#include #include //#include "fonts.h" #include #include "RF24.h" #include "speedclock.h" // internal defines for the OLED display ... U8G2_SSD1306_128X64_NONAME_1_SW_I2C display(U8G2_R0, /* clock=*/ SCL, /* data=*/ SDA, /* reset=*/ U8X8_PIN_NONE); // All Boards without Reset of the Display /****************** User Config for NRF24***************************/ /*** Set this radio as radio number RADIO0 or RADIO1 ***/ radio_type_e radioNumber = BASESTATION; //---> TOPSTATION has the button connected /* Hardware configuration: Set up nRF24L01 radio on SPI bus plus pins 7 & 8 */ RF24 radio(RF24_CNS,RF24_CE); /**********************************************************/ byte addresses[][12] = {"top_station","basestation"}; // Radio pipe addresses for the 2 nodes to communicate. unsigned long counter_time_offset = 0; // number of used values for the mean value calculation unsigned long sum_time_offset = 0; // sum of offset values unsigned long mean_time_offset = 0; // mean value for the offset unsigned long current_time_offset = 0; // current offset ... unsigned long running_time_offset = 0; // offset that will be used for this run ... unsigned long start_time = 0; // if the timer is running this is that start time ... unsigned long run_time = 0; // if the timer is running this is that start time ... boolean warn_during_run = false; // will be set to true if there is a warning during the run - usually an offset sync error timer_state_e timer_state = TIMER_INIT; // timer needs to be initialized ... // timer is ready to be started ... // will be true if the timer was started // will be true if the timer is running and the stopbutton was pressed at the TOPSTATION // will be true if the timeout of the timer is reached // will be true if the chancel button was pressed - e.g. in case of a early start transcv_s radio_data; void setup(){ Serial.begin(115200); // this is the top button - will be pressed by the speed climber as soon she/he reaches the top ... pinMode(STOPBUTTON_IN, INPUT); pinMode(STARTBUTTON_IN, INPUT); pinMode(CHANCELBUTTON_IN, INPUT); pinMode(FAILSTARTBUTTON_IN, INPUT); pinMode(WARN_LED, OUTPUT); pinMode(FAIL_LED, OUTPUT); pinMode(READY_LED, OUTPUT); // Get the station type (base or top) as set by the station select pin - BASESTATION is default pinMode(STATION_SEL, INPUT); Serial.print(F(" The station select pin (pin ")); Serial.print(STATION_SEL); Serial.print(F(") is set to level: ")); Serial.println(RADIO_SEL); if(digitalRead(RADIO_SEL) == HIGH){ stationNumber = TOPSTATION; Serial.print(F("The level of the station select pin makes the current node set to the TOPSTATION.")); } else{ Serial.print(F("The level of the station select pin makes the current node set to the BASESTATION")); } // Setup and configure the NRF radio // radio setup ... radio.begin(); radio.setRetries(15, 15); //the first is the time between reties in multiple of 250ms, the second is the numer of attempts if(stationNumber == TOPSTATION){ radio.openWritingPipe(addresses[1]); // Both radios listen on the same pipes by default, but opposite addresses radio.openReadingPipe(1,addresses[0]); // Open a reading pipe on address 0, pipe 1 radio.stopListening(); // top station will never receive data. }else{ radio.openWritingPipe(addresses[0]); radio.openReadingPipe(1,addresses[1]); } radio.startListening(); // Start listening radio_data.topstationtime = millis(); // set the current milli second count radio_data.topbuttonpressedtime = 0; // set the time the button was pressed last time to 0 //initialise OLED and display Welcome Message ... display.begin(); } void loop(void) { /****************** Code for the TOPSTATION is here - the stop button is connected to the top station ***************************/ if (stationNumber == TOPSTATION){ // Radio is the top station and sends continously its time and the time the stop button was pressed. bool topbuttonwaspressed = false; // check for pressed button ... if( (millis() - radio_data.topbuttonpressedtime) > MIN_DELAY_BETWEEN_PRESSED_MS){ // ignore if the button was "pressed" a few millis before - this is keybouncing and would give a false result and if the button is pressed for a longer time that would effect the time as well if(digitalRead(STOPBUTTON_IN, STOPBUTTON_PRESSED)){ // button was pressed - store the time radio_data.topbuttonpressedtime = millis(); topbuttonwaspressed = true; } } // if the button was not pressed only each few second data will be send to BASESTATION ... if(topbuttonwaspressed || ((millis()-radio_data.topstationtime) >= MIN_DELAY_BETWEEN_SEND_MS)){ // store current millis to be send as reference ... radio_data.topstationtime = millis(); // set the current milli second count // send data ... if (!radio.write(&radio_data,sizeof(radio_data) )){ // Send the counter variable to the other radio Serial.println(F("Failed to send data to BASESSTATION ... will retry")); } } } /****************** Code for the BASESTATION is here - the display and the start button is connected here. All caclulation will be done here ***************************/ if ( stationNumber == BASESTATION ) { // read data from TOP_STATION ... if( radio.available()){ // check if radio data is available - if so read the data radio.read( &radio_data, sizeof(radio_data) ); // Read the data the TOPSTATION sent current_time_offset = radio_data.topstationtime - millis(); // the offset between TOP_STATION and BASESTATION Serial.print(F(" Current time on client in millis: ")); Serial.println(radio_data.topstationtime); Serial.print(F(" Button was pressed last time on client in millis: ")); Serial.println(radio_data.topbuttonpressedtime); } // offset calculation ... only needed if the variation is bigger than allowed or not enough values available already ... // check current offset of the TOP_STATIOn and the BASESTATION if more than allowed ... if(abs(current_time_offset - mean_time_offset) < MAX_DIFFERENCE_OFFSET_MS){ // the offset is in range - check if we have already enough values of if we need to add more ... if(counter_time_offset < REQUIRED_NUMBER_MEANVALS){ //add the next value to meanvalue calculation ... sum_time_offset = sum_time_offset + current_time_offset; counter_time_offset++; mean_time_offset = sum_time_offset/counter_time_offset; Serial.print(F("Offset calulation. We already have ")) Serial.print(counter_time_offset) Serial.print(F(" of ")); Serial.print(REQUIRED_NUMBER_MEANVALS); Serial.print(F(" values used for offset calculation. Mean value of offset based on that is: ")); Serial.println(mean_time_offset); } } else { // the current offset is out of range so we need to restart the mean calculation and set the timer to unready state ... Serial.print(F("Will restart offset calculation because the variation of the current offset: ")); Serial.print(current_time_offset); Serial.print(F(" is more than the allowed: ")); Serial.print(MAX_DIFFERENCE_OFFSET_MS); Serial.print(F(" compared to the mean offset: ")); Serial.println(mean_time_offset); counter_time_offset = 0; sum_time_offset = 0; mean_time_offset = 0; } // set LEDs set_state_LEDs(timer_state, warn_during_run ); switch(timer_state){ case TIMER_INIT: // check if we are ready ... if(counter_time_offset > REQUIRED_NUMBER_MEANVALS){ // check if offset is OK - if not .. set state back to INIT timer_state = TIMER_READY; } break; case TIMER_READY: warn_during_run = false; if(counter_time_offset < REQUIRED_NUMBER_MEANVALS){ // check if offset is OK - if not .. set state back to INIT timer_state = TIMER_INIT; } else{ // check if the FALSESTATE button is pressed - somebody is ready to run ... if(digitalRead(FAILSTARTBUTTON_IN, FAILSTARTBUTTON_PRESSED)){ //wait a few milliseconds to prevent keybouncing - this is a very simplistic method here delay(300); //read again and check if still active ... if(digitalRead(FAILSTARTBUTTON_IN, FAILSTARTBUTTON_PRESSED)){ // check if the start button was pressed ... there is at least still someone waiting for the run . if(digitalRead(STARTBUTTON_IN, STARTBUTTON_PRESSED)){ timer_state = TIMER_STARTED; } } } } break; case TIMER_STARTED: //enable the interrupt for the FALSESTART button and start the StartSequence - no interruption possible here anymore, except the FALSESTART button was released to early //initialize the start countdown here ... if done set to RUNNING ... maybe check fail start already here ... ?? or in running state ... or extra state ... startSequence(); case TIMER_FAILCHECK: //check for fail start in this phase - interrupt is active, this state can only be reached from STARTED state ... if(start_time - millis() >= STARTOK_TOLERANCETIME_MS) { timer_state = TIMER_RUNNING; } break; case TIMER_RUNNING: if(counter_time_offset < REQUIRED_NUMBER_MEANVALS){ // check if offset is still OK - if not .. set state to TIMER_RUNNING warn_during_run = true; } if(digitalRead(CHANCELBUTTON_IN, CHANCELBUTTON_PRESSED)){ timer_state = TIMER_CHANCELED; } if((radio_data.topbuttonpressedtime - running_time_offset) > millis()){ timer_state = TIMER_STOPPED; } break; case TIMER_STOPPED: //calculate the run_time and switch to WAIT timer_state = TIMER_WAIT; break; case TIMER_FAIL: //fail start case .... timer_state = TIMER_WAIT; break; case TIMER_CHANCELED: // what to do in chancel mode ? timer_state = TIMER_WAIT; break; case TIMER_TIMEDOUT: // timer_state = TIMER_WAIT; break; case TIMER_WAIT: // wait until the start button was pressed to go ahead if(digitalRead(STARTBUTTON_IN, STARTBUTTON_PRESSED)){ timer_state = TIMER_READY; } break; } int ypos = 64-42/2; snprintf ( temp_string, sizeof(temp_string),"%d.%1d", int(client_data.temperature), int(abs(client_data.temperature - int(client_data.temperature))*10 + 0.5)); Serial.println(temp_string); display.setFontPosCenter(); display.setFont(u8g2_font_logisoso34_tn); int xpos = (128-display.getStrWidth(temp_string))/2 - 10; display.firstPage(); do { display.setFont(u8g2_font_logisoso34_tn); display.setCursor(xpos,ypos); display.print(temp_string); display.setCursor(xpos + display.getStrWidth(temp_string)+ 5,ypos-15); display.setFont(u8g2_font_ncenB12_tr); display.print(F("°C")); } while ( display.nextPage() ); } ///////////////////// if( radio.available(&pipeNo)){ while( radio.available(&pipeNo)){ // Read all available payloads radio.read( &control_data, sizeof(control_data) ); } radio.stopListening(); // First, stop listening so we can talk Serial.print(F("Got remote data counter: ")); Serial.print(control_data.counter); Serial.print(F(" time: ")); Serial.println(control_data.time); radio_data.counter = control_data.counter + 1; // Ack payloads are much more efficient than switching to transmit mode to respond to a call radio_data.time = control_data.time; Serial.print(F("Loaded next response ")); Serial.println(radio_data.counter); if( radio.write(&radio_data, sizeof(radio_data) )){ Serial.println(F("Sending failed.")); // If no ack response, sending failed //add error handling here if remote does not recieve the data anymore } radio.startListening(); } } } //####################### HELPER FUNCTIONS ########################### void set_state_LEDs(timer_state_e state, boolean warn) { // set the LEDS corresponding to the state of the timer ... as long as the system is not waiting for input ... if(TIMER_WAIT != state){ digitalWrite(READY_LED, LEDStates[state][0]}; digitalWrite(RUN_LED, LEDStates[state][1]}; digitalWrite(FAIL_LED, LEDStates[state][2]}; if(warn == true){ digitalWrite(WARN_LED, WARN_LED_ON}; } else { digitalWrite(WARN_LED, WARN_LED_OFF}; } } } void startSequence(void) { // first - enable the interrupt // set the startime - this is the current time plus the length of this sequence start_time = millis() + STARTSEQ_LENGTH_MS; running_time_offset = mean_time_offset; // this is sequence of usually three tones after a wait time 1sec , in between the tones there is also a delay of 1 sec. Each tone is 200ms seconds long, except the last delay(STARTSEQ_STARTPAUSE_MS); // first tone delay(STARTSEQ_TONEPAUSE_MS); //second tone delay(STARTSEQ_TONEPAUSE_MS); //third tone // disable the interrupt and than