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<h1 id="gestalt-theme-for-gitbook">Gestalt Theme for Gitbook</h1>
<p>Gestalt is a theme for <a href="http://www.gitbook.com" target="_blank">Gitbook</a>. While its layout is based off of the <a href="https://github.com/GitbookIO/theme-default" target="_blank">default Gitbook theme</a>, it aims to be highly configurable for styling. This is achieved by porting the default theme styles to SASS and turning most things that were CSS rules into variables.</p>
<p>This theme is for you if the default theme is well enough, but you need more control in how it looks.</p>
<p><img src="screenshot-1.jpg" alt="Screenshot"></p>
<h2 id="usage">Usage</h2>
<p>This theme works with Gitbook version <code>&gt;= 3.0.0</code>. To include it in your project, edit your <code>book.json</code> to include the theme as a plugin.</p>
<pre><code>&quot;plugins&quot;: [ &quot;theme-gestalt&quot; ]
</code></pre><p>A recommended usage would be the following:</p>
<pre><code>&quot;plugins&quot;: [ &quot;theme-gestalt&quot;, &quot;-theme-default&quot;, &quot;styles-sass-fix&quot; ]
</code></pre><p>This configuration adds the Gestalt theme, removes the default theme, and includes the <code>styles-sass-fix</code> plugin to allow you to write your own SCSS to extend the styling. See <a href="#style-customization">Style Customization</a> for more info.</p>
<h2 id="config-options">Config Options</h2>
<p>Below are the theme options available for Gestalt. </p>
<pre><code>&quot;pluginsConfig&quot;: {
&quot;theme-gestalt&quot;: {
&quot;logo&quot;: &quot;/assets/logo.png&quot;, // path to the logo file to use in the sidebar
&quot;favicon&quot;: &quot;/assets/favicon.png&quot;, // path to your favicon
&quot;baseUrl&quot;: null, // sets the base url in the HTML head
&quot;excludeDefaultStyles&quot;: true, // excludes the pre-compiled theme css in favor of your custom css
&quot;doNotHideChildrenChapters&quot; : false // in summary, disables hiding of child chapters for inactive chapter
</code></pre><h2 id="style-customization">Style Customization</h2>
<p>Customizing the style of Gestalt is possible by creating a SCSS file in your project that includes Gestalt&apos;s SCSS but overwrites its variables. But first, we&apos;ll need to do some setup.</p>
<h3 id="setup">Setup</h3>
<p>To customize the style of Gestalt, you must first do the following:</p>
<h4 id="exclude-the-default-theme-css">Exclude the Default Theme CSS</h4>
<p>By default, Gitbook themes inject a CSS file into your project. However, we want to include <em>your</em> customized CSS file into the project instead. To achieve this, edit your <code>book.json</code> file to include the following: </p>
<pre><code>&quot;pluginsConfig&quot;: {
&quot;theme-gestalt&quot;: {
&quot;excludeDefaultStyles&quot;: true
</code></pre><h4 id="include-the-styles-sass-plugin">Include the Styles-Sass plugin</h4>
<p>In order to compile your custom SCSS, you&apos;ll need to include the <a href="https://github.com/Nasicus/plugin-styles-sass" target="_blank">styles-sass-fix</a> plugin:</p>
<pre><code>&quot;plugins&quot;: [ &quot;theme-gestalt&quot;, &quot;-theme-default&quot;, &quot;styles-sass-fix&quot; ]
</code></pre><h3 id="customizing">Customizing</h3>
<p>Now that you&apos;re all setup, you&apos;ll need to include your custom SCSS file in your project. Edit your <code>book.json</code> to include your custom SCSS file:</p>
<pre><code>&quot;styles&quot;: {
&quot;website&quot;: &quot;./styles/website.scss&quot;
</code></pre><p>Now we get to the actual customization. In your custom SCSS file, overwrite the variables you need to achieve your look. Higher level variables can be found in <a href="src/scss/_variables.scss">_variables.scss</a>, while more specific variables can found in the tops of the files in <a href="src/scss/website">./src/scss/website</a>.</p>
<p>Here&apos;s an example custom SCSS file:</p>
<pre><code class="lang-SASS">@import &quot;../node_modules/gitbook-plugin-theme-gestalt/src/scss/variables&quot;;
// Put your variable overrides here
$book-background: black;
$page-background: black;
$sidebar-background: black;
$color-border: $color-gray-dark;
$color-primary: blue;
$color-text: red;
$heading-map : (
color: $color-primary,
border-bottom: 1px solid $color-primary,
font-family: $font-family-sans
@import &quot;../node_modules/gitbook-plugin-theme-gestalt/src/scss/all&quot;;
<p>The above would then produce the following:</p>
<p><img src="screenshot-2.jpg" alt="Screenshot"></p>
var gitbook = gitbook || [];
gitbook.push(function() {
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