// # Variables // Definitions for variables used throughout the app // ******************************************************* // ## Paths // Files paths to various assets // ******************************************************* // Path to static assets $path-to-assets : "/assets" !default; $path-font-awesome : "../gitbook/fonts/fontawesome" !default; // ******************************************************* // ## Colors // Definitions for colors used throughout the app // ******************************************************* // ### Brand colors // The primary accent color $color-primary : #ff4f4f !default; // ### Gray colors $color-gray-darkest : darken( white, 90% ) !default; $color-gray-darker : darken( white, 80% ) !default; $color-gray-dark : darken( white, 70% ) !default; $color-gray : darken( white, 60% ) !default; $color-gray-light : darken( white, 40% ) !default; $color-gray-lighter : darken( white, 20% ) !default; $color-gray-lightest : darken( white, 5% ) !default; // ### Graphic colors // The color of borders $color-border : $color-gray-lightest !default; // The text color of buttons $color-button : $color-gray-lighter; // The text color of buttons on hover $color-button-hover : $color-gray-dark; // ******************************************************* // ## Structure * // ... // ******************************************************* // The increment of padding used throughout the app $spacing-unit : 10px; // Anything above this width is no longer targetted for mobile styling $mobileMaxWidth : 1240px !default; // Breakpoint to target mobile styling $mobile-breakpoint : 600px !default; // ******************************************************* // ## Typography // Defines styles for typography // ******************************************************* // ### Text colors // The color of body text $color-text : $color-gray !default; // A muted color for body text $color-text-muted : $color-gray-light !default; // The color of headings (H1-H6, titles) $color-headings : $color-gray-darkest !default; // ### Font sizes $font-size-base : 16px !default; $font-size-large : 1.2rem !default; $font-size-small : 0.8rem !default; // Heading sizes $font-size-h1 : 2rem; $font-size-h2 : 1.6rem; $font-size-h3 : 1.2rem; $font-size-h4 : 1rem; $font-size-h5 : 0.9rem; $font-size-h6 : 0.8rem; // Line height $line-height-base : 1.5 !default; // ### Fonts $font-family-serif : Georgia, serif !default; $font-family-sans : "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif !default; $font-family-mono : Consolas, "Liberation Mono", Menlo, Courier, monospace !default; $font-family-base : $font-family-sans !default; $font-family-headings : $font-family-serif !default; // ### Defintions for "Font Settings" dropdown in header $font-size-0 : 0.8rem !default; $font-size-1 : 1.0rem !default; $font-size-2 : 1.2rem !default; $font-size-3 : 1.6rem !default; $font-size-4 : 2.4rem !default;