#include /*! * This example show some examples to use the Log library * * Have fun * mrRobot@web.de */ // we need a Log object #define LOGLEVEL LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG int myInt1, myInt2; long myLong1, myLong2; bool myBool1, myBool2; char* myString = "this is a string"; void setup() { Log.Init(LOGLEVEL, 38400L); Log.Info(CR"******************************************"CR); Log.Info("My favorite output stuff in future :-)"CR); Log.Info("******************************************"CR); myInt1 = 232; myInt2 = 32199; myLong1 = 99403020; myLong2 = 45021; myBool1 = true; myBool2 = !myBool1; } void loop() { Log.Info("Display my integers myInt1 %d, myInt2 %d"CR, myInt1, myInt2); Log.Info("Display as hex myInt1=%x, myInt1=%X"CR, myInt1, myInt1); Log.Info("Display as hex myInt2=%x, myInt2=%X"CR, myInt2, myInt2); Log.Info("Display as binary myInt1=%b, myInt1=%B"CR, myInt1, myInt1); Log.Info("Display as binary myInt2=%b, myInt2=%B"CR, myInt2, myInt2); Log.Info("Display my longs myLong1 %l, myLong2=%l"CR, myLong1, myLong2); Log.Info("Display my bool myBool1=%t, myBool2=%T"CR, myBool1, myBool2); Log.Info("Output: %s"CR, myString); Log.Error("is this an real error? %T"CR, myBool2); Log.Debug("%d, %d, %l, %l, %t, %T"CR, myInt1, myInt2, myLong1, myLong2, myBool1, myBool2); Log.Info(CR"have fun with this Log"CR); delay(5000); }