout(),
Console );
// add tooltip and icon
QToolTip::add( infobuttonstart, QString("Informationen zu " + elements[i].get_name() + " " +
elements[i].image_history[n].get_version()) );
if( withicons ) {
infobuttonstart->setIconSet( QIcon( ":/icons/information-22x22.png" ) );
infobuttonstart->setIconSize( QSize(32,32) );
linboInfoBrowserImpl *infoBrowser = new linboInfoBrowserImpl( infobuttonstart );
infoBrowser->setTextBrowser( config.get_consolefontcolorstdout(),
Console );
infoBrowser->setMainApp( this );
infoBrowser->setFilePath( QString("/tmp/") + elements[i].get_baseimage() + QString(".desc") );
command = LINBO_CMD("readfile");
saveappend( command, config.get_cache() );
saveappend( command, ( elements[i].get_baseimage() + QString(".desc") ) );
saveappend( command, ( QString("/tmp/") + elements[i].get_baseimage() + QString(".desc") ) );
infoBrowser->setLoadCommand( command );
command = LINBO_CMD("writefile");
saveappend( command, config.get_cache() );
saveappend( command, ( elements[i].get_baseimage() + QString(".desc") ) );
saveappend( command, ( QString("/tmp/") + elements[i].get_baseimage() + QString(".desc") ) );
infoBrowser->setSaveCommand( command );
command = LINBO_CMD("upload");
saveappend( command, config.get_server() );
saveappend( command, QString("linbo") );
saveappend( command, QString("password") );
saveappend( command, config.get_cache() );
saveappend( command, ( elements[i].get_baseimage() + QString(".desc") ) );
infoBrowser->setUploadCommand( command );
infobuttonstart->setProgress( false );
infobuttonstart->setMainApp((QDialog*)this );
infobuttonstart->setLinboDialog( (linboDialog*)(infoBrowser) );
infobuttonstart->setQDialog( (QDialog*)(infoBrowser) );
// assign button to button list
p_buttons.push_back( infobuttonstart );
buttons_config.push_back( 1 );
startView->addChild( infobuttonstart, (192 + horizontalOffset), (height + innerVerticalOffset) );
// Imaging Tab
linbopushbutton *uploadbutton = new linbopushbutton( imagingView->viewport() );
uploadbutton->setGeometry( QRect( 270, imagingHeight, 120, 30 ) );
uploadbutton->setText( QString("Image hochladen") );
uploadbutton->setEnabled( true );
uploadbutton->setTextBrowser( config.get_consolefontcolorstdout(),
Console );
// add tooltip and icon
QToolTip::add( uploadbutton, QString("Ein Image f?r " + elements[i].get_name() + " " +
elements[i].image_history[n].get_version() +
" auf den Server hochladen" ) );
if( withicons )
uploadbutton->setIconSet( QIcon( ":/icons/upload-22x22.png" ) );
linboImageUploadImpl *imageUpload = new linboImageUploadImpl( uploadbutton);
imageUpload->setTextBrowser( config.get_consolefontcolorstdout(),
Console );
imageUpload->setMainApp( this );
// clear list
// fill list with images
// incremental image - when assigned
if( !(elements[i].image_history[n].get_image().stripWhiteSpace()).isEmpty() )
// base image
command = LINBO_CMD("upload");
saveappend( command, config.get_server() );
saveappend( command, QString("linbo") );
saveappend( command, QString("password") );
saveappend( command, config.get_cache() );
if( (elements[i].image_history[n].get_image().stripWhiteSpace()).isEmpty() ) {
saveappend( command, elements[i].get_baseimage() );
} else {
saveappend( command, elements[i].image_history[n].get_image() );
imageUpload->setCommand( command );
uploadbutton->setMainApp((QDialog*)this );
uploadbutton->setLinboDialog( (linboDialog*)(imageUpload) );
uploadbutton->setQDialog( (QDialog*)(imageUpload) );
uploadbutton->setProgress( false );
// assign button to button list
p_buttons.push_back( uploadbutton );
buttons_config.push_back( 1 );
imagingView->addChild( uploadbutton, 270, imagingHeight );
// where is my homie?
