#include #include //#include "fonts.h" #include #include "SSD1306Ascii.h" #include "SSD1306AsciiWire.h" #include "RF24.h" #include "speedclock.h" #include "pitch.h" // internal defines for the OLED display ... SSD1306AsciiWire display; /****************** User Config for NRF24***************************/ /*** Set this radio as radio number RADIO0 or RADIO1 ***/ radio_type_e stationNumber = BASESTATION; //---> TOPSTATION has the button connected, BASESTATION is the default ... uint8_t radio_sel0, radio_sel1; // code of type of station /* Hardware configuration: Set up nRF24L01 radio on SPI bus plus pins 7 & 8 */ RF24 radio(RF24_CNS,RF24_CE); /**********************************************************/ byte addresses[][12] = {"top_station","basestation"}; // Radio pipe addresses for the 2 nodes to communicate. unsigned long counter_time_offset = 0; // number of used values for the mean value calculation signed long sum_time_offset = 0; // sum of offset values signed long mean_time_offset = 0; // mean value for the offset signed long current_time_offset = 0; // current offset ... signed long running_time_offset = 0; // offset that will be used for this run ... unsigned long start_time = 0; // if the timer is running this is that start time ... unsigned long runner_start_time = 0; // this is the time the runner left the pad - so the status of the falsetstart pin goes to high again - but this is OK and a real start signed long runner_run_time = 0; // this is the time the runner really needed or the time started to early - depending on sign ... unsigned long run_time = 0; // if the timer is running this is that start time ... boolean warn_during_run = false; // will be set to true if there is a warning during the run - usually an offset sync error unsigned long connection_established = 0; boolean topbuttonwaspressed = false; timer_state_e timer_state = TIMER_WAIT; // timer needs to be initialized ... timer_state_e timer_new_state = TIMER_INIT; // timer needs to be initialized ... transcv_s radio_data; void setup(){ Serial.begin(115200); // this is the top button - will be pressed by the speed climber as soon she/he reaches the top ... pinMode(STOPBUTTON_IN, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(STARTBUTTON_IN, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(CANCELBUTTON_IN, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(FAILSTARTBUTTON_IN, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(WARN_LED, OUTPUT); pinMode(FAIL_LED, OUTPUT); pinMode(READY_LED, OUTPUT); // Get the station type (base or top) as set by the station select pin - BASESTATION is default pinMode(STATION_SEL0, INPUT); pinMode(STATION_SEL0, INPUT); radio_sel0 = digitalRead(STATION_SEL0); radio_sel1 = digitalRead(STATION_SEL1); Serial.print(F(" The station select[1,0] pins (pin ")); Serial.print(STATION_SEL0); Serial.print(F(",")); Serial.print(STATION_SEL1); Serial.print(F(") are set to level: '")); Serial.print(radio_sel0); Serial.print(radio_sel1); Serial.println("'"); if((radio_sel0 == 1) & (radio_sel1 == 0)){ stationNumber = TOPSTATION; Serial.println(F("The level of the station select pin makes the current node set to the TOPSTATION.")); } else{ Serial.println(F("The level of the station select pin makes the current node set to the BASESTATION")); } // Setup and configure the NRF radio // radio setup ... radio.begin(); radio.setRetries(15, 15); //the first is the time between reties in multiple of 250ms, the second is the numer of attempts if(stationNumber == TOPSTATION){ radio.openWritingPipe(addresses[1]); // Both radios listen on the same pipes by default, but opposite addresses radio.openReadingPipe(1,addresses[0]); // Open a reading pipe on address 0, pipe 1 radio.stopListening(); // top station will never receive data. }else{ radio.openWritingPipe(addresses[0]); radio.openReadingPipe(1,addresses[1]); radio.startListening(); } radio_data.topstationtime = millis(); // set the current milli second count radio_data.topbuttonpressedtime = 0; // set the time the button was pressed last time to 0 //initialise Wire and OLED Wire.begin(); Wire.setClock(400000L); display.begin(&Adafruit128x64, DISPLAY_I2C_ADDRESS); display.clear(); } void loop(void) { /****************** Code for the TOPSTATION is here - the stop button is connected to the top station ***************************/ if (stationNumber == TOPSTATION){ // Radio is the top station and sends continously its time and the time the stop button was pressed. // check for pressed button ... if(topbuttonwaspressed == false){ if( (millis() - radio_data.topbuttonpressedtime) > MIN_DELAY_BETWEEN_PRESSED_MS){ // ignore if the button was "pressed" a few millis before - this is keybouncing and would give a false result and if the button is pressed for a longer time that would effect the time as well if(digitalRead(STOPBUTTON_IN) == STOPBUTTON_PRESSED){ // button was pressed - store the time radio_data.topbuttonpressedtime = millis(); topbuttonwaspressed = true; Serial.print("Stopp button was pressed at:"); Serial.println(radio_data.topbuttonpressedtime); digitalWrite(RUN_LED, RUN_LED_ON); } } } else { if(digitalRead(STOPBUTTON_IN) != STOPBUTTON_PRESSED){ topbuttonwaspressed = false; digitalWrite(RUN_LED, RUN_LED_OFF); } } // if the button was not pressed only each few second data will be send to BASESTATION ... if(topbuttonwaspressed || ((millis()-radio_data.topstationtime) >= MIN_DELAY_BETWEEN_SEND_MS)){ // store current millis to be send as reference ... radio_data.topstationtime = millis(); // set the current milli second count Serial.print(millis()); Serial.print("ms - Send data to bottom station: topstationtime: "); Serial.print( radio_data.topstationtime ); Serial.print(" stoppressedtime: "); Serial.print( radio_data.topbuttonpressedtime ); if(topbuttonwaspressed) { Serial.println(" .Stopp button was pressed."); } else { Serial.println(" .Stopp button was NOT pressed."); } // send data ... if (!radio.write(&radio_data,sizeof(radio_data) )){ // Send the counter variable to the other radio Serial.println(F("Failed to send data to BASESSTATION ... will retry")); digitalWrite(FAIL_LED, FAIL_LED_ON); digitalWrite(READY_LED, READY_LED_OFF); } else { Serial.println("Data sent to BASESSTATION"); digitalWrite(FAIL_LED, FAIL_LED_OFF); digitalWrite(READY_LED, READY_LED_ON); } } } /****************** Code for the BASESTATION is here - the display and the start button is connected here. All caclulation will be done here ***************************/ if ( stationNumber == BASESTATION ) { byte pipeNo; // read data from TOP_STATION ... if( radio.available()){ // check if radio data is available - if so read the data connection_established = millis(); while( radio.available(&pipeNo)){ // Read all available payloads radio.read( &radio_data, sizeof(radio_data) ); // Read the data the TOPSTATION sent } current_time_offset = radio_data.topstationtime - millis(); // the offset between TOP_STATION and BASESTATION Serial.print("Current time on host in millis:"); Serial.print(millis()); Serial.print(F(" Current time on client in millis: ")); Serial.println(radio_data.topstationtime); Serial.print("Offset is: "); Serial.println(current_time_offset); Serial.print(F(" Button was pressed last time on client in millis: ")); Serial.println(radio_data.topbuttonpressedtime); } // offset calculation ... only needed if the variation is bigger than allowed or not enough values available already ... // check current offset of the TOP_STATIOn and the BASESTATION if more than allowed ... if(counter_time_offset == 0){ mean_time_offset = current_time_offset; } if(abs(current_time_offset - mean_time_offset) < MAX_DIFFERENCE_OFFSET_MS){ // the offset is in range - check if we have already enough values of if we need to add more ... if(counter_time_offset <= REQUIRED_NUMBER_MEANVALS){ //add the next value to meanvalue calculation ... sum_time_offset = sum_time_offset + current_time_offset; counter_time_offset++; mean_time_offset = sum_time_offset/counter_time_offset; Serial.print(F("Offset calulation. We already have ")); Serial.print(counter_time_offset); Serial.print(F(" of ")); Serial.print(REQUIRED_NUMBER_MEANVALS); Serial.print(F(" values used for offset calculation. Mean value of offset based on that is: ")); Serial.println(mean_time_offset); } } else { // the current offset is out of range so we need to restart the mean calculation and set the timer to unready state ... Serial.print("Difference current offset is "); Serial.println( abs(current_time_offset - mean_time_offset) ); Serial.print(F("Will restart offset calculation because the variation of the current offset: ")); Serial.print(current_time_offset); Serial.print(F(" is more than the allowed: ")); Serial.print(MAX_DIFFERENCE_OFFSET_MS); Serial.print(F(" compared to the mean offset: ")); Serial.println(mean_time_offset); counter_time_offset = 0; sum_time_offset = 0; mean_time_offset = 0; } // set state to new_state if(timer_state != timer_new_state){ update_statemessage(timer_new_state); } update_screen(timer_new_state); timer_state = timer_new_state; // set LEDs set_state_LEDs(timer_state, warn_during_run ); switch(timer_state){ case TIMER_INIT: // check if we are ready ... if(counter_time_offset > REQUIRED_NUMBER_MEANVALS){ // check if offset is OK - if not .. set state back to INIT timer_new_state = TIMER_IDLE; } break; case TIMER_IDLE: warn_during_run = false; if(counter_time_offset < REQUIRED_NUMBER_MEANVALS){ // check if offset is OK - if not .. set state back to INIT timer_new_state = TIMER_INIT; } else{ // check if the FALSESTATE button is pressed - somebody is ready to run ... if(digitalRead(FAILSTARTBUTTON_IN) == FAILSTARTBUTTON_PRESSED){ //wait a few milliseconds to prevent keybouncing - this is a very simplistic method here delay(10); //read again and check if still active ... if(digitalRead(FAILSTARTBUTTON_IN) == FAILSTARTBUTTON_PRESSED){ timer_new_state = TIMER_READY; } } } break; case TIMER_READY: if(digitalRead(FAILSTARTBUTTON_IN) == FAILSTARTBUTTON_PRESSED){ // check if the start button was pressed ... there is at least still someone waiting for the run . if(digitalRead(STARTBUTTON_IN) == STARTBUTTON_PRESSED){ // now enable the interrupt for the FALSESTART button attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(FAILSTARTBUTTON_IN), false_start_isr, CHANGE); timer_new_state = TIMER_STARTED; } } else{ timer_new_state = TIMER_IDLE; } break; case TIMER_STARTED: //initialize the start countdown timer_new_state = TIMER_RUNNING; startSequence(); break; case TIMER_RUNNING: noTone(PIEZO_PIN); if(counter_time_offset < REQUIRED_NUMBER_MEANVALS){ // check if offset is still OK - if not .. set state to TIMER_RUNNING warn_during_run = true; } if(millis() - start_time > TIMER_TIMEOUT){ timer_new_state = TIMER_TIMEDOUT; } if(digitalRead(CANCELBUTTON_IN) == CANCELBUTTON_PRESSED){ timer_new_state = TIMER_CANCELLED; } Serial.println(radio_data.topbuttonpressedtime); if(radio_data.topbuttonpressedtime > running_time_offset){ if((radio_data.topbuttonpressedtime - running_time_offset) > start_time){ run_time = (radio_data.topbuttonpressedtime - running_time_offset) - start_time; runner_run_time = runner_start_time - run_time; timer_new_state = TIMER_STOPPED; } } break; case TIMER_STOPPED: //calculate the run_time and switch to WAIT delay(10); if(digitalRead(CANCELBUTTON_IN) != CANCELBUTTON_PRESSED){ timer_new_state = TIMER_WAIT; } break; case TIMER_FAIL: //fail start case .... failSequence(); run_time = 99999; runner_run_time = runner_start_time - start_time; delay(10); if(digitalRead(CANCELBUTTON_IN) != CANCELBUTTON_PRESSED){ timer_new_state = TIMER_WAIT; } break; case TIMER_CANCELLED: // what to do in chancel mode ? run_time = 99999; runner_run_time = runner_start_time - start_time; delay(10); if(digitalRead(CANCELBUTTON_IN) != CANCELBUTTON_PRESSED){ timer_new_state = TIMER_WAIT; } break; case TIMER_TIMEDOUT: // time out run_time = millis() - start_time; runner_run_time = runner_start_time - start_time; delay(10); if(digitalRead(CANCELBUTTON_IN) != CANCELBUTTON_PRESSED){ timer_new_state = TIMER_WAIT; } break; case TIMER_WAIT: // disable interrupt if not already done detachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(FAILSTARTBUTTON_IN)); // wait until the chancel button was pressed to go ahead if(digitalRead(CANCELBUTTON_IN) == CANCELBUTTON_PRESSED){ timer_new_state = TIMER_IDLE; } break; } } } //####################### HELPER FUNCTIONS ########################### void update_statemessage(timer_state_e timer_state){ switch(timer_state){ case TIMER_INIT: Serial.println("*** TIMER_INIT ***"); break; case TIMER_IDLE: Serial.println("*** TIMER_IDLE ***"); break; case TIMER_READY: Serial.println("*** TIMER_READY ***"); break; case TIMER_STARTED: Serial.println("*** TIMER_STARTED ***"); break; case TIMER_RUNNING: Serial.println("*** TIMER_RUNNING ***"); break; case TIMER_CANCELLED: Serial.println("*** TIMER_CANCELLED ***"); break; case TIMER_STOPPED: Serial.println("*** TIMER_STOPPED ***"); break; case TIMER_TIMEDOUT: Serial.println("*** TIMER_TIMEDOUT ***"); break; case TIMER_FAIL: Serial.println("*** TIMER_FAIL ***"); break; case TIMER_WAIT: Serial.println("*** TIMER_WAIT ***"); break; default: break; } } void update_screen(timer_state_e state){ bool scr_update = true; int ypos = 64-42/2; String header = "no state"; String content = ""; String footer = ""; char header_to_char[50]; char content_to_char[50]; char footer_to_char[50]; float curr_time_local = 0.0; switch(state){ case TIMER_INIT: header = "Init"; content = "..."; footer = "please wait"; break; case TIMER_IDLE: header = "Idle!"; content = "00.00 sec"; footer = "Waiting for climber"; break; case TIMER_READY: header = "Ready!"; content = "00.00 sec"; footer = "Waiting for start"; break; case TIMER_STARTED: header = "Starting ..."; content = "00.00 sec"; footer = "..."; break; case TIMER_RUNNING: header = "Running ..."; curr_time_local = (millis() - start_time)/1000.000; content = curr_time_local; content += " sec"; curr_time_local = (runner_start_time - start_time)/1000.000; footer = "Reaction time: "; footer += curr_time_local; footer += " sec"; break; case TIMER_CANCELLED: header = "Cancelled!"; break; case TIMER_STOPPED: header = "Stopped!"; curr_time_local = run_time/1000.000; content = curr_time_local; content += " sec"; curr_time_local = (runner_start_time - start_time)/1000.000; footer = "Reaction time: "; footer += curr_time_local; footer += " sec"; break; case TIMER_TIMEDOUT: header = "Timed out!"; content = "Invalid!"; break; case TIMER_FAIL: header = "False start!"; curr_time_local = (start_time - runner_start_time)/1000.000; content = curr_time_local; footer = "seconds too early"; break; default: scr_update = false; break; } if(scr_update == true){ if(timer_new_state != timer_state){ display.clear(0,200,0,0); display.clear(0,200,3,5); display.clear(0,200,7,7); } //snprintf( string_to_char, sizeof(string_to_char),"%s", header); header.toCharArray(header_to_char, sizeof(header_to_char)); content.toCharArray(content_to_char, sizeof(content_to_char)); footer.toCharArray(footer_to_char, sizeof(footer_to_char)); //Serial.print("DISPLAY: "); //Serial.println(string_to_char); display.setFont(System5x7); display.set1X(); int xpos = (128 - (display.strWidth(header_to_char)))/2 - 10; display.home(); display.setLetterSpacing(1); display.setCursor(64 - (display.strWidth(header_to_char) / 2), 0); display.print(header_to_char); display.setCursor(1,0); //check if there is a connection to the topstation if(millis() - connection_established >= CONN_TIMEOUT || connection_established == 0){ //if not remove the "Y" display.print(" "); } else { //if print the "Y" display.print("Y"); } display.setCursor(0,1); display.setLetterSpacing(0); display.print("----------------------------"); //end of the Header //display.setLetterSpacing(1); display.set2X(); display.setCursor(64 - (display.strWidth(content_to_char) / 2), 3); display.print(content_to_char); //end of the Content display.set1X(); display.setCursor(0,6); display.setLetterSpacing(0); display.print("----------------------------"); display.setCursor(64 - (display.strWidth(footer_to_char) / 2), 7); display.print(footer_to_char); } } void set_state_LEDs(timer_state_e state, boolean warn) { // set the LEDS corresponding to the state of the timer ... as long as the system is not waiting for input ... if(TIMER_WAIT != state){ digitalWrite(READY_LED, LEDStates[state][0]); digitalWrite(RUN_LED, LEDStates[state][1]); digitalWrite(FAIL_LED, LEDStates[state][2]); if(warn == true){ digitalWrite(WARN_LED, WARN_LED_ON); } else { digitalWrite(WARN_LED, WARN_LED_OFF); } } } void startSequence(void) { // set the startime - this is the current time plus the length of this sequence running_time_offset = mean_time_offset; start_time = millis() + STARTSEQ_LENGTH_MS; Serial.print("Start time is: "); Serial.println(start_time); // this is sequence of usually three tones after a wait time 1sec , in between the tones there is also a delay of 1 sec. Each tone is 200ms seconds long, except the last update_statemessage(timer_new_state); if(timer_new_state == TIMER_RUNNING){ wait(STARTSEQ_STARTPAUSE_MS); } // first tone update_statemessage(timer_new_state); if(timer_new_state == TIMER_RUNNING){ tone(PIEZO_PIN, STARTSEQ_TON_1_2_FREQUENCY,STARTSEQ_TON_1_2_LENGTH_MS ); wait(STARTSEQ_TONEPAUSE_MS); } //second tone update_statemessage(timer_new_state); if(timer_new_state == TIMER_RUNNING){ tone(PIEZO_PIN, STARTSEQ_TON_1_2_FREQUENCY,STARTSEQ_TON_1_2_LENGTH_MS ); wait(STARTSEQ_TONEPAUSE_MS); } //third tone update_statemessage(timer_new_state); if(timer_new_state == TIMER_RUNNING){ tone(PIEZO_PIN, STARTSEQ_TON_3_FREQUENCY,STARTSEQ_TON_3_LENGTH_MS ); wait(STARTSEQ_TON_3_LENGTH_MS); } } void failSequence(void) { // first tone tone(PIEZO_PIN, FAILSEQ_TON_FREQUENCY,FAILSEQ_TON_LENGTH_MS ); delay(FAILSEQ_TONEPAUSE_MS); //second tone tone(PIEZO_PIN, FAILSEQ_TON_FREQUENCY,FAILSEQ_TON_LENGTH_MS ); delay(FAILSEQ_TONEPAUSE_MS); noTone(PIEZO_PIN); } void false_start_isr(void) { // this is the interrupt routine for the FALSESTART button // this will save the time when the runner is really started Serial.println("** Interrupt service routine started: false_start_ISR **"); runner_start_time = millis(); if((timer_state == TIMER_STARTED) & (timer_new_state == TIMER_RUNNING)){ timer_new_state = TIMER_FAIL; noTone(PIEZO_PIN); Serial.println("** Interrupt service routine detected false_start. Set new state to TIMER_FAIL **"); update_statemessage(timer_new_state); detachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(FAILSTARTBUTTON_IN)); } else { if((timer_state == TIMER_RUNNING) | (timer_new_state == TIMER_RUNNING) ){ // disable this interrupt; detachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(FAILSTARTBUTTON_IN)); } } } void wait(unsigned long ms){ unsigned long current = 0; unsigned long started = millis(); do{ current = millis()-started; }while(current < ms); }