#ifndef speedclock_H #define speedclock_H #define STATS_PLOTS_EVERY_MS 1000 // plots statistical values all number of milli seconds .... 0 menas no plot //-------------- defines for the radio devices NRF24 --------------------------------------------------------- #define STATION_SEL0 9 // this 9 for Nano #define STATION_SEL1 10 // this 10 for Nano typedef enum {BASESTATION = 0, TOPSTATION} radio_type_e; #define RF24_CNS 7 // this is 7 for the Nano, D4 for the ESP #define RF24_CE 8 // this is 8 for the Nano, D3 for the ESP #define RF24_PA_LEVEL RF24_PA_LOW // sending power level RF24_PA_LOW, RF24_PA_HIGH???? //--------------- defines for the I2C //#define SCL A5 // I2C clock pin //#define SDA A4 // I2C data pin //--------------- define the structure and type of data that sender and receiver will exchange ---------------- typedef struct transcv_struct{ unsigned long topstationtime; // the top station sends its time (millis()) continously to the base station volatile unsigned long topbuttonpressedtime; // the top station sends the time in millis() when the button was pressed - this is already the calculated time }transcv_s; #define MIN_DELAY_BETWEEN_SEND_MS 1000 // this defines the time in milliseconds before the next set of data will be send to the base station - except the button was pressed. #define CONN_TIMEOUT 5000 // if there was no data received from the TOPSTATION for that amount of time - the connection is flagged as lost #define KEY_BOUNCE_MS 50 // the time we use to avoid keybouncing ... #define KEY_LONGPRESSED_MS 1000 #define KEY_TOGGLE_MS 500 // the time between to key actions ... #define BUTTON_NOTPRESSED HIGH #define BUTTON_PRESSED LOW #define BUTTON_LONGPRESSED 3 typedef enum {BUTTON_STOPCANCEL = 0, BUTTON_START, BUTTON_FAIL,NO_LAST_BUTTON} button_number_e; const uint8_t BUTTONPins[NO_LAST_BUTTON] = { [BUTTON_STOPCANCEL] = 2, // stop/cancel button input pin [BUTTON_START] = 4, // start button input pin [BUTTON_FAIL] = 3, // stop button input pin }; #define MIN_DELAY_BETWEEN_PRESSED_MS 500 // this defines the time in milliseconds before the button is expected to be pressed again. We do this to avaoid keybouncing #define PIEZO_PIN 6 // piezo speaker #define DISPLAY_I2C_ADDRESS 0x3C //Adress of the Display typedef enum {TIMER_INIT = 0, TIMER_NOCONNECTION, TIMER_IDLE, TIMER_READY, TIMER_STARTED, TIMER_RUNNING , TIMER_CANCELLED, TIMER_STOPPED, TIMER_TIMEDOUT, TIMER_FAIL, TIMER_WAIT, TIMER_SETTINGS} timer_state_e; typedef enum {MODE_COMPETE = 0, MODE_TRAINING, MODE_CALIBRATION, NO_LAST_MODE} timer_mode_e; // compete - full mode with false start detector, training - no false start detection, calibration - parellel wired connection between top and base to kalibrate the offset calculation of the wireless connection const char timer_mode_short[NO_LAST_MODE] = {[MODE_COMPETE]='F',[MODE_TRAINING]='T',[MODE_CALIBRATION]='C'}; const String timer_mode_string[NO_LAST_MODE] = {[MODE_COMPETE]="Competetion",[MODE_TRAINING]=" Training ",[MODE_CALIBRATION]="Calibration"}; #define LED_BLINK_ALL_MS 500 // LED set to BLINK will change there state every number of milli seconds specified here // READY_LED, WARN_LED, RUN_LED, FAIL_LED typedef enum {READY_LED = 0, RUN_LED, FAIL_LED, WARN_LED ,NO_LAST_LED} led_number_e; // leave