createbutton->setNeighbour( uploadbutton );
uploadbutton->setNeighbour( createbutton );
// only for an odd element
if( i % 2 == 1 ) {
height += 69;
// the height of 69 is one complete element row, 5 is our start height
startView->resizeContents( 600, ( (int)((i+2)/2) * 69 + 5 ) );
imagingHeight += 32;
int height2 = 5;
// check: if one of the history entries is declared hidden,
// hide the complete tab
bool isHidden = false;
for( unsigned int n = 0; n < elements[i].image_history.size(); n++ ) {
isHidden |= elements[i].image_history[n].get_hidden();
// check whether our per-OS tabs should be displayed or not
// we save a lot of memory by not building these elements
if ( !isHidden ) {
QWidget* newtab = new QWidget( Tabs );
Q3ScrollView* view = new Q3ScrollView( newtab );
view->viewport()->setBackgroundColor( "white" );
view->setGeometry( QRect( 10, 10, 600, 180 ) );
int iHorizontalOffset = 0;
for( unsigned int n = 0; n < elements[i].image_history.size(); n++ ) {
// QT BUG!
if ( n == 0 ) {
height2 = 14;
if( n % 2 == 1 ) {
// an odd element is moved to the right
iHorizontalOffset = 300;
} else {
iHorizontalOffset = 0;
QLabel *imagename = new QLabel( view->viewport() );
imagename->setGeometry( QRect( (90 + iHorizontalOffset), height2, 180, 30 ) );
imagename->setText( elements[i].image_history[n].get_version() + ";" + elements[i].image_history[n].get_description() );
view->addChild( imagename, (90 + iHorizontalOffset), height2 );
if ( n == 0 ) {
height2 = 5;
/* QLabel *imagetext = new QLabel( view->viewport() );
imagetext->setGeometry( QRect( 120, height2, 260, 30 ) );
imagetext->setText( elements[i].image_history[n].get_description() );
view->addChild( imagetext, 120, height2 );
linbopushbutton *idefaultbutton = new linbopushbutton( view->viewport() );
idefaultbutton->setGeometry( QRect( (15 + iHorizontalOffset), height2, 64, 64 ) );
QLabel *idefaultactionlabel = new QLabel( startView->viewport() );
idefaultactionlabel->setGeometry( QRect( (15 + iHorizontalOffset), height2+42, 22, 22 ) );
if( withicons ) {
if( elements[i].get_iconname() == "defaulticon.png" ) {
// TODO: choose another default icon - something that looks like the LINBO-Logo
idefaultbutton->setIconSet( QIcon(":/icons/default.png" ) );
} else {
idefaultbutton->setIconSet( QIcon( QString("/icons/") + elements[i].get_iconname() ) );
idefaultbutton->setIconSize( QSize(64,64) );
if( elements[i].image_history[n].get_defaultaction() == "sync") {
// assign command
command = mksyncstartcommand(config, elements[i],elements[i].image_history[n]);
QToolTip::add( idefaultbutton, QString("Startet " + elements[i].get_name() + " " +
elements[i].image_history[n].get_version() +
" synchronisiert") );
idefaultactionlabel->setPixmap( QPixmap(":/icons/sync+start-22x22.png" ) );
if( elements[i].image_history[n].get_defaultaction() == "new" ) {
// assign command
command = mksyncrcommand(config, elements[i],elements[i].image_history[n]);
QToolTip::add( idefaultbutton, QString("Installiert " + elements[i].get_name() + " " +
elements[i].image_history[n].get_version() +
" neu und startet es") );
defaultactionlabel->setPixmap( QPixmap(":/icons/new+start-22x22.png" ) );
if( elements[i].image_history[n].get_defaultaction() == "start" ) {
// assign command
command = LINBO_CMD("start");
saveappend( command, elements[i].get_boot() );
saveappend( command, elements[i].get_root() );
saveappend( command, elements[i].image_history[n].get_kernel() );
saveappend( command, elements[i].image_history[n].get_initrd() );
saveappend( command, elements[i].image_history[n].get_append() );
saveappend( command, config.get_cache() );
QToolTip::add( idefaultbutton, QString("Startet " + elements[i].get_name() + " " +
elements[i].image_history[n].get_version() +
" unsynchronisiert") );
defaultactionlabel->setPixmap( QPixmap(":/icons/start-22x22.png" ) );
idefaultbutton->setCommand( command );
idefaultbutton->setTextBrowser( config.get_consolefontcolorstdout(),
Console );
idefaultbutton->setMainApp( (QDialog*)this );
p_buttons.push_back( idefaultbutton );
buttons_config.push_back( 1 );
linbopushbutton *isyncbutton = new linbopushbutton( view->viewport() );
isyncbutton->setGeometry( QRect( (90 + iHorizontalOffset), (height2 + innerVerticalOffset), 32, 32 ) );
// isyncbutton->setText( QString("Sync+Start") );
isyncbutton->setTextBrowser( config.get_consolefontcolorstdout(),
Console );
isyncbutton->setEnabled( true );
// add tooltip and icon
QToolTip::add( isyncbutton, QString("Startet " + elements[i].get_name() + " " +
elements[i].image_history[n].get_version() +
" synchronisiert") );
if( withicons ) {
isyncbutton->setIconSet( QIcon( ":/icons/sync+start-22x22.png" ) );
isyncbutton->setIconSize( QSize(32,32) );
command = mksyncstartcommand(config, elements[i],elements[i].image_history[n]);
isyncbutton->setCommand( command );
isyncbutton->setMainApp((QDialog*)this );
// assign button to button list
p_buttons.push_back( isyncbutton );
buttons_config.push_back( 1 );
view->addChild( isyncbutton, (90 + iHorizontalOffset), (height2 + innerVerticalOffset) );
linbopushbutton *irecreatebutton = new linbopushbutton( view->viewport() );
irecreatebutton->setGeometry( QRect( (124 + iHorizontalOffset), (height2 + innerVerticalOffset), 32, 32 ) );
// irecreatebutton->setText( QString("Neu+Start") );
irecreatebutton->setTextBrowser( config.get_consolefontcolorstdout(),
Console );
command = mksyncrcommand(config, elements[i],elements[i].image_history[n]);
irecreatebutton->setCommand( command );
irecreatebutton->setEnabled( true );
// add tooltip and icon
QToolTip::add( irecreatebutton, QString("Installiert " + elements[i].get_name() + " " +
elements[i].image_history[n].get_version() +
" neu und startet es") );
if( withicons ) {
irecreatebutton->setIconSet( QIcon( ":/icons/new+start-22x22.png" ) );
irecreatebutton->setIconSize( QSize(32,32) );
irecreatebutton->setMainApp(this );
// assign button to button list
p_buttons.push_back( irecreatebutton );
buttons_config.push_back( 1 );
view->addChild( irecreatebutton, (124 + iHorizontalOffset), (height2 + innerVerticalOffset) );
linbopushbutton *iinfobuttonstart = new linbopushbutton( view->viewport() );
iinfobuttonstart->setGeometry( QRect( (158 + iHorizontalOffset), (height2 + innerVerticalOffset), 32, 32 ) );
// iinfobuttonstart->setText( QString("Info") );
iinfobuttonstart->setEnabled( true );
iinfobuttonstart->setTextBrowser( config.get_consolefontcolorstdout(),
Console );
linboInfoBrowserImpl *iinfoBrowser = new linboInfoBrowserImpl( iinfobuttonstart );
iinfoBrowser->setTextBrowser( config.get_consolefontcolorstdout(),
Console );
iinfoBrowser->setFilePath( QString("/tmp/") + elements[i].get_baseimage() + QString(".desc") );
iinfobuttonstart->setProgress( false );
iinfobuttonstart->setMainApp(this );
command = LINBO_CMD("readfile");
saveappend( command, config.get_cache() );
saveappend( command, ( elements[i].get_baseimage() + QString(".desc") ) );
saveappend( command, ( QString("/tmp/") + elements[i].get_baseimage() + QString(".desc") ) );
iinfoBrowser->setLoadCommand( command );
command = LINBO_CMD("writefile");
saveappend( command, config.get_cache() );
saveappend( command, ( elements[i].get_baseimage() + QString(".desc") ) );
saveappend( command, ( QString("/tmp/") + elements[i].get_baseimage() + QString(".desc") ) );
iinfoBrowser->setSaveCommand( command );
command = LINBO_CMD("upload");
saveappend( command, config.get_server() );
saveappend( command, QString("linbo") );