NO_LAST_LED as last element - its our marker ... const uint8_t LEDPins[NO_LAST_LED] = { [READY_LED] =A2, // green ready LED [RUN_LED] =A0, // blue run LED [FAIL_LED] =A3, // red fail LED [WARN_LED] =A1 // yellow warn LED }; typedef enum {LED_OFF = 0, LED_ON, LED_BLINK } led_state_e; const uint8_t LEDStates[][NO_LAST_LED] = { [TIMER_INIT] = {[READY_LED]=LED_OFF, [RUN_LED]=LED_OFF, [FAIL_LED]=LED_BLINK ,[WARN_LED]=LED_OFF}, // 0 [TIMER_NOCONNECTION] = {[READY_LED]=LED_OFF, [RUN_LED]=LED_OFF, [FAIL_LED]=LED_ON, [WARN_LED]=LED_OFF}, // 1 [TIMER_IDLE] = {[READY_LED]=LED_ON, [RUN_LED]=LED_OFF, [FAIL_LED]=LED_OFF, [WARN_LED]=LED_OFF}, // 2 [TIMER_READY] = {[READY_LED]=LED_BLINK, [RUN_LED]=LED_OFF, [FAIL_LED]=LED_OFF, [WARN_LED]=LED_OFF}, // 3 [TIMER_STARTED] = {[READY_LED]=LED_ON, [RUN_LED]=LED_ON, [FAIL_LED]=LED_OFF, [WARN_LED]=LED_OFF}, // 4 [TIMER_RUNNING] = {[READY_LED]=LED_OFF, [RUN_LED]=LED_ON, [FAIL_LED]=LED_OFF, [WARN_LED]=LED_OFF}, // 5 [TIMER_CANCELLED] = {[READY_LED]=LED_OFF, [RUN_LED]=LED_OFF, [FAIL_LED]=LED_ON, [WARN_LED]=LED_OFF}, // 6 [TIMER_STOPPED] = {[READY_LED]=LED_ON, [RUN_LED]=LED_ON, [FAIL_LED]=LED_OFF, [WARN_LED]=LED_OFF}, // 7 [TIMER_TIMEDOUT] = {[READY_LED]=LED_OFF, [RUN_LED]=LED_ON, [FAIL_LED]=LED_ON, [WARN_LED]=LED_OFF}, // 8 [TIMER_FAIL] = {[READY_LED]=LED_OFF, [RUN_LED]=LED_BLINK, [FAIL_LED]=LED_ON, [WARN_LED]=LED_OFF}, // 9 [TIMER_WAIT] = {[READY_LED]=LED_ON, [RUN_LED]=LED_ON, [FAIL_LED]=LED_ON, [WARN_LED]=LED_ON}, // 10 [TIMER_SETTINGS] = {[READY_LED]=LED_OFF, [RUN_LED]=LED_OFF, [FAIL_LED]=LED_OFF, [WARN_LED]=LED_ON} // 11 }; #define MAX_DIFFERENCE_OFFSET_MS 100 // 0,001sec is the maximum offset we allow between the current offset and the mean offset. if it is more - restart offset calculation #define REQUIRED_NUMBER_MEANVALS 100 // we need at least this number of meanvalues to be ready to start a run #define MAX_ALLOWED_FAILED_OFFSETS 10 // if more than this number of offsets are out of the specified MAX_DIFFERENCE_OFFSET_MS value, offset calcultion will be restarted #define STARTSEQ_STEPS 4 const uint8_t STARTSEQ_NOTES[] = {0,392,392,1047}; // tone frequence const uint16_t STARTSEQ_DURATION[] = {0,200,200,100}; // tone duration in milliseconds const unsigned long STARTSEQ_PAUSE[] = {1000000,1000000,1000000,100000}; // pause between tones in microseconds #define STARTSEQ_LENGTH_MS 3100 // the length of the start sequence from the time the button was pressed ... includes the 3 tones #define FAILSEQ_STEPS 2 const uint8_t FAILSEQ_NOTES[] = {49,49}; // tone frequence const uint16_t FAILSEQ_DURATION[] = {300,300}; // tone duration in milliseconds const unsigned long FAILSEQ_PAUSE[] = {400000,400000}; // pause between tones in microseconds #define TIMER_MAX_TIME 99999 #define TIMER_TIMEOUT 20000 //--------------------------------------- function declarations ---------------------------------------------- void receive_values(void); void false_start_isr(void); void update_screen(timer_state_e state); void set_state_LEDs(timer_state_e state, boolean warn); void startSequence(void); void update_statemessage(timer_state_e timer_state); void failSequence(void); void wait(unsigned long ms); void start_isr(void); void update_buttons(void); void send_values(void); void stop_isr(void); #endif