saveappend( command, QString("password") );
saveappend( command, config.get_cache() );
saveappend( command, ( QString("/tmp/") + elements[i].get_baseimage() + QString(".desc") ) );
iinfoBrowser->setUploadCommand( command );
iinfobuttonstart->setLinboDialog( (linboDialog*)(infoBrowser) );
iinfobuttonstart->setQDialog( (QDialog*)(infoBrowser) );
// add tooltip and icon
QToolTip::add( iinfobuttonstart, QString("Informationen zu " + elements[i].get_name() + " " +
elements[i].image_history[n].get_version()) );
if( withicons ) {
iinfobuttonstart->setIconSet( QIcon( ":/icons/information-22x22.png" ) );
// assign button to button list
p_buttons.push_back( iinfobuttonstart );
buttons_config.push_back( 1 );
view->addChild( iinfobuttonstart, (158 + iHorizontalOffset), (height2 + innerVerticalOffset) );
if( elements[i].image_history[n].get_autostart() &&
!autostart ) {
logConsole->writeStdOut( QString("Autostart selected for OS Nr. ")
+ QString::number(i)
+ QString(", Image History Nr. ")
+ QString::number( n ));
autostart = idefaultbutton;
autostarttimeout = elements[i].image_history[n].get_autostarttimeout();
if( n % 2 == 1 ) {
height2 += 69;
// the height of 69 is one complete element row
view->resizeContents( 600, ( (int)((n+2)/2) * 69 + 5 ) );
Tabs->insertTab( newtab, elements[i].get_name(), (nextPosForTabInsert+1) );
} else {
// in case one of the elements is marked as "Autostart", we have to create the
// matching, invisible sync+start button
for( unsigned int n = 0; n < elements[i].image_history.size(); n++ ) {
if( elements[i].image_history[n].get_autostart() &&
!autostart ) {
logConsole->writeStdOut( QString("Autostart selected for OS Nr. ")
+ QString::number(i)
+ QString(", Image History Nr. ")
+ QString::number( n ) );
autostart = defaultbutton;
autostarttimeout = elements[i].image_history[n].get_autostarttimeout();
imagingView->resizeContents( 410, imagingHeight );
// the first element of a view does have display problems so we add a dummy
QLabel *partitionlabel = new QLabel( partitionView->viewport() );
partitionlabel->setGeometry( QRect( 5, 5, 165, 30 ) );
partitionView->addChild( partitionlabel, 5,5 );
linbopushbutton *consolebuttonimaging = new linbopushbutton( partitionView->viewport() );
// left-align graphics and text
consolebuttonimaging->setStyleSheet("QPushButton{text-align : left; padding-left: 5px;}");
consolebuttonimaging->setGeometry( QRect( 15, 27, 130, 30 ) );
consolebuttonimaging->setText( QString("Console") );
consolebuttonimaging->setTextBrowser( config.get_consolefontcolorstdout(),
Console );
linboConsoleImpl *linboconsole = new linboConsoleImpl( consolebuttonimaging );
linboconsole->setMainApp(this );
linboconsole->setTextBrowser( config.get_consolefontcolorstdout(),
Console );
consolebuttonimaging->setProgress( false );
consolebuttonimaging->setMainApp(this );
consolebuttonimaging->setLinboDialog( (linboDialog*)(linboconsole) );
consolebuttonimaging->setQDialog( (QDialog*)(linboconsole) );
// add tooltip and icon
QToolTip::add( consolebuttonimaging, QString("Öffnet das Konsolenfenster") );
if( withicons )
consolebuttonimaging->setIconSet( QIcon( ":/icons/console-22x22.png" ) );
// assign button to button list
p_buttons.push_back( consolebuttonimaging );
buttons_config.push_back( 1 );
partitionView->addChild( consolebuttonimaging, 15, 27 );
linbopushbutton *multicastbuttonimaging = new linbopushbutton( partitionView->viewport() );
// left-align graphics and text
multicastbuttonimaging->setStyleSheet("QPushButton{text-align : left; padding-left: 5px;}");
multicastbuttonimaging->setGeometry( QRect( 15, 59, 130, 30 ) );
multicastbuttonimaging->setText( QString("Cache aktualisieren") );
multicastbuttonimaging->setTextBrowser( config.get_consolefontcolorstdout(),
Console );
// add tooltip and icon
QToolTip::add( multicastbuttonimaging, QString("Aktualisiert den lokalen Cache") );
if( withicons )
multicastbuttonimaging->setIconSet( QIcon( ":/icons/cache-22x22.png" ) );
linboMulticastBoxImpl *multicastbox = new linboMulticastBoxImpl( multicastbuttonimaging );
multicastbox->setMainApp(this );
multicastbox->setTextBrowser( config.get_consolefontcolorstdout(),
Console );
multicastbox->setRsyncCommand( mkcacheinitcommand( config, elements, QString("rsync")) );
multicastbox->setMulticastCommand( mkcacheinitcommand( config, elements, QString("multicast")) );
multicastbox->setBittorrentCommand( mkcacheinitcommand( config, elements, QString("torrent")) );
multicastbuttonimaging->setProgress( false );
multicastbuttonimaging->setMainApp(this );
multicastbuttonimaging->setLinboDialog( (linboDialog*)(multicastbox) );
multicastbuttonimaging->setQDialog( (QDialog*)(multicastbox) );
autoinitcache = 0;
// this button MUSTN't have a parent, otherwise we get a artifact button
// inside the imaging tab
linbopushbutton *autoinitcachebutton = new linbopushbutton(0);
// this invisible button is needed für autoinitcache
if( config.get_autoinitcache() ) {
autoinitcachebutton->setTextBrowser( config.get_consolefontcolorstdout(),
Console );
autoinitcachebutton->setMainApp(this );
autoinitcachebutton->setProgress( true );
autoinitcachebutton->setCommand( mkcacheinitcommand( config, elements, config.get_downloadtype() ) );
autoinitcache = autoinitcachebutton;
// assign button to button list
p_buttons.push_back( multicastbuttonimaging );
buttons_config.push_back( 1 );
partitionView->addChild( multicastbuttonimaging, 15, 59 );
// Partition button - Imaging tab
linbopushbutton *partitionbutton = new linbopushbutton( partitionView->viewport() );
// left-align graphics and text
partitionbutton->setStyleSheet("QPushButton{text-align : left; padding-left: 5px;}");
partitionbutton->setGeometry( QRect( 15, 91, 130, 30 ) );
partitionbutton->setText( QString("Partitionieren") );
partitionbutton->setTextBrowser( config.get_consolefontcolorstdout(),
Console );
partitionbutton->setMainApp(this );
partitionbutton->setEnabled( true );
// add tooltip and icon
QToolTip::add( partitionbutton, QString("Partitioniert die Festplatte neu") );
if( withicons )
partitionbutton->setIconSet( QIcon( ":/icons/partition-22x22.png" ) );
linboYesNoImpl *yesNoPartition = new linboYesNoImpl( partitionbutton);
yesNoPartition->question->setText("Alle Daten auf der Festplatte löschen?");
yesNoPartition->setTextBrowser( config.get_consolefontcolorstdout(),
Console );
yesNoPartition->setMainApp(this );
autopartition = 0;
linbopushbutton *autopartitionbutton = new linbopushbutton();
// this invisible button is needed f?r autopartition
if( config.get_autopartition() ) {
autopartitionbutton->setTextBrowser( config.get_consolefontcolorstdout(),
Console );
autopartitionbutton->setMainApp(this );
autopartitionbutton->setProgress( true );
// here we set whether a partition should be automatically formatted after
// the partition table has been overwritten
if( config.get_autoformat() )
autopartition = autopartitionbutton;
autopartitionbutton->setHidden( true );
partitionbutton->setProgress( false );
partitionbutton->setLinboDialog( (linboDialog*)(yesNoPartition) );
partitionbutton->setQDialog( (QDialog*)(yesNoPartition) );
partitionView->addChild( partitionbutton, 15, 91 );
// assign button to button list
p_buttons.push_back( partitionbutton );
buttons_config.push_back( 1 );
// RegisterBox button - Imaging tab
linbopushbutton *registerbutton = new linbopushbutton( partitionView->viewport() );
// left-align graphics and text
registerbutton->setStyleSheet("QPushButton{text-align : left; padding-left: 5px;}");
registerbutton->setGeometry( QRect( 15, 123, 130, 30 ) );
registerbutton->setText( QString("Registrieren") );
registerbutton->setTextBrowser( config.get_consolefontcolorstdout(),
Console );
registerbutton->setMainApp(this );
registerbutton->setEnabled( true );
// add tooltip and icon
QToolTip::add( registerbutton, QString("Öffnet den Registrierungsdialog zur Aufnahme neuer Rechner") );
if( withicons )
registerbutton->setIconSet( QIcon( ":/icons/register-22x22.png") );
linboRegisterBoxImpl *registerBox = new linboRegisterBoxImpl( registerbutton );
registerBox->setTextBrowser( config.get_consolefontcolorstdout(),
Console );
registerBox->setMainApp(this );
//cout << "Preregister command";
command = LINBO_CMD("preregister");
saveappend( command, config.get_server() );
registerBox->setPreCommand( command );
//cout << "Register Command";
command = LINBO_CMD("register");
saveappend( command, config.get_server() );
saveappend( command, QString("linbo") );
saveappend( command, QString("password") );
saveappend( command, QString("clientRoom") );
saveappend( command, QString("clientName") );
saveappend( command, QString("clientIP") );
saveappend( command, QString("clientGroup") );
registerBox->setCommand( command );
registerbutton->setProgress( false );
registerbutton->setLinboDialog( (linboDialog*)(registerBox) );
registerbutton->setQDialog( (QDialog*)(registerBox) );
partitionView->addChild( registerbutton, 15, 123 );
// assign button to button list
p_buttons.push_back( registerbutton );
buttons_config.push_back( 1 );
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < p_buttons.size(); i++ ) {
buttons_config_save.push_back( p_buttons[i]->isEnabled() );
myLPasswordBox = new linboPasswordBoxImpl( this );
myQPasswordBox = (QDialog*)(myLPasswordBox);
myLPasswordBox->setMainApp(this );
myLPasswordBox->setTextBrowser( config.get_consolefontcolorstdout(),
Console );
// Code for detecting tab changes
connect( Tabs, SIGNAL(currentChanged( QWidget* )),
this, SLOT(tabWatcher( QWidget* )) );
// create process for our status bar
process = new QProcess( this );
/* connect( process, SIGNAL(readyReadStandardOutput()),
this, SLOT(readFromStdout()) );
connect( process, SIGNAL(readyReadStandardError()),
this, SLOT(readFromStderr()) );
// we don't want to see this on the LINBO Console
outputvisible = false;
// client ip
command = LINBO_CMD("ip");
// myprocess->setArguments( command );
process->start( command.join(" ") );
while( !process->waitForFinished(10000) ) {
clientIPLabel->setText( fonttemplate.arg(QString("Client IP: ") + process->readAllStandardOutput() ) );
// server ip
// serverIPLabel->setText( QString(" Server IP: ") + config.get_server() );
// mac address
command = LINBO_CMD("mac");
process->start( command.join(" ") );
while( !process->waitForFinished(10000) ) {
macLabel->setText( fonttemplate.arg(QString("MAC: ") + process->readAllStandardOutput() ) );
// Server and Version
// hostname and hostgroup
command = LINBO_CMD("version");
// myprocess->setArguments( command );
process->start( command.join(" ") );
while( !process->waitForFinished(10000) ) {
versionLabel->setText( (process->readAllStandardOutput()).stripWhiteSpace() + QString(" - (mod by Dorian Zedler) - auf Server ") + config.get_server());
// hostname and hostgroup
command = LINBO_CMD("hostname");
// myprocess->setArguments( command );
process->start( command.join(" ") );
while( !process->waitForFinished(10000) ) {
nameLabel->setText( fonttemplate.arg(QString("Host: ") + process->readAllStandardOutput() ) );
groupLabel->setText( fonttemplate.arg(QString("Gruppe: ") + config.get_hostgroup() ) );
// our clock displaying the system time
myTimer = new QTimer(this);
connect( myTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(processTimeout()) );
myTimer->start( 1000, FALSE );
// CPU
command = LINBO_CMD("cpu");
// myprocess->setArguments( command );
process->start( command.join(" ") );
while( !process->waitForFinished(10000) ) {
cpuLabel->setText( fonttemplate.arg(QString("CPU: ") + process->readAllStandardOutput() ) );
// Memory
command = LINBO_CMD("memory");
process->start( command.join(" ") );
while( !process->waitForFinished(10000) ) {
memLabel->setText( fonttemplate.arg(QString("RAM: ") + process->readAllStandardOutput() ) );
// Cache Size
command = LINBO_CMD("size");
saveappend( command, config.get_cache() );
process->start( command.join(" ") );
while( !process->waitForFinished(10000) ) {
cacheLabel->setText( fonttemplate.arg(QString("Cache: ") + process->readAllStandardOutput() ) );
// Harddisk Size
QRegExp *removePartition = new QRegExp("[0-9]{1,2}");
QString hd = config.get_cache();
hd.remove( *removePartition );
command = LINBO_CMD("size");
saveappend( command, hd );
process->start( command.join(" ") );
while( !process->waitForFinished(10000) ) {
hdLabel->setText( fonttemplate.arg(QString("HD: ") + process->readAllStandardOutput() ) );
// enable console output again
outputvisible = true;
// select start tab
void linboGUIImpl::processTimeout() {
timeLabel->setText( fonttemplate.arg(QTime::currentTime().toString() ) );
void linboGUIImpl::log( const QString& data ) {
// write to our logfile
QFile logfile( logfilepath ); QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Append );
Q3TextStream logstream( &logfile );
logstream << data << "\n";
void linboGUIImpl::readFromStdout()
// TODO: reactivate log
// log( linestdout );
if( outputvisible ) {
logConsole->writeStdOut( process->readAllStandardOutput() );
void linboGUIImpl::readFromStderr()
// TODO: reactivate log
// log( linestderr );
if( outputvisible ) {
logConsole->writeStdErr( process->readAllStandardError() );
void linboGUIImpl::executeAutostart() {
// if there is "autopartition" set, execute the hidden button
if( autopartition )
// if there is "autoinitcache" set, execute the hidden button
if( autoinitcache )
// if there is a with "autostart" declared image, execute the hidden button
if( autostart != 0 ) {
if( autostarttimeout > 0 ) {
myAutostartTimer = new QTimer(0);
myAutostartTimer->start( 1000, FALSE );
myCounter = new linboCounterImpl(this);
myCounter->text->setText("Autostart in...");
myCounter->logoutButton->setText("Autostart abbrechen");
myCounter->counter->display( autostarttimeout );
// connect( myCounter->logoutButton, SIGNAL(pressed()), app, SLOT(resetButtons()) );
connect( myCounter->logoutButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), myAutostartTimer, SLOT(stop()) );
connect( myAutostartTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(autostartTimeoutSlot()) );
myCounter->move( QPoint( 5, 5 ) );
} else {
void linboGUIImpl::autostartTimeoutSlot() {
if( !myCounter->timeoutCheck->isChecked() ) {
// do nothing but dont stop timer
else {
if( autostarttimeout > 0 ) {
myCounter->counter->display( autostarttimeout );
} else {
void linboGUIImpl::tabWatcher( QWidget* currentWidget) {
if( !isRoot() ) {
if( Tabs->tabLabel(currentWidget) == "Imaging" ) {
// if our partition button is disabled, there is a linbo_cmd running
if( p_buttons[ ( p_buttons.size() - 1 ) ]->isEnabled() ) {
Tabs->setCurrentPage( preTab );
myQPasswordBox->setEnabled( true );
else {
Tabs->setCurrentPage( preTab );
if( (Tabs->count() - 1) != Tabs->currentPageIndex() )
preTab = Tabs->currentPageIndex();
bool linboGUIImpl::isRoot() const {
return root;
void linboGUIImpl::showImagingTab() {
Tabs->setCurrentPage( (Tabs->count() - 1